March 9, 2004, 20:20
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The Marechals of France
This is the tale of the 13 Marechal's of France and their mighty Emperor - as taken from the game "On the Road to Moscow I met an Englishman"
Today is the fourth day of the first month of the year Eighteen hundred.
Today I rose early, as is my way, wandered the grounds with my hounds Thrillus and Lobo.
Today I lunched early with my beloved lady.
Today is the day that my Generals and senior staff met in my map room.
For today is the day I decided that we must crush Russia beneath my boots....
Who am I you may well ask?
I am Napoleon
..... vive la france.....
March 9, 2004, 20:25
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May 1800
Peace remains the catch cry for now. Our naval assets are busily heading to the Baltic region in preparation to blockade the area
Now there must be a song about Cathie being the warring mongrel ***** that she is
my lads are chanting:
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
so much so that Spain and Austria have both seem to be closing their borders and with drawing embassy staff..
'hey Cathie...'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
'we're coming to getya'
September 1800
General Davout his Cuirassier Army and several divisions of foot stand ready to march on Frankfurt. ahh the sweet smell of the winds of war
Throughout Davout’s Army word was trickling that Napoleon would not be with them for the war... That the tides of office were taking there toll, and that the Empire developed more clerks than soldiers...
For yes, Napoleon and his Guard were in Paris this day, working clearing and preparing...
March 9, 2004, 20:27
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November 1800
Who ever could have known what the Emperor was up to...
For from Brussells march 3 Divisions of Heavy Cavalry (in red)
The Legion de Cuirassier
The 5th Legion de Cuirassier
The 13th Legion de Cuirassier
All honourable units of the Old Guard, and leading them, our Emperor, Napoleon.
To the south Davout (in yellow) had moved his forces into Prussia.
Then with the boldness you would expect from a trusted General of Napoleon, he led his own Army of Curassiers on a charge of Frankfurt. Thus allowing the following units time to set there mighty cannon up for the bombardment of the city.
A bonus, a unit of workers (circled), liberated from the Prussian tyrants
March 9, 2004, 20:32
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The Germanic town on Frankfurt has fallen to Davout’s men.
Napoleon has led an attack on Hannover... that city will be rubble soon... unless it is of use to our English Allies
The road to Cathie, and her Russian swine, is being swept by the Power of the French Sabre and Cannon.
Oh yes, the clerks arrived in Frankfurt, and renamed everything 'Flowers are for peace'
Now who knows what that means, but it will surely incense the Prussians
Spain just snubbed a MPP. Asked for all tech, all gold, everything I had, just so they could rush to my aid... I am now forming the Armee du South. You know where they are going, I just want to touch them, scratch one of their fine cities... into rubble. We will show these Spaniards that we will be a humble ally.
We are traveling through the heart of Prussia now... There will be building materials available here for some time. For example the clerks have come forward and started the Leipzig markets... yes for 2 bob you can take home a cart full of Leipzig...
March 9, 2004, 20:40
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If faith and friendship, we hand Hannover to the English.
Troops of the Danish garrisons are now on the northern outskirts of Hamburg. We see English cavalry to the south.
We have had our first contact with Cathies slave boys on their wiitttlie ponies
We battle on, the pains of the battle of Hannover linger in the Old Guard. Yet they stay the field, like a rock against a pounding wave.
Many Russian Cossacks are on the field, so be aware... they are like flies
Hamburg is a hard nut to crack... many good men we not be returning to France from this battle.
Strength and Honour
The battle of Berlin drags on, as more French troops draw near, Prussia is finally beatiiing the gates of Berlin shut with Conscript units...
January 1802
Reinforcements have saved Berlin for another day...
Good luck with the battle of Hamburg... I have thrown 12 units to their deaths on this town... 3 more units have arrived to assist.
There is a place to the south east of your city Hannover... It is known by the rather large white obleisk
By the way, if you ever wish to visit the grand concert halls of berlin... then you may have to build them
Now for a time of Consolidation... Yes Berlin would have been an excellent rest and rec area...
