I think its weird. There are 10 000+ people here and unless I saw extra zeroes, 4 times that amount of people in civfanatics. (assuming that 10k of those are the same people and that only half are active and that only half of that again would vote for civ3) we still have a lot of votes. and if theres need, we can always rally up some activity.
but yes civ must be a SP game, but I want the MP function in C:IV to be better and more extensive than SP since it doesnt have to take AI limitations into consideration. (though not at the expense of SP).
I dont want another RTS. they're clickfests not plan and plot games and we have no desire for them.
Also if atari has any brains they'll know not to change what works (though improvements would be nice) cause I know lots of sequels that has destroyed my apetite for game genres. civ3 almost killed my love and hope for the civ series, but with conquests I'm finally satisfied (especially thanks to the MP option). Though they would be wise not to do that mistake again with giving out, half the game, the improved game with MP, and finally the finished game needing a few patches and charging cash for all of them. IMO thats unacceptable.
Heres a tip to all people in business: If your main goal is to make money, seek first to make your customers happy. If firaxis/atari went by this motto, they'd have money coming at them so fast they wouldnt know what to do with it. People will pay for a great game. A mediocre game needing patches and fixes wont make good cash. Customers FIRST!!! Take care of them and they'll stick with you.
Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst