February 5, 2004, 15:49
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Conquest: Playing through our history...
Ok, I found out I could just go into the Hall of Fame and click next, and play through all the campaigns in order of appearance...
It will take forever, some of them are really long and frustrating. I just started at monarch level, it was hard as hell... oh, when I first got Conquests I won the MesoAmerican campaign on monarch level, but it was not very hard. the Shogun campaign on same level was quite harder and it took forever so I dropped out. (!?) Did anyone play though all these on monarch or higher? Anyway, just post your progress on these campaigns here:
My words are backed with hard coconuts.
February 5, 2004, 15:59
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Insert banana to play...
Posts: 1,661
1. Mesopotamia.
Level: Regent
Civ: Egyptians
Progress: Victory from reaching point limit.
Most gained though wonders and invasion/expansion.
Not very hard since main competitors were occypied beating eachother to pieces. A bit dull this one, but could be played quite historical at least... I wonder if I could have built all those great wonders playing on Monarch level or higher?
2. Rise of Rome
Level: Regent
Civ: Romans
Went for dominiation victory and got it at last. Tried to play historical, but it was a bummer as I got nice help from Macedonia. Hard start with Carthage but they were destroyed halfway through, along with the Celts. The naval battles vs. Carthage turned out bad, and I had to rebuild. Turned out to be hard starting even at this level, AI ganging up on player being the worst. I wonder if I'll ever manage this on Monarch level?
I never made the empire as big as the historical one, but I weakened the Persians at least.
3. Fall of Rome
Level: Monarch
Civ: Vandals
Progress: Defeat! Went REXing immediately from the origin area, and west... I got into trouble with all the other tribes and no one wanted to initiate the Fall of Rome. That sucked! Byzantines won by accumulating points.
Level : Regent
Civ: Vandals
Progress: This was more fun, as there was a factor of great offensive units and AI was often willing to join in on things. I migrated and settled all theses Vandals right in Germania Superior near Strassbourg. Western rome fell soon enough, but not Eastern Rome. (Byzantine) Once they reached their VP goal causing them a victory again! Had to go back and reload an old save, and play differently. This 8 city loss elimination was quite strange. But I had to use it to my advantage and at last i reached the VP limit and won.
4. Medieval Europe
Level: Monarch
Civ: Norwegians (at last I could play my own people)
Progress: I ate some musherooms and drank some mead, then I started to drool... Went berserk all over England (where I found a holy grail) then I went berserk in Sweden and Denmark. They were all destroyed. At last I went berserk in Jerusalem (Jorsal) , where I brought the grail and got enough VPs to win. Assasins coming out of nowhere, and they killed my units before they could get back on their ships. Quite fun playing ravaging ancestors actually.
5. Mesoamerica
Level: Monarch
Civ: Maya
Progress: Went REXing and started for high culture early on, and then I won through that. Had some expansion wars with minor civs but it was all with bow and arrow, and I sacrificed quite many of those to the gods... And that's how I won. Cool buildings and wonders, but a bit lame units in this one.
6. Age of discovery.
Level: Monarch
Civ: Netherlands
Progress: Defeat. Portugal won due to points. I got into a naval competition with France and Spain and had problems expanding.
Level: Monarch
Civ: Portugal
Progress: Victory by points as expected. Also built the Magellans Expedition, which is really powerful here... Started by colonizing Brazil, Carribean and the ivory coast in Africa and beelining for the Colonization tech. Waged only war against the Incas and Mayas and won through bringing treasures back home for quite many VPs. Some of my Privateers hanging outside the Iberian coast even stole some Spanish treasures! It's one of my most entertaining civ-sessions, but the VP for treasures was a bit too high and it ended too soon.
7. Sword of the Samurai
Level: Monarch
Civ: Oda
Progress: Surrendered. A big war got to a stalemate with too many yamabushis (moving too fast) on all sides and I got bored since it takes so long time to rebuild the infrastructure while fighting.
Level: Regent
Civ: Mori Motonari
Progress: Victory at last! Now, as Mori I had much more fun...
I got the tech lead early on and crushed every neigbour making myself dominant. I had only 2 bigger wars which ended through negotiations. Then I built the WC but did not vote, and won through domination instead
Level: Monarch
Civ: Takeda Shingen
Progress: Victory by domination again. . This was indeed a fun civ-scenario with a nice structure on the tech-tree. Gotta play this one on the net with you guys!
