Of course Empress & Cavebear are right in saying that 2x production is faster than 1x production. It is literaly twice as fast.
Butttttttt... I will always argue that 2x2x is not THE answer to having a faster GAME, so long as there are those other mentioned ways that also speed up game play.
2x2x would be the fastest way I could imagine to play a non war space race game where growth and science were the biggest factors. I am sure other advantages could be expressed by those who love this style of play too.
Regarding 1x1x being able to be played fast, several of us played a game into the modern age with modern units and SS being built even in only 4 or 5 good evenings of play.
(Am I remembering this correct Markusf & Wonderdog?)
Well we all have our favorite style for whatever reasons, and that is one reason I think this game is so great because the flexability is there for many ways of enjoying!
When I play 2x production I still end up with cities that are stuck at what seems to be forever at size 8!!!! It's like construction and sanitation should be the prime objectives!!!! But I understand this is because I am not experienced in balancing my civ as a 2x player.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Crustacian (edited August 26, 2000).]</font>