February 19, 2004, 11:34
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the thing is, Jamski, that more people make it easier in a nonlinear fashion
because we always gang up on monsters to take them down
I mean, when 6 people are nailing you, even if you are even with the members of the group in levels, you are going to go down really fast
and so should be worth a lot less xp
Jon Miller
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February 19, 2004, 11:39
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are possible CRs these?
n ... 5 4 3 2 1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 1/8
so Encounter = CR of higthest +1 per additional monster of equal to highest or one less level + 1/2 per additional monster of 2-3 less levels + 1/3 per addional monster of 4-5 less levels +...
Jon Miller
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February 19, 2004, 11:40
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compare that to average party level +1 per member over 4 and than devide the result by number of party members
Jon Miller
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February 19, 2004, 11:45
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so we once fought a battle (earlier) with 2 humans (CRs of roughly 3, maybe 4), 2 halfelves (Similiar CRs), 4 orcs and 5 goblins
we had 3 members of level 5
so that would maybe be 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 versus 5 - 1
giving 10 (or 8 if my memory is bad) versus 4 (or 5)? that is really nice to us (one of us almost died BTW (because he got 2 crits against him by the two humans) and I lost half my HP)
Jon Miller
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February 19, 2004, 11:47
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I say that you should forget such precise calculations, and just let the GM decide roughly how much XP you have.
Also, I don't think that you should be able to level up in the middle of a session. The character should continue as though everything is normal, and will only be able to take advantage of the new powers once the party have rested. 
This way, the GM can control when characters level up better than telling them how many XP points they won in each battle/for solving each puzzle.
"When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
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February 19, 2004, 11:55
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we generally have the GM tell us what we have after every couple of gaming sessions
personally I think that XP shuold be given for roleplay rather than solving puzzles (because what about the low int people or what have you?) but that is just me
roleplay, quest, and monster killing
my group is inclined to give it for saying what the GM is thinking and making clever comments (As well as quest and monster killing)
we actually can't level up until we find someone to train us, which can be hard for some of us
Jon Millker
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February 19, 2004, 12:03
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Sorry about that: when I said solving puzzles I meant the whole cerebral part of the game, whether proper, in character roleplaying, or completing quests and challenges. The reason I think that the XP should be down to the discretion of the GM is exactly that you say: solving puzzles will obviously benefit the characters with higher intelligence, so they should get more XP for that sort of thing, fighters get more XP for battles and other character classes should be rewarded for class- or alignment- appropriate actions.
"When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
And I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys!"
February 19, 2004, 12:49
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added idea
take less than ones and add the CRs of them before any other part of the calculation is done
like 9 goblins would be 3 CR 1s or an EL of 3 (if they are the highest), a warg and 9 goblins would be an EL of 4 (rounding down)
hmm, maybe close should include 2 lower (I realised I misread you)
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
February 19, 2004, 13:09
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ok, retry
a warg (CR 3) and 9 goblins (1/3 each) would correspond to 3 + 1 x (1/3 * 3 * 3) = 6
9 goblins would be (1/3 * 9) = 3
4 humans (CR 4s) + 4 Orcs (CR 1/2s ?) + 6 Goblins (CR 1/3s) = 4 + 1 * 4 + 1/2 * (1/2 * 4 + 1/3 * 6) = 10
4 humans (CR 3s) + 4 Orcs (CRs 1/2 ?) + 6 Goblins (CR 1/3s) = 3 + 1 * 4 + 1 * (1/2 * 4 + 1/3 * 6) = 11
nope, that algorithim doesn't make sense
how about (CR of Highest) + (Number of highest if more than 1) + (Sum for all lower CRs) (number of monsters of given CR - 2 ^ (CR of highest - CR of monsters of given CR))
so like this
CRH = CR of highest
NCRH = number of CR of Highest
NCR = number of CR
so EL = CRH + (NCRH if NCRH>1) + Sum over CR (NCR - 2^(CRH-CR))
this is no longer me just trying to ask a simple question, this is me wasting time trying to make up an algorithim that makes sense
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
February 19, 2004, 14:28
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According to the faq, you should take the highest CR and add to it based on the difficulty of additional creatures. So
4 humans (CR 4s) + 4 Orcs (CR 1/2s ?) + 6 Goblins (CR 1/3s)
Highest CR is 4.
+4 for 4 of them (note this is not linear, 8 would only be +6).
The Orcs and goblins together barely make up a CR3 encounter so in total only add another +1
Final EL 9
9 goblins CR 1/3:
Its 4 1/3 goblins = EL1
so you effectively have just over two CR1 monsters. +2
Final EL 3
A warg (CR3) plus those 9 Goblins (Total EL3) is the same as two CR 3 monsters, therefore 3 + 2
Final EL 5.