I have a line of troops all the way from the Atlantic to Posseland
Ahh Posseland will mine soon... Yes Posseland, some craxzed Prussia nightclub area. Napoleon with his Old Guard Cav and 10 other units, including 5 cannon.
Posen... posentown... Pussytown has fallen
My troops have enjoyed some rest in your Hannovering Forests..
January 1803
March 1803
Prussia... it is like the Prelude to Russia
July 1803
Marechal Ney has taken to the field and Rides with 3 heavy Cavalry Regiments to meet with Napoleon for the push into Russia.
Marechal Macdonald is forming the Fourth Carabinier Army at this time, and will be along shortly.
Marechal Massena has quite a mission. He leads multiple units including the grand batterie.. They have a longer journey ahead of them
Hordes of Russian troops are about at the moment, I hope we are not biting off more than we can chew.
November 1803
The consolidation at the Russian border continues, watch for the fires in the eastern skies
Last edited by Paddy; March 9, 2004 at 20:50.
March 9, 2004, 20:47
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Napoleon and the Old Guard Cavalry capture Possetown
March 9, 2004, 20:54
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Knock Knock
Hello Cathie
Avon Calling
March 10, 2004, 07:23
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Originally posted by Paddy the Scot
I just want to touch them, scratch one of their fine cities... into rubble.
Remember Paddy, I am a person of peace, not a destroyer of cities.
This is a real wingdinger of a story you got happening here. I'm looking forward to more material. Let avon crush russia with their pyramid schemes!
March 10, 2004, 07:25
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oh, but Scratch, you be the 12th Marechal of France
and leaving their cities in ruin is but a pleasure
March 10, 2004, 07:35
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Does Marchel mean marshal? A general or something? If so then sure. I'd happily put my peaceful nature aside for a campaign of stomping around with some heavy cavalry.
March 10, 2004, 07:40
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Marechal does equal Marshall, holder of the Gold Batton, leader of Grand Armies, crusher of Civilizations
March 10, 2004, 08:29
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May 1804
Well done on Minsk, a fine English purchase.
Next we charge to take Riga, with the goal of liberating St Petersburg
March 10, 2004, 08:31
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July 1804 to you Sire
Just as I have a passion to Crush all that is Cathies, so to the Baltic is such a beautiful part of the world.... So I got a little sentimental and spared the Baltic states from the pain of Cathie... So from Czar Alexander, they go to Emperor Napoleon.
The French Armed Forces
March 10, 2004, 08:38
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To positions Gentlemen
March 10, 2004, 08:41
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March 1805 - Northern Russia
My battle plans for the capture of St Peters Burg and surrounds
Marechal Ney (light blue) and Marechal Davout (light green) will charge Novogrod. The plan is to level this city
Marechal Macdonald (Burgundy) and Marechal Victor (Yellow) will charge Staraya, along with other cavalry elements (Purple). The plan is to keep this city.
Generale de Brigade Senarmont's cannon and calary elements will advance on St Petersburg (Red) The plan is to keep this city.
Napoleon and the Old Guard Cavalry (Blue) will sit upon the hill and be available for either the killing blow in Novogorod... or as the protector of Generale Senarmonts brigades... then will sweep in for the battle of St Petersburg. Accompanied by units of Marechal Ney (light blue) and Marechal Davout (light green) and Marechal Macdonald (Burgundy) and Marechal Victor (Yellow)
March 10, 2004, 08:56
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July 1805
To Your Majesty, Maximus, King of all that is British.
Much to report...
The glorious empire of France stands testament to the ways of the future. My homelands are going through a massive building drive. The construction of Hospitals is taking place all over the lands. This will allow my home cites to continue to grow... and thus become stronger power houses..
Today I stand at the gates of St Petersburg. I lead my loved Old Guard Cavalry, along with me are: Marechal Ney and his Cuirassiers, and Generales de Brigade Senarmont's cannon and Calvary elements stand at the gates of St Petersburg. I believe thatthe City of St Petersburg will be my new winter capital in the coming month.
