March 11, 2004, 21:25
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OOC: If the US is in shambles, how is it that it still maintains its military and its economy and its education and its infrastructure all at the same time?
It's no longer a "superpower" or the only "superpower". In its areas of excellence, it only barely manages to be #1, instead of easily managing.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 11, 2004, 21:27
Local Time: 11:34
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Mexico to France (secret)
Sure, the assistance would be cool, but we want to seek peace on earth. If eliminating a certain country, be that China, or even oh let's just say FRANCE, we will do so to accomplish peace.
France to Mexico (top secret)
Don't piss us off. We're on your side, at least while it's favorable for us to be.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 11, 2004, 21:32
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Mexico to France
We who preside over the Majestic natin of Mighty Mexico would like to ask you to please abolish your silly tariffs to once again. We are a nation that is strugglng to undergo reconstruction after a corrupt dictator, Juan Kerry, and a war posessed super power, China, have left us in more than what could be considered shambles. We are struggling to create a successful space program, so that the people will have some small shining beacon of hope to rally around, and crush the dissent, for we seem to be notable.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 11, 2004, 21:32
Local Time: 10:34
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Mexico to France
We who preside over the Majestic natin of Mighty Mexico would like to ask you to please abolish your silly tariffs to once again. We are a nation that is strugglng to undergo reconstruction after a corrupt dictator, Juan Kerry, and a war posessed super power, China, have left us in more than what could be considered shambles. We are struggling to create a successful space program, so that the people will have some small shining beacon of hope to rally around, and crush the dissent, for we seem to be notable.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 11, 2004, 21:32
Local Time: 10:34
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Mexico to France
We who preside over the Majestic natin of Mighty Mexico would like to ask you to please abolish your silly tariffs to once again. We are a nation that is strugglng to undergo reconstruction after a corrupt dictator, Juan Kerry, and a war posessed super power, China, have left us in more than what could be considered shambles. We are struggling to create a successful space program, so that the people will have some small shining beacon of hope to rally around, and crush the dissent, for we seem to be notable.
In the midst of conquering this largely unexplored terrain, we are also trying to drag our haggard economy back from the sinkhole, into wich it currently seems to be slipping. That is the reason for the Mexican Mass Media Monoply(MMMM). When the United States went through its very own Depression in the 1930's FDR's New Deal required that the governemnt take more control of industry. We are merely folowing in the footsteps of a successful nation.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
Last edited by bipolarbear; March 11, 2004 at 21:38.
March 11, 2004, 21:36
Local Time: 11:34
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France to Mexico
We will abolish our tariffs if you remove the media from the oppressive grip of the government.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 11, 2004, 21:43
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Mexico to France
The media grip is to protect against the corruption of evl multinational corporations that would seek to rob Mexico of her culture by implanting the globalizing American Culture which is quickly rapong and pillaging the globe.
Supersecret Mexico News
Yes there is.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 11, 2004, 21:45
Local Time: 11:34
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Let France "supervise" your media, and we will remove the tariffs.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 11, 2004, 21:45
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Mexico to France
We will allow for more outlets to come into existence, but htey will be under heavy watch of the government. The Mexican govt. will still keep their hold over the current media companies that they own.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 11, 2004, 21:49
Local Time: 10:34
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Mexico to France
Mexico is Mexico. We will not let you assume control of Mexico. We are different from France, because we are not France. We would become France if we were subjected to French rule. Neither we, nor anybody in the Morgan Freeman Alliance, wishes to become part of France. We cherish our individuality.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 11, 2004, 22:41
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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We'd be willing to invest heavily in you.
If you help us destroy France!
March 11, 2004, 23:05
Local Time: 10:34
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Mexico to China
We find it ironic that you nearly destroyed us for warmongering. Now, you seek to use our failing country as a pawn in your international scheme? Mexico will take the traditionally Swedish route, and practice neutrality in this instance. We wouldn't mind a little extra funding though, we accept donations from all kinds of hypocrites!
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 12, 2004, 00:12
Local Time: 11:34
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We will allow for more outlets to come into existence,
The French Broadcasting Corporation introduces the France-Mexico channel in Mexico. It plays pro-Mexico and pro-France television, when the two are compatible. Otherwise it is pro-Mexican nation, with no bias on government.
France dropped its tariffs. It has denied claims that the F-M Channel is leaning in any way to any nation.
tonight's programming lineup:
6PM - Mexico Evening News
6:30 - World News
7PM - Fiesta!
7:30 - Cooking with Snails
8PM - A French guy talking Spanish
8:30 - A Mexican guy talking Spanish
9PM - Dateline: Cancer from Egg Rolls?
9:30 - (cont.)
10PM - Nightly News
10:30 - Late Show with Bernard de la Luis
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 12, 2004, 00:21
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Funding will flow into your nation immediately!
We would also like to set up a branch of CCTV in your nation.
March 12, 2004, 00:32
Local Time: 11:34
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France makes great strides in relations with Quebec! The province votes against leaving Canada by a margin slimmer than an election in Florida (rigged or not).
However, France and Canada now consider each other great allies. But Canada repeatedly vows against actual aid, or military cooperation (seeing that Canada doesn't ahve a military anyway).
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 12, 2004, 00:41
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Your nation must arm itself!
I have an old spare gun I used in the revolutionary war. Want it? Only 60 renminibi!
March 12, 2004, 02:25
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Mexico to world
You are gravely mistaken, Mother Mexico did not mean to imply at all, that you imerialists would be able to pipe your propaganda into our country, and poison the minds of ourr youth with your globalizing Mickey MTV Mouse culture. We are allowing for independent media companies within Mexico, that are run by native born Mexican citizens to emerge, and to inform the Mexican people as they see fit. We are sorry if there was any inconvience. However, we would like to anounce that a spinoff of the hit show "A Mexican Guy Taling Spanish" is being produced by one of the newly emerging corporations in Mexico.
