April 20, 2004, 18:25
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No, PG2 AI really does not cheat. If you kill AI reckons and keep your units out of AI visibility range, they will run their units into yours (getting a "surprise!" attack) all the time. It is easy to verify it - start Suomassalmi scenario as Russians and AI will kill a half of its army on the first turn.
In some scenarios, to help the AI, designers place AI "observation bunkers" in some far away places and would give them a spotting range of, say, 40. This will basically give AI a full map knowledge. But this is not an AI cheat - it is rather a scenario designer cheat. And I don't think any of SSI scenarios actually uses this.
AFAIK, AI can request elite replacements for its damaged units for free. And possibly it gets some extra prestige in some circumstances. Other then that, AI does not cheat.
It is only totalitarian governments that suppress facts. In this country we simply take a democratic decision not to publish them. - Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister
April 20, 2004, 19:34
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ErikM, I've been reading the link you posted. Actally, I didn't know much of that stuff (and it is a wealth of info).
As for AI, I guess some situations I interpreted as cheats can be explained by enemy recons or flags I didn't see, but I am not sure if all can, especially the ones involving airplanes. I'll try Windsor or Salerno scenario as the Germans and see if I can catch any pesky fighters in positions they should not be aware of
April 20, 2004, 20:00
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OK, I think I have one. I'm attaching the save file. It is the autosave, just press the end turn button and see my fighter in the north get killed. It is 2 AM here but I have looked hard and as far as I can figure it out, my fighter should be invisible to all. How does it get killed then?
April 20, 2004, 20:44
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Ok, I tried your download and your fighter does not get attacked  Patch problems, maybe?
It is only totalitarian governments that suppress facts. In this country we simply take a democratic decision not to publish them. - Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister
April 20, 2004, 21:21
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VetLegion, I have downloaded the saved game and loaded it. After I clicked on the End Turn button the Spitfire indeed attacked the reduced fighter 3 hexes away from its starting location. I don't know what is the spotting range of a Spitfire but it does not sound unusual.
"Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill
April 21, 2004, 04:57
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Spotting range of Spitfire is 2 AFAIR, so it shouldn't be able to see it by itself. There is a ranger infantry to the left (range 3) but it is even further away. There are few enemy units south, none with enough range to see my fighter. I also scouted around with the other plane to see if there are any ships near or something, and there are none.
ErikM, I have version 1.02 I believe (how can I check for sure?). Which one are you using? I presume you haven't moved other units around, since that may change the priority for the Spiftire.
April 21, 2004, 06:18
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The version number shows up in the bottom left corner of the initial screen IIRC.
Does the Spitfire have a leader that increases its spotting range?
It could be that the AI is moving the Spitfire past where your fighter is (but not through the hex so no "Out of the sun") and chooses to shoot it when it blunders across it. That would explain why it doesn't always do so. The AI does seem to move air units randomly at times. The Russian fighters at Suomussalmi spend a lot of time out of sight towards the southern edge of the map for no apparent reason.
To be fair I think I have occasionally seen AI units that I should not have and maybe that works both ways but it is certainly very random if it does happen (some bug?)
Never give an AI an even break.
April 21, 2004, 09:24
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does the ai cheat in the earlier pg games(pg1/ag)? it seems like planes(fighters especially) do but i'm not sure.
i've been playing ag as british/american and been able to beat everything up till tunis pretty easily. tunis has been giving me a lot of trouble because of the strong german fighters which seem to always be able to get the first strikes in. i almost beat it last time i played it as the americans(playing as the americans seems to make this scenario much easier as you get way more and better units) but i goofed and didn't send enough british units up the long far right peninsula so i'll be trying again soon(i only sent an infantry/artillery/fighter). if i could have moved one unit one more time i'd have won. has anyone beat tunis with the british?
i also fooled around with the russians a bit and some of those scenarios are terrifying at first. it'll be a a real challenge to win all of those especially since ag seems to make your objectives secret. have to find a good faq.
i also found a place to dl pg2 online and took a brief look at it. are there any special commands or anyway to make things go quicker? the games seems to run like crap compared to the earlier pg games. moving units takes like 10 seconds each.