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February 19, 2004, 15:15
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how about this
highest CR - 1
number of enemies of highest CR or 1 less
do standard CR addition on lower enemies (following this formula, so it is recursive) to see if there there are any added together that equal highest CR, throw away any remainders
so a warg + 4 goblins would only be an EL of 3 (unless 1 is close enough to 3 to count in which case it will be 4)
I have the dmg at home, so I can check a little later
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
February 19, 2004, 19:55
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I didn't realise anyone was actually that bothered to work it out. Get the GM to guess within about 200-300 EXP and you'll be fine.
February 19, 2004, 20:10
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I din't have anything better to do
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
February 19, 2004, 20:23
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Is your game like "on hold" for 24 hours while you work out the EXP
February 19, 2004, 20:42
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we only play once a week
we have only played 3 times
Jon Miller
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February 24, 2004, 16:59
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dnd always looked cool, but inever kniow anybody who plays it, so i never got to try it  . I used to have one of those character glossary books when i was a kid though, it is really good for an overactive imagination!
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February 25, 2004, 01:52
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another question
is all that a wizard can summon be fiendish and celestial things?
or can a wizard summon things like elementals and the like
Jon Miller
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February 25, 2004, 03:31
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I think there are separate spells to summon elementals.
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February 25, 2004, 05:51
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Yes - it depends upon what kind of wizard you've got.
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February 25, 2004, 08:24
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And spells to summon "creatures" and undead as well...
A wizard can summon most things.
February 25, 2004, 18:01
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this is just a general question
what two Spell School would you drop in order to specialize
Jon Milelr
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February 25, 2004, 18:02
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what feats would you take as a wizard?
JOn Miller
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February 25, 2004, 18:39
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I'd drop "Enchantment" (pah, charm spells) and "Erkentniss" (The school that has Identify in) but try and get a wand of Identify made.
As for feats, extend spell, maximise spell, empower spell are all nice. Elemental focus is good, still spell is handy. Wizards get loads of feats anyway. Take them all. You don't need the weapon feats. Take school specialisations Evokation and Necromancy and Spell penetration too.
February 25, 2004, 18:48
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divination can't be dropped as a standard cost, since spells in it are less important than spells in the other schools
so I can't drop that one
I was thinking I would drop necromancy
if you specialize (if I understand that right) than you have to drop two other schools completely (unless you specialize in divination in which case you only have to drop one other school), I don't want to do that twice (anyways you can only do it twice if you become a wizard of thay or an incantrix)
Jon Miller-
February 25, 2004, 18:57
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Oh. We've been playing wrong then.
Either DON'T specialise (be a sorc if you must have more spells) or specialise in "Divination" and drop the charm spells. They always make the save and you have to kill them anyway...
OR, don't be a powergamer like me, and drop Necromany and Evocation
February 25, 2004, 19:22
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I figure that I only need one set of attack spells
so Evocation it is (I like Fireball and Magic Missile, but maybe Necromancy is better?)
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
February 25, 2004, 19:31
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lower levels evocation difintiely seems better than necromancy
level 1
Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Chill Touch: One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
Ray of Enfeeblement: Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Str damage.
Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Floating Disk: Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lb./level.
Magic Missile: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
2 level
Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Command Undead: Undead creature obeys your commands.
False Life: Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stEnch
that makes those nearby sickened.
Scare: Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
Spectral Hand: Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.
Continual Flame M: Makes a permanent, heatless torch.
Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Flaming Sphere: Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Scorching Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).
Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Fireball: 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
Lightning Bolt: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
Tiny Hut: Creates shelter for ten creatures.
Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse.
Halt Undead: Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level.
Ray of Exhaustion: Ray makes subject exhausted.
Vampiric Touch: Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp.
these are from http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35
JOn Miller
Jon Miller-
February 25, 2004, 19:34
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I was joking.
I would NEVER drop evoc and necro. (because I am a powergamer, but you could role-play a non-bombarding wizard)
February 25, 2004, 19:36
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Oh, and those low-level "scare" spells are GREAT. Goblins and Kobolds flee in terror
Isn't "Skull Trap" a 3rd level necro spell? That's better than Fireball.
February 25, 2004, 19:48
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I can see that Necro is good (As is Enchantment)
I just think that it is good to have some Envoc arround if Dam needs to be dealt
so I guess I am trying to decide which of these three to drop
enchantment, necromancy, illusion
trans, evoc, and conjur I am all pretty sure that I want to keep
abjur is crucial, and div I can't drop (Besides it is useful)
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
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