February 13, 2004, 23:04
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Not to step on your toes, Catt, but I just hit the PrtScn key by itself, no Alt needed. Then again, I've got a Natural Keyboard, so that might be (relatively) newish.
And as vmxa1 and I have noted before, IrfanView is very good for this purpose, though editing and drawing on the screenshot are(for me) not near as easy. For raw screenshots, though, it's tops.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
February 14, 2004, 00:48
Firaxis Games Software Engineer
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Theodora's smile: part 9
Just 10 years after the Byzantine scientists discovered the power of steam, Cleopatra decided that the threat of sharing an island with warmongering Theodora was not a promising idea. The problem was that the Egypt/Byzantium alliance was still active against Russia. Actually that wasn’t really a problem. Cleopatra signed peace with Catherine and sneak attacked Theodora!
Fortunately for Theodora, both Egypt and Russia had been weakened from centuries of war against each other, and their number of units was nowhere near that of Japan and the Hittites in the previous wars. It was only a matter of time before the heavy Byzantine bombardment coupled with the steady stream of leaders conquered the continent. Egypt surrendered in 850 AD, and Russia followed in 870 AD.
Meanwhile, other civilizations were in Democracies and busy researching at a relatively fast pace. The Maya researched Fascism, the Corporation, Replaceable Parts, and Steel, and England discovered Industrialization, Ironclads, and Sanitation. The Dutch were always able to trade for all state of the art technologies, but Sumeria was starting to fall behind. All this time the secrets of Communism and Espionage remained unknown to the World. Theodora thought this was unfortunate because she had been reading the teachings of a guy named Marx, and she thought that his ideas would be ideally suited for ruling her vast island empire. She would have liked to see some other civilization discover Communism though, because she was busy with science to get into politics. She needed a Scientific Method to publish her Theory of Evolution.
Her work got published in 920 AD and was a huge success. It gave Byzantium a great momentum in research. The discoveries of Atomic Theory and Electronics followed in the same year. Theodora was finally recognized as a scientific leader, so she could turn to politics once more. After all, she realized that Russia was no longer an independent state, so the discovery of Communism was a Byzantine responsibility. So it happened. Theodora’s Communist revolution took place in 990 AD.
Unfortunately, conservatives throughout the empire were resistant to change, so Byzantium was in a state of anarchy for 90 years (9 turns). However, economical analysts of the time published data suggesting that Communism was a wise choice for Theodora, especially since she was about to start another war:
February 14, 2004, 00:49
Firaxis Games Software Engineer
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Theodora's smile: part 10
Rostov, a small tundra town in its days under Russian rule, was chosen to be the administrative center of the Russian continent. With the Iron Works to boost production and the Secret Police Headquarters to keep corruption at a minimum, Rostov was not the most cultured city in the World, but Theodora didn’t care as long as it could pump one Infantry unit per turn, which it did.
Theodora needed some military victories with which to spread her Communist propaganda. Gilgamesh had been a good friend and trading partner, but he had outlived his usefulness. He could no longer keep up with the big boys (and girl) so Summeria was going to be the next unfortunate civilization to become a Byzantine territory. With Riflemen and Cannons from the Russian campaign upgraded to Infantry and Artillery, respectively, all Sumerian holdings were in Byzantine hands by 1290 AD.
At this point Theodora decided to take a break from war for a change and build up her empire. The new technologies of Mass Production, Motorized Transportation, and Flight, had rendered her glorious army and navy obsolete. A modernization program was in order, and what better time for this to happen than in the Modern Age?
This modern age, which Byzantium entered in 1305 AD, promises to hold a great showdown between the remaining superpowers, using all the new toys of the era, including airpower.
February 14, 2004, 01:04
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Very cool move with Communism, alexman!
Somehow I knew you would use this course as a case study for the various governments...
