February 18, 2004, 11:11
Local Time: 13:35
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 819
Keeping replaying to kill mind worms - it's an "alien concept" I'm trying to stop dong that since I started online a year ago.
The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.
February 18, 2004, 14:52
Local Time: 11:35
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Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
Okay, now all I need is the one for flubber.
I sent you a personal message with my email address about 36 hours ago but here it is again .. . its xxxsharris4141 at yahoo.comxxxxx ( obviously you delete the xxx's
Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
Oh, shawnmmcc, what you probably wanted to do on your first turn was reload a lot, until you bumped into worms with the rover and colony pod,
killed one worm so the other grew, killed the other worm (Rover gets 2 attacks per turn), netting you a nice 30ECs.
Playing gaians I also did this, capturing 3 (!) mindworms on my first turn.
Now I get 30 ECs, and a disbanded scout patrol for 4 minerals.
Helping me get that 2nd former just a tad faster than the rest of you, the exponential effect (coupled with the first turn advantage) gives me an excellent shot.
I agree that it gives you an excellent shot but isn't it against the rules?? Reloads are not generally allowed in PBEMS but we did adopt a modified rule here due to the small map size and starting locations:
"The Reload bug is allowed for fungal pops before any faction is in striking range of any other faction"
( Note I am not quite sure what the reload "bug" might be but assumed we were talking about reloading generally )
I understood this to mean that a player could reload if they had the misfortune of a fungal pop destroying enhancements as this could be unbalancing-- I never thought this would be extended to allow repeated trolling of the fungus time after time . Won't someone like the gaians be able to repeatedly troll the fungus and keep trying until they capture even more worms ???
I'm just trying to get this straight here since this use of reloading is not what I expected. I wasn't fond of the idea of allowing reloads to begin with and this use seems to be a strategic use of reloading to gain advantage ( not to ameliorate some disadvantage thrown at us by the randomness of the game).
I just opened up the turn and see another 6 reloads for enigma and NONE for anyone else BTW.
MY view is that reloads are not permitted for this purpose.
February 18, 2004, 14:56
Local Time: 19:35
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Gotta agree with Flubber I must say.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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February 18, 2004, 23:32
Local Time: 03:35
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Originally posted by Flubber
isn't it against the rules?
Reloads before anyone is within 'striking distance':
1. Air Superiority Discovered
2. Land Raised
3. Empath guild built
I never thought this would be extended to allow repeated trolling of the fungus time after time.
Think outside the square, Flubber.
You're only upset because I thought of it and not you -
and it goes against your past experiences of right and wrong.
But let me tell you that lacking insight is no reason to handicap others,
and past experiences only apply to the past - this is a new type of game.
Since you're all about to revert to the moronic idioms of presuming the old rules are good, I won't try to stop you.
I'll merely say: My Game, My Way.
Claustrophobia was an attempt to break free of the binds of stagnant old rules, bonds I see you don't want to break.
Your complaining is nothing short of selfish and narrow-minded; I would please ask you to play your game better than you make posts.
And yes, I do find it funny to psychoanalyse people, degrade them, and pick apart their mentality piece-by-piece.
Why? Simple. A Frustrated opponent has his logical mind clouded, and thus makes it easier to win.
I'm telling you this because it will make you even more flustered, and because you can't do anything about it.
All you can do, is to be like me and use these tactics, or not be like me and have these tactics used against me.
What are you going to do? Impose sanctions?
Ha! What a pathetic attempt.
Get some brains, brawn and skill before you confront me.
You far outrank me in diplomacy, but I don't need diplomacy.
I am more than a match for all of you put together.
Won't someone like the gaians be able to repeatedly troll the fungus and keep trying until they capture even more worms ???
No, because they won't appear next to a base.
Maniac - you're just as worthless as Flubber.
Now why don't you two ally against me and see how far you both get?
SotHB is mine forever. Nothing you do can stop that.
February 19, 2004, 01:40
Local Time: 18:35
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lol wish you good luck enigma one for 2 players, and where is that turn we talk, but not play
February 19, 2004, 02:07
Local Time: 11:35
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Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
I'll merely say: My Game, My Way.
and I say fine . .. play alone .. . I don't care to play in a "reload-fest"
Last edited by Flubber; February 19, 2004 at 02:17.
February 19, 2004, 05:29
Local Time: 19:35
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Does it really have to end like this every time? 
Anyway, I have to admit I didn't really care that much how time-efficient the turnplay order was, or whether or not reloads were allowed. Partly I was testing just how far Enigma_Nova would go in bending the rules to his personal advantage (free rec tanks, allowing reloads, putting himself first in the turnplay order to get SotHB first, etc). Personally I don't really understand what's the fun in a game where due to one's initial position (and not one's gameplay skills) victory is almost assured, but I guess that's just my personal opinion.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
February 19, 2004, 07:19
Local Time: 03:35
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Posts: 2,988
Victory in this case is not so easily assured.
