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Old March 5, 2004, 05:30   #1
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Editor Options I see as necessary for scenario creation; seems possible with a patch
I don't know if this got posted, but IE isn't particularly great...

Well, here are my recommendations for a patch in the editor:

Any possibility to an events.txt file? No...well...too bad...but that would be the first request.

Removal the current corruption name model, completely, and have the ability to enter specific percentages into the editor. That way a government can exist with no corruption, or heavier corruption; right now we're limited to how much corruption we want to a few choices; I think this should be replaced with a (very large) number setting, and the current names simply correspond to a value-IE 0 no corruption, 10 minimal, 20 Nuisance, etc.

Furthermore, a different choice for communal corruption. Suppose I want a communal corruption model with extremely low corruption? Communal should be therefore a separate choice altogether: My editor corruption model would be as follows:

Corruption Style: Communial/Distance

Select on scale amount of corruption (x-y).

Basically, this would allow us to really tweak the governments we place in the scenarioes we are going to create, as we will not be limited in our choices for corruption anymore.

I would prefer some availibility of an events; since there could only be one city of a sort on a map, in a scenario, a No-Rename for ANY UNIT and/or City would be nice, so if a specific unit or city falls, a technology is given and so forth. I don't know if Civ III is designed, however to do this...

I would also like for the ability to place OTHER NATIONALITIES in cities. This would create problems with a Fascist government at the start of a scenario especially, as well as the possibility of starting a scenario in resistance, and not being able to draft some citizens into the armies, different workers, stop the aggression against our mouther country stuff...also how many citizens have (before the scenario starts) been drafted or rushed, to give the city more disorder than normal.

A way of capturing culture-producing buildings would be a nice option to have in the editor-flag on or flag off...

A way of capturing culture-producing wonders should arguably be there too. Take the Temple Mount. It was built by Jews, but it influences Arab culture and was controlled for Arabs by a good chunk of the last 2000 years; if it were a game of civilization...furthermore, some cultures could coexist and be transferred; for instance, converted mosques and churches from Roman buildings exist throughout history and without a doubt produce culture.

An option for an editor to adjust culture with advances-because some values go up or down with time...

A blitz modifier-I have a unit I want to only fire twice per turn but moves three spaces per turn...I have to make a choice-blitz or no blitz, overpower or underpower-this would mean an overhaul of properties, since now an attacking amount quantity would be needed (And since most units can't blitz, it'd be one...).

Give all wonder abilities to all improvements as an option; let's say I want a specific unit to be only built in cities I have a specific improvement? Currently, this is only the army...but let's say I want a city improvement as the option to build an army? Or how about improvements to require a victorious army?

Maybe we want to place more caps on city growth? Maybe we might want a level four and five improvements?

Change in the way stealth works, or strategic bombing-if there is no unit capable of placing opposition to an airstrike, then you should be able to pick what you want to destroy...or at least this option in the editor-for instance, a city with only with only warriors facing an airstrike should, since the warriors can nor really defend the buildings, the enemy should be able to strike at will...with this you could develop a sabotage unit similar to the Civ 2 spy.

Perhaps I want a scenario with a covert type unit that can use enemy infrastructure, or limit it to only use roads in enemy territory or go all out-can use roads and railroads; that way your borders would be defined as the territory you control, true, but suppose you didn't want a scenario with clear borders? Well, a flag "Can Use Enemy Roads" and "Can Use Enemy Railroads" would be nice...

A option change to road improvements-for instance-improvement 1, move 1/3...improvement 2, move 1/6, 3 move 1/9, etc...with a cap at 0 such as railroad...a more realistic scenario could be created, as moving a tank from the eastern to western front would be faster on certain roads than others, but you can't move a tank and attack all in the same turn because it still, even with improvements takes time...

Let's say you want a fixed territory boundry per political holding? A custom city boundry...and disputed zones fall outside the boundry unless the disputed territory is no longer disputed due to military conquest...culture might make this hard, so in such scenarios, I guess culture would not be allowed to be build or held...