I must admit that Senarmont stands read for promotion to Marechal... His actions, fortitude and overall command of his men has been outstanding. Surely a man worthy of the Gold Baton.
As reported earlier, the city of Novgorod is in ruins.
Marechal Davout has suffered grievous losses in the battle for Staraya, yet the city is ours.
Marechal Macdonald has found himself in the swamps having chased and destroyed 3 elite Russian Guards units there.
Marechal Victor and his forces have brought the people of Staraya into the French fold of life.
Further to the south, Marechal Domon, his mighty Cavalry Army, The Old Guard Grand Batteries, Generales Dixon's Grand Batteries, and various other elements are preparing to lay attack on Polatsk. It is my intention to keep the city of Polatsk.
With the gathering of the Grand Armee, we will allow our troops some rest, before sweeping down upon the stronghold of Moscow. I must admit to being so undecided on this cities fate. My heart would have it in ruins, yet my analytical mind knows that great wealth and resources can be attained from this district. Ah, as you Angles would say: We will cross that bridge when we come to it...
An alliance has been again formed with Gustav. This has seen the Swedes enter the fray against Cathie... Hopefully old Gustav will get to take Helsinki, before I become board with it and level it...
I have dispatched several cavalry Regiments from my Southern Home Army. They are at this time crossing your Milan district. Their orders are to proceed through Austria and scout the Ottoman Empire borders. To this end, I have two frigates in the Med, near your Gibraltar district. They too will be heading over to scout the very waters of the Ottoman. I am intent to watch all avenues of these strange people. To further the bonds between the Ottoman and France, I have entered into a trade agreement for their Dyes. I actually refused to sign the document, and had others see to it. I will keep them at arms length for a while yet.
May your people be well, and your soldiers strong in their faith and their honour,
March 10, 2004, 08:57
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Throughout the Grand Armee the soulfull sounds could be heard throughout the night... my lads are chanting:
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'hey cathie...'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
The Cuirassiers are on their mounts....
Here comes their leader, Marechal Ney.
He knows your daughter oh so well!!!
Watch them smile, can't you tell?
'hey cathie...'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
Old Boney has the Guard out...
They have never been defeated.
When you see them you'll be seated...
'hey cathie...'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
So you sent out an Army of your Guards as scouts.
Ha, Davout and his lads saw them off.
Into the swamps they went,
And Macdonald, he did not spare...
'hey cathie...'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'hey cathie...'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
'we're goin' to getya'
they say that the populace can hear the echoes in the waking day, long after the Armee has moved on with their quest to unseat Cathie, the warring mungrel ***** that she is
March 10, 2004, 17:04
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November 1805
I am positioning for a push on Moscow
July 1806
The City of Moscow has fallen to my lads.
Marechal Davout led a grand assault.
Let it be known that Moscow has been renamed by the clerks to Cathiestown.
Marechal Ney has been crowned the Prince of St Petersburg.
The clean up of Cathies lands continues.
The Ottomen have taken yet another city to the south. Still there is quite a buffer zone between our lands and that of the Ottoman
So I will regroup the Grand Armee and be prepared for the march on the Ottoman.
This will take some time.
Cathiestown is celebrating the arrival of Napoleon
1807 March France
March 10, 2004, 17:07
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1807 March The Colony of St Peter
March 10, 2004, 17:09
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1807 March The Ottoland
March 10, 2004, 17:11
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1807 March Top 5 Cities
March 10, 2004, 17:20
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My dear Emporer Paddy,
we have thought long and hard about the threat posed to both our great nations by the Ottoman empire, which it seems is brooding away down there looking for an opportunity to increase its power and holdings.