And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
February 14, 2004, 10:46
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Re: Re: Re: DAR 5.2
Originally posted by Cort Haus
repeat until allpicsdone();
Thanks CH
February 14, 2004, 11:04
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Originally posted by Aeson
I thought it might be fun to build some Privateers. So I built a couple and started sinking all the Galleys that wandered by
Aeson, in between building Privateers for fun, losing 20 men from a volcanic eruption,
being repulsed by the Japanese not once but twice and then calmly waiting for a more opportune time, setting the rest of the world at war against each other with a couple of phone calls, defending cities with workers, and successfully using the IA to steal techs........tell us how you really get your fun at DEITY level!!!!!
Last edited by Aqualung71; February 14, 2004 at 11:13.
February 16, 2004, 19:34
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The next wave of GWs took place over the ensuing 100 years, including Smith’s (mine), Bach (Sumeria  ), Newton, and Shakepeare’s.
Next up: Sumeria. I started by clearing, roading, foresting, and forting the chokepoint at Aleppo77 (what dumb city placement, btw… I planned on later putting a city at the chokepoint, abandoning Aleppo, and building a new town at 3 of there). This allowed me to use the jungle at 4 of the chokepoint as my staging area. As luck would have it, Sumeria cleared and irrigated the jungle next to the chokepoint, giving me open 3 move access to Lagash.
Yeah yeah, the Sumerians had Rifles, but three 13hp 3xKnights Armies do wonders for aggressive boldness!! Backed up by Cavs, I took down Lagash in 1060 AD. I had two wolf packs of 6 Dromon and 1 Frigate each to the east and west of the coastal Sumerian cities, ready to start raining fire.
Another slow war… again producing an MGL in Lagash. Along the way, at home, built the Mil Academy, the FP in Nicaea (for a planned Palace relo that I never executed… ahhh, at least I got the OCN up), got Factories going, and, in 1200 AD, completed the ToE. With only three core Sumerian cities remaining, and with a then tech lead of, at minimum, Atomic Theory and Electronics, I traded my way into another dogpile against Gilgamesh, and more importantly, Medicine and COAL (as luck would have it, a new source of coal appeared in former Japan during the following 20 turns). I still had loads and loads’o gold coming in as well.
By 1300 AD, I had ejected Sumeria from their homeland, gaining Bach’s and Copernicus in the bargain. I had maintained my tech lead with Atomic Theory and Electronics, but via other trades had also gotten up through Espionage, Refining, and REP PARTS!! $%^#$^#@%)(*#$)*(%&^@$#@$@# Frick’em frack’em, one more friggin’ resource to deal with. :grrr:
So, I settled back into builder and RR mode, and started organizing forces for an attack on the Netherlands. Of course, about now the idioHittites declared on me again, fools, as by now I also had upgraded every unit possible, and I’d gotten the Military Academy and one 3xCav Army completed… so while building up for the northern attack, I wiped them out and then started getting the southern isle into decent shape.
The other AI civs started really pounding the remains of Sumeria… all over the seas, I was seeing either wolf-packs of 3-4 Frigates and Ironclads, or the same accompanying a Galleon or two.
I missed Univ Suffrage to the d*mn Mayans, who were shaping up to be a very very powerful after having smacked the everlovin’ cr*p outta France, but I did successfully build Hoover in 1420 AD. Some of my non-homeland cities, especially on Japan, were in very good shape in terms of builds, corruption/waste, and pop by now, and actually were put to good effect building Factories, with Hydros to come. Also, I drafted quite a bit when cities hit 12 pop, and disbanded in lesser developed towns / cities, often using this as a means to short-rush.
I completed Amphib Warfare in 1430 AD, and generated an SGL. I’d hold him for the next GW.
In looking back at my game, I dunno what I was thinking, but after completing Amphib Warfare, I totally neglected to build a kick-*ss force of Marines, and instead went totally builder… Commercial Docks, Stock Exchanges, etc.
I researched Motor Trans in 1460 AD, and traded it for Flight and other goodies, thus entering the Modern Era and gaining Computers. AGAIN, I don’t know WHAT I was thinking, but stayed on a builder path, shooting for a SS win obviously, but oblivious to the lack of rubber and DOH! surely aluminum and uranium down the road. This would put the game in serious jeopardy for me down the road (ah, the cliffhanger…  ).
