January 28, 2004, 01:00
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AU501 - DAR6: Endgame
This is the last DAR thread for AU501: The Power of Seafaring. Use this space to describe the last portion of your game, from Flight onward.
I hope you were all victorious!
And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
January 28, 2004, 01:28
Local Time: 13:10
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Ok, here's the short version...
1768 - Operation George W. Bush (Oil Seize) launches
1768 - Thwarted! Netherlands and Sumeria sign MPP
1770 - Atomic Theory to Russia for Dyes WM 2gpt 240g
1776 - Operation GWB refocused against Egypt
1776 - Enter the Modern Age, start UN in Varna
1782 - Declare war on Egypt
1782 - Military Alliance with Russia against Egypt for Steel
1782 - Battlefield Medicine built
1784 - Asyut captured, oil secured, "Glorious" Egyptians destroyed.
1794 - Fission to England for Rocketry
1794 - Fission to Netherlands for spices WM 3gpt 140
1802 - Umma overthrows their oppresors to join us 
1804 - Computers to England for Coal WM 205gpt 710g
1804 - Computers to Netherlands for WM 77gpt 390g
1814 - United Nations completed. No elections yet...
1816 - Wall Street complete
1822 - Fission to Maya for WM 108gpt 350g
1824 - Ecology to England for WM 41gpt 1090g
1824 - Ecology to Netherlands for WM 112gpt 260g
1828 - Spy planted in England. We steal Space Flight for 1770g
1834 - English build Manhattan Project
1844 - Apollo Program built
1848 - Netherlands declares war on England. Good for me 
1852 - Space Flight to Netherlands for WM 74gpt 280g
1856 - SS Cockpit and Storage/Supply completed
1858 - Space Flight to Maya for WM 44gpt 390g
1862 - SS Docking Bay completed
1862 - SETI Program built
1864 - English build SS Life Support
1868 - SS Engine completed
1868 - Kish overthrows its oppresors to join us 
1870 - Superconductor and Satellites to Netherlands for Mini
1870 - Satellites to England for Furs 1174g 75gpt WM
1870 - Declare war on Sumeria, mostly for kicks 
1872 - SS Exterior casing complete
1874 - SS Thrusters complete
1878 - English add SS Engine
1886 - English add SS Cockpit
1886 - Advance Russia enough to give them Fission
1886 - Gems Incense Computers Amphib War to Russia for Uranium
1892 - I have destroyed the "Strong" Sumerians
1896 - Fuel Cells completed
1912 - Emergency Anti-England ICBMs completed
1922 - Uranium appears on my southern island 
1924 - SS Party Lounge completed 
1928 - Synth Fibers to England for Furs Coal Genetics Recycling
1928 - Synth Fibers to Netherlands for WM 113gpt 3120g
1934 - Space Race Victory! 10hrs, 42mins, 18sec 2257 points
January 28, 2004, 17:52
Local Time: 09:10
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Posts: 66
The Dutch: island people of commerce or radioactive mutants?
1630: Radio done. Got computers for free. Most core cities are out of useful improvements to build so several tank task forces are being assembled for counter attacks should one of the others get aggressive. The same goes for my perimeter fleets of battleships.
1670: Well whaddya know. The only aluminum in my territory is on the last little island in the south. Meanwhile the Dutch are only behind by computers and rocketry.
1690: Tee Hee Hee. The Dutch declare war on England. Hope this slows down the tech race (they’re only a tech and a half behind now.)
1700: The English city on the mini-island with rubber culture flips to me. OUCH! Tech parity with the Dutch all of a sudden. Hopefully my pre-build for the Internet helps with this (and all the scientists I just created on my useless islands).
1725: World War has broken out. England and France are taking on the Mayans, Dutch, Egyptians, and Russians. The Egyptians and Russians don’t really matter much, they don’t have tanks or transports yet, but the rest should be good. This war will continue unabated to the end of the game. After 100 years of fighting most of those civs had changed sides more than once, though the one constant was England vs. the Dutch.
Come on Dutch, switch to military production! Nobody cares what that glowing green rock that kills people is.
1730: I must say, I like the modern look of the Mayan. Those earrings make Smoke-Jaguar take on a late-90’s tech bubble CEO look. Oh, and the Dutch get to Fission two turns before me and start the UN. Screw SETI, next turn I’m switching to UN.
