February 2, 2004, 08:00
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Joint Command Offices
Offices of the Chief of Staff and Headquarters of the IDF
Please any requests for information or anything else, please post here. Reports from each front pertaining me will be posted here. I will be discussing necessary units, targets and objectives here with the government and with the front commanders.
I also want to thank the Minister of Economy for the money to build my office.
February 2, 2004, 18:09
Local Time: 18:24
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Here is a link to my May 1948 report: EDIT - REMOVED BY REQUEST OF THE COS.
Althoug all is up to the next front commander, I ask for an arty in Yehi'am and more defensive units in the golan.
Good luck, dear COS (and remember that you can always lead a coup-d'state if politicians get too nasty  )
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
Last edited by yaroslav; February 2, 2004 at 18:25.
February 2, 2004, 18:16
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February 2, 2004, 18:18
Local Time: 18:24
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Sorry, sir, but what do you want instead, copy&paste the report??
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
February 2, 2004, 18:21
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What you posted here is just fine in terms of " I ask for an arty in Yehi'am and more defensive units in the golan."
I just don't want people to get into the bad habit of putting just a link in their post.
February 2, 2004, 18:23
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Ok, I'm going to edit the post and remove the link
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February 3, 2004, 09:15
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Re: Joint Command Offices
Originally posted by El Awrence I also want to thank the Minister of Economy for the money to build my office.
No Problemo CoS
I think the idea for this thread is good, now I can more easily see what the front commanders want me to build.. In the end, the decision is up to me, but I will discuss it with the Defence Minister, as he is responsible for our defence (well dooh!).
February 23, 2004, 23:28
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Government questions.
1. What steps are being taken to secure Eilat? Is the COS willing to abandon it.
2. Please remind all commanders to be careful stacking their units, as the enemies airpower can now come into play.
February 25, 2004, 23:17
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- Metullah has no City Defences. This must be rectified, the sooner the better.
- I feel that a general rushbuy of defensive units along the entire front wouldn't harm anyone. May I suggest reinforcing with palmachs, since they looks quite versatile, decent attack, good defence, plenty of moves.
- Nahariyyah is our Achilles heel here. We need City Defences and some heavy ground defense units.
NOTE: I think that we can expect the Lebanese to use the Mediterranean road for all their incursions. I would like to ask the Northern Front commander to consider what he will be doing along that road. There are forts, hills and a road that runs along the sea, I'd like to hear some input. I personally favour either taking the hills and holding at the forts OR going naval defense, and basically keeping two or three destroyers on hand to eliminate any potential Lebanese advances along that road, which will free up quite a few land units. I'd already destroyed a handful of units last turn, we need to take that road very seriously.
- Change production in Beth Shean, I'd suggest getting AA, but not necessary to rushbuy there, I think.
- PLEASE rushbuy Gesher and Degania defensive units so that we may build city defenses quickly.
- Coastal cities, I'd like to see cranking out defensive units to reinforce the north front, as well as artillery to go on the offensive. Hopefully a balance can be struck for both. Maybe one will build a destroyer depending on the kind of input I get from my North Front Commander.
NOTE: I am really banking on the possibility of this front going on the offensive over the next six months and seizing Nazareth and Jenin relatively unopposed.
- Sedom and Kfar Etzion... they are understaffed and exposed. I want to crack open the doors of East Jerusalem so that I can send reinforcements there. Don't rushbuy anything in either city yet, I fear they may fall and our resources would be better used planning a counteroffensive, rather than a desperate defence. I would like input from our commander on this, what additional forces would he like to crack open East Jerusalem?
- Ashdod needs City Defences. As a note, I'd like to see some of those roads south of Ashdod pillaged. Additionally, I think that a few ships might keep the Egyptians at bay along the Mediterranean. Input from commander, please.
- Gevaram needs defenses. Or else, we must abandon it (I suggest rushing a Zion Worker, I refuse to leave those civilians to the Arabs
- Central cities look alright. I don't think we need to rush any defensive anything here, just consolidate the defenses we have there.
- I'd like some input on Eilat from our commander in the front.
February 28, 2004, 03:24
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For your information about "the road", Nahariyyah needs a bit more defencive units. After that I can put a MG or two in the fortress north of the city to prevent any attack on the city itself. I suggest that one destroyer could be the offencive unit there.
"[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde
February 28, 2004, 08:16
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February 28, 2004, 20:41
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Originally posted by El Awrence
- Ashdod needs City Defences. As a note, I'd like to see some of those roads south of Ashdod pillaged. Additionally, I think that a few ships might keep the Egyptians at bay along the Mediterranean. Input from commander, please.