#1 in land, but have dropped to 2-4 in the other top stats
54 towns / cities / metros with 19.8 million pop
22 native Workers
36 Rifles
15 Guerrillas
9 Knights
16 Cavs
5 Arty
9 Transports
8 Frigates
4 Destroyers
12 Dromon
4 Armies
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
February 16, 2004, 19:35
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Byzantine's Eastern Possessions
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
February 16, 2004, 21:34
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REP PARTS!! $%^#$^#@%)(*#$)*(%&^@$#@$@# Frick’em frack’em, one more friggin’ resource to deal with. :grrr:
This became a bit of a talking point ...
That was an impressive AI landing you had on the other thread, Theseus. The most visitors I had drop by unexpectedly was four, and I thought that wasn't bad going.
February 18, 2004, 22:07
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OK, here's the next segment of the story. (Sadly, I don't have the storytelling ability of alexman, so I'll just do the usual routine.) AU Mod, Emp level.
At the end of the previous posting, I had full control of the Sumerian/ Hittite continent (eliminating both civs), almost all of the small island to that continent's south (the English landed one city on the final piece of tundra in the far south), as well as Japan and the two western jungle islands. Me, the Maya and the Dutch are the three real powers in the game, with the English a close 4th. I had recently completed the first Mayan war, having kept it limited to sinking a few Mayan warships.
With my new-found wonder of Railroads, I began using my vast slave and worker force to start the tedious task of RRing my vast holdings while also clearing marsh and jungle.
The Mayans were not pleased with their poor showing in the last war, and began to get frisky again. Finally, in 960AD, after one too many naval incursions, I demanded that they depart and they again declared war. They responded by sinking 3 of my beloved dromons with Privateers out by the far western island.
Twenty years later, I discover Electricity and generate my first SGL of the game. Since I was heading for the ToE/Hoovers route (as always), I figure this will just make my job easier. I decide to use it to rush Hoovers on the old Sumeria/Hittite continent, figuring that the larger number of cities will help make up for the slightly higher corruption.
In 1040AD, I sink a large portion of the Mayan attack fleet (several Frigates and 2(?) Galleons), and slaughter the one Med Inf they manage to actually land on my territory. I've been building up my cav forces, and now decide to go on the offensive.
1060AD: The fool Joan signs an alliance against me. If she was actually a power, it would matter.
1070AD: Alarm bells go off as the Netherlands also starts getting frisky (again), so I quickly make a tech/lux deal, sending Electricity and gems off in exchange for 590g and 299gpt. I hope it keeps him neutral.
1090AD: My valient forces take Quirigua, two square from the volcano. Having proven my point (and suffering from WW) I make peace with Smoke. This city will serve nicely as a base of operations for a follow-on war.
1130AD: Byzantine scientists announce the wonderous discovery of Replacement Parts. Dom, you're a bast*rd. No fricking rubber on all that crappy jungle on those islands??? BUT, nice of you to leave one under Maya capital. It gives me something to aim for later on.
1150AD: Hoping to restrain the Maya I signed an MPP with English and another MPP plus ivory go to the Netherlands for massive amounts of gold.
1160AD: Continuing to try to sustain my sci rate while building up my mil, I trade Sci Method and Gems to Netherlands for Spices, Sanitation, 153g and 75gpt.
1190AD: Trade Industrialism and 3 lux to English for furs, Nationalism, and some gold.
1230AD: Around this time, I decide that an assault on the Maya is foolish and start looking at that nice deposit of both oil AND rubber in the former Russian lands now controlled by Cleopatra. The Egyptians have a few cities down there, but there's still several unclaimed tundra squares I can land on. From there, I can to a one-turn assault on a couple of her towns, seize the resources, and develop modern weaponry.
1360AD: My strike force of about 12 cav land on the tundra. At the end of this turn, Egypt's borders expand to all the remaining tundra spaces, leaving all my units on Cleo's soil.
1380AD: I complete Flight. Cleo forces me to declare, as I refuse to have all those units teleported back to my territory. Problem: Assuming that my strikes were going to be fast and furious, I did not bring along any Rifleman as guards., This war could get ugly; on the opening battle, I lose 2-3 cav, with others damaged.