8. Napoleonice Europe
Level: Regent
Civ: Austria
Progress: Victory by points. Made lot of alliances, occupied most of France and some of Ottomania.
Level: Monarch
Civ: France
Progress: Victory by points. Made lot of alliances again, occupied most of Prussia, Italy and Austria. Did try to invade England, but that was horrible and I barely made it through London with about 30 units and 2 armies. Phew!
9. WW2 in the Pacific
Level: Monarch
Civ: Japan
Progress: Victory by points. Bombed Pearl Harbour and saved my own ships in which ruled the seas totally after that. Invaded all of China after some heavy fighting and got Singapore at last including some Dutch VP holdings. Had expected worse, Either I was lucky or the incompetent AI made this a bit easy for me...
My words are backed with hard coconuts.
Last edited by ThePlagueRat; March 3, 2004 at 12:39.
February 5, 2004, 17:00
Local Time: 12:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Maryland Heights, MO
Posts: 6,188
Overall status: Completed
1. Mesopotamia
Order Played: 1st
Level: Monarch
Civ: Egyptians
How Won: Wonder Victory.
Tech Progress: Mid way thru second era
Score: just under 5000
Territory: E boundary: Red sea, North boundary Mediteranin, South boundary edge of map, western extent just far enough to take in the incense and iron.
Play style : Builder
Details: Almost Pure builder mode (well I dedicating one city to building War Chariots, but didn't attack anyone with them.)
Built 5 of the 7 wonders.First of the wonders trigured my GA. Extremely easy because the Phoenicans didn't have access to iron.
Odds of scoring higher in future games: Pretty good if I were to succeed in either getting all 7 or else trying a more milaterstic approach.
2nd time:
Civ: Greece
How Won: Wonder Victory
Tech Progress: 1/3rd way thru second era
Score: About 6200.
Territory: Mainland Greece plus Southern Balkins. Northern extent around the big river flowing west to east.
Play Style Builder:
Details: Sent far eastern warrior into Asia to discover civs, evenually found the Phoenicans and massively traded techs and contacts with them and the other AIs. It evenually found an unpoped goody hut in the northeast section of the map and poped it.
Other warriors cleared the goody huts in Europe and evenually one warrior boarded a Curragh to pop the goody huts in Cyrpus and Crete.
REXed to the big river flowing west to east and then stopped to prepare for wonders. (Getting 4 unique luxaries, plus several Stone Quarries, andhorses, but my pattern missed the Iron.)
First built the Colossus in the capital, then built the Aquaduct there, worker housing there and in several nearby cities, and then built the Pyraimds followed by the Musieum to trigure my GA. During the GA rapidlly finished the Statue of Zeus and the Temple of Artemis. With 1 turn remaining in that Temple was granted a SGL for discovering Iron Working and beelined to the last wonder and used it. I was still under a GA when the game ended, so the leader didn't really save many turns. This resulted in a clean sweep of the wonders. Also I built several Archives following a tech trade at very low cost and a City Park in the capital to allow it to grow to size 13.
2. Rise of Rome
Order Played: 9th
Level : Regent
Civ : Rome
How won: Domination Victory in 15 BC
Tech progress: Finished the tech tree
Territory: 20% of the worlds area and 54% of the population. Northern coast of Africa from Libya west. Spain, SE France, Italy, Greece. Most of the Balkins. Silicy, Corsica, Sardenia, Portions of Austria.
Play Style: Hybrid: Agressively reserached, REXed, and attacked Carthage and later Macedonia!
Details: Hired lots of workers for contacts and maps on turn 1. Coned Celts into giving me Marsilles for the privliege of joining me in an alliance against the Carthagans. Bought the luxary from the Persians in a GPT deal. Used the citizens to complete founding cities in Northern Italy and just beyond.
Had Rome start construction of the Musieum followed by The Temple of Artemis and had a southern city build the Oracle and Napolis build the Collosus.
Annexed Syracuse on turn 2 (which trigured the GA), AI had time to land a worker in the western most city there just before I captured it. (Thanks for the slave!) Sent other Legions to Corsica to quickly conquer, and then sent Legions from Corsica and Silicy to Sardiana, landing both forces the same turn and taking it the next.