1745: No Uranium. Huh. 5 Uranium in the game. None in territory conquered by me. The Internet switched to the UN with one turn to go. Do I go for the vote? Do I go for the vote with no tech give aways? No, don’t dare. Looks like it’s a space race for me then.
1754: The Dutch begin The Manhattan project, of which the mighty Byzantines know nothing. Perhaps this Internet thing being built in Constantinople will shed some light on it. Argh! Cracky just realized the SS Fuel Cells and Stasis Chamber require Uranium. Sorry Egypt, it’s nothing personal. I’m going to wait for modern armor even though it’s two techs away. I can work on the rest of the ship first I guess…
1778: much time between turns now. I’m going to invade the northern source of Uranium on the Egypt/Russia continent, hopefully without actually “attacking” anything. I’m going to declare war, plunk down a settler and 11 mech. Inf. ON the Uranium and build a city. Of course with Egypt at war with EVERYONE, it helps diminish the counter-attack. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that their best unit is Infantry.
Wow, just checked on the Dutch again. They’re down Space Flight and Mini, but have 8400 in the bank, and are at war with Egypt and England. What’s up with all that cash?
1804: Someone (has to be the Dutch) sabotage my SS Exterior Casing! They will be receiving many nukes before I take off.
1814: I have 5 SS parts done with 3 turns left on satelites before switching to robotics, when the Dutch pull a sneak attack on my formerly Sumerian cities. I switch that continent to military production and fly in some tanks from the homeland
1816: The very next turn, the U.N. vote pops up again. This time I go for it, banking on the Netherlands' constantly shifting alliances and 100 years of war to get me the votes.
Diplomatic Victory Score: 3168. Time: 15 hours, 34 minutes, and 24 seconds (left the game running one afternoon while I went to class, oops).
Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead. -William Blake
January 30, 2004, 05:53
Local Time: 11:10
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Emperor Level, AU Mod
In 1305 AD, the Byzantines launched the assault to capture the last Sumerian city (which, if you'll recall, was needed for its oil). The war lasted two turns because there weren't quite enough fast-movers available to end it in one. As the war ended in 1310, the Byzantines entered the modern era and got Fission as a free tech. Uranium proved to be a second resource that the Dutch had and we didn't.
As the year 1320 rolled around, I decided to sell and give the French the last four mandatory medieval techs and Nationalism to help them fend off the Mayas. Yes, the Mayas were my allies against the Dutch, but that didn't mean I was ready to consent to their engaging in aggression of their own. Too much French land had shifted to Mayan hands already. By that point, the Mayas and Russia were in Communism fighting their respective wars against the civs sharing their home continents.
I'd been playing catch-up with Russia in culture ever since the early game, and I finally pulled ahead in 1325. Russia continued its war with Egypt and completed its conquest in 1355. At that point, I had destroyed three of the ten civs that started the game and Russia had eliminaed a fourth.
In 1400 AD, my destroyer captains and bomber pilots started having fun sinking the latest, state-of-the-art ships in the Dutch Navy: frigates and galleons. More importantly, Byzantine TOW Infantry and artillery landed outside the Dutch rubber city of Groningen, which fell the following turn. The Internet was completed in Sumer, giving a nice boost to research. (Not surprisingly, once rubber was available, tanks and MechInfs displaced TOW Infantry in the Byzantine production queues.)
The conquest of the Dutch continent ended in 1440 AD, leaving Aluminum as the only resource the Byzantines lacked. Fortunately, the Dutch were equipped to provide one-stop shopping: their city of Holwerd just to the north of their home continent had aluminum sitting right outside. Since the Dutch refused to surrender the city peacefully, tanks and MechInfs (including a MechInf army) with artillery and destroyer support moved in and seized the city in 1450. With the needed resources acquired, the Byzantines decided that further warfare would be pointless and signed a peace treaty with the Dutch.
In the year 1460, a Scientific Great Leader emerged with the discovery of The Laser. (With how many techs I'd been first to research, he was about due, maybe even a little overdue.) That should have put me on a fairly easy four-turn research pace for the rest of the game, but I ran into a bug. Research costs kept going up as I researched Robotics, and a science slider setting that was supposed to complete the discovery of Robotics in four turns (after a couple adjustments upward during the course of research) left me needing the slider at 20% on a fifth. The same bug bit on the next tech, so with the last two techs I needed for the space race, I set the science slider for some fairly serious overkill on the last turn of my research. Overall, there were three modern techs that I legitimately needed five turns to research and two more that took a fifth turn because of the bug. The rest could be completed in four (albeit in one case only by setting a bunch of cities to build Wealth before the SGL showed up). But the AIs researched quickly enough that I missed my dream of finishing literally a full era ahead by about three techs. There was one other research oddity in the game: no one got around to researching Military Tradition until the game was practically over. Thus, I never did build a Military Academy. Nor, for that matter, did I ever get around to building the United Nations. I'm not sure I've ever won a space race victory without building that along the way before.
In 1545 AD, the volcano on my home land mass finally got around to erupting for the first time in the game. I was pretty lucky in that respect.
The game ended in the year 1555 when our illustrious empress led a select group to a new world orbiting Alpha Centauri. The planet Earth was beginning to bore her, so she needed a new challenge.
The screenshot below shows my Dutch acquisitions as they appeared at the end of the game.
January 30, 2004, 06:04
Local Time: 11:10
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One note about the Dutch war: it proved my suspicions that a ZOC for TOW Infantry could spell big trouble for AIs correct. When I moved some artillery protected by TOW Infantry toward Amsterdam to help take the city, instead of attacking that stack, the Dutch moved around the stack to try to hit Groningen. They acted completely oblivious to the implications of the TOW Infantry's ZOC, so several Dutch units ended up injured. I seriously doubt that any advantages the AI gets out of a ZOC for guerillas and TOW Infantry even come close to making up for the way human players can take advantage of a ZOC against the AI (often without even trying).
January 31, 2004, 15:11
Local Time: 13:10
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Oh, I'd also like to point out that this:
1828 - Spy planted in England. We steal Space Flight for 1770g
is probably one of the first time espionage has actually done me some critical good.
January 31, 2004, 20:22
Local Time: 13:10
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We have a large tech lead and got another SGL at Fusion. There was aluminum under a city on a mall island of Russia's in the far SW (edit) that was guarded by nearly nothing. We just took that and will build MAs for awhile before doing some more prospecting for needed materials and supplies. The AI is very warlike in this game.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Last edited by jshelr; February 1, 2004 at 15:37.
February 1, 2004, 15:44
Local Time: 13:10
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The final stage of this game was, IMO, much more interesting than most. The reasons were the low level of shields in our core cities that made military buildups slower than usual and the lack of reliable strategic resources.
Our endgame considerations began with the thought that uranium and oil can disappear quickly. So, we needed a backup for each. The backup could take the form of actual possession or the power to get it quickly
We resolved to do invasions led by marines in direct assaults on coastal cities and using settlers to extend the blitz as far as possible on one turn. This method is lots of fun and also can avoid or minimize nuke responses. It is only nukes that really remain as a material risk. If we get entangled in a nuke exchange, perhaps a third civ free of such damage could become the tech leader, particularly since the core cities are small and vulnerable.
On hitting synthetic fibers, we stopped research for a turn to upgrade to MA. Good thing too, since we were shortly deprived of oil when the resource ran out and of rubber when the Dutch no longer offered it, perhaps due to a loss in their wars. On the upside, the English had a culture extension of their eastern city to capture one tile on Maya island. That tile had uranium. This was perfect for a settler to directly capture the tile and we set sail with a one-transport team and a couple of cover boats. Simultaneously, we headed SW with a one-transport team to a mountain island where the Dutch had oil.
We were at war with Russia who had sucked in England with an MPP. So, we made peace with Russia and traded them for rubber, amphibious war, dyes, 240 gold – giving them fusion. They are the second on tech but behind by 4 at this point. Building marines until resources available for MA again.
We were worried about the Maya reaction to grabbing tiles currently in their area, and we made a RoP before capturing the English tile. The same turn we took the Dutch oil island and used a battleship and transport to build a temple (or library?) in one turn. We then made peace with the English and set about building some more resources for an invasion of the main Dutch island to secure reliable rubber and a backup uranium.
