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Old January 29, 2004, 19:50   #1
C3C IDG: Apolyton Team
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Can you set up a scenario so everyone researches at the SAME rate?
I am thinking about setting up a game with every Civilization getting set up how they did IRL. I have a gigantic world map and everything. But the only problem is, because some nations would be so small and others so huge, they would all be researcing at different and unrealistic paces. I don't want certain Civs that are isolated(Zulu, Russians, Mongols) to be unbelieveably far ahead of the European nations simply because they have smaller countries that can't donate as much to their science budget.

I would like to know if there's a way for countries to all be researching at the same pace no matter how much they donate to their research budget. This will take away tech racing, but some days I don't wanna have to worry about if I'm keeping up with my neighbors.

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Old January 29, 2004, 19:52   #2
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Maybe set the Maximum and Minimum research times to the same number?
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Old January 29, 2004, 22:18   #3
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Yep, I bet that would work. The AI might not understand it doesn't have to put 100% into science though, which would mean a lot of wasted gold...
Member of the Mercenary Team in the Apolyton Civ4 Democracy Game and the Apolyton Team in the C3C Inter-Site Democracy Game
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Old February 3, 2004, 13:44   #4
Admiral PJ
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One method could be : Make every governments Tax rate 0% so that Laborer Population research cannot be done. To allow a limited research, you could use Scientist Specialists. Make all the techs require only 15 or so Research Points, so techs will be discovered every 5 turns for only 1 scientist (if each makes 3 science). Money could be made through Taxmen , or every Laborer could give you +1 tax money.
This will still allow big civs to do research quicker but small civs can research things much easier.

I think with Conquests you can have techs captured from City capture.. this might help the small civs gain techs.
I wouldn't totally remove research as a gameplay tactic.. Like ghengis says, make the Minimum turns per tech to maybe 12 or so to make things fairer.

In real life Civs steal techs much easier.. or just observe higher tech civs and copy them, so perhaps you could make tech stealing very cheap ( this espionage act can result in war of course , so its not too unfair a tactic ) .

Maker of 7 Ages of Man - coming in a month.
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