Next took these forces and landed on the Iron in Carthage and raized Carthage to the ground the next turn. (Either 300 or 295 BC) MGL trigured, and I returned the force and MGL to Silicy, for upgrades to Legionary II and forming this army. (And formed the starting one at Marellis with another 3 Legionary IIs
Sent the army from Marellis down towards Spain, ignoring the combat going on between the Celts and Carhenges just outside a Celt town, except to note that the Celts kept possesion of it.
Meanwhile, the forces in Silicy following the upgrade split into 2 forces, the army headed to raize cities to the ground heading east, capturing the eastern most Carthenge city in place of raizing.
The western force raized too big Carhage towns to the ground also using boats on it's way west before stopping to join in on the attack of Neo Carthage.
Captured Neo Carthage and the two larger towns intact there. With the outer most Cathage cities autoraizing. Then sent this force to capture the remaining cities after upgrading to Legionary IIIs.
Evenually there was a Garrison built in the eastern most former Carthage city, sparing the army unit to join in and raize the new cities Carthage had formed near the old ones.
Carthage manged to build 3 War Elephants, but didn't get to actually attack with them. I attacked them first.
At some point during this war the Mussieum, Colossus, and Oracle were all built by me.
The armies were then shipped home. And the islands converted into citizen factories, joining all those cities in Italy without fresh water stuck at size 6 building citizens.
Evenually the Temple of Artimis completed, giving me a Temple in every city except the island ones.
A few turns later I reached Philospachy and chose Imperalism and the free tech and switched. This resulted in several cities being stuck with a culture of 6 for several turns. (No culture building during anarchy)
Following the new Imperalist govt installed, Rome completed the Libary it was one turn from completing and started building the wonder that makes 3 citizens happy. A few turns later I built the city in Libya so I wouldn't need to buy any more dyes from the Persias.
Researched Construction in 4 turns and started construction of the Herridan Wall in Napapolis.
With 1 turn to go researching Engenning joined alliances against the Macedonias and netted 350 gold instant + 5 GPT. This will enlarge my empire and give me the two wonders they built.
Egypt landed an archer in Silicy when I had 2 Legionaries next to the interloping city it had founded west of my Spice city in Libya and declared war when asked to leave. Result was that Egyptian city got auto-raized to the ground along with the Egyptain city west of Alexandra before Egypt gave me enough money for a 20 turn cease fire.
I've filled in those spots and another city east of the spiece. Looks like Egypt is replacing the city they had west of Alexandara. I should hit the domination limit soon enough anyway, it was a side show.
In Greece, rapidally poured down the west coast and then over to Athens. When I saw several Greek Hoplities on my South eastern boarder, I rushed several units and easily pushed them back from my boarders there and founded another city east of there. That force than captured Eastern Greece. Conquest of Greece completed before hiting domination but Macedonian civ had 3 cities left.
Odds of Scoring higher in future games: Low.
3. Fall of Rome
Order Played: 2nd
Level: Monarch
Civ: Huns
How won: Score victory roughly around turn 130.
Tech progress: Entered far future era.
Territory: Far flung cities in ex Persian and ex Eastern Rome empire. Indivudal units in ex Western Rome empire cities in Italy and Victory Locations in Africa. Fertile plains mostly along rivers strenching from the Balkins to eastern edge of map, core cities were the ones built with inital settler-type units along the two NE most rivers that ran N-S.
Play style : First 20 turns : Builder. Then switched to Hybrid. Turned pure war mongler after finishing last barb tech.
Details: Beelined thru the barb techs, trading them for normal techs. Massively upgraded one I had the tech for Warlords and then started sending them out peroidically in waves. GA trigured when the first stack reached my first target, greatly speeding up consturction of the Scourge of God. Most of them though stayed at home in prepartion for attacking the other barbs once Rome and the Persians were wiped out. Each tribe fell one by one and by games end only the Germans with 7 cities destroyed, Franks with at least 5 cities destroyed, and Celts with at least 3 cities destroyed remained. The Celts did have five cities on the mainland so I wouldn't have needed to invade the British isles. I won by reaching the 30K score. Easy after the Romans fell because it was easy to convince the AI to gang up on one barb tribe at a time.