There will probably be several more twists and turns before the finish. But the tech lead looks to be a winning edge at this point.
Interestingly, we’ve simply stayed a republic for the whole game. Unit costs were kept low for awhile, but now they are affordable. If the AI had not been so warlike, we probably would have had to go to democracy and would have been more vulnerable.
February 1, 2004, 17:54
Local Time: 10:10
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I received Ecology as my free tech and researched Fission in 8 turns. I planned to take a diplo victory if available, otherwise an SS victory. I like to play with the self-imposed rule that I must allow a vote if called and I was a bit worried about my chances. The only competitor would be the Dutch (I knew thanks to the new victory status screen  ) and the Dutch were engaged in some limited warfare, with alliances as I entered the Modern Age. My palace pre-build meant that the UN followed the completion of Fission by 6 or 7 turns, and in the intervening time the Dutch made peace with all – and also enjoyed RoPs with many, a deal I had not made all game.
In 1435 AD, with 6 turns to go on a 7-turn pace on Computers, Free Artistry was discovered by someone.
The first UN vote came in 1460 AD, and I was both pleasantly surprised and a bit miffed at the same time. I originally traded for gems from Sumeria for gpt in the ancient age. I continued trading for Sumerian gems by trading my sole supply of horses during the early middle ages. By the late middle ages I was trading old techs for Sumerian gems. I enjoyed an uninterrupted trade for Sumerian gems (and a polite or gracious Gilgamesh) for virtually the entire game. At the end of the industrial age (for me), I couldn’t renew my gem trade because the Sumerians had had a gems tile pillaged by the Mayans – before Gilgamesh could reconnect his surplus supply, he was bribed into a trade embargo against me by the Hittites (against whom I had been at “war” since the early middle ages) – I have no definitive idea what the Hittites offered since they were slightly behind the Sumerians in the tech race.
So, with that as the backdrop, I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of support for William and the support for me, and I was miffed that Gilgamesh, against whom I had never warred, and with whom I had always traded, abstained. With 9 surviving civs, I secured 4 votes (needed 5 for the win), but William only received 2 votes.
I built Seti and proceeded on to Miniaturization with a decent pre-build for the Internet (denial more than anything). When the trade embargo by the Sumerians lapsed, I checked in and found that Gilgamesh had some gold available (which he hadn’t had before). I sold him horses for a lump sum and a map – probably a bit cheaply, but not a “bribe” trade, I don’t think – I took a few hundred gold off of him.
The second UN vote came in 1515 AD. The renewed trade deal with Gilgamesh was enough to move him from neutrality – I won with 5 votes to William’s 2 votes. At that point it was a foregone conclusion in any event – I had 4 or 5 modern age techs to William’s none (maybe 1). I had more cash than I knew what to do with, and so could rush buy offshore platforms and research labs in all cities that deserved one. I had a large stack of bombers and a small tank force that I could use to take a uranium supply if I couldn’t trade for it – in fact one was looking quite inviting sitting on the tip of the Mayan lands but falling within England’s culture border – I could build a city on the tile and have a source of uranium without firing a shot (I always had rubber via trade, and also had a native source of aluminum). I was tempted to play out a space race just to see how the AIs performed in the modern age, but decided to end it with the UN (I could have abstained from the vote myself and probably prevented a victory for as long as I wanted). Maybe I’ll replay the end to a SS victory if the American super bowl turns into a boring blowout early.
As I mentioned a couple of times – haven’t had much time to play or to concentrate on an informative and entertaining DAR, but I will have what I hope are interesting details and questions for the post-game thread.
February 1, 2004, 19:32
Local Time: 10:10
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used a battleship and transport to build a temple (or library?) in one turn
Now that's got to be one rather interesting temple/library.
Visit First Cultural Industries
There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd
February 2, 2004, 12:52
Local Time: 13:10
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Finished in "only" 35 hours. The game informs me that Byz was the largest civ, biggest GDP, but uncultured in the extreme. Typical American job, I guess.