- The roads become more useful to us if we get tanks to use to destroy their units advanving on us.
Ships to patrol the shore would be very useful if they put under my command,
- Gevaram needs defenses. Or else, we must abandon it (I suggest rushing a Zion Worker, I refuse to leave those civilians to the Arabs
probalby too late to rush, will jsut waste resources, should hav ebeen done previous session 
- Central cities look alright. I don't think we need to rush any defensive anything here, just consolidate the defenses we have there.
- I'd like some input on Eilat from our commander in the front.
Not sure what you want here, defence needs upgrading i guess, but i think we now need to balance defence with offence, before the egyptians get too many troops in our territory. further AA and possible our own planes wouldnt go astray. but so many other needs too... you make the priorities
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
March 7, 2004, 21:30
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play on !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
March 7, 2004, 22:21
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I will review the Grand Strategy thread tomorrow and will make a summary of the conclusions. For now, I will be off to bed in a short while. But tomorrow, we may play on!
March 11, 2004, 05:17
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now 3 days alter and still no paly !!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
May 4, 2004, 12:02
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by any chance is there an inactive general leaving a front to wither in the wind? I'd like the opportunity to re-enter the game if at all possible
May 4, 2004, 14:55
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I've two fronts and I'll gladly give one to you. What do you prefer, Home Front or SouthEast Front? In Home Front we have just conquered Nazareth and we can expand a lot. In SE we're near to conquest Jerusalem
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May 4, 2004, 23:31
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Welcome, General HTower. You shall be assigned to a front as soon as yaros decides which he doesn't want to continue playing.
May 5, 2004, 03:33
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I'll let yaro have the glory of taking E. Jerusalem and I offer my services to command the Home Front
May 5, 2004, 16:38
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Ok, then you're in command of the Home Front. Nazareth has just fallen and you have two nice arties to conquer the North of the West Bank
After Jerusalem fall I'll join you and we'll crush all the home front
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
May 5, 2004, 23:14
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Welcome back Htower
May 6, 2004, 14:04
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What's the definition of the Home Front? What cities am I responsible for?
May 6, 2004, 15:03
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All cities that end in a capital 'S' are home front, capital 'G' are Egyptian front, capital 'B' SouthEast, capital 'M' north front.
Basically you're responsible of all the cities between Tel-Aviv and the North Front. The cities that you control can be dividied into two groups: the coastal one, where there is a little offensive around Nazareth, and the East front where you should defend yourself from the Jordanians
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
May 7, 2004, 17:23
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Sir, request change in operational directives. I have been ordered to support the sieges of cities with Fortresses. However, the only way to build a fortress in one turn is to use 2 zion workers, which is the exact number of zion workers we will have in all of Israel at this time! I request an Avia S-99($400) or possibly even a Spitfire($600) if funds are willing. With an airplane this is how I would carry out an attack on Jenin (my next target).
Turn 1. Move my forces (2 WW1 artillery, 2 machine guns, 1 Avia S-99 and 1 ZionWorker right next to Jenin on the hills. The Machine Guns and Zionworker would fortify. with the Avia playing top cover. END TURN.
Turn 2. Zionworker completes fortress. Avia lands in Nazereth. WW1 Artillery (2) attack Jenin.
Turn 3. Avia flys in support of Judean Front attack on Ramallah, covering the advance of their troops supported by a single zion worker.
Comments: With the limited number of Zion workers available and the need of at least 2 zion workers for each siege, we will have to delay drastically reduce the pace of our liberation. However, using the Avia, we only need one zion worker per siege, and the one Avia could support multiple sieges, With our RR network as poor as it is, two zion workers will be unable to get from the Home Front to the Judean Front as fast as a Avia could fly there. Even if enemy planes do show up in theater, they are likely to attempt to attack other targets because the Avia will be sitting on top of a machine gun, not an easy target for enemy planes. When the Avia is not supporting sieges, it can perform recon over enemy territory, block enemy troop movements with Zones of Control or perform anti-aircraft duties over the Golan Heights. With the Avia, our Zion workers will not be running from one front to another, using their entire turn moving around the country to build fortresses. They will be building fortresses, and then building railroads behind the front to support movement in rear areas and the speedy bringing up of reinforcements.
May 28, 2004, 17:31
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Sir, respectfully suggest that reinforcements traveling to the Golan Heights from Haifa do not travel through Nazareth and Degania. The road through Akko and Yehi'am is a faster route.
June 8, 2004, 00:59
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The Commander who fails to post turn reports, does not use the turn log consistently or who continuely is absent for 3 days after the last commander has played will find himself on my sh!t list
September 17, 2004, 11:27
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Can someone who has been following this closer than me post who is playing what now a days????
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