Odds of scoring higher in future games: Very low considering that the turn before I was just under the limit.
4. Meso American
Order Played: 3rd
Level: Monach
Civ: Incas
How Won: Culture Victory (One City)
Tech Progress: Future era
Territory: South America from about the Middle of Peru south.
Play Style: Hybrid - Builder
Details: I took advantage of the minor AI civ declaring war to trigure my GA and enlarge my empire slightly. Other than that was peaceful the whole game. Was easy because the Mayas concentrated on whooping up on the Aztecs and the Aztecs were too busy being whooped upon.
Odds of scoring higher in future games: Could be done easyist by being more agressive.
5. Middle Ages
Order Played: 8th
Level: Monarch
Civ: Turks
How won: Score victory, most of score via conquests.
Tech Progress: Completed Arab tech branch and was reseraching last required tech in that era. (4 turns remaning at 30%)
Territory: 19%. (1st) My southern border starts in the Cancussus mountains (Wine & Iron inside my boundary, Spieces are outside.) moves west across Turkey (Dye and Silk inside, Wool outside), into Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, and Greece.
Northern portion of the territory is roughly Russia and the other former USSR states south and east of there except for the one city states belonging to misc players.
Play Style : Builder to Mapmaking. Hybrid to Assination. Warmongler post-Assination.
Details: Finished REXing in early Crusade era. Over 20 Horsemen built in preparation for upgrades and upon discovery of assination turned reserach off except for one scientist researching Medicine in 40 turns to raise cash for upgrades and later rushing Temples.
Wrote the 300 shield Doomesday book easily, dispite the Burgundy civ being recongized as the 500 shield Holy Empire two turns before I finishing writing the book. Apprently none of those AIs had 4 Court Houses in their empires and didn't have the tech for any other great wonder.
The same turn I sacked Athens I declared war on the Bulgars and immeadately took their 3 eastern most cities in one turn and converted the settler in my terriory to slaves. Soon afterword, the Bulgars bumped into an Abu Assaissian and of course declared war. I've now finished annexing the eastern most Bulgarian cities and have raized a misplaced Bulgarian size 2 city and captured the one that's just west of the capital. My Golden Age just ended.
Following the annexation of Bulgaria, I started annexing Russia, and now have them down to just western Russia / Eastern Ukraine. Germany though decided to send a stack into Serbia, and so after I demanded they leave and they declared war, I got all Germany's neighbors to declare war on them. (Only cost 400 MC net; most civs were happy to supply all thier money [not much] only the Abus needed to be bribed.) Bribery was well worth it, after the first turn the German stacks were decimated but not so much so as to be in danger of falling.
Russia had one King still remaining when I hit the VP limit. (NW most one.) I annexed one city owned by Germany after hiting the VP limit but before hiting end of turn. (Looks like that city was in central Bosnia.)
Odds of scoring higher in future game: Always doubtful when the win is via hitting the VP limit.
6. Age of Discovery
Order Played: 4th
Level: Monarch
Civ: Aztecs
How Won: Culture Victory (One City)
Tech Progress: Entered the 3rd era.
Territory: NE edge just SW of New Orleans, from there west into Texas, then south along the mountain range into Mexico. Included Central American countries SE of Mexico down to but exculding Panama.
Play Style: Hybrid - Builder
Details: Hybrid style with a 3 City Challenge, capital just concentrated on wonders (built two of them) before anything else. Non capital cities pumped out military units. When the Mayas declared war, I trigured my GA and enlarged my empire. The second time the Mayas declared war, I enlarged my empire some more. Won culturally (single city.) Extremely easy because I kept as low a cash balance as possible with very high reserach rates plus unit upgrades, and every time a Euro civ demanded say 20 gold, I said, "yes master."
Odds of scoring higher in future games: Very high if I were to try any of the European civs considering what's required to win. It would also be possible to score higher as a native by being more agressive.
7. Rise of the Shogun
Order Played: 7th
Level : Monarch
Civ : The Dark Green one in the northern third that starts on the river near the west coast.
How Won: Diplomatic Victory in April 1515
Tech Progress: Early shogun era. I was resarching the Ninga optional tech. I had the two required cheap techs. I didn't reseach the top section at all.