The game moved quickly at the end because we had a 4 tech lead and #2 Russia lost it's uranium in a flip to the Dutch island we had just taken over -- the one with the funny looking library build out of the battleship.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
February 2, 2004, 15:59
Local Time: 18:10
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AAR, part 6 (the last one)
As the course of events - unexpectedly - became a little intensive, I don't have tech research dates for this AAR. The tech sequence was Fission - Miniaturization - Genetics - Rocketry - Amhibious War - Advanced Flight - (whatever the modern tech tree has in store, I don't care). Needless to say, there was no aluminium and no uranium within my borders.
1695 AD: Constantinople finshes United Nations
Vote? Who said there would be a vote?
1705 AD: Sumeria invades homeland (3 units)
1710 AD: I demand withdrawal, Sumeria declares war; all Sumerian units killed; next invasion wave (4 units) (-> defeated)
1715 AD: Mayas declare war; Russia declares war
I guess the AI's are jealous, after all. Time to enlist some allies.
1720 AD: Alliance with Hittites against Sumeria for ivory; alliance with France against Mayas for Comm; alliance with Dutch against Russia for ScM; Corp to Dutch for 54gpt, 30g; England declares war
1725 AD: Third Sumerian invasion wave (-> defeated)
1750 AD: Constantinople finishes Internet
1752 AD: Dutch declare war
Jealousy, bribe or the inability to maintain the gpt deal? Anyhow, in the end it was England who became a real nuisance.
1754 AD: England invades western island (4 cavalry) (-> rush some TOW infantry)
1756 AD: England razes Erech; Sumeria invades far western island (-> defeated by 3-knight-army)
1758 AD: Mayas want peace, AmW, Comb for peace, I decline; Sumeria wants peace, MPr for peace, I decline; second English invasion wave (4 cavalry); Scientific Great Leader
1760 AD: England razes Septum; Dutch invade (former) Japanese island (-> defeated);
1762 AD: Surviving English cavalry on western island killed
1766 AD: Erech (re-)founded; Septum (re-)founded
1768 AD: 'Our military plans have been stolen'
1770 AD: Hittites declare war; England invades far western island (-> defeated)
1772 AD: Constantinople finishes Cure for Cancer
1774 AD: Constantinople rushes SETI Program
By now, war weariness became an issue, and I didn't know if the 6 AI's were able to pull off a serious invasion of my homeland, so I swallowed my pride.
1778 AD: Peace, Comb to Russia for peace, 278g; peace, Comb to Dutch for peace, 22g; peace to Mayas for peace, 21g; peace to Sumeria for peace, 140g; peace to England for peace, 38g; 12-tech-lead
1784 AD: Peace to Hittites for peace, 20g
Massive coastal bombardment had convinced the Hittites that war wasn't such a splendid idea. Too bad for them that Sumeria took advantage of the situation and invaded. Meanwhile, the glorious Byzantines won the day.
1824 AD: Constantinople finishes Pentagon
1838 AD: Scientific Great Leader
1840 AD: Fiss to Russia for saltpeter, 251gpt, 1680g; Fiss to Sumeria for Gems, 331gpt, 820g; Fiss to Mayas for 55gpt, 40g; Fiss to England for 53gpt, 30g; 183gpt to Russia for uranium; Constantinople rushes Manhattan Project
1842 AD: Constantinople has 119 culture pt
1856 AD: 20k cultural victory in Constantinople, score 2686
A screenshot of 1838 AD, when I get my third SGL:
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
February 2, 2004, 16:05
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And the 'top 5 cities' in 1856 AD:
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
February 6, 2004, 11:39
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My first Emperor win
I already posted a lot of babble in the post-game thread, but there never was a UN vote(Russia built UN) so I just built the spaceship. Ignore the time played - I leave my computer running and Civ on most of the time when I have a game going.
Toward the end, Russia was the KAI after I'd bombarded a huge swath of Maya, Sumeria never got coal, so their production/growth stayed at pre-Industrial levels, and the Dutch's war with Maya lasted two and a half ages, IIRC.
Russia stayed surprisingly comptetitive and if I hadn't had 4 very strong cities, production-wise, they might have given me a race for the launch, but as it was, I beat them by 5 or 6 parts.
I just have to post the announcement screen since it's my first Emp. win.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
February 6, 2004, 12:42
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Lots of gold in the bank!
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
February 6, 2004, 13:32
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Great Ducki. That is a lot of hours.
