For those who have not read the news yet, check out
this thread.
Despite this being a game made up of different teams, each with their own leadership, aims and values, could it be a good idea to have such a person? Maybe Googlie would be best, as neutral game Administrator.
There may not be all that much to say on behalf of all game participants, but recently in the thread on recruiting for our game (that laur just kindly reminded me of with a bump) the question was raised about advertising ourselves a bit. Perhaps we could do this every now and again - ask each team for a little blurb on their triumphs, and include it with a quick description of each faction aiming to get more members overall. Even if the 'Minister' with the news powers can not post news to the main news locations, they could be responsible for submitting such news to the Admins or News Editors.
Whaddaya say?