And the ability for civ 2 style movement would be nice, because that could make invasions slower if units only had 1/3rd strength, etc...
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Old March 5, 2004, 13:15   #2
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I would love these. I just add a few more. First, the ability to make improvements change the value of territories in more than one resource. That is, if I want roads to increase production and commerce, then I should be able to. To be honest, I would just like more control over the tile improvements. If I want to make an improved farm only available with engineering, and another with ecology (or something...) then that should be my prerogitive.

Second, the ability to make civil engineer-like-specialists make units. Really, that choice should be up to me. I wanted to make a scenario that emphasized specialists over laborers. I could have gotten around the lack of tile-improvement choice, but the inability of specialists to effectively produce military units basically nerfed that. I suppose I could have made it rely on conscription and cash buying, but then I would have needed to change a lot more than I really wanted to.

(BTW, who else thinks it would be cool to see a rules-set that made urban specialists the main productive force; the laborers would give mainly food [of course in vast quantities] while the specialists churned out the vast majority of cash, science, and production? Of course, the AI couldn't handle it, but do you think it would be a good MP change. Changes the character of gameplay and the winning strategies greatly without breaking the basic rules...)
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Old March 5, 2004, 14:32   #3
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Re: Editor Options I see as necessary for scenario creation; seems possible with a pa
Originally posted by Jarred

Furthermore, a different choice for communal corruption. Suppose I want a communal corruption model with extremely low corruption?
I totally agree with you there. It would be nice if there were two main choices, Centralized and Communal, then selectors for the varying degrees of each type. We could do alot more with governments if we had that option.

A way of capturing culture-producing buildings would be a nice option to have in the editor-flag on or flag off...
That can be done now in Scenario Properties, with Conquests. However if you select it, the cultural boundaries remain intact as well, not just the buildings that produce it.

Give all wonder abilities to all improvements as an option; let's say I want a specific unit to be only built in cities I have a specific improvement?
You can sort of do that now. Any improvement can be flagged to produce a specific type of unit after so many turns.
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Old March 5, 2004, 14:41   #4
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One thing that I came up with last night, I'd like to see an extra flag on the Terrains screen that allowed me to set a terrain type as Impassible to Foot units, not just Wheeled.

I'd also like to have the option not allowing certain improvements to be built unless a city had reached a certain size. So for instance, no University in Towns, only Cities, or larger. And I'd also like to have an improvement replaced by another, much like the current flag for the Power Plants only more specific. For instance, I have a Mill available with Engineering. I would like to be able to have that replaced with a Factory when I reached Industrialization.
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Old March 5, 2004, 15:36   #5
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You may want to slap these in to the civ4 thread as I do not forsee much coming in a patch.
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Old March 5, 2004, 18:33   #6
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I asked for a few of these at least two years ago. Still waiting...
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Old March 6, 2004, 11:58   #7
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Re: Editor Options I see as necessary for scenario creation; seems possible with a pa
Originally posted by Jarred
Any possibility to an events.txt file? No...well...too bad...but that would be the first request.
an events.txt can get implemented by players. it would require civ3 to have autosave on, and an external app monitoring the saves. when conditions are met, the app would 'pop up' and modify the save game, then the player would have to reload.

it's a cheap hack, and certainly not as graceful as a civ3 events engine, although it would work. Myself I wouldn't mind the alt-tabbing to have something like that work.
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Old March 12, 2004, 17:36   #8
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Well, do you know if there are current any editor creation projects that I could be on a team for? I've given up on Firaxis. I was hoping their patch would do something, but no...
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Old March 12, 2004, 17:50   #9
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One thing I would like: to be able to load units onto naval transportation once they are at sea to start some scenarios in mid invasion. The WWII Pacific conquest starts this way, so I assume the editor can be modified to give this ability.

(I have not tried to place bombers on carriers already deployed, or units in helos, so I am not certain if that can be done or not).
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Old March 13, 2004, 00:07   #10
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I'd like to see the SGL's Science Age effect as a Wonder Effects option.
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