February 6, 2004, 14:30
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Originally posted by jshelr
Lots of gold in the bank!
Yeah, part of the reason I was that rich was that the previous trade deal with Russia was +666gpt.
The last one was ~+500gpt.
I was in Democracy and had Commercial Docks nearly everywhere(and platforms). I skipped banks entirely, as they don't help if you're not saving any money it didn't seem.
My military upkeep for the entire last age and a half was approaching 200gpt. I had about 20 MAs that never saw action and an MA Army that only had one battle.
I was using 3-4 towns to build Bombers for the sole purpose of "shield transfer" - they are so easy to Re-base on the completion turn then disband the next.
I rushed buildings left and right as soon as they got below 200gold but only rarely above that.
I'm pretty proud of winning, though a lot of it is owed to the 4-turn pump start that Dominae provided(in addition to getting a leader for the FP in Japan).
I'm surprised fewer people expanded onto the small islands, but I've been concentrating on expansion so much lately that maybe I focused on it more than I normally would.
Compliments to Dom for a great setup that allowed for 3 really strong AIs - even the coal-less Sumeria had build 4 spaceship parts by the time I launched. Really interesting right up to the end.
My new mantra: Build more bombers. In this screen, Maya have already built back a fair bit of what I destroyed, but you can still see how I crippled their counterattack.
"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
February 6, 2004, 17:34
Local Time: 10:10
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Congrats on your first emperor win Ducki.  My first was as the Romans.
Okay so I haven't written much in this forum in the past few days, but I'm actually quite close to finishing the game via spaceship launch. I've secured at least one of every resource but rubber (and now no one can trade it to me), but at the close of last night Egypt declared war on me so I should be able to take their lone rubber source quite easily. Then I can build the one spacehip component that needs rubber.
BTW, I did build the UN and decided to chance it, but most of the votes were abstentions since the world has pretty much been in MPP fueled world war for quite a while.
February 9, 2004, 08:50
Local Time: 17:10
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1530AD – The Year of the Doctors
“ We are glad to announce that our doctors have found a cure against the Yellow Plague” Theodora dixit.
[Japan was destroyed]
1590AD – The Year of the Great Alliance
“We have come to honour an alliance of old” Theodora dixit.
[Maya declared war on us, all other civs declared war on them]
1650AD – The Year of the Eagle
“Up, up and away!” Theodora dixit.
[Our scientists discovered Space Flight]
1690AD – The Year of Rejoicing
“Let peace be our official policy from now on!” Theodora dixit.
[We made peace with the Mayans]
1695AD – The Year of the Revelation
“So, the whole world is revealed to us?” Theodora dixit.
[The discovery of satellites revealed the whole world to us]
1720AD – The Year of the Sorry French
“Nothing personal, Joan, but we need your chunk of uranium to get out of this petty world.” Theodora dixit.
[We declared war on the French]
1815 – AD The Year of the By-By’s
“Just moving along…” Theodora dixit.
[MS: “Now, Theodora, please just shut up!”]
PS: comments on the 'comment' thread
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
February 9, 2004, 08:52
Local Time: 17:10
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1815AD: the economy the final year: as usual, lots of unnecessary gold, but well earned
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
February 9, 2004, 08:54
Local Time: 17:10
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My military: I slightly 'overkilled' France
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
February 9, 2004, 08:54
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The official blueprint
The Mountain Sage of the Swiss Alps
February 11, 2004, 03:04
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DAR6 – End Game, part 1
1515: Capture Bad-Tibera and got Magellan, which may come in handy later
1520: Destroyed Sumeria
1555: Researched Fission. UN pre-build switched with 3 turns to go. Dropped research to 10% for a few turns to upgrade all surplus units to TOW for defensive purposes.
1570: UN completed in Kyoto. Diplomatic defeat avoided….phew!
1630: Byzantine destroys the Hittites and is now the sole inhabitant of the former Sumeria/Hittite continent. Entire offensive conducted with 3 Tank Armies and 10 Artillery. The Dutch are still ahead in techs. I need to make peace with Maya and Russia (who declared with Hittites and have been trying to take Pi-Ramses, my former Egyptian city with Rubber. However, airport rushed and Tanks/TOW airlifted for defense along with workers to complete the Barricade on the choke point that holds the resource. Made peace with Maya for Fission and 90gpt.