Here's a picture of my southern empire at the end of this segment.
They don't get no stranger.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
"We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush
February 18, 2004, 22:09
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And here's the western islands. At the top you can see the foothold I have retained on the Mayan continent.
They don't get no stranger.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
"We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail." George W. Bush
February 25, 2004, 18:48
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Link to DAR4:
It's pretty much snoozeville from here on in. I got ToE and took Electronics and Radio. I was hoping to get traded Industrialization but the AI were researching hopelessly slowly. I had been using some of them to fund research for some time, and from now I on I took whatever I could get from everyone.
I took Coal from a lone Sumerian city on the westernmost isle.
I got flight in 1120AD.
February 25, 2004, 18:52
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Tbh I should have finished this age sooner, but I got sloppy. To add insult to injury Suffrage was granted far earlier than I expected in the Mayan empire, screwing up my prebuild for the UN. Fortunately I had a backup, albeit one that was slightly slower.
The western Isles:
February 25, 2004, 18:54
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The former Sumerian empire:
February 26, 2004, 01:25
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Your CP is so different from mine it is almost unrecognizable. Again... Ancyra is a strictly Worker camp?
At this point did you start to worry about Egypt? (I would have)
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
February 26, 2004, 07:17
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Yeah Ancrya was a worker camp. By the end I had enough, so I could have bumped it up, since I had a load of squares. If I'd gone for SS I would have.
We had a good relationship with Egypt, and they antagonised a lot of civs. They were already at war with several throughout the game. If it had come to trouble an all-on-Egypt dogpile would have been quite easy to pull off with my tech lead.
Fortunately they weren't interested in my humble empire, and as my main rival once the UN was built they made a perfect opponent.
March 1, 2004, 20:59
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AU501 – DAR5 Stock, Merely Monarch
1300 AD – [singing] I start working on the raillll road…
Phooey on the Russians. They want Ivory+Incense+ToG for their Dyes, and yes, I want the Dyes. Minor trouble in Roman Sumeria: Ur and Sumer must either starve or be in unrest. Tough choice. [Anyone see a contradiction in starving people being less restive???? Seems like much of the history of Rome involved how fast the Head Count got ugly if anything interrupted the grain supply.]
1315 – The Byzantine Democracy Proclaimed! Dutch offer 30gpt for Incense and Ivory. They have Industrialization but won’t trade it. Electricity in 5 if I accept –56gpt.
1320 – Privateer sunk by British Man O’War without even putting a scratch on the hull. So much for “chatting.” ALMOST sank a Russian Galley. Privateers s**k (that’s “sink”). Sumerians sue for peace, offering Akshak+3gpt+World Map. So now we have two islands in the far southwest to worry about, with the last Sumerian city in between. Come to think of it, if I had the middle one I could base a force to protect all three… Many celebrations in honor of the victory!
1340 – Electricity! Sci.Method in 4. Gems+WM to Dutch for 17gpt. Incense to Maya for 6gpt.
1345 – Renewed MPP with Dutch.
1355 – Maya offered straight-up ROP; I asked for 2gpt.
1360 – Scientific Method! Switch the capital from Pentagon to ToE (now 10t), and Kyoto from dummy Palace to Pentagon (20t). Several riots as if I lost a luxury; I must have cancelled a Wonder. Atomic Theory in 8, aiming for Electronics and Hoover.
1365 – All “home” cities connected by rail, now concentrating on Const. city radius (now 26 spt).
1370 – Exploring Dromon (barely) sunk by pursuing Privateer. Damn. My Privateers never sank anything!
1375 – Swapped territory maps at English request. Build city of Ani ESE of Erech on West Island to exploit unused tiles, including Game.
1385 – Finished basic rail net of Byzantine Sumeria and Byzantine Hatti (all cities linked).