Mother Mexico Evening News
The Morgna Freeman Alliance has been having unexpected success in its European Tour. The countries of Norway, Sweden, and Itlay are considering joining the Morgan Freeman Alliance. Italy is not entirely sure, seeing how their country is having trouble maintaining stability. The Morgan Freeman Alliance is wary about Italy as well, becasue it is believed that the Vatican City was plotting against Mother Mexico.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 12, 2004, 03:34
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 17:34
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Would you like more aid?
March 12, 2004, 05:25
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Mexico to China
Any aid is cool, but nobody will pump their imperialistic propaganda into Mighty Mexico.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 12, 2004, 06:59
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Mexico to World
The Morgan Freeman Alliance has decided not to allow Iceland to join into the Morgan Freman Alliance just yet. Our foreign dignitary was quite violently puked upon by their diplomat at a forma dinner. This was reason enough to leave in a disgusted haste, but the Morgan Freeman Alliacen is above that sort of anti-mexican behavior. The dignitary left though, wehn he discovered severed baby's body parts made up 90% of the vomit, not including the bile. Trad has ceased between Iceland and THE MFA until the Icelanders can come up with a good explanation fo this one!
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 12, 2004, 16:50
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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China to the World:
*Licks his fingers*
NO, We do not eat tasty delicious babies!
March 12, 2004, 22:04
Local Time: 11:34
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Mexico to World
The Morgan Freeman Alliance has decided not to allow Iceland to join into the Morgan Freman Alliance just yet. Our foreign dignitary was quite violently puked upon by their diplomat at a forma dinner. This was reason enough to leave in a disgusted haste, but the Morgan Freeman Alliacen is above that sort of anti-mexican behavior. The dignitary left though, wehn he discovered severed baby's body parts made up 90% of the vomit, not including the bile. Trad has ceased between Iceland and THE MFA until the Icelanders can come up with a good explanation fo this one!
Gah! It is even worse than we thought!
(SECRET: France starts funding covert operations to dispose of Iceland's current government.)
PUBLIC: France sends more aid (SECRET: than China) (PUBLIC NOW) to the Morgan Freeman Alliance.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 13, 2004, 01:40
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 17:34
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BREAKING NEWS - China Intercepts Japanese Fighter over Beijing, Downs It
The Japanese dogs have been caught attempting to violate mighty Chinas sovergnty yet again, but the glorious People's Air Division of Chairman Tassadar downed it's attempt to kill Chinese citizens!
"This incursion so far into Chinese territory represents a declaration of hostitilies and is a gross violation of international law and Chinese airspace!" our glorious leader Chairman Tassadar said on Tuesday, with his husband Tassaguar by his side.
So far, the Japanese dogs have not even dared to speak!
For now, let us remember the sacred words of Hu Jintao....
Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!
With our very flesh and blood let us resist the Japanese!
We shall drive them out of our motherland!
All the peoples shall unite against Japan!
Arise! Produce! Revolt!
All the hearts with one mind brave the Japanese gunfire, MARCH ON!
Brave the Japanese gunfire, March on! March on! March on ON!
Japan shall submit to China!
Their blood shall flow through our rivers and our streets!
We shall never let them invade us again!
We shall take their cities and burn them to the ground!
Arise! Produce! Revolt!
All the hearts with one mind brave the Japanese gunfire, MARCH ON!
Brave the Japanese gunfire, March on! March on! March on, ON!
March 13, 2004, 11:23
Local Time: 11:34
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France to China (SECRET)
We will help to protect your airspace from Japan, but we will take action if you demand any of Japan's territory or invade or do something else that could destabalize your region.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
March 13, 2004, 16:06
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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CHINA to FRANCE (Secret):
We do not want French planes in Asia. We are capable of defending ourselves.
March 13, 2004, 16:29
Local Time: 10:34
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MFA Morning Announcements
MFA Morning Announcements
A formal induction ceremony is being held, and all are invited to attend. The leaders of Norway, Sweden, and Italy are officially joining the Morgna Freeman Alliance. The world wide sex symbol Morgan Freeman is confused as to why in the hell an alliance was named after him, but is also expected to attend.
So come one come all there will be free Autogrpahs from Morgan Freeman or your favorite of Morgan Freeman Alliance's froeign dignitariesautographs, authentic Italian Pizza, and imported snow and ice from Sweden and Norway!!!
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 13, 2004, 20:00
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Mexico world News
Mexico has secretly been funding more peaceful measures against Icelands baby eating problem, as compared to those attempted by France. Mexico is attempting to wean Iceland off of human baby's, and convert them to a more socially, and psychologically acceptable alternative, such as veal, or baby carrots.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 13, 2004, 20:14
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 17:34
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Baby eating is very delicious.
You should try it some time. I will have my ambassador send some fine Chinese cheese. Very good!
March 13, 2004, 20:45
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Mexico to China
We were not aware of these cheese makig abilities as realted to babies. Do you refer to head cheese possibly? or turning the babies into milk, and letting their "milk-ified" corpses into cheese? The latter sounds like something really viscious and inefficient that those crazy Nazis would have done.
Mexico News
Mexico has announced its vegetarianism. The only babies consumed within the communistic couch that is Mexico wil be baby carrots.
Lysistrata: It comes down to this: Only we women can save Greece.
Kalonike: Only we women? Poor Greece!
March 13, 2004, 20:51
Local Time: 11:34
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Posts: 2,394
Mexico has secretly been funding more peaceful measures against Icelands baby eating problem, as compared to those attempted by France.
France News
What measures? We have funded no measures.
(SECRET: Send thugs to beat up the journalist who wrote that.)
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
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