Territory: A compact group of cities from REX centered around starting location - slightly north, but this does include Iron North, Iron East, Jade / Horses Northeast, and six unqiue luxary types, several of them duplicated. I founded a city on the three tile island as well. (Ranked 3rd largest by territory, and #1 in population)
Play Style : Builder
Details: Had a very good REX, see above. Also got a big tech lead, beating everyone to most techs in the first era. (There were only two techs I bought, one was the optional one and the other was the prereq to that.) It was obvious I had a giant tech lead once I had the techs to make contacts. I just built some units to keep the peace, built the Oracle (triguring the GA), then the Great Wall to prevent the AIs from ever having a GA from building that cheap wonder. I then built the War Council, bribing everybody the turn before completeion to win. Very peaceful game considering how boxed in most of the civs were, the replay showed that only one city changed hands.
Odds of scoring higher: Very high, would just have to build Szu Tzu instead and then actually use the army I created.
8. Napolonic Era
Order Played: 5th
Level : Monarch
Civ : France
How Won: Domination Victory on turn 1
Tech Progress: NONE!
Territory: All players not at war that didn't start with an MPP with the exception of Spain turned over their entire empire other than the captial city. Spain turned over 4 cities. England took over 1 empty Spainish city and 1 empty German city.
Play Style : Used Car salesmen
Details: I had heard that it could be won on turn 1 via MPPs for cities on turn 1 and confirmed it.
Odds of scoring higher in future games: Extremely high. Shoot, just playing one turn for real and then retiring should result in a higher score.
9. WW II in the Pacific
Order Played: 6th
Level : Monarch
Civ : China
How Won: Victory Point Victory in July 1944
Tech Progress: Had Jet fighters and was reseraching Atomic Theory
Territory: Japs were down to 16% of the land area : Japan, Formosa, and a few islands in the South Pacific.
By comparsion, the allies combined had 60% of the land area and over 70% of the world's population. If settlers weren't removed from the game, I might have been able to trigue a domination victory earlier by founding cities in Mongolia and Siberia.
Play Style : Hybrid - War Mongler.
Details: I decided to see what it's like playing a secondary power.
On turn 1, after seeing how few units I had I mobilized my economy right away to pump out military units. I also made trades with the other allies for cash and GPT. I also changed city orders and decided to research the tech allowing Medium Tanks at 80%.
On turn 2, I bought several of the best defenders at the cities needing them most. Also moved Guerrlias that survived the Jap move on turn 1 to my cities and did the upgrade all to convert them to Infs for free. (Process repeated several times over the next few turns.)
After a few turns, I got the arilery in position and sufficent light mobile tanks to start kicking the Japs out of China.
Upon finishing research, I bought 2 techs and sold mine to the UK and US. This also yields a large GPT flow from the UK, so I was able to set Advanced Flight research to 100%.
Allies now have 52% of the world's land and 63% of the world's population. Japs are ahead by 1000 points in score.
In December 1943, the Japs were kicked off the contientant of Asia, which the allies having 38K points to Japans 20K. The British did lose a Bankok to an ampheous Japanese invasion in March 1944 which I took back to kick them off for good on my turn.
Odds of scoring higher: Probably a coin flip given what my VPs were the turn prior to victory.
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
Last edited by joncnunn; November 29, 2004 at 15:33.
February 5, 2004, 18:34
Local Time: 12:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 687
1. Mesopotamia.
Level: Warlord
Civ: Myceneans
Progress: Wonder Victory
Built 5/7 wonders, was far ahead in tech, most civs were more occupied with expansion.
2. Rise of Rome.
Level: Warlord
Civ: Rome
Progress: I have no clue what I'm doing, so I'm just holding off until I can find some strat threads on this conquest.
February 5, 2004, 19:30
Local Time: 12:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 337
I have no clue what I'm doing, so I'm just holding off until I can find some strat threads on this conquest.
Well, destroy Carthage, then Greece, then the Celts, then Persia....
One OS to rule them all,
One OS to find them,
One OS to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.
February 6, 2004, 03:27
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 303
Originally posted by joncnunn
5. Napolonic Era
Level : Monarch
Civ : France
How Won: Domination Victory on turn 1
Details: I had heard that it could be won on turn 1 via MPPs for cities on turn 1 and confirmed it.
Territory: All players not at war that didn't start with an MPP with the exception of Spain turned over their entire empire other than the captial city. Spain turned over 4 cities. England took over 1 empty Spainish city and 1 empty German city.
Odds of scoring higher in future games: Extremely high. Shoot, just playing one turn for real and then retiring should result in a higher score.
You cheat! I hope you're going to go back and play this one properly! It's much more fun.
February 6, 2004, 14:08
Local Time: 12:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 1
Originally posted by Switch
2. Rise of Rome.
Level: Warlord
Civ: Rome
Progress: I have no clue what I'm doing, so I'm just holding off until I can find some strat threads on this conquest.
Some suggestions:
1)I left the cities that started a Wonder continuing to make them.
2)First turn I set all cities except the one on Sicily and the ones making Wonders) to make a settler. Once that was made I switched them to make a worker each.
3)Settlers were sent north and east to expand my territory as those areas are initially unclaimed by anyone.
4)I set all the new workers to develop as quickly as possible the terrain improvments on the Italian Peninsula.
5)The most important thing was since I was locked in a war with Carthage, I got everyone to make an alliance with me against them. Usually I left Macedon and Egypt out of that so that Macedon could keep Persia from expanding to rapidly, and Egypt so they could be a trading partner and not be gobbled up by Persia or Carthage.
6)Within the first 10 or so turns I occupied Sicily. This kept Carthage busy attacking mostly the island instead of the Roman Empire on the mainland.
I ended up going to war with Macedon about midway through the game, using my army to pound them city by city. It took about 30 turns to wipe out Macedon and gain a huge amount of territory. I also pushed hard to take advantage of the open spaces created by the barbarian tribes wars amongst each other (which I never joined despite repeated requests) by building cities on lands that were freed when the barbarians were destroyed.
Hope this helps.
February 6, 2004, 17:24
Local Time: 12:33
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Location: Maryland Heights, MO
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I'm thinking that the order should be destroy Carthage, then the Celts, then Egypt, then Greece, then how ever much of Persia is needed to trigure Domination.
Originally posted by justjake73
Well, destroy Carthage, then Greece, then the Celts, then Persia....
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
February 6, 2004, 18:30
Local Time: 12:33
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Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Posts: 687
Thanks tar, that should help a lot...I've never actually played a lot (despite having owned Civ3 since the Christmas right after it came out). I've never been much of a warmonger, more of a builder, so I like that strategy.
Originally posted by justjake73
Well, destroy Carthage, then Greece, then the Celts, then Persia....
Easier said than done, I must say...
February 7, 2004, 01:34
Local Time: 13:33
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Location: Fort Erie, Ontario
Posts: 254
All on Regent, will try monarch next time:
Mesopotamia - Mycenaeans - Built 4 of 7 wonders
Rise of Rome - Persians - Domination
Fall of Rome - Sassinads - Victory point limit
Middle Ages - Byzantines - VP at time limit
Mesoamerica - Maya - Cultural
Age of Discovery - Spain - Victory point limit
Sengoku - Date - Domination
Napoleonic - Ottomans - VP at time limit (close!)
WWII Pacific - America - Victory point limit
I noticed after that I appear to have a tendency to go for the Eastern Med. I'm not sure why...
The Napoloenic one was close as Russia was less than 1000 points behind me. Those guards are tough!
Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, Sengoku and WWII Pacific were not that difficult. The two Romes and Napoleonic were the hardest.
All IMHO, of course.
Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
http://www.schlockmercenary.com/ 23 Feb 2004
February 7, 2004, 03:50
Local Time: 09:33
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Posts: 236
Completely blew the tutorial campaign. (The obelisk one.)
Played "Mesopotamia" on Regent as the Babs. Completed 6 out of 7 wonders. Ended up with an SGL after my fifth wonder, but had no sea city to build the lighthouse. So I attacked the Sumerians and captured their sea city, which also had the Collossus. Rushed the Lighthouse and ended up with 7 out of 7.
It was fun but did seem sort of easy.
February 8, 2004, 11:56
Local Time: 17:33
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Location: London, UK
Posts: 230
Originally posted by okblacke
Completely blew the tutorial campaign. (The obelisk one.)
Played "Mesopotamia" on Regent as the Babs. Completed 6 out of 7 wonders. Ended up with an SGL after my fifth wonder, but had no sea city to build the lighthouse. So I attacked the Sumerians and captured their sea city, which also had the Collossus. Rushed the Lighthouse and ended up with 7 out of 7.
It was fun but did seem sort of easy.
Yeah, nut isn't that the point of the first one, to ease you into things. Later ones are harder.
Diderot was right!
Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
Please don't go, the drones need you.
February 8, 2004, 16:48
Local Time: 09:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 236
Originally posted by Proserpine
Yeah, nut isn't that the point of the first one, to ease you into things. Later ones are harder.
I don't know, is it? You might think so, but playing Mesopotamia as Babylon seems a lot easier than playing it as Egypt. In other words, it might just have been luck o' the draw.
And the second tutorial, Rise of Rome, is a whole hell of a lot harder.
I actually don't think they're graded. The tutorials are to ease you into things. But from what I've heard the two hardest scenarios are the first Rome one and the Napoleon one.
February 9, 2004, 06:55
Local Time: 17:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: London, UK
Posts: 230
Originally posted by okblacke
I don't know, is it? You might think so, but playing Mesopotamia as Babylon seems a lot easier than playing it as Egypt. In other words, it might just have been luck o' the draw.
And the second tutorial, Rise of Rome, is a whole hell of a lot harder.
I actually don't think they're graded. The tutorials are to ease you into things. But from what I've heard the two hardest scenarios are the first Rome one and the Napoleon one.
RoRome is indeed harder (at least if you play as Rome), unless can you take down Carthage. It also helps if Greece remains strong (to counterbalance Persia). In my several tries at this, so far, I have struggled if Persia destroys Greece. It seems that ultimately Persia will win, because Greece is unable to take enough of Persia or even to equalise resources. (I guess the AI "Alexander" isn't as great as the real one).
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February 9, 2004, 19:01
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What is this tutorial campaign? I don't see any. How do you start it?
I was about to start the Meso one as I guess it is first. Is there some other campaign I should look at? I am going to play as random civ on Demi. Does the campaign have a prefered civ that I should use? I know sonetimes they design them with the intend you play a specific civ.
February 9, 2004, 19:56
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Originally posted by vmxa1
What is this tutorial campaign? I don't see any. How do you start it?
Go to Conquests! in the menu.
They're listed after the ten Conquests missions as (something like) Tutor1, Tutor2 and Tutor3.
The first involves capturing and holding power-points (obelisks). Like Domination in Unreal Tournament, only slower.
The second is a "reverse capture the flag". You take your princesses from your capital to a sacrificial volcano.
I haven't looked at the third yet. The first two were fun. Lightweight, short, and relatively fast-paced.
February 9, 2004, 21:22
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Thanks I take another look as I don't reacall seeing them this morning. Does having 1.15 on have any impact?
I just peek in the folder and I see them there.
February 9, 2004, 22:28
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I believe 1.15 has some unit balances and fixes for some of the conquests, but other than the regular fixes (like the FP fix), that's it.
February 9, 2004, 23:37
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I will take another pass tomorrow. I jumped into Disciples II game as a change of pace.
February 11, 2004, 11:50
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Originally posted by justjake73
Well, destroy Carthage, then Greece, then the Celts, then Persia....
I went a little slow on crushing Carthage while I wanted to crush the Celts as well, luckily I was allied with Greece. Never went to war with them, because I won after seizing Egypt.
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February 12, 2004, 00:30
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My favourite scenario is the New World.
Either play as the europeans and ravage and despoil the natives and steal from your rivals or be some Americans and put the pesky Eurotrash to the obsidian knife.
It's just fun.
March 2, 2004, 14:07
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So, finally I did get through with this project. It took several nights and I got totally loco !  Anyone else?
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March 2, 2004, 16:34
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It's going to be a while. I'm still playing WW II - Pacific as China.
After that, I'll play Rise of Rome as Rome.
As for Middle Ages and Japan, I'm not going to play the single player versions. (Too many civs.) I might play the multiplayer versions instead starting with Japan. (After turning off acel production.)
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March 24, 2004, 18:37
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Bumped to note I finished WW II in the Pacific.
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March 29, 2004, 13:11
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Congrats jon... As you probably noticed, you got a silly little cutscene after completing all campaigns. The WW2-campaign is awesome in unit details. Now that can be a carrot for the rest of you folks.
