We also need to focus on infiltrating and stealing tec from Buster, he likly had PolySoft and Optical Computers, 2 tecs on his way to Fusion. If thouse are taken our options will open up considerably.
It seems we will have to abandon for the imediate present the plans to move towards the Cloning Vats if we are in a war situation. SuperString is very far away for Uni right now, we would need Doc Loyalty, Int Int and Cyber Ethics before we can start on it. Further more gaining an attack power of 8 vs our current 6 would be of little significance considering we will be attacked mostly with unarmored Aircraft.
I would sugjest we focus on Advanced Military Algorithms so we can get AAA, this will give us AAA Plasma Garrison defending at 6 vs Air attacks bringing us to partity with the Drones missle units. In a Base with AiroPlex we will be defending at 9 (not to mention the sensor bonuses) making us quite a hard nut to crack.Another good goal would be Silk Steel to further bost defences.
Further more the Pre-Requisites for these tecs are PolySoft, Optical Computers and Adaptive Doctorine. Two of these we will have a good chance to steal from the Drones if they start taking bases. Even if Buster dose a perfect job of killing our Librarians we still have the Cycon transport moving north, if Uni bases have fallen by the time it reaches that area it can easily slip in on the Drones Flank and Probe Rape them silly. We can then transmit PolySoft to Uni and Tec switch to something better.
I will check the Uni turn as soon as we get it from the Hive and see what our options are, you could try using the tec picker to see whats next. Overall I think we need to put more though and effort into tec picking, admitedly this would be my job but I have been preocupied with many things. I would like to see many of our semi active Cyborgs start to do some more hard calculation and sugjesting rather then passivly thumbs up or thumbs down the ideas of their leadership.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche