February 28, 2004, 22:16
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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The Superpower
Game Specs:
C3C 1.15
Standard - Pangea 60% Water
Warm and Temperate. 4 billion years.
Chapter 1- The Disaster
The French emissary bent his upper body slightly as he bowed his head in a courtly show of respect. The man sitting on the low table in front of him, the divine descendant of the Sun God, was not impressed with the gesture. Nor did it impress the man who sat beside him.
“Veuillez nous aider” (Please Help us)
“Our cities lay helpless to the combined armies of Tenochtitlan and their subjugated civilizations.”
This emotional plea was followed by silence. The rows of well-dressed officials, with their elaborate headdresses sat motionless beside the divine emperor, waiting for someone to break the silence. The emperor did not speak and sat in silent contemplation. The French thought they saw it. The answer would be in their favour, and their brief elation showed as the ambassador leaned back from his “Seiza [say-za]” position – (A proper sitting position. Kneeling sitting on both calves.)
The man beside the emperor turned slightly and whispered into the emperor’s ear. The emperor nodded, stood up and followed by his entourage of courtiers he left the room.
Stunned by the move, the French delegation followed the procession out through the main doorway with their eyes as it turned around a rectangular rockgarden courtyard and disappeared into labyrinthine walls of the castle.
 (It is understood)
“I am sorry the Japanese people is in no position to help the French. The power Montezuma posses is beyond our combined armies. Our borders are weakly defended. We can only watch Montezuma’s parade and tolerate their blatant violation of our territorial rights on their way to France. The Viking barbarians threaten on the western borders. Our armies are stretched thin.”
“This will be the end of us all…” The French ambassador said in a sullen, dejected voice. “Our country is being dismantled and you stand idly by. France and Japan have known peace since the beginning of time. We have stood by the terms of the Paris Treaty of 2 AD. Our forces have never crossed the Nagoya boundary. We have never sent our poor and our sick in your direction. Why is it…”
“I understand…” The man forced the words with a hint of irritation.
“Please… There are no more matters to discuss. The emperor must decline your request. I wish you a safe journey back to Paris. ”
With that, the French delegation stood up, gave the half bows the Japanese found to be lacking in respect, and left the palace.
“France will fall,” a voice from behind the shadows of the chamber whispered. “From its ashes Motezuma’s armies will conquer the continent from sea to sea, like a dark cloud casting a shadow on all of us. The Carthaginians, the Indians, The Vikings and the Empire of Japan.
Last edited by dexters; February 28, 2004 at 22:31.
February 28, 2004, 22:26
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
Posts: 2,140
Interesting, very interesting.
I want very much to see more.
February 28, 2004, 22:29
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 1,141
Chapter 2- World History
Dismissing the remaining officials, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Shogun (military ruler) of all of Japan sat on the emperor’s seat and gestured to his shadowy guests
“Ambassador, please, there is no need to hide any longer”
With a slight hint of glee, the Indian ambassador and his entourage emerged from a side room tucked behind the receiving chamber.
“Hai, doozo” Tokugawa showed his new guests to the now empty mats the French had occupied.
“Let us discuss this new threat rising from the west…”
“Ahh, Toku-san,” the Indian ambassador interjected. “It is not rising, but risen. It is not a threat, but a disaster. It devours everything in its path. It had badly mauled Carthage, bitten a chunk off of the Vikings, absorbed the Zululanders and now, it swallows France whole. Like a snake having its dinner. From Tenochtitlan, Montezuma plot our doom.”
Tokugawa nodded, irritated at his guest. “Well then, how shall we deal with this disaster?”
“Tell me this first, Toku-san, how did we get ourselves in this position?”
“Japan, France and India, always had an interesting relationship. We were satisfied with our position on this continent and with the Nagoya boundary to the north with France, the Delhi line to the east. Japan looked south to extend our influence”
“Toku-san, let’s put it more bluntly. You went to war with Spain. Barcelona, Pamplona, Salamanca and Murcia were spoils from Japan’s first imperial adventure,” the ambassador chided his host. “You benefited greatly when the Hanging Gardens of Barcelona fell under your control.”
Caption: French forces mass outside Hyderabad
“Japan did what was required for to keep our position as a top tier power. Our growing civilization needed to keep our populous happy. Japan is poor in luxuries, and Spain had them. Further more, Spain had the Hanging Gardens. A wonders for all the ages.” He paused, and added “Mr. Ambassador shall I remind you we rode to your aide when France declared war against your civilization at the height of their power. Your northern city of Hyderabad had drawn unwanted French attention as they sought to expand south. The Nagoya boundary had limited their choices to the strip of coastal land which India claimed for the Hyderbad settlement.”
