Recently a Certain Person manipulated a Poll stating 4000 Votes favour his Godhood.
While the Poll suited to Hiverian Statistic Standards it does not comply with Drone Society.
A Quick Census on the (FREE!) Drone Faction gives the following Data:
Leader: I
Reserve Ambassador: I
Members: 23
-Already deleted guys: approx:8
A Quick Census on any other Faction states the Following:
Members: ~23
Seperated in:
Leaders: 2-3
Diplomats: 1+1backup
Turnplayer: 0-1
(Of course you must not count them as they are Quite often same person as the Leader)
Double Logins: 3
Spies: 2
Spammers: 10-15
Lurkers: 5-10
Those Numbers clearly show that it was just another Lie Damn Lie& Hiverian Statistic.