I just quit the game... you should hear the story
we were three guys playing: jedi518, Gibsie and me
Gibsie led the Japanese, I had the Germans and jedi the Aztecs... Gibsie was kicked from the game and re-entered it - but not with the Japanese, he took the Russians! the Russians who happened to be my neighbours! he loaded an elephant on one of his triremes and attacked one of my inland coast cities... with an elephant he didn't even build himself!!! the city was defended with only 1 or 2 warriors, it was taken soon. unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to rush-buy a strong unit for a counter-attack on the elephant... but that's not the point. the russians wouldn't ever have attacked me on this way, the human player did. but it wasn't his civ nor his army nor his trireme. they all were built by the AI, he just selected the best civ to gain as much success as possible. unfair, definitely!
what is that a playing style for!! playing the first 3000 years, then take another civ which happens to be stringer and in range of another human player and sneak attack him! is that ususal! I left my inland cities weakly defended because I knew that the Russians wouldn't ever attack it (stupid AI, you know). I didn't have the time to prepare for a human neighbour, so the whole story stinks like rotten meat. jedi518 doesn't want to play with me anymore because I'd be a so-called
quitter.. if leaving an unfair game is considered unfair by you, then I don't WANT to play with you, man!!
and now jedi518 tells me that he doesn't care what I say about that story.. how fair and mature...
what should I do? should I have accepted the tyranny of someone who just changes his civ however he wants? I don't think so
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