March 9, 2004, 17:58
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Yes for CMN
March 9, 2004, 18:07
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People paid a lot of money for me one year before this subject, so I´m changing my mind and now my vote is YES!
3.7th player:
Cosmic - $ YES $
binTravkin - Yes, if one shows up soon
DataAeolus - Yes if he doesn't mind 6 facs ganging up on him
Shawnmcc - No
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - Yes, or 6 facs+no AI
So I think we locked this also eh? If someone wants to be the seventh guest, take your seat too!
Now that we talked about it, since we will solve ALL problems using diplomacy, bribe is perfect usable. Sirs, bring your suitcases!
March 9, 2004, 18:17
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Poll table edited..
Mart7x5 and Makahlua, we need you votes!
Chaunk youre in! 
Your votes welcome too!
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
March 9, 2004, 18:59
Local Time: 18:49
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Cool-age  Votes below.
1.Pacts allowed:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - Yes
DataAeolus - No
Shawnmcc - No
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
Chaunk - I presumed this meant with other teams, in which case, Yes. Otherwise, the empath Guild is hopelessly overpowered with no probing allowed
2.Angels in:
Cosmic - No
binTravkin - Yes
DataAeolus - Yes
Shawnmcc - Yes
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
Chaunk - If someone wants them
2a.The Planetary Datalinks:
Cosmic - N/A
binTravkin - Any Fac/PKs if we're 7
DataAeolus - Any Fac
Shawnmcc - Angels (? have I understood you Shawn?)
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
Chaunk - no particullar preference. If we have it in, it may make some people change their beelines for it, which might mean they miss other more important techs. It's six to one, half a dozen to the other.
3. N/A
4.Do we need a CMN?:
Cosmic - ?
binTravkin - Yes, I changed my mind
DataAeolus - Yes
Shawnmcc - Yes
Makahlua - ?
Mart7x5 - ?
Chaunk - Yes
March 9, 2004, 19:39
Local Time: 15:49
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Do you guys think a random map is too bad?
And how about the size? I think Normal is fine. We will play in transcend level.
March 9, 2004, 19:56
Local Time: 20:49
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1.Pacts allowed with rival teams:
Yes - this will make game a bit more interesting, but will dilute initial idea of teams
2.Angels in:
Yes - give them a chance...
2a.The Planetary Datalinks:
no opinion, as Cosmic decides
3.7th player:
Mart7x5 - Yes, or 6 facs+no AI
3a.Any AI in-game?:
Mart7x5 - No
4.Do we need a CMN?:
let there be a CMN - i rarely see good maps computer generated
March 9, 2004, 19:57
Local Time: 20:49
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map size, maybe large, or anything between
March 9, 2004, 20:07
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1.Pacts allowed with rival teams: Yes
2.Angels in: Yes! 
2a.The Planetary Datalinks: any team other than the Angels, perhaps?
3.7th player: Why not? 
3a.Any AI in-game? Guess we don't need one now 
4.Do we need a CMN? Absolutely, I'd say - we -need- a created map because too often the computer does crappy ones (esp if you guys want a smaller size) -and- because a CMN can give us balanced starts.
Looks like I'll be playing the Angels since I keep fighting for them ^^ A question though - does Pacted infiltration count for techshare, or only probed infiltration? (Because if not, that knocks them out of the running, and I'd be going Gaian.)
Sorry for not responding sooner, I was AFK all day! And I'm a she BTW
Something else to think about - yea or nay to the Empath Guild? It was disabled in the AC Demo Game for the fact that having that info on all faction for a human was -too- overpowering. IIRC, Googlie assigned it buit to the native life group to get it out of the way.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Last edited by Makahlua; March 9, 2004 at 20:28.
March 9, 2004, 21:00
Local Time: 15:49
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The Empathy Guild?? Good question.
PEOPLE, LETS GO THE PLANETARY COUNCIL AGAIN!! (I dont know if you perceived, but we already start playing
Yes, I think this Special Project will empower too much any single faction and its team. So my opinion is that we just ignore it.
And about the map, does anyone here have experience in design? HAVE YOU RESEARCHED THE NEEDED TECH??? I can try, but I´m not good doing this.
Hey Maka, you can play with the Angels, no prob. Do as you wish, my lady!
March 10, 2004, 01:57
Local Time: 14:49
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Why not leave the Empathy Guild in? It means that there is an alternative to the planetary council if you want the infiltration, and it means you have to make hard choices as to which techs/SP's you want. After all, now it's not the just the Human Genome Project, Weather Paradigm, Virtual Word and the Planetary Transit System, with the Merchant Exchange as the afterthought. Adding the Empathy Guild means that there is one more SP for somebody to grab, and that you had better priortize them clearly, especially if we permit no probing at all. The standard opeing of a beeline to Industrial Economics could cause you to lose out on Centauri Empathy. Just a thought.
The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.
March 10, 2004, 03:50
Local Time: 21:49
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So here are the results of poll:
1. Pacts allowed: Yes (4/3)
2. Angels in: Yes (6/1)
2.a The Planetary Datalinks: Any (4-any/2-N/A/1-abstain)
3. 7th Player: Yes (5/1/1)
3. a AI in game: No (7/0)
4. Do we need a CMN?: Yes (6/1)
5. The Empath Guild: Yes (4y/1n/2abst)
6. Mapsize: Large (all agreed to it, some disagree with huge)
--voting is over
Makahlua, techshare is a global setting and works for even non-spotted facs, and it should not be changed!
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Last edited by binTravkin; March 11, 2004 at 15:07.
March 10, 2004, 04:05
Local Time: 21:49
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Teams ready!
Teams chosen & ready to go!
Team 1:
Pirates - Cosmic
Angels - Makahlua
Team 2:
University Of Planet - Shawnmcc
Free Drones - Mart7x5
Team 3:
Morgan - binTravkin
Believers - DataAeolus
Team 4:
Peacekeeping Forces - Chunk
If this type of game will become popular, then in our 2nd game maybe we should make a team of 3 players(while having only 2 in others) which consists only of Low-Tech facs: Hive,Believers,Cha Dawn
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Last edited by binTravkin; March 10, 2004 at 23:14.
March 10, 2004, 11:57
Local Time: 18:49
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Mapsize: Large/Huge. Preferably huge i think.
EG: Yes.
I'll take the PK's as "Team" 4, unless one of you six wants them instead.
Please note, the solo team doesn't stand much chance, so please don't try and push me off the PK's... thanks!
March 10, 2004, 12:58
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Bigger the map, the better.
Empath - why not.
Fac - I already asked for either believers or the cult. If someone want one, I'll take the other one.
March 10, 2004, 14:22
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I will play Drones in team with University, already discussed that with Shawn
March 10, 2004, 16:53
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Now, DataAeolus and Makahlua please take your seats!
Then, lets solve the map problem and the game will begin (we´ll start a new thread for turns).
I´ll try to design a map today.
March 10, 2004, 17:44
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Nono Cosmic!
Didnt you know that a player may never be a map designer at the same time, because it gives him some valuable advantages!
Let there be a CMN and he will make a map for us!
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
March 10, 2004, 17:56
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Also - DataAeolus should reconsider about fac: I can take you in my team as Bel/Cha, but then 1st team will be a bit disbalanced..
Maybe tecshare will make up the difference, because we will definitely be researching similar tech tree!
If Makahlua agrees, then 3rd group has DataAeolus and me, 1st group - Cosmic and Makahlua
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
March 10, 2004, 18:00
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This will be quite balanced: if 2teams have a tech, 1st has it too!
CMN should give xtras to 4th "team" (all units doubled)
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
March 10, 2004, 18:58
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Hi Trav,
Yeah, I know that a player cant be the designer, but since we dont have choices (everyone voted for CMN), what can be done?
The only thing we need is a map with three continents, and thats all.
March 10, 2004, 21:35
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Sounds good to me BT
Map size? Normal at least or large. huge might be -too- big.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
March 10, 2004, 23:06
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You can ask someone to do it for you Cosmic
For example Lazerus, Darsnan, Googlie etc.
But better pm Mart or Shawn and ask if they can find CMN - they have lots of buddies here!
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
March 11, 2004, 12:02
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I don't think I qualify for "lot of buddies", but I try to contribute and be polite. I've just started CMNing for two reasons, first I enjoy designing games, and second so I can ask people who play to help out  . On that note, I have the scenario for a different group, and one of them IS a CMN.