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April 21, 2004, 09:46
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ok tried Madrid again.
Got the full 1580 points, but stupidly lost my recon.
Tried again and got the 1580 points with units intact. BUT forgot to save when Poland first came up, hit the wrong button, and lost my chance to upgrade. DAMN this interface!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why cant it give me the chance to save when a scenario ends, before it opens the next one?????????????
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
April 21, 2004, 10:44
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There is an autosave campaign save that is saved when you hit the end turn button.
That will get you to the last turn of Madrid.
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April 21, 2004, 10:46
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Oh and that Jensen cap stuff was interesting. I'll have to remember that I should give priority to upgrading my initial and prototype units, and that I shouldn't be stingy with the replacements.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
April 21, 2004, 10:53
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Originally posted by Garth Vader
There is an autosave campaign save that is saved when you hit the end turn button.
That will get you to the last turn of Madrid.
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
April 21, 2004, 11:27
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Originally posted by CerberusIV
The version number shows up in the bottom left corner of the initial screen IIRC.
Does the Spitfire have a leader that increases its spotting range?
I have checked my version and it is 1.02, but as far as I recall, not 1.02G or any of the player patches.
It could be that the AI is moving the Spitfire past where your fighter is (but not through the hex so no "Out of the sun") and chooses to shoot it when it blunders across it. That would explain why it doesn't always do so.
Ah, you may be on the money with this. We would have to know does AI have that kind of coding, or does it just remain stuck if it runs into something. I can't say from expirience.
I have seen some AI behaviour like that which could not be explained by coding. For example, a fighter may go after my damaged fighter as it can see the general direction I am heading, but it can't know if my fighter took a turn which planes do due to the nature of hex movement. So, it would be pretty pointless to implement a "pursuit" code in AI.
Anyway, I am just speculating. This game has been out for 7 years and played to death too, so if it is player consensus that AI doesn't cheat, I am inclined to believe so. I've seen it preform some pretty weird stuff, but it may be my imagination, plus coincidence... I don't know.
To be fair I think I have occasionally seen AI units that I should not have and maybe that works both ways but it is certainly very random if it does happen (some bug?)
I see units I shouldn't all the time. A bit like in Civ really, sometimes you get to see stuff supposedly under fog of war
April 21, 2004, 11:32
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Originally posted by Garth Vader
Oh and that Jensen cap stuff was interesting. I'll have to remember that I should give priority to upgrading my initial and prototype units, and that I shouldn't be stingy with the replacements.
I didn't know about the Jensen's cap, though I was convinced something is messed up with the prestige system, since it sometimes awarded me with less then I earned.
It also pisses me off to know that all the careful effort I spend collecting all the flags in Sedan is probably a waste of time
Also, since I always considered AI cheats, I never bothered to put up airplane traps. All this, and I considered myself a good player
April 21, 2004, 11:49
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Originally posted by VetLegion
It also pisses me off to know that all the careful effort I spend collecting all the flags in Sedan is probably a waste of time
It is if you just hoard the prestige. I will buy at least 4 or 5 units during that scenario so I get to use them immediately and have them start to gain experience, rather than wait until going into Dunkirk. I didn't know about the cap but I will now be a bit more ready to take replacements during a scenario and to overstrength units.
Never give an AI an even break.
April 21, 2004, 11:56
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I never bought units during Sedan, but I will now.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
April 21, 2004, 15:14
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Originally posted by pg
does the ai cheat in the earlier pg games(pg1/ag)? it seems like planes(fighters especially) do but i'm not sure.
i've been playing ag as british/american and been able to beat everything up till tunis pretty easily.
i also fooled around with the russians a bit and some of those scenarios are terrifying at first. it'll be a a real challenge to win all of those especially since ag seems to make your objectives secret. have to find a good faq.
