February 7, 2004, 20:59
Local Time: 12:38
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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2156 Is Here
I downloaded 2156 and took a look.
I am not the Turnplayer but will try to run a parallel turn to check some things out. (Primarily to see how weak I would be if I had to be Turnplayer)
So far I have accepted a Pact from Peace and accepted Industrial Base, Social Psych, Non-linear Mathematics, Progenitor Psych, Adaptive Economics, and the Peace World Map.
Initial Observations:
We now have a 6-1-12 Needlejet in Static University. [Thank you Drones]
We have a 1-1-12 Chopper in Vanderburg.
We can see a lot more of the World with the Peace map.
AOE (CyCon) built the Planetary Energy Grid in Zetaris.
AOE (Uni) is building a few Trance Scout Skirmishers but is still building a lot of non-military things.
Peace looks very weak. I am not sure they will last another 4 turns (or even 3 turns).
The time approaches for war. I suggest we break the Pact with AOE (CyCon) so they cannot see our preparations.
I will see how many military units we can produce this turn. It is my intent to have every base that is not committed to a multiyear project (like HongHu KongHu bio center) make a military or probe unit this year and another over the following two years.
Longreach and its neighboring Uni base are astride Boreholes which I would like us to get.
February 7, 2004, 23:20
Local Time: 12:38
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 1,103
Looking at the turn some more I have a few more thoughts.
NOTE: I am playing a simulated turn for planning purposes. This is not the real turn. The turnplayer may use this simulation to consider how to do the real production, but this is not the real turn.
It looks like Peace might be able to get its CP to us, If neither the CP nor the transport are destroyed (also if they can keep a city until it gets to us).
It looks like CyCon will not be able to do much to help out Uni for a while.
I have started to configure three of our western bases for drop (1-1-1) and two for (*-*-1) probes. I have configured most of the rest for 6-1-12 needlejets and 6-1-12 choppers.
My intent is to use the needlejets to isolate Longreach from any probes or conventional counterattacks.
I chose to use 1-1-1 drop infantry because they are cheap and I think we can keep the Uni from approaching the captured base with our airpower.
I chose the drop probes for the same reason.
I found that I could make:
3 Missile Needlejets
3 Missile Choppers
2 Drop probes (*-*-1)
1 Drop infantry (1-1-1)
Which will be available for use next turn.
To this we can add the one very green missile needlejet and one (1-1-12) chopper that are already made.
This firepower should be enough to launch an invasion on Uni in two turns. We can and will, of course add to the military as the turns go by.
We could make more aviation units if we are willing to use impact or laser ones. This would make it easier to make 2 drop infantry units or drop rover units instead.
I had 67 ECs left over and I rushed a few things like Recycling Tanks and a Rec Commons that did not cost that much.
To keep with the spirit of the game I conducted no attacks and did no exploring. The only units I moved were crawlers to rush units or emplace on a new source of resources.
Last edited by Mead; February 7, 2004 at 23:29.
February 8, 2004, 01:13
Local Time: 11:38
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: falling, once again
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Very well done Comrade Mead!  There are only two things I noticed that I may do differently. One is actually my fault. When Peace said that they are going to turn all their techs to us I didn't have time to think about it. We do not want IB, Social Psych and Nonliear Math. I believe these will not be needed in our future beeline (I need to double check this) and will increase our tech cost too much. We would need Progenitor Psych, Adaptive Economics I think. In other words, I would not accept their offer if we know that they can last at least 1 more turn.
The other things is that you rushed a rec commons which I don't think we need. We have VW so network nodes can serve as rec commons.
Other things looks very good. I'll wait till tomorrow to see if t-ras or anybody else has any other suggestions then I'll see if I can follow your steps.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
February 8, 2004, 06:29
Local Time: 19:38
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i cant d/l the turn from ACDG tracking thread (i get a blank page)
could soemone mail it to me?
"Some one told me former operators are not supposed to think much, that's good. I think that was the reason I took this job, ha, that and of course the fact the commissar said so." -t_ras: life through the former operators eye :)
February 8, 2004, 10:37
Local Time: 12:38
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Posts: 1,103
Originally posted by HongHu
Very well done Comrade Mead! There are only two things I noticed that I may do differently. One is actually my fault. When Peace said that they are going to turn all their techs to us I didn't have time to think about it. We do not want IB, Social Psych and Nonliear Math. I believe these will not be needed in our future beeline (I need to double check this) and will increase our tech cost too much. We would need Progenitor Psych, Adaptive Economics I think. In other words, I would not accept their offer if we know that they can last at least 1 more turn.
I think that they will last at least one turn more.
The other things is that you rushed a rec commons which I don't think we need. We have VW so network nodes can serve as rec commons.
I rushed the Rec Commons for Frankyburg which was rioting.
I chose the Rec Commons instead of the Net Node because the Rec Commons was cheaper and I want to get Frankburg producing military units starting next turn. If I did not rush it then perhaps we could rush another military unit this turn instead.
Also please note:
I could have a 1-2-2 speeder ready for use next turn in Vevtopia, if I rushed it, but doing that would leave us with only 7 ECs at the end of the turn. Is that too low?
If it is not too low (and we will not suffer damage as a result) then I would like to rush it.