Despite my diplomatic ineptitude, you'd be surprised at my willingness to work with people voluntarily.
Heck, you could probably ally with me until near the end then stab me in the back and attain victory.
Flubber's decision to withdraw is noted. He can choose a person to play the University in his absence, until the reload stops, or simply surrender the faction.
shawnmmcc will like having the University of Planet under his control.
I was testing just how far Enigma_Nova would go in bending the rules to his personal advantage
I do that. If you plan to win, you should seek advantages.
You all could have talked me very easily into turning native life off.
I'd play as the Morganites in that instance.
BTW Walek, a little confusion about a replay from the start... turn was in this file. I expect Flubber will not play.
It seems that Fungus isn't the only thing I'm trolling.
There, two competant opponents disabled. Not in quite the manner that I had hoped, but a win is a win.
February 19, 2004, 10:17
Local Time: 11:35
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Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
Victory in this case is not so easily assured.
Actually it pretty much is .. . The gaians can reload-- I don't know 50 or 100 times to get worms each and every turn adding either ec or worms to your army. Then I assume you would exploit the waypoint bug to make them all demon boils. So you should have 10 elite worms and a bucket of cash.
These exploits are not clever and were disallowed for a reason. You are correct in that I have no interest in playing a game where the goal seems to be to use old well known cheats in the name of playing a new way.
As you say its your game-- play it your way
February 19, 2004, 12:21
Local Time: 11:35
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Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
I do that. If you plan to win, you should seek advantages.
I'm guessing that you are the type that would use a computer to assist yourself while playing online chess and then justify it as it would take cleverness or thinking outside the box to come up with this plan.
Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
There, two competant opponents disabled. Not in quite the manner that I had hoped, but a win is a win.
No win here-- The rules YOU made up, clearly stated that reloads were to be used for dealing with fungal pops . You justified reloads as an attempt to avoid the unbalancing effect of one player getting a pop as opposed to another.
I simply have no interest in bothering with a game where best play involves reloading multiple times until a worm appears so I can cash in some energy credits. With infinite reloads the only factions that make any sense are the green factions with their ability to garner a large worm army (support free) and more easily harvest the cash.
This strategy requires zero ingenuity-- its boring and tedious to have to reload constantly as a form of best play. I just couldn't be bothered. I don't assume that old rules are good but I do assume that all players should know the rules before the game starts.
As for psychology, Flubber is a persona-- I'm amused by people that think they can upset people on a chat site and even more amused by those that get upset. I have no hard feelings toward anyone . . . I just choose not to play this game
February 19, 2004, 12:24
Local Time: 11:35
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Re: Claustrophobia - Sign up
Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
The Reload bug is allowed for fungal pops before any faction is in striking range of any other faction.
JUST to state YOUR rule explicitly. Since I doubt anyone has eco-damage or a fungal pop yet there should be no reloads . Simple huh?
February 19, 2004, 13:11
Local Time: 18:35
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Location: Gorzow Wlkp.
Posts: 875
Heh my english is too bad to understand everything but if sombody wants use bugs in game i dont thisk this is a game.
I am not accept reloading and reloading and Enigma You don't write that You want play in that way.
Because of that i'm quit and You are the winer . heh
February 19, 2004, 19:23
Local Time: 03:35
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Posts: 2,988
Originally posted by Flubber
Actually it pretty much is .. . The gaians can reload-- I don't know 50 or 100 times to get worms each and every turn adding either ec or worms to your army.
Despite the fact that they do not spawn next to cities?
Then I assume you would exploit the waypoint bug to make them all demon boils.
Wrong. Get evidence before making such claims.
I'm guessing that you are the type that would use a computer to assist yourself while playing online chess and then justify it as it would take cleverness or thinking outside the box to come up with this plan.
That depends on whether I've agreed to play a computer-assisted game or not, Flubber.
You sure are presumptuous.
Trash Talk is used.
As for psychology, Flubber is a persona-- I'm amused by people that think they can upset people on a chat site and even more amused by those that get upset.
Looks like you're having fun then.
JUST to state YOUR rule explicitly.
Rule: Reloads before conflict.
Supporting idea: Fungal pops
Simple. I'm sure there are many other reasons to allow a reload.
Aside from the two aforementioned, can you think of any more?
Flubber, Maniac, Walek quit?
Now I await the messages of Queza and shawnmmcc, the missing player and the CMN.
Now, run along. I can see you'd prefer something more oldschool and politically correct. I shouldn't be playing with you old fogeys anyway!
My Trash Talk leads me to victory. Now I must go and talk my way through many other things.
From a genius, turned bitter at the world's stupidity, I must now say:
See ya!
February 20, 2004, 03:26
Local Time: 18:35
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March 3, 2004, 02:01
Local Time: 13:35
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Posts: 819
I didn't understand your reputation before, having caught various snide remarks. Now I do. I'll have to discover how to use the ignore feature, which I haven't bothered with up till now.
The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.
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