As you will remember the Milan crisis was a brief but most worrying time. Hordes of Turkish troops crossed our borders no doubt looking to flex their muscles and pick a fight with someone. I can tell you My cousin Berty and his family who are with the diplomatic core stationed in Milan, were horrified!, and he sent me daily reports of great unrest and fear in the city at that time.
It was only thanks to your swift diplomatic intervention that a disaster was averted on that occasion, but with the demise of Russia now almost complete, I feel it is only a matter of time before we have to face war with these people.
We have devised a plan for a joint attack on the turks if the need should arise, please peruse the charts and tell of your considerations.
Naturally we would wish to leave the situation alone untill we have settled the Spanish war, fighting on two fronts would we fell be very risky at this juncture. Ah best layed plans eh, if only life was so simple.
We deem it would be most advantageous if we could coordinate our forces when this attack commences. We consider the French forces best placed to atack at several points along the Austro/Turkish border, whist we land a massive force outside Istanbul essentially cutting off completely their southern cities preventing them from sending reinforcements from the south.
We hope to be able to capture Istanbul swiftly and to send a large naval fleet into the black sea to begin a blockade of all Turkish ports in the region. We have planty of ships for this task and a great many vessels are already headed for the region as this report is being typed.
we imagine the optimun timing for this operation to be at the start of 1811, 3yrs 6 months frommnow and after the Spanish war.
March 10, 2004, 17:24
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1807 May
I like what you have said here Sire, and will reply in depth soon.
The following pic shows Ottomen troops starting to move in to Austria.
March 10, 2004, 17:27
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1807 May The Grand Armee Part 1
Currently at the Polatsk Base Camp East
March 10, 2004, 17:30
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1807 May The Grand Amree Part II
Currently at the Polatsk Base Camp East
March 10, 2004, 17:35
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1807 May - Marechal Vandamme and III Corps on the Austrian Ottoman Border just south of Venice.
March 10, 2004, 17:39
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1807 May - It would be my intent to bring III Corp across to here, so as ready to crush Belgrade in the opening moves of the Ottomen War.
March 10, 2004, 17:41
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I would like to bring the Grand Armee down to the Blue Circle.
Then moving them along the blue lines...
Then Marechal Vandamme and III Corps can move in on Belgrade, thne onto Orsovo. Along the green lines.
If he is in this battle, Marechal Bessieres and VII Corp, then they will move on Mostar, then Skopje.
All the while Khrakov will be smashed by a small force from the Grand Armee.
The goal of these attackes is to literally smash the northern cities of the Ottoman Empire, and hopefully break the back of their Armies.
If and only if II & VII Corps can meet these objectives, they would then be used as the back stop for any Ottomen units getting loose into the rest of Europe.
Thus allowing the Grand Armee to swing through the rest of the Ottolands leaving the land in ruins.
I like your plans for Istanbul.
March 10, 2004, 17:50
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Your plans look very secure, and feasable.
It will once again be a pleasure to fight at your side.
Please note that Marechal Drouet and II Corp are currently stationed throughout the south of France, at Marseilles, Montauban and Bordeaux. It is not much to have them grouped and on the march.
Please note II Corp consists of 5 Imperial Guard Rgts, 4 Imperial Cav Rgts, 11 Voltigeur Rgts. We are looking to add 1 or 2 Grand Batteree Rgts as well in the near future.
We are more than happy to assist you in your battles for Spain. To assist your growth, we agree here that we will not level any of the Spanish cities that we capture. We would be more than happy to hand over any captured cities to your Empire, although my staff would like Pampalona or Barcelona for the French Empire.
Add to this Marechal Bessieres and VII Corp are currently on their way to to relieve Marechal Vandamme and III Corps on the Austrian Ottoman Border just south of Venice. They can be diverted to Spain if you require it??? Please advise
March 10, 2004, 17:57
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1807 July Over to you Sire
This pic shows even more Ottomen cav on their way through Austria. Lucky that III Corps were available to swampo the roads.
Further to east I am leading the old Guard towards Ottoland. To this end I have dispatched several of my Cav Armies off on a faster pace.
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