1390 – West Island railed except new city of Ani; now railing many hills. Atomic Theory in 2, ToE in 4. Dutch trade Industrialization, Ironclads, WM, 25gpt and 180gp for Electricity! Quite a haul. I’m close enough to ToE and I need Industry. Electricity to Maya for The Corporation, 10gpt, 30gp. Start Factory in Adrianople, queue them up in Const., Trebiz,Varna, and Nico. No, build Stock Exchange first in Trebiz to get a bit more cash coming in. (Generally I’ll build the production enhancement first, but in a few cities I’ll mix it up.) So now what, O Sages of Technology? My plan is to research Refining and take Electronics and Replaceable Parts with ToE. Once I get those I’ll know the location of Rubber and Oil, and I’ll be 3 techs from Flight.
1400 – Russia renews Dyes for Ivory and Incense. France and the Dutch sign MPP (talk about a mismatch! The French are to the Dutch as Lichtenstein is to Germany. Our scientists announce Atomic Theory, and start on Refining…but change to Electronics to prevent the wrong free tech from ToE.
1405 – Large Dutch squadron sighted between Byazantine Hatti and Russia, cruising back and forth.
1410 – Theory of Evolution in Constantinople, took Electronics and Replaceable Parts, restarted Refining. Start factory in capital (9t). Declined MPP with Maya but gave them 10gpt to be Polite. Now what is my best shot of getting Hoover Dam? I would hate to miss it. OK, the best shot is an SGL (fat chance). Barring that, what are my high-shield river cities? Not Const. or Adrianople! Not Harran. Kyoto, but few cities there and far from the Palaces. That leaves Nicomedia or Dyrrachium, pushing one at the expense of the other. Rush Factory, rush Coal Plant, grow to Pop 12 while rushing, and crank those shields!
1415 – Dutch offer 30gpt for Incense and Ivory, my crack negotiators get 45gpt…but I gave back 5gpt as I want Dutch good will. Dyrrachium builds our first Factory! Now take one turn of production, then rush the Coal Plant. All Japanese cities linked by rail.
1420 – Rush the Coal Plant for a mere 576gp [ouch], start Hoover Dam. Also rush Factory in Const. for 684gp [ouch]. To prepare for this I’ve been running 50-turn research at +548gpt.
1425 – Theodora announces that it’s been too long since the last Diplomatic Reception and Fire Sale. The hot item this time is Scientific Method. Maya pay Communism, Free Artistry, 5gpt, 20gp (all the cash I could get…I don’t need those techs). Dutch offer Rubber [yay!], WM, 25gpt. England offers Furs and WM (all they have). Invention to France for 20gp, WM (all they have, too). Democracy to Sumer for 1gpt, 15gp. [whoopee]. Switch research to Steel since Dutch have Refining, hoping for trade or even SGL. Steel in 5t at 90%+10%lux, -142gpt. [Double Ouch.] I assume that I have heavily overbuilt (as is my wont), and I need Banks and Stock Exchanges (though not while spending everything on research and lux). Theodora orders a census of commerce facilities: 16 markets, 10 banks in 48 cities, with construction in progress on 4 markets, 2 banks, and 1 stock exchange.
1430 – Tacitus’ Great History lists Byzantium as the most powerful, followed by the Russians, the Dutch, and the Maya. Chopped forest adjacent to Dyrr and worked by Dyrr, but shields went to more distant Trebizond. That stinks. Oh. Can’t chop forest to fuel a Wonder, can we?
1440 – Cranking out small infra (temples and universities), and even more workers.
1445 – Smoke-Jaguar offers 6gpt for Incense, ups it to 8gpt; William offers 17gpt for Gems. Prilep produces the first Byzantine Infantry, thanks to Dutch rubber. [I have rubber on the island I got from Sumeria, but I’ll hold off putting a road on it.] Dutch complete Shakespeare’s Theater. Four civs are building Universal Suffrage, so Byzantium won’t even try…as the only one building Hoover! Byzantium proper is completely developed and cleared except for one mountain next to Mt. Theodora, and the forest between Const. and the volcano, so now a lot of surplus workers are awaiting Hospitals to become productive citizens…or to be Volcano Sacrifices. Shipping workers to Japan and to Sumer.
