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Old March 8, 2004, 17:40   #31
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/me takes a bow *

I love 'poly, I really do.

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Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 8, 2004, 20:46   #32
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Originally posted by Drogue
GeoModder, meet mr bait, mr hook, mr line, and mr sinker
mmm, the last I can't translate. Sinker in fishermans tongue being? ...

And shouldn't it been mrs hook and mrs sinker then?
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Old March 8, 2004, 21:02   #33
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Geo: A common English idiom when someone takes the bait particularly well is "hook, line and sinker", refering to fishing, where they not only took the bait, they swallowed the hook, the line and the sinker too.
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Old March 9, 2004, 12:24   #34
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Originally posted by GeoModder
And shouldn't it been mrs hook and mrs sinker then?
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Old March 9, 2004, 12:55   #35
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He's implementing you in my posting, HongHu

1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
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Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 9, 2004, 13:19   #36
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How do one implement somebody in somebody else's posting? There are many times that I realize that I really don't have an IQ of 180.
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Old March 9, 2004, 14:52   #37
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I'm implementing you that this was intended.

1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 9, 2004, 15:34   #38
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Originally posted by Jamski
I'm implementing you that this was intended.

Could we get an English version of that sentence?
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Old March 9, 2004, 15:38   #39
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Originally posted by Skanky Burns
Could we get an English version of that sentence?
Sure, Skanky, here you are...

11111011100010001000011100010000100010000001010011 10101101000000001100011101011111001110111001100001 00000011100001100110101010100100010100100001110100 00010000101110011011110010101010010000110010100010 01010101001101001101000000001100111011101001101010 10100110100100101110100111010100111110100110000000 11101010101000010101001110001111000011011110010111 11001101111001000000001110011001011001101011111001 10100100111000101110000100000100110101111100100101 000101100101000110001110

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Old March 9, 2004, 19:57   #40
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Actually, that'd be more like:

one one one one one zero one one one zero zero zero one zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero one one one zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero one zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero zero zero one zero one zero zero one one
one zero one zero one one zero one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one one zero zero zero one one one zero one zero one one one one one zero zero one one one zero one one one zero zero one one zero zero zero zero one
zero zero zero zero zero zero one one one zero zero zero zero one one zero zero one one zero one zero one zero one zero one zero zero one zero zero zero one zero one zero zero one zero zero zero zero one one one zero one zero zero
zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero one zero one one one zero zero one one zero one one one one zero zero one zero one zero one zero one zero zero one zero zero zero zero one one zero zero one zero one zero zero zero one zero
zero one zero one zero one zero one zero zero one one zero one zero zero one one zero one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one one zero zero one one one zero one one one zero one zero zero one one zero one zero one zero
one zero one zero zero one one zero one zero zero one zero zero one zero one one one zero one zero zero one one one zero one zero one zero zero one one one one one zero one zero zero one one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
one one one zero one zero one zero one zero one zero zero zero zero one zero one zero one zero zero one one one zero zero zero one one one one zero zero zero zero one one zero one one one one zero zero one zero one one one
one one zero zero one one zero one one one one zero zero one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one one one zero zero one one zero zero one zero one one zero zero one one zero one zero one one one one one zero zero one
one zero one zero zero one zero zero one one one zero zero zero one zero one one one zero zero zero zero one zero zero zero zero zero one zero zero one one zero one zero one one one one one zero zero one zero zero one zero one
zero zero zero one zero one one zero zero one zero one zero zero zero one one zero zero zero one one one zero

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Old March 9, 2004, 20:53   #41
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Originally posted by Comrade Tassadar
Actually, that'd be more like:

O Tass, you have proven again your splendour.
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Old March 9, 2004, 21:16   #42
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Originally posted by Drogue
Geo: A common English idiom when someone takes the bait particularly well is "hook, line and sinker", refering to fishing, where they not only took the bait, they swallowed the hook, the line and the sinker too.
O, I had no trouble understanding the idiom, but I'm not sure what 'sinker' means exactly, that's all. Is it the thingy that floats on the waterline and goes under when a fish takes the bait?
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Old March 9, 2004, 21:28   #43
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Alrightly then! You've failed survival! The train to land of the dead leaves in twenty five minutes, simply take a right down on 43rd, and then the second left. A SINKER does what it says.... sinks. You use it to make your hooks drop in the ocean.
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Old March 9, 2004, 21:50   #44
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Ouro is right. A sinker is a (usually lead, IIRC) weight that makes the hook sink.
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Old March 10, 2004, 01:02   #45
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Is this a non-issue yet?
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Old March 10, 2004, 02:32   #46
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Its a non-topic by now, at the very least.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
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Old March 10, 2004, 02:58   #47
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Post ante deletia

Please somebody....

Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!
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Old March 10, 2004, 12:25   #48
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Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
Post ante deletia

Please somebody....
You start
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Old March 10, 2004, 16:03   #49
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I'll try to bring this thread back to a subject similar than the one that started it.

Would I be allowed to ask what is the internal Hive problem, and what Tassadar had to make a ruling about? Has it something to do with Mead playing the turn without the majority of the Hive agreeing to what he did?
If so, would it be allowed to get a non-concrete summary of what happened, what was ruled, and why? During that turn that PEACE had a reload, I asked Googlie as well what would be ruled in case a non-turnplayer played the turn without approval of the majority, but I didn't get an answer.
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Old March 12, 2004, 13:45   #50
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it is about that.
nothing to be alarmed from.
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Old March 12, 2004, 14:00   #51
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In that case could I please ask who is the official Hive turnplayer? That way other factions know which turn is supposed to be the official one, and it would also prevent issues like this one.
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Old March 12, 2004, 14:04   #52
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Sorry, just saw your post in the turn thread Function Maniac. To answer your question, Mead is the turn player following my resignation. However he didn't follow his orders when he played. Tass ruled that his turn should not be used because he does not want a precedent so that if in the future one wants to sabotage a faction he can just play a turn that is against the team's will.
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Old March 12, 2004, 14:14   #53
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Sorry, just saw your post in the turn thread Function Maniac. To answer your question, Mead is the turn player following my resignation. However he didn't follow his orders when he played. Tass ruled that his turn should not be used because he does not want a precedent so that if in the future one wants to sabotage a faction he can just play a turn that is against the team's will.
I'm sorry, but if Mead is the official turnplayer, I don't see why a replay was granted. Not following orders has never in the past been sufficient reason to grant a reload. CyCon turnplayer have from time to time made little mistakes, even mistakes as serious as making the mistake not to move a worked back where it should be, causing a base starvation as a consequence. No replay was requested, according to the principle that the first turn played by the turnplayer is the official and definite one. Also some time ago the CyCon request for a replay of the PEACE turn was not granted because PEACE would have cheated, which they didn't do. It was granted because the turn sent forward to us was one played by Hercules, after PEACE's official turnplayer Makahlua had already fully played the turn then.
As far as I see this current Hive situation is exactly the same as the one with PEACE, so I do not see any reason why the first turn played by Mead wouldn't be accepted as the official one. This ruling creates a precedent that a faction can play as many turns as they want, and choose the turn that they like best, with the excuse that all other turns were not played according to the "official orders". If your turnplayer doesn't play the orders you want to be played, simply appoint another turnplayer.
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Old March 12, 2004, 14:26   #54
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Perhaps we should let tass answer your question because he is aware of the entire situation and made his judgement bases upon that. I can assure you the matter was not simply as making a mistake and cause a base starvation as a consequence. I have asked for a ruling and am prepared to abid by the ruling no matter what ruling we got. I blieve you have the right to repeal the ruling. If tass changes his ruling I believe the Hive will be more than happy to abide that ruling also.
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Old March 12, 2004, 14:30   #55
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Originally posted by HongHu
Tass ruled that his turn should not be used because he does not want a precedent so that if in the future one wants to sabotage a faction he can just play a turn that is against the team's will.
Did Mead do that? If so, why is he still turnplayer?
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Old March 12, 2004, 14:33   #56
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I do not think that issue has been decided yet inside the Hive.
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Old March 12, 2004, 15:01   #57
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Originally posted by Maniac

Did Mead do that? If so, why is he still turnplayer?
this is an internal issue of the hive.
and he mighth stay the turnplayer, this should not mater to you...
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Old March 12, 2004, 15:01   #58
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Looks like anarchy has taken over Hive, even as you live in Police State. There are now quite a lot incidents like this. Have you destabilised as a faction? Perhaps you should let your members decide about your policy.
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Old March 12, 2004, 15:03   #59
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maybe it is just propaganda
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Old March 12, 2004, 15:08   #60
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Originally posted by t_ras
this is an internal issue of the hive.
and he mighth stay the turnplayer, this should not mater to you...
Yes it does. As Mead was at the time of his turnplay the official turnplayer, and still appears to be the official one currently, as far as I see according the rules that have counted up until now his turn should be posted, not the replayed one.
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