I've had ag since it first came out. The AI does seem to "know" more than it should but is inconsistent. Currently playing the 1939 campaign in pg1. In Norway a British fighter found my fleet in the middle of the ocean, far from any British units! Yet in France it is fairly safe to ignore the units in the east as they sit there and don't advance on your initial cities, only (and then very late) Paris.
Tunis - actually easier as the British if you have come through the North Africa campaign (maybe the Brits suit my style of play better  ). As the British I find it easy to roll over the Italians, send about 1/2 of my forces up the peninsula and the rest hit Tunis from the south about the same time as the Americans from the north. As the Americans my core units do virtually all the work as the British can barely do more than finish off the Italians and take the VH's up the Cape Bon peninsula. You need to work on giving your core fighters experience and overstrengthing them by the sound of it.
Sicily is fairly straightforward but Anzio is tougher and best fought defensively for the first few turns until you have eliminated the Axis armour. The British tac bombers are useless so go for Spitfires and Lancasters. An experienced, overstrength Lancaster is a joy to use. Flak 18? No problem - just bomb it and watch it go to zero ammunition instantly then hit everything around it with auxiliary tac bombers.
I prefer Churchill IV's as the British tanks as they are a bit tougher than Shermans. Once you get to Overlord upgrade to Fireflies which have far more killing power than any American tank. The different upgrade options mean the British have far more prestige after Overlord than the Americans so buy good auxiliaries. On my last play through at the Rhine scenario I bought 2 B32 level bombers as auxiliaries and still finished with about 14,000 prestige unused at Germany.
Never give an AI an even break.
April 21, 2004, 17:24
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Originally posted by lord of the mark
Tried again and got the 1580 points with units intact. BUT forgot to save when Poland first came up, hit the wrong button, and lost my chance to upgrade. DAMN this interface!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why cant it give me the chance to save when a scenario ends, before it opens the next one?????????????
The system I use for pg2 is a save (HEADQUARTERS) as soon as I reach the screen between scenarios, a save (DEPLOYMENT) once I have upgraded, etc and am ready to start the next one, a save (START) once I have deployed and named my units and another save (RUNNING) which I take from time to time whilst a scenario is running. It is just getting into the habit of a system like this.
Coming back to the Blitz campaign, I decided to play further to maximise what I could get under the prestige cap. After 3 BV's I had 14 units, including one prototype, and 828 prestige going into Lillehammer. I used most of it to buy 3 more units.
The attack in the west went exactly as I outlined above. My artillery inflicted 5 damage on the Norwegian artillery and with a Me109 overhead the AI could only bring it back to 7. The southernmost infantry attacked my lead infantry, which received supporting artillery fire, inflicted and received no damage and wandered off northwards! So I can now advance a unit and unhinge the Norwegian position.
In the east it got rather strange. I attacked the easternmost infantry with 2 PzIIIE to reduce its entrenchment. The western one advanced and attacked my recon unit (never had that before!). With 2 artillery units shooting it took damage 5, suppression 5 and got blown away next turn. My Stuka hit the Norwegian artillery then a fallschirm drop destroyed it. That allowed a tank behind the eastern infantry and that is now toast. Panzers roll!
I did find the advice in one of Whoopy Cat's articles linked above about including something in the unit name to identify it as a free unit very helpful. Now I know which units not to risk losing!
Never give an AI an even break.
April 21, 2004, 17:29
Local Time: 13:57
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Posts: 193
Originally posted by VetLegion
I have checked my version and it is 1.02, but as far as I recall, not 1.02G or any of the player patches.
It could be that the AI is moving the Spitfire past where your fighter is (but not through the hex so no "Out of the sun") and chooses to shoot it when it blunders across it. That would explain why it doesn't always do so.
Ah, you may be on the money with this. We would have to know does AI have that kind of coding, or does it just remain stuck if it runs into something. I can't say from expirience.
Ok, I've got intrigued
I did my test using 1.02G patch, and your fighter does not get attacked. In vanilla 1.02, Spitfire indeed flies next to your fighter and trashes it.
So I watched it a bit more carefully.
The difference between 1.02 and 1.02G is that in 1.02G planes do not have zones of control. In other words, the flight path does not get interrupted if a plane moves through the hexes adjacent to your own plane.
So in 1.02G British Spitfire flies to bomb your PzIVG tank at (28,29). This tank is within the spotting range of the british infantry in a city next to it. In fact, this Pz is almost the only unit within the AI visibility range, and AI diligently moves to bomb it before attacking it with a Sherman. It is also easy to see that the shortest flight path towards (28,29) goes through the hex adjacent to your damaged Me109.
So in 1.02G Spitfire flies to the target undeterred by Me zone of control and bombs PzIVG; in 1.02 it is stopped by you fighter ZoC. Since your fighter is badly damaged, Spitfire decides to attack it.
Fair and square!
This being said, I agree that sometimes your units spot something that they should not due to some bug(s) and possibly it is the same for the AI, which might explain some mysterious attacks. But it really does not happen often, and I tend to save and reload when I spot some "bonus" hexes which seems to fix the problem.
It is only totalitarian governments that suppress facts. In this country we simply take a democratic decision not to publish them. - Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister
April 21, 2004, 20:51
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Originally posted by Garth Vader
Did you sell your original infantry?
I usually have 2 pionere, 3 SS, and 1 bridge. You will want the pionere for the west side. After you hit with 1-2 artillery the pionere should at least be able to force a retreat so you can go in with the tank and overrun.
I'll have to try that campaign again so I can make note of what I buy. I just finished running through the PeG version of the campaign which is a bit different!
OK, Ive been through Madrid pretty thoroughly now, you only get 3 core infantry there, so unless you buy some more infantry along the way, thats all you will have at Lillehammer. Ive been playing through as suggested above, picking up only a bomber at Madrid. I splurged and bought a fighter and a couple of armor at Poland.
Im not going into Finland with, lets see, 3 infantry (2 pioneer and a reg, I think) i upgraded recon, 1 fighter, 1 bomber, 3 armor, and 1 upgraded, tracked, artillery.
2 of the armor are the anti-infantry type (PzIVC?) and the other is PzIIIE. Two of the infantry are tracked, I think. I have about 1200 points.
What now?
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
April 21, 2004, 23:19
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Posts: 193
Originally posted by lord of the mark
OK, Ive been through Madrid pretty thoroughly now, you only get 3 core infantry there, so unless you buy some more infantry along the way, thats all you will have at Lillehammer. Ive been playing through as suggested above, picking up only a bomber at Madrid. I splurged and bought a fighter and a couple of armor at Poland.
Im not going into Finland with, lets see, 3 infantry (2 pioneer and a reg, I think) i upgraded recon, 1 fighter, 1 bomber, 3 armor, and 1 upgraded, tracked, artillery.
2 of the armor are the anti-infantry type (PzIVC?) and the other is PzIIIE. Two of the infantry are tracked, I think. I have about 1200 points.
What now?
I would not go armor-heavy in first scenarios since early German armor is rather crappy and you will end up wasting prestige on upgrading them later on. A priority in early scenarios is (i) infantry - once you get to Russia (or North Africa), inexperienced infantry will be next to useless and (ii) artillery - as they gain experience slowly. Tanks pick experience rather fast.
In Madrid I'd buy a bomber. If you get a BV there, you'll get a prototype, PzIVD if you are lucky.
In Poland: upgrade your tank and reckon. Buy:
one-two tanks (PzIVC and PzIIIE - skip IVC if you got IVD as a prototype)
another reckon
15cm gun
a fighter
maybe a paratrooper
I think there should be enough prestige for all of that.