The worst form of insubordination is being right - Keith D., marine veteran. A dictator will starve to the last civilian - self-quoted
And on the eigth day, God realized it was Monday, and created caffeine. And behold, it was very good. - self-quoted
Klaatu: I'm impatient with stupidity. My people have learned to live without it.
Mr. Harley: I'm afraid my people haven't. I'm very sorry… I wish it were otherwise.
March 11, 2004, 12:36
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Originally posted by binTravkin
Also - DataAeolus should reconsider about fac: I can take you in my team as Bel/Cha, but then 1st team will be a bit disbalanced..
Maybe tecshare will make up the difference, because we will definitely be researching similar tech tree!
If Makahlua agrees, then 3rd group has DataAeolus and me, 1st group - Cosmic and Makahlua
binT, do you have any recommendation? I'm flexible actually. The reason I brought up believers and cults is because I haven't played the cult yet and the believers - I figured it'd be a nice military arm of the pact team I'm part of since all factions already taken seem more suited for research/energy building. It seems that with the Cult, I could raise a huge native army so that's one other reason I brought it up. I'm already playing Gaians in other game (with you!  ) so I prefer something different.
March 11, 2004, 13:36
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Originally posted by DataAeolus
binT, do you have any recommendation? I'm flexible actually. The reason I brought up believers and cults is because I haven't played the cult yet and the believers - I figured it'd be a nice military arm of the pact team I'm part of since all factions already taken seem more suited for research/energy building. It seems that with the Cult, I could raise a huge native army so that's one other reason I brought it up. I'm already playing Gaians in other game (with you! ) so I prefer something different.
But is this not a pure builder race, no army and no probing, just diplomacy? Thats how I understood in anyway.
In which case, I would urge you to go for the believers, since +2 support is very useful whereas -2 economy is cripling for the cult.
I'll send out some PM's re: a CMN shortly.
March 11, 2004, 15:05
Local Time: 21:49
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Yes, DataAeolus take Believers and you will still get a chance to build something - you just try pushing on economy not research e.g. building energy banks not NetNodes
We will make an energy - blessed Team! 
with my energy output youll be getting a small commerce bonus too.. 
Just try to multiply your pop&energy
It seems that map should be large, because there are players who disagree with huge
So,we are ready to go after a quick work of CMN!
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Last edited by binTravkin; March 11, 2004 at 15:43.
March 11, 2004, 16:49
Local Time: 15:49
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What do you think of Aki-Zeta? Its a good combination for Pirates, even sharing a common problem (-1 Growth). But +2 Effic and +2Research if fine.
Would like to thank everyone for helping with the CMN!
March 11, 2004, 17:30
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Makahlua, of course can reconsider on Cosmics request, but I think that Angels might be a slightly better researcher fac there than any other!
For example:
We all know that we will be researching:
BioGenetics, Cent Eco, SocialPsych, Industrial Economics, Industrial Automation, Ecological Engineering, Gene Splicing and so on..
Everyone needs those techs, so if 2 groups will get them, also Angels will have them!
These are only the most needed techs, but most of others also will be shared between group members resulting Angels noticing this datafeed and automatically downloading them to factions databases.
Angels surely wont be a backward when talking about these techs, they will be "average", but remembering that the techs come for free, they become quite cute as they spend their research points not on chasing others, but researching something that most of others dont have
Its up to you Makahlua!
If you dislike Consciouness, you can still hold on to Angels
We can then switch teams a bit:
DataAeolus said he is flexible in his choice, so if you still want Angels, come to my team and have DataAeolus ruling Aki-Zeta in Team 1
Just warn him then
You can offer him an "everlasting treaty/pact" or some other deal for this, I think he will be interested
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
March 11, 2004, 18:02
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You know, any other time I'd flip to CyCon easily, but the combo of Pirates and them just puts me off at the moment. You can blame the AC Demo Game for that!  But I love my Angels too  Looks Like I'll be flipping over to bin's side, sorry about that Cosmic! :/
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
March 11, 2004, 18:18
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Originally posted by Makahlua
You know, any other time I'd flip to CyCon easily, but the combo of Pirates and them just puts me off at the moment. You can blame the AC Demo Game for that! But I love my Angels too Looks Like I'll be flipping over to bin's side, sorry about that Cosmic! :/
 Makahlua, we're getting good friends now. CPU really  you guys a lot.
Too bad that Herc wasn't quicker with accepting new members at the time, though...
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