February 8, 2004, 10:49
Local Time: 12:38
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Posts: 1,103
I made a mistake in rushing the recycling tanks at Dacopolis.
I rushed them, then [I think] used one of its crawlers (convoying 2 minerals) to rush a missile chopper in Rokossovkgrad, which means that the Recycling tanks will not finish this turn (and I cannot rush a second time in Dacopolis this turn).
If you avoid this mistake, and do everything else just as I did, you will have two fewer ECs.
If you chose not to rush the Rec tanks at all you will have enough ECs to easily rush the 1-2-2 speeder in Vevtopia, plus have another speeder (versus infantry drop unit ready for use next turn).
Because time is of the essense, I am leaning to getting two drop speeders this turn, and not rushing the Rec Tanks.
This is something we should consider over the next few hours.
February 8, 2004, 16:18
Local Time: 11:38
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Got you. I'll see perhaps I'll do a scout instead. Also my plan is not to rush everything the next turn. As long as we can get them before 2158 that should be according to plan? Haven't checked uni tech yet but if they have DAP next turn I would think they still can't get lots of air force up by the time of our attack?
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
February 8, 2004, 17:54
Local Time: 12:38
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Posts: 1,103
Originally posted by HongHu
Got you. I'll see perhaps I'll do a scout instead. Also my plan is not to rush everything the next turn. As long as we can get them before 2158 that should be according to plan? Haven't checked uni tech yet but if they have DAP next turn I would think they still can't get lots of air force up by the time of our attack?
Let's see:
If we rush them now then:
Units are available - move to within striking range of Longreach (Anvil of Man or Freedman's Park for the Needlejets) (Freedman's Park for the Drop Units and the Choppers).
Static University's Drop Crimson Guard Drops into Freedman's Park.
Zeropolis' Drop infantry (or speeder) drop adjacent to Freedman's Park and moves into Freedman's Park.
We move all the choppers and needlejets that can reach it into Freedman's Park. We move all the other ones than cannot make it that far into Anvil of Man.
Uni perhaps rushes (Uni has 6 ECs, CyCon has 209, Cycon would have to give Uni a lot of cash) the 1-1-2-trance skirmisher [I think they foolishly are more worried about worms than us] it is building in Longreach.
We launch two Needlejets out of Anvil of Man against Longreach and seal off the road and river. They attack and empty Longreach garrison. We launch one Needlejet (the very green 6-1-12 that we already have) out of Freedman's Park to recon the fungus west and south of Longreach. If it finds an enemy unit it will destroy it. If it finds more than one then we will launch chopper out of Freedman's Park to assist.
After Longreach is emptied we drop a military unit into it and occupy it.
What we do next depends upon how much AOE airpower is within range of Longreach, the armor class of the dropped unit, and the risk losses we want to accept.
If there is no AOE airpower within range then let the drop unit stay in Longreach, drop in the Probes, and land the Choppers there. If it looks like AOE has enough airpower within range to destroy our occupying forces (even with the Aerospace Center bonus) then move the drop infantry out of base and under the protection of one of the Needlejets outside the base.
If we can land everything into Longreach then it makes the invasion of Uni much quicker.
If we wait until next year to rush everything then AOE will have more time to rush reinforcement to Uni and build an air force. I have not yet run a simulation to see how a one-year delay would work. Let us know what you plan to do. I notice that waiting a year would allow us to make some better units, 1-3-1 speeders, which combined with the aerospace center and other bonuses, would be make them much more survivable plus quicker to invade.
One thing we could do, would be rush some, not all, of the units this turn (rush the ones primarily from bases towards the eastern portion of our empire so they can start their travel west and arrive at the invasion jump off points the same time as the western built units).
February 8, 2004, 18:13
Local Time: 11:38
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: falling, once again
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You are very right Comrade Mead. I was trying to do according to the plan. I do not want to open the war ourselves without Drones being with us if only for one turn. I have asked buster if they would want to go to war 1 turn early at CGN. If he agrees then I'll see what I can do in order to attack longreach by 2158. Looks to me pretty hard though.
I'm going to rush more the next turn though so that about everybody would be ready to travel by 2158, and be in place 2159. Drones will attack 2159. Then we are the next player and attack 2160. This way uni will not have time to react between the two of us.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
February 8, 2004, 20:37
Local Time: 17:38
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/me crosses his fingers and prays *
February 8, 2004, 20:45
Local Time: 17:38
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Oh, and can you e-mail it to j_maunders at yahoo.co.uk as usual please. I don't know why 'poly won't let me download from links anymore.
February 8, 2004, 21:01
Local Time: 12:38
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Originally posted by Jamski
Oh, and can you e-mail it to j_maunders at yahoo.co.uk as usual please. I don't know why 'poly won't let me download from links anymore.
Hong Hu
I cannot download either.
Please e-mail a copy to MeadsACDG1@cs.com
February 9, 2004, 05:22
Local Time: 17:38
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Thankyeee. Gottit.
February 10, 2004, 02:09
Local Time: 11:38
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Location: falling, once again
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Mead would you be able to upload your save now? Try the new upload service (check community forum). I'd like to look at your turn some time.
Also I would like to encourage anybody else who would like to do a turn to state and do so.
Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
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