“Ahhh… that is all well and good, but your government is known to be a keen manipulator,” the ambassador smiled wryly. “They used the Hyderabad incident to fight France by proxy. It was quite clear to us the growing power of France had unnerved Japan. Your drive south into Spain had stalled at Barcelona. Madrid, the jeweled capital of Spain, was out of your reach. Japan had captured gems from the mountains of Espana, but the wines of Toledo you sought had eluded your emperor. Japan’s conquest of Spain was incomplete. The northern border was precariously defended. Your government sought to increase its security and curry favor with both sides by playing the matchmaker. We send our War elephants against the vaunted armored French knights. To even things out against the sheer numbers the French possessed, we were granted the a right to pass through your lands unhindered, allowing our troops to strike the French where they were at their weakest, crossing neutral Japanese territory.”
Caption: French Forces move south to meet the Indians outside Nagasaki
“We enjoyed the battles on our territory,” Tokugawa chuckled. “And the French didn’t suspect a thing. They are our friends to the very end.”
The ambassador’s mood darkened. Sipping his tea, he gestured towards his aides to bring a small piece of paper. “…and I hope this friendship which you and your government professes towards us is real,” placing the piece of paper on the table the ambassador pushed it towards the Shogun.
“This is the map isn’t it?” Tokugawa asked rhetorically.
“How things have changed Mr. Ambassador,” the Shogun commented as he looked at the ancient map of the known world with a mixture of bemusement and yearning for a simpler time.
“ I can assure you that our friendship with India is real and genuine. India has been a remarkable partner to the empire since antiquity. I remember reading how early Indian settlers had never once interfered with Japanese settlements. Both our kingdoms had evolved alone, yet together, without bloodshed, with an implicit harmony between our borders.”
Ignoring his host’s words of praise, the ambassador pointed at the map. “And the west? It is undiscovered and unexplored. Why did Japan not entertain the idea of expanding west? Perhaps the Aztecs could have been contained.”
to be continued...
Last edited by dexters; February 29, 2004 at 01:46.
February 28, 2004, 22:41
Local Time: 12:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 5,725
Good start there, dexters.  This has the makings of an epic.
February 28, 2004, 22:51
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 1,141
“Japan, as I said, had no interest in the west. We were content with our position. We had only heard rumors of Aztec power. Travelers and traders brought word about the magnificence of Tenochtitlan, the grand armies that paraded through its avenues. But we the Japanese felt that they were far away. The Vikings, the Carthaginians or the Zulus would deal with them. We did not want to bother ourselves with expansion beyond what was mandated to us by the emperor.”
“That mandate was to destroy Spain?”
“We wanted extended our influence south. Spain was a weak power ripe for the picking. If we did not do it, the Vikings or the Aztecs might. Furthermore, Isabella wrote her own death warrant by declaring war on the Vikings, The French and your kingdom after their defeat at our hands. However, this situation did not help us. The Vikings took most of the remaining Spanish cities…”
“…and we took Toledo and its wines, which was sought by Japan."
The two men laughed together. "Yes India did take and hold Toledo, and it stands at the doorstep of Viking ambition.. to control old Spain." Looking at the map, the Shogun directed his attention at the Viking homeland.
“The Viking war was unprovoked on the Viking’s part. There had been some discussions about possibly claiming the Spanish cities from the Vikings and some preparations were made. Our Samurai army under General Kataro was shifted to the south. However, Viking power was real and we didn’t feel the risk was worth it, nor did we think the Barbarians would risk a war with us. The attack caught us completely off guard. We lost a good many samurais that day.”
“And India joined your side in a military pact.”
“For that we are grateful. The Vikings took Toledo and we liberated it under our flag and drank the wine,” the Shogun answered, enticing a chuckle from his partner.
“Several of our Spanish cities stood on the brink of collapse. Had it not been for the timely arrival of your war elephants, it would have been a different outcome...”
“Mr. Ambassador, aren’t we suppose to be discussing the implications of Montezuma’s latest move?” Tokugawa asked.
“Yes of course. But we must understand the past before we can discuss what to do in the future. A man who doesn’t know his past is a man who is lost. Montezuma is unlike us. He seeks total power more than anything, and he will get it if we do nothing.”
