March 10, 2004, 18:00
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1808 Jan
Well an RoP with the Ottoman has been signed...
Yet still his troops advance on France.
The Grand Armee is on the move south, already several Cav Armies have moved into Ottoman terrirtory.
III & VII Corps are currently strung out throughout Austria leading these Ottoman on a wild ride.
II Corps is on its way to Milan district as discussed.
The Ottoman Armed Forces
March 10, 2004, 18:14
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1808 Jan
The fence holds. Greatly thanks to the Draft for new units to VII Corps. Marechal Bessieres certainly has his hands full at this time.
Marechal Vandamme and III Corps are regrouping and can be available for an attack on Belgrade within a turn or two.
Further to the east several of the Cavalry Marechal's have taken positions ready to strike and destroy Otto cities.
March 1808
The Atlantic seaboard is a light for your ships.
3000 gold, what an amazing treasure. Many many units were rushed to completion with this.
We are glad to hear your preperations for Spain are going well.
We will commit a minimun of three corps to this adventure.
Marechal Bessieres’ VII Corp have poduced amazing results in the fence, as it grows and takes shape. So many units of the line just standing there...
As dicussed, a gap has been allowed for the two Ottoman Saphi. It will be interesting watching where they do go.
Napoleon and the Old Guard Cavalry have arrived outside of Odessa.
Marechal Lauriston and the Old Guard and the Old Guard Grand Batteries are still working there way down the old Russian roads.
Marechal Drouet’s II Corp is strung out as part of the fence all the way back to the Atlantic. It is hoped that he will have his troops in order for the spainish offensive.
Marechal Vandamme’s III Corps have regrouped, and now stand at the very gates of Belgrade.
July 1808
Marechal Domon’s Cavalry is racing Marechal Davout Cuirassier’s for the Spainish Border. They both should be there next turn.
Marechal Drouet’s II Corp is now regrouping asap for the Spainish border.
Here is a pic of Marechal Bessieres’ VII Corp and their fence
March 10, 2004, 18:20
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My troops gather for the Spainish Offensive
Marechal Davout Cuirassier’s have arrived in Bordeaux (in black)
Marechal Domon’s Cavalry have arrived in Montauban (in yellow)
Marechal Drouet’s II Corp scattered across the two cities.
Marechal U. Scratched Foot XII Corp (in green)
March 10, 2004, 18:56
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1808 Nov
We stand ready with you.
Before we do attack, please see where the Ottoman are on this map... I feel they are heading to Spain
March 11, 2004, 13:41
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A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 11, 2004, 20:42
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With Scratched Foot leading a battle group, there's no way you can lose now.
Nice Maginot Line you got shaping up there.
By the way Pad, what skill level do you play on? You always seem to outnumber your opponents by about twenty to one. I wanna see a closer fight with a mutual slaughter being imposed. Only then can Marshal Scratched Foot really become a hero by saving Napolean and his Grand Army.
March 13, 2004, 01:14
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Good work. Keep it up!
If I only had a brain...
March 26, 2004, 07:26
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The fates have played a savage hand to my people today...
a Marechal of France has fallen....
let the widows mourn, let the warriors fight, let the people know...
we are France, we will prevail
March 26, 2004, 07:37
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oh an valencia fell, hope I hold it loinger than barecelona
we march south Sire
Marechal Harevard and XXX Corp stand ready to attack Madrid
Marechal Matthie and V Corp have grouped in Paris and are thundering south to the battle now
on my way to Seville now
The farms of this land are now British...
Long Live His Majesty Maximus
Vive le France
We hope that our roads have been cleared for you and yours
Sept 1811 -
so when do we go the Ottomen?
Welcome to 1812
someome should write some music about all of this
my forces are gathering in Austria
this will get very very messy
Your Majesty, would you like my forces to start in near istanbul and work out or out and work in to your forces?
yes... there could be quite a bit of action in Austria
wow, that shows great dedication
Glad you are the master of the seas
March 1813
The consolidation continues
Austria feels the french be an ugly people
March 26, 2004, 08:18
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I am not sure of a way to get the Turk to attack us...
I have several stacks in Austria, and more in Ottoland
If you can get your cannon to Belgrade that would be great.