Anyway, the Samurai campaign must be ideal for the bigtime plotters in MP games.
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March 29, 2004, 17:59
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I lost all my save games when I got my new computer. I thought I had tranferred them, but I forgot that save games for conquests (and play the world) are in differed folders within the civ3 folder.
Looks like I'll have to play all 9 scenarios again  .
Just got down with Age of Discovery. I like this one best, but it can get tedious near the end when you know you are going to win, but still have to keep shovelling treasures back to your capitol. I was using the go to feature, but I lost a couple to Spanish privateers (I seen them come out of Seville). So I manually moved them after that so they don't end their turn in a bad spot. Having Dias Voyage and Magellan's is nice to have. I can care less about the other wonders. But I always make a beeline for Magellan's. Having those frigates pop up saves a lot of production time.
Playing as portugal is interesting. They only have 2 useful high producing cities. 1 of those cities I took down in population to quick build some settlers. Getting those cities built very early in the scenario is very important. I didn't have time to wait until I could build colonists (although I did get 1 every 6 turns with Dias voyage). Getting those cities layed down is important, because it takes a while to get defenders up, temples built, harbours built, and barracks built. The 3 main structures I put up (although barracks wasn't that important) Then you have to build the tobacco plantation, spice factory, gem mines etc. And then build units to pick up the treasures. I rush built most of those.
Spain did attack me. Which isn't surprising because I was weak in power compared to them. They took over my city in Virginia. I never got it back. I was too crowded in anyways. My cities in Northern S america, and all throughout the carribean, and Panama- and even a city on the Western Coast of S. America next to the Incas (gold resource). Eventually I had my 2 mainland cities produce nothing but knights. After that I was equal or greater power than everyone including Spain. No one messed with me after that.
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March 30, 2004, 02:58
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Actually, playing Portugal and getting into a war with Spain must be true pain. (?!) I was afraid of land warfare all the way during that campaign. The only fighting with Spain I can recall, were those privateer duels when I was hunting for their treasures.
Ok, and I lost quite many privatees that way too, but gained some VP for it and that's the quickest way to win. I also built the wonder who spawns frigates (which can be upgraded) every now and then so at sea I got them quite powerful. This is one of the few campaigns where it's really important to not lose control over the seas...
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March 30, 2004, 07:00
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yep, that could be painful.
As for the mainland war (as I said before I did lose my virginia colony to Spain- I was crowding their Carolina area colony). I actually did come dangerously close to losing that northern city (not the capitol, but the other one). After that I thought it be prudent to beef up my defenses. I built nothing but knights and musketmen (I was thinking about conquering spain, but knights just don't have a good enough attack value) after that on the mainland. I really didn't need anything else anyways. University wasn't that important as research wasn't super important. I could care less about the techs in the final age. I just want the tech that allows you to build Magellan's- which also gives the frigates (I did research that one first), colonization, and the mining tech that allows gold and gem mines. Eventually I got the other naval techs so I could upgrade my frigates.
One thing I did not mention in the above post is portugal does not start with gunpowder or the saltpeter resource once gunpowder tech is obtained. I was worried about this. I couldn't trade for it, I didn't have enough to trade at the time. I eventually built a city in South america (just below the bend). The Incas were close to closing me out of that saltpeter resource. I was going to build a city inland of my Virginia colony to get that saltpeter resource, but Spain took my city over.
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April 1, 2004, 12:26
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Yeah, defenses are quite important for Portugal. Not that you will actually have to fight... Just build loads of musketmen to keep them at bay, so they will hesitate to declare war. I expanded my borders into Spain, by building a new city next to the saltpeter. If you are lucky you might get hold of it without war.
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April 1, 2004, 17:19
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Actually, I haven't played Rise of Rome, Middle Ages, or the Fuedal Japanese ones yet.
Rise of Rome is next on my list.
Originally posted by ThePlagueRat
Congrats jon... As you probably noticed, you got a silly little cutscene after completing all campaigns. The WW2-campaign is awesome in unit details. Now that can be a carrot for the rest of you folks.
Anyway, the Samurai campaign must be ideal for the bigtime plotters in MP games.
1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
Templar Science Minister
AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now. :mad:
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