Researching Miniturisation, to go for the Internet and get the research boost. Started Internet pre-build.
Iwant to take one Russian city for the Dyes, so am airlifting Tanks in.
Slowly upgrading Infantry to MI. Capturing Leo’s really helped! Sold Computers to the English for 960g.
1635: The Dutch have got Miniaturisation and are building the Internet! I still have 7 turns to go, but have a pre-build in place. Resumed military build-up for operation “Science Bust”. Preparing a second landing force to take the Dutch Aluminium island way out to the south-west.
Airports in place in 4 of my main 6 islands.
My “ferry” system of transports allows me to get newly built Armies from the M.Academy on the former Japanese island to the invasion staging point on the northern tip of the ex-Sumerian island, in 1 turn.
1640: William has started extorting me. I will allow him to for now.
WW is becoming a problem, even though the Hittites are long gone and I didn’t pick a fight with anyone else!
Dutch are building The Internet in a city with 19 pop, 12 food excess, 2 scientists and 24 shield – factory, no plant. When will the AI learn to mine?
Screenie - it's 1640 and the long lost Russian Curragh finds itself in the midst of Byzantium. Still lost, apparently:
Last edited by Aqualung71; February 11, 2004 at 03:10.
February 11, 2004, 03:09
Local Time: 03:10
Local Date: November 3, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 7,544
DAR6 – End Game, part 2
1650: The Russians still insist on attacking my Barricaded MI with Cossacks. Well, you can’t say they’re not brave!
Launched mini-operation “The Dye is Cast” against the Russian city of Yaroslavl and needed 11 of my 14 available tanks to take his valiant 4 Infantry/TOW defenders. Yay, another luxury! Then agreed to an uneasy truce. WW disappears.
1660: The world is nuclear!
1670: Invasion force complete. 4 X Tank Armies, 1 x MI army, 10 Artillery, 1 MI in 6 Transports, 6 Battleships, 4 Destroyers and 12 bombers in 3 Carriers.
1690: Amsterdam razed! One Carrier left behind in port, came out without escort for some support bombing and was sunk with all 4 Bombers aboard. The Admiral of the Navy has been relieved!
Screenie: The fall of Amsterdam, the culture capital of the world, razed by the angry Empress!
Last edited by Aqualung71; February 11, 2004 at 03:17.
February 11, 2004, 03:28
Local Time: 03:10
Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 7,544
DAR6 – End Game, part 3
1695: Made peace with the Mayans and gave them space Flight for Ecology. Same turn they declare on the Dutch. Nice!
Entire Dutch invasion force re-loads onto Transports and limps back to port for repairs, for the loss of 4 Bombers. Stage 1 of Operation Science Bust declared an overwhelming success, with the bodies of many top Dutch Scientists lying charred beneath the ruins of their former capital. Next target will be Endhoven.
1700: Traded Elizabeth’s badly needed Furs and 6gpt for Gems, Ivory and Incense. Sheesh, she got a good deal! Traded Ecology to Russia for 169gpt and Miniturisation to Maya for 226gpt and 440g.
1710: Re-fitted fleet leaves port for Stage 2 of Operation Science Bust.
1725: Dutch Aluminium island of Enschede taken. Endhoven destroyed.
1735: The Hague destroyed.
1750: Groningen destroyed. Satellites researched. 3 Nuclear Plants under construction to get the expensive Spaceship parts built as quickly as possible.
1756: England has entered the Dutch war against us and nuked our capital, destroying our first SS build, factory, numerous other buildings and half our population! The virtuous people of Byzantium club together to rebuild their glorious capital. But we won’t retaliate (cos we can’t yet) – we shall reach for the stars instead and leave this troubled resource-poor world behind!
1760: Destroyed Rotterdam. Made peace with the Dutch as WW was up to 50%. Their 5 core cities destroyed (making sure to leave one major city on their homeland – the new capital), along with hopefully half of their research capacity. Objective achieved - not one single ground troop was lost. Oh, the power of Armies! Can't say the same for my Battleships and Carriers, many of which were scuttled by Subs off the Dutch coast.