1450 – Russia demands Gems without compensation. Greedy Catherine! Tough decision. We have the same size military (not the same quality, I hope!). Theodora refuses and Catherine backs down, but won’t offer anything for the Gems, and refused a gift of 3gpt (despite Russia’s poverty). The Dutch offer to renew the MPP, accepted. STEEL…but the Dutch got there first. I could offer Atomic Theory, but not until Hoover Dam is complete or no longer in doubt. Switch off to Sanitation in 4t in hopes for SGL (fat chance) or trade bait. Hoover in 13t, Pentagon in 2t. Dutch are paying me 70gpt for Incense and Ivory, a nice deal in this cash-poor world. Const builds first Stock Exchange, 42spt, MM several cities to bring Const to 45spt for 2-turn Infantry. Marketplaces arrive in Hattusha, Tokyo, and Aleppo. Nicea adds an Infantry, and it’s time for upgrades to Guerilla and to Infantry.
1455 – Smoke-Jaguar offers ROP and 2gpt. Advisor tells Theodora that the Mayans betrayed the English. Well, we trust them as far as we can throw them, but we can TRY to keep them on our side, or at least neutral. Upgrade 4 Cannon to Arty, but that’s all I can afford right now. France gives WM and 13gp for Gunpowder, rolling in dough as usual. Dutch want Atomic Theory AND Steel for Refining. Too much. Hurry Library in Akshak to bring Rubber inside my border (which is silly haste unless the Dutch cut off the supply).
1460 – Const Infantry, start Army. Finished Pentagon in Kyoto, start Factory. Akshak gets Library and starts Worker to develop the island. West Island builds mine on the Iron without a road.
1465 – Factories finish and Stock Exchanges start, and vice versa.
1470 – SANITATION. Dutch trade Refining (finally!) + 26gpt for Steel+Sanitation. They’re ready for Electronics, but Byzantium must get Hoover am! Maya trade Espionage for Sanitation (and both deal with dirty business). Russia has nothing to offer except Fascism, and while I would consider Communism at this size, I would not consider Fascism. England and France have NOTHING. Hey! Byzantium has oil outside Kadesh! Ruthless expansionism pays off once again! Now huge MM of scientists and food shortages to get Combustion in 5t at –65gpt. Hoover in 9t.
1475 – Building warships (starting ironclads and frigates). We must control the seas! Seafaring? What seafaring? Inadvertently built Fortress next to Kyoto. Hey! There’s also oil on the island with Brusa. That one I colonized just because I could. No road there yet.
1480 – Sumer audaciously asks for MPP and ROP, then asks “If that won’t work for you, what will?” The envoy mutters under his breath: “Your death, Gilgamesh.” Oops. I’ll run out of gold before I finish Combustion. Navigation to Gilgamesh for WM+14gp (yeah, I’m that desperate for cash); Sanitation to England for 15gpt; Russia and France have ZERO gold, Maya have 2gp; WM to Dutch for 6gp. Now 187gp and –59gpt with Combustion in 3. Sheesh. Byzantine Hatti is almost fully developed, including rail, so concentrate on Sumer. Clearing swamp for city NE of Ur next to unused Game. Now in teams that can clear swamp in one turn.
1485 – Treachery! The Russians land two Knights outside Naissus in Bananaland, and declares war when asked to leave. Sparse defenses there, with one lone Rifleman as my best unit, no barracks and no cash to rush one, BUT I have excellent mobility due to rail net. I have a Galleon loaded with troops enroute to the Sumerian enclave; divert them toward Bananaland.
1490 – The Dutch honor the MPP and declare war on Russia! Good young William! He looks great for a man 3000 years old. (I must say Theodora remains comely, too.) Of course this may be good business for the Dutch, if they can take a piece out of the Bear. Worker disbanded due to lack of funds, but we get COMBUSTION. I expected to get a Galleon this turn in Satsuma to carry troops to Bananaland, but instead I have to wait 5t for a Transport. The Russian Knights attack Naissus killing my Rifle and Pike, but leaving both Knights badly hurt. Unfortunately, I have nothing with which to attack them! Pollution starts to hit the home continent, but I rescued all the shrinking cities. Flight in 7t at 60%.