“I must make a proposal dear friend. Japan stands ready to defend India’s place in the world if India stands ready to accept Japan’s foreign policy.”
“We shall become your vassals?” the ambassador queried.
“Your kingdom can offer us technologies and advancements, we can do the same, as well as send coal, a resource you need for your fledgling railway system. However, Japan is the stronger and the bigger power. Enemies are at our borders, not at yours. We risk attack from all quarters everyday”
“I don’t know what to say. India sees herself as a partner, not a vassal in this relationship,” the ambassador responded meekly.
“Between friends, I must confide in you that this is the simple realities of a partnership with unequal partners. Japan is on the frontlines, we need to know if you can count on your kingdom for support. With the fall of France, our list of friends grow thin.”
“You mean we are either with you or against you?”
“Dear ambassador, please don’t beat around the bush. I would appreciate an honest answer from an old friend.”
As the ambassador contemplated his decision, General Takeda burst into the room.
“War! Viking troop movements. They seek to cut us off at Matsuyama.”
“If Matsuyama falls, we lose our supply of saltpeter,” the Shogun replied with dread in his face.
“General, I require city reports. We need to prepare our cavalry divisions now. Before our saltpeter supplies are cut.”
The general acknowledged the request and left the chamber.
For a brief moment, the two men stood where they had sat in silence. Bursts of gunfire could be heard coming from the city barracks. “The troops are being readied for war,” the Shogun thought to himself. “The Vikings seek out demise and they will stop at nothing. And all this at a time when a rising tide of darkness cover the land. Montezuma’s armies dominate the north and west….”
“Tokugawa-san,” the ambassador interrupted the Shogun’s thoughts
“Let us prepare for the Viking invasion. India stands ready to defend Japanese soil. I shall send word to our army to prepare for war.” With that the ambassador motioned to his staff to begin packing for the trip back to Delhi.
As the ambassador reached the chamber door, the Shogun called out. “Gandhi-san, you agree to my terms for this new partnership?”
Gandhi paused in midstep, cocked his head to the side and smiled. “I agree to India’s survival.”
Last edited by dexters; February 29, 2004 at 18:51.
February 28, 2004, 23:09
Local Time: 18:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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fascinating, keep it coming
February 28, 2004, 23:17
Local Time: 12:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
Woah. Great rate of flow of incoming goods there. 
February 29, 2004, 03:54
Local Time: 19:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Staffordshire England
Posts: 8,321
Great stuff, its good to see you write again. Very well written and thought out, the diplomacy is superb, something that civ3 falls down on a little.
Cant wait for more
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
February 29, 2004, 18:46
Local Time: 18:33
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Posts: 1,141
Thank you all for the kind comments.
Chrisius, I'm happy to know that you remember me  I'll try my best with this story.
FYI, I have a major paper due in a little over a week so I don't know how much work I can do for this story. I would greatly appreciate patience.
Again, thank you all for the kind comments.
Doomo Arigatou Gozaimasu
P.S. I joined the writing guild  my first civ group! :P
February 29, 2004, 19:57
Local Time: 12:33
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March 8, 2004, 02:14
Local Time: 03:33
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yeah that is great
thank you
March 9, 2004, 21:04
Local Time: 10:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Mars
Posts: 180
Very good. I look forward to the next installment.  (if there is one)
If I only had a brain...
Last edited by Nylan-Nolan; March 12, 2004 at 20:16.
March 10, 2004, 07:50
Local Time: 03:33
Local Date: November 3, 2010
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Location: Love me tender. Love me sweet.
Posts: 839
 This is a real Qtippydippy story.
dexters, did you ever read my Royal Service story? You are one of the main characters in it, best friends with chrisius as honorable english generals. I'm going to update it soon once I get through my current project.
March 12, 2004, 20:17
Local Time: 10:33
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Posts: 180
Originally posted by Nylan-Nolan
Very good. I look forward to the next installment. (if there is one)
If there is one.
If I only had a brain...
March 12, 2004, 20:20
Local Time: 10:33
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Mars
Posts: 180
Wait...what's going on? It said that it couldn't edit my post even though it did...and now I can't edit it. Sorry about the redundancy. I have to figure this out.
If I only had a brain...
March 31, 2004, 01:37
Local Time: 03:33
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you have not been forgotten Dexters
hope your paper went well
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