Time to get the Space Ship finished. The Dutch are one SS tech ahead of me, but now that won’t last long. Maya 1 tech behind which I can sell them, but I won’t.
1764: Oops, didn’t notice the English land. They took an undefended outlying city. Retook it next turn easily.
1772: Egyptians destroyed by the Ruski's.
1778: AI has given up. Dutch, Maya and England have given me gpt deals totaling over 500gpt plus stacks of gold for techs, to get me closer to building the SS, even they’re all furious with me and wouldn’t trade any gpt deals a couple of turns ago.
1780: AI is still building wonders – CfC
Screenie: The Byzantine build-up of power. Note the blip in the 1750's when Constantinople was nuked:
February 11, 2004, 03:38
Local Time: 03:10
Local Date: November 3, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 7,544
DAR6 – End Game, extra screenies
The city of Pi-Ramses at game end with its Barricaded Rubber resource, the capture of which from the Egyptians was one of the critical turning points in my game given the importance of Infantry and it's subsequent use in Armies for strategic invasions. This signalled the start of my serious military build-up:
February 11, 2004, 03:55
Local Time: 03:10
Local Date: November 3, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 7,544
DAR6 – End Game, extra screenies
The science power of coastal cities is well illustrated in this shot.
Sumer, located on the former Sumerian isle with no Palace or FP on its island, suffering > 20% corruption and with little production power, produces more science (albeit with the help of 2 scientists) than my capital Constantinople with its huge production capacity (both had the requisite Lib/Uni/RL). It had 8 water-based tiles. In contrast, Constantinople though only 1 pop point down, was the only non-coastal city in my empire for most of the game and look how far down the science order it appears even without corruption.
Last edited by Aqualung71; February 11, 2004 at 04:10.
February 11, 2004, 23:16
Local Time: 18:10
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 12,012
Emp, Standard Rules.
I didn't notice on the last DAR, but I got my third SGL from flight, and built the UN with it.
here are the final notes :
3rd SGL from flight!
Decided to build Airports before bombers
1465 - Smoke-Jag offers 86gpt during Anarchy. This figure reflects the Mayans net profit from trading with other civs, including me. Anarchy strips out the domestic economy and shows their balance of trade
1480 - sold steel to Mayans, as they eneterd democracy, for 190got +1450g
Discover Mass Prod, start Mot Trans. Commercial docks are cheap for searfaring!
Mot trans in 1500AD and Modern Era! Egypt declare war on the Russians. Silly people. Maya DW on Egypt (MPP)
Got Ecology as the free tech.
Still have the 3rd SGL, and the Dutch, who've been at war with everybody are 2nd. Maya have MPP with Russia, but shouldn't be a problem. I never noticed how warmongering helped the UN - you're bigger that the others in pop & tech so less opposition. If you've kept all treaties but just DW a couple of times it should be ok.
Gift Electronics to Russia & England, and Some early Ind tech to Egypt
Gift 100g to Maya - they go polite
1550. Fission in 5 turns, gave 10gpt to everyone. Even the Dutch went polite.
England join in against Egypt. I think no-one'll get their vote now
Land settler on w island in newly-cleared area with room for a city. Isn't it a bit late for this?
UN next turn. Egypt has one city left. No, wait, two, I could gift them one of mine ... no, it'll be OK
Rush UN with SGL, and decide to vote for Theodora, not William. So does everybody else except William. (5-1)
I could have voted for William and still won by twice as many votes. How satisfactory, and how satisfactory that the Japanese, the Mayans, and the Hittites aren't around to spoil the party.
February 11, 2004, 23:23
Local Time: 18:10
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: London
Posts: 12,012
It just goes to show that if you fight your wars politely, and finish off the enemy, you can still sweep the board at the UN.
February 12, 2004, 01:49
Local Time: 10:10
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Vincent is back!
Posts: 6,844
I'm not going to have a chance to write up DAR's 5 and 6 for possibly another week or so. Here is the screenshot of my win on emperor with the AU mod. I actually finished it about a week ago, but I've unfortunately been too busy doing other things to be able to write the DAR's. As soon as I get back from my trip over the weekend I'll try and get my DAR's posted and my post-game comments written (I for one enjoyed the resource distribution since it added a bit of flavor to what was otherwise a slightly easy win...I should have played on demigod level).
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