In Norway:
another gun
PzIVD if prestige allows
and maybe upgrade something; if tanks you have bought in Poland do not have much experience, sell them and buy PzIVDs instead.
In Finland:
Personally, I always stock up on Finnish ski infantry. They move 5 hexes without any trucks, are cheap, and have great combat stats. What's not to like?
So at the very least you should have at this stage
~6 infantry
3-4 tanks
3 guns
2 reckons
a fighter
a bomber
Should be more than enough.
It is only totalitarian governments that suppress facts. In this country we simply take a democratic decision not to publish them. - Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister
April 21, 2004, 23:23
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Ok, I took some notes so here goes:
I bought a bomber in madrid
Got a IVD prototype and 1580 prestige
Before Poland I
Upgraded Recon
Upgraded both regular infantry to SS
Upgraded arty
Upgraded IIA to 38t
Bought bf109
Bought arty 15sfh18
Got a BV
Before Finland I now have 1308 prestige
Bought Bridge Infantry
Bought Pionere Infantry
Bought recon
Bought Arty
Bought IIIE
Overstrengthed with leftover
Got a BV
Have 588 prestige for lillihammer
Bought a bf109
Overstrengthed with the rest
For lillihammer my west group was
1 arty
IVD and 38t tanks
Pionere and SS infantry
East group was
2 arty
IIIE tank
Pionere, SS and bridge infantry
I don't remember turn numbers of when stuff happened, but basic plan was:
East group:
Move both arty in range of their arty. Hit it twice for the kill.
Hit remaining infantry with arty and finish off with tank, SS and pionere.
Split recon, bridge and 1 arty to take out 2 infantry on far east side, use recon to take town in NE.
Move remaining units north to take the airfield.
West group:
Move arty up in range of the town and put IVD in lead position right next to town. (Note: I forgot to scout area with air first or else I would have put Arty in range of their arty)
They attacked with infantry not in town and pulled it back.
I got lucky here and weather cleared so I could hit their arty with bomber, hit their town with my arty, moved lead tank up to spot where their infantry pulled out from and hit town, moved next tank up and hit town, their infantry retreats from town. Pull recon into town and hit arty.
At this point it's just a matter of moving arty up, hitting a unit and/or bombing it and finishing it off with tanks. My infantry only caught up when I got to the final city.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
April 22, 2004, 16:09
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I am beginning to realise what the cap in PG2 does. I completed Lillehammer (BV) and had 700 prestige going into Sedan. Also a prototype JU87D - very convenient as I would have requisitioned a JU87B otherwise.
I spent it all on units and overstrengthing and attacked at Sedan with exactly 0 prestige. I took replacements where necessary, bought 6 further units for a total of 1488 prestige and still had 1020 in the bank just before completing a BV. After that BV I had 1180 prestige. Deducting the 1020 that I had plus whatever I would have got for capturing the final VH means I was awarded virtually nothing for the win. Capped with a vengeance it seems!
Also interesting to see just how much prestige you can gain at Sedan for destroying enemy units and capturing VH's and the small flags (I took all but one in the north and a couple in the southeast).
Never give an AI an even break.
April 22, 2004, 17:52
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Originally posted by ErikM
I would not go armor-heavy in first scenarios since early German armor is rather crappy and you will end up wasting prestige on upgrading them later on. A priority in early scenarios is (i) infantry - once you get to Russia (or North Africa), inexperienced infantry will be next to useless and (ii) artillery - as they gain experience slowly. Tanks pick experience rather fast.
In Madrid I'd buy a bomber. If you get a BV there, you'll get a prototype, PzIVD if you are lucky.
In Poland: upgrade your tank and reckon. Buy:
one-two tanks (PzIVC and PzIIIE - skip IVC if you got IVD as a prototype)
another reckon
15cm gun
a fighter
maybe a paratrooper
I think there should be enough prestige for all of that.