1495 – The Russian Knights thoughtfully kill themselves attacking. Sumeria and the Netherlands sign a Military Alliance against Russia. Now THAT should make Catherine tremble in her boots! Now Sumeria is against her!!
1505 – Russians land more (obsolete) troops on Bananaland. William offers the “fair trade” of WM for WM+Electronics! Hideous deal, but I want him on my side. [Theodora enters a black ball in her Little Black Book.] Naval engagement: Dromon bombards Russian Galleon, harmlessly, then two Frigates attack. The Russian sinks the first and is sunk by the second. Temptations: “probe” the 3-city Russian island off the east coast of their mainland, and prepare a fairly quick thrust at the Russian cities nearest Byzantine Hatti. Probably makes more sense to make peace, wait 20 turns, then hit them HARD. At minimum, launch some modern warships! Meanwhile, don’t overlook those “obsolete” units when they’re sitting next to an undefended city!!
1510 – Two Russians kill themselves attacking (and almost killing) a Rifleman, but promote him to Vet. A third Russian (spear) trashes tile improvements as we land the 2nd Zoological Army (Knights) next to him. Frigate sinks Russian Caravel off Ugarit, promotes to Elite, puts into Agade for repairs. Finished two turns of slow (38t) research to accumulate some gold for upgrades; now raise research to max with net positive gpt (Flight in 6t at 60%, _37gpt). Const. builds first “from scratch” Army, starts another. Cruisers and Destroyers and Transports under construction. It’s a pity there are no cheap modern ground units, when even “guerillas” take 90 shields! Mayan Lagartero completes Universal Suffrage.
1515 – Dutch offer 45gpt for Incense and Ivory. That beats the hell out of that World Map deal! First Transport launched in Satsuma. 2nd Zoological Army kills the lone spearman (no victory parade for THAT one!) Created 4th Zoological Army (4xCavalry) in Const. now that I have Transports to move such.
1520 – Russians land troops on South Hatti Island; should be no problem. Easily killed Russian Knight. Built Edessa on coast NE of Ur. Hoover Dam!
1525 – Dutch trade Alliance vs Russians + Spices + Rubber + 150gpt for Combustion (after an initial offer of just Spices!) Maya trade Alliance vs Russians for Gems, joining the dogpile. Vet Frigate sunk by already-damaged Russian Galley off Kadesh. Phooey. They’re probably stockpiling Spearmen to face my future Tanks.
1530 – Dromon bombards Russian horses but is sunk by Ironclad.
1535 – Harran launches first Cruiser, starts Intel Agency.
1540 – Frigate squadron bombards Heliopolis, and almost sinks Ironclad…which then sinks a Frigate. FLIGHT! Start Mass Production. Ur finishes Cathedral and starts an Airport; I want one on each land mass. Many warships and transports launched.
So that’s DAR5, and I’m up to date (on March 1). Whither Byzantium? I have two Galleons of troops with Frigate support off the Russian 3-city island. I will hazard the landing; at worst it will be a slightly-expensive diversion, and I could catch them napping. A landing on the Russian mainland would be much more hazardous; a Dutch invasion was already snuffed out. My idea would be to land on the high ground outside the nearest city. No point in landing with less than about four transports of the latest troops, including at least one transport load of artillery. Let them come to me to get chewed up, and make sallies to pick off the cripples. Once the first wave is weathered, grab the city and rush an Airport and a Harbor.
Now maybe that’s a lousy idea. Do I NEED to invade Russia to win this thing? No, I don’t think so. However, if the Dutch and the Mayans really take it to the Russians, I’ll want a big piece of the action. Besides, Theodora wants to teach Katerina a lesson!