In Norway:
another gun
PzIVD if prestige allows
and maybe upgrade something; if tanks you have bought in Poland do not have much experience, sell them and buy PzIVDs instead.
In Finland:
Personally, I always stock up on Finnish ski infantry. They move 5 hexes without any trucks, are cheap, and have great combat stats. What's not to like?
So at the very least you should have at this stage
~6 infantry
3-4 tanks
3 guns
2 reckons
a fighter
a bomber
Should be more than enough.
Finland comes before Norway, as it did historically.
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
April 22, 2004, 19:58
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Posts: 193
Originally posted by lord of the mark
Finland comes before Norway, as it did historically.
You are right of course. Was awhile that I played Blitz 
Still the same purchases though
It is only totalitarian governments that suppress facts. In this country we simply take a democratic decision not to publish them. - Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister
April 23, 2004, 13:53
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Originally posted by ErikM
You are right of course. Was awhile that I played Blitz 
Still the same purchases though
Thats ok, just wanted to clarify the purchases for Finland.
"A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber
April 23, 2004, 18:48
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LotM, I understand that after Poland you have
3 infantry, 3 tanks, 1 reckon, 1 fighter, 1 bomber and 1 (or is it two?) arty (I would not upgrade 10.5 in Poland - rather, I'd buy a new gun).
1200 prestige.
I would buy:
2x Finnish Ski Infantry (no transport) ~ 300 prestige
1x 15.5cm gun on halftrucks ~ 400 prestige
1x reckon ~ 200 prestige
Then, depending on how much prestige you have left, buy either another 15.5 gun (priority if you only have one arty), another tank (wait with tanks if PzIVD is not available yet), a self-propelled AD gun (I think it is SdKfz 10/2), or a paratrooper.
It is only totalitarian governments that suppress facts. In this country we simply take a democratic decision not to publish them. - Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister
April 24, 2004, 07:11
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Originally posted by ErikM
a self-propelled AD gun (I think it is SdKfz 10/2).
There are 2 available. The Sdkfz 10/4 and the Sdkfz 6/2. You want the 6/2 as it has a better air attack value. Eventually you should upgrade any SP AD units to the Sdkfz 7/1 (available at Volokolamsk).
Never give an AI an even break.
April 27, 2004, 16:00
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in pg1 i managed to beat everything up till washington. there is a slight chance i could win there but unlikely as most of my ground units aren't overstrengthed to 15 which i think i'd need to win. i couldn't manage to beat england quick enough to have enough turns left to build my forces back up. pg1 is really quite easy once you know how to fully play it.  i just finally figured how to work elite replacements so as not to lose experience.
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April 27, 2004, 16:21
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Originally posted by pg
in pg1 i managed to beat everything up till washington. there is a slight chance i could win there but unlikely as most of my ground units aren't overstrengthed to 15 which i think i'd need to win. i couldn't manage to beat england quick enough to have enough turns left to build my forces back up. pg1 is really quite easy once you know how to fully play it. i just finally figured how to work elite replacements so as not to lose experience.
By coincidence I am about halfway through Washington at the moment. I started with a lot of my ground units overstrengthed to 14 or 15 after Sealion 43. Most of them are down to 10, except the ones I haven't got enough prestige to bring back up to that level. The AI goes mad for tac bombers and Lightnings. So far my He162's and FW190g's have shot down 22 US fighters, 15 Tac bombers and 4 level bombers but they have trashed most of my artillery units repeatedly and most of my overstrength tanks.
I am getting the upper hand in the air now but it has been a struggle. I should win but on turn 9 I am still some way from Washington so a decisive victory looks unlikely.
It isn't too hard to outmanouvre the AI but when it has a lot of prestige and just keeps throwing air units at you it can be hard going.
Never give an AI an even break.
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