So if I don’t need to invade Russia, how can Byzantium reach victory? Any way we want, I suspect! I have a nice group of land masses, though several are now poorly defended. I have two cores and a lot of productive cities. I am (barely) in the tech lead, neck and neck with the Dutch and trailed by the Maya. I need Mass Prod+Motor Trans+Radio to reach the Modern Era, then Rocketry and Fission to reveal the remaining resources. I could aim for a Space Ship win. I’ll want the United Nations to protect myself and possibly to win. Byzantium has the strongest culture, and could perhaps drive that high enough to win. Byzantium is also the most powerful, roughly double the nearest on the Histogram. Victory status:
Area: 33% to Russia’s 19%
Pop: 38% to Russia’s 19%
CultCity: 3827 to Amsterdam’s 5133
CultCiv: 35545 to Dutch 24595
Score: 2259 to Russia’s 1256
Power: 35-40% of total, double the nearest
So maybe the question is “How do I want to win?” and the biggest risk is wasting resources against Russia…but right now I have my biggest rivals also wasting resources against Russia. If I make peace with Russia, the Dutch and the Maya will have to do SOMETHING with all their toys.
Any advice?
"...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."
March 1, 2004, 21:25
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Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard
Anyone see a contradiction in starving people being less restive????
Nope. Have you read any accounts of the siege of Russian cities?
Starving people are too weak to do much, once it sets in.
March 1, 2004, 23:26
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Nice game Hermann. Crusing
March 2, 2004, 02:08
Local Time: 10:10
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Henderson, NV USA
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[I have rubber on the island I got from Sumeria, but I’ll hold off putting a road on it.]
Rubber does not deplete (unless you changed it in the AU and I missed it).
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
March 2, 2004, 02:27
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So maybe the question is “How do I want to win?” ...
Any advice?
So, do you want to win, win most efficiently, or win and enjoy??
For an exciting time, pursue the Russian war (and hope there are no major complications, such as not being aware of an MPP).
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
March 2, 2004, 13:39
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Location: Hoboken, NJ, USA
Posts: 894
Originally posted by vmxa1
Nope. Have you read any accounts of the siege of Russian cities? Starving people are too weak to do much, once it sets in.
Well, Leningrad was a tough nut, though without the ice road I suppose you're right. But a couple of things: we're not talking about resisting a besieger, we're talking about being pissed off at the local govt. *before* widespread starvation sets in. People know that the governor is eating, and always assume that the govt. is holding out on food in the storehouses. Again, many an Emperor went down when the grain supply got interrupted. Once they are dying in droves, that's another matter.
Nice game Hermann. Crusing
Thanks, Thriller, but it *is* "Merely Monarch" and I stand in awe of those doing this on Demigod.
Rubber does not deplete (unless you changed it in the AU and I missed it).
Oh, thanks, I didn't know that. So which strat resources do NOT deplete?
So, do you want to win, win most efficiently, or win and enjoy?? For an exciting time, pursue the Russian war (and hope there are no major complications, such as not being aware of an MPP).
Ah, now that's where the metagame meets the road, isn't it (since the rubber doesn't deplete)? I'm inclined to go for the Russian gusto (haven't had any good vodka lately), but I also want to finish this game in finite time, and they don't call me General Glacier for nothing!
"...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."
March 2, 2004, 14:08
Local Time: 10:10
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Location: Henderson, NV USA
Posts: 4,168
... but I also want to finish this game in finite time, and they don't call me General Glacier for nothing!
Considering that a large-map continents game typically takes me 60 hours, most of it actually "playing", I doubt that you have anything on ME!
... and that does not include any note taking, etc.
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
March 2, 2004, 14:20
Local Time: 13:10
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Location: Oviedo, Fl
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Horses and Rubber do not deplete.
March 3, 2004, 00:03
Local Time: 03:10
Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 7,544
Originally posted by Hermann the Lombard
Thanks, Thriller, but it *is* "Merely Monarch" and I stand in awe of those doing this on Demigod.
Don't we all! Not to mention those Deity gurus. Check out Aeson's and Alexman's games for truly inspired and original genius, if you haven't already.
Last edited by Aqualung71; March 3, 2004 at 00:18.
March 3, 2004, 11:53
Local Time: 13:10
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Hoboken, NJ, USA
Posts: 894
Originally posted by Thriller Not to mention those Deity gurus. Check out Aeson's and Alexman's games for truly inspired and original genius, if you haven't already.
They are indeed. I can't wait to see the Postgame comments, though I'm stubbornly holding out on peeking. I was a regular Deity player of Civ2, but not of Civ3/C3C.
"...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."
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