Your naval force is quite substaintial, well done
I have 100 troops inside Austria.
Yes alot of them are green, and they are in two stacks.
Yet They will hold the Austrian in many ways
add to this more troops are arriving from France daily
awaiting word from you on when we attack
thank you for the report
they will know the French are here
Europe is ablaze...
Otto has lost 4 major cities
Austria has lost 1.
a full report when the action slows down a bit
I may sign a mpp with Russia they are at war with otto and austria
did not trip war
they probably do not have any troops here
just moving my last units to the fron line etc
to WAR then
declaring on Otto
I am at war
attacking with cannon now on Sulina
MPP with Austria opened up
wish my stereo was still hooked up, love the cannon fire
Imperial Cavalry are excellent too
Sulina is in Ruins
Next stack into Bucharest
no cannon, ahh the price of war
large stack
will loose some cities for that error
saving my armies for last in each stack
wild battle here
massive looses both sides
still my stack is 44
this would upset gunner
not austria yet
yes to razing otto
goodbye bucharest
I have captured 2 grand batteries and 24 workers in the two towns so far
Ottoland is cleved
Marschal Matthie and V Corp have taken to the surround tiles, cleaning up un wanted otto trrops
So too with Davouts Currassiers
should I attack Austria while I have the advantage
I have 70 units surroiunding salzburg, including 6 guns
My 61 units outside belgrade are attacking now
lots of draftees
I wish venice was surrounded too
Belgrade has fallen
well 2 more guns
and 13 workers captured
Marchal U.Scratched Foot XII Corp are attacking Austrian town of Salzburg
so many draftees dead, yet too so many regulars now
Salburg is burning
The battle for Krachov begins
Krachov has fallen, 2 new guns, 7 more workers
and that is that
March 26, 2004, 08:24
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May 1814
Ottolands Armed Forces
March 26, 2004, 08:27
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May 1814
Frances Armed Forces
March 26, 2004, 08:30
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May 1814
The French Foreign Advisor
March 26, 2004, 08:41
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attacking Orsovo now
massive casualties
should I keep it as a base then
it has fallen
I have many injured
barracks Hospital bank and lots of screaming turks
and 2 more guns
Renamed it 'Chopping Block Fort'
Battle of Vienna on now
The good Marechal U.Scratched Foot has gone in
7 grand batteries in there so far
they will be a worthy prize
The Marechal is taking wild casualties
Vienna held by 2 wounded units
I can not get more there now
Marechal Davouts Cuirassiers have taken a beating from the Saphri, yet held their ground
It is good to have French soil to manouevre on
Marechal Matthies V Corp are sweeping the decks again
This fort will work out well
The Fortland allows my Cav to really hunt these Otto troops down
I see your army on the Adriatic coast
France is in flames
The following picture shows the battles around the Chopping Block Fort
March 26, 2004, 08:45
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July 1814
The MiniMap of Europe
March 26, 2004, 08:51
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Our boys are finally ashore in Turkey, yes Jonny Turk will have something else to think about now, and to my amazement he has sent over 20 units out of the city heading north to fight with you Sire.
I just deposited 64 units outside his city which if it falls to me next turn will efectively cut his empire in half, and he blindly sends troops out into the countryside instead of defending his most strategically required city Duh stupid AI.
In other news Venice crumbled before our guns, we did take casualties to the tune of 10 or 11 Lifeguards regiments who were destroyed by the Austrians brave attempts to defend this city. Our number was too great for them though, as we had 56 lifeguards available for the assault after pounding the city with 40 Grand Batts
There are an estimated 27 fewer Austrian units living this evening, we think a sizable force moved out last turn and are heading towards your troops.
From the troop movements we witnessed at the save from both of our enemies we reckon they are both focusing their counter attacks on your troops and would suggest that you hunker down as many as you can into your newly aquired fort. We will send a relief stack from Venice next turn though will lose one turn because of cut roads.
I believe that the Turk will rethink his counter attack when he sees the Red Ensign flying over the city of Istanbul
March 26, 2004, 08:55
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Congratulations on the battle of Venice. This city can only further add greatness to your empire.
Your trrops around Istanbul will really set Jonny Turk back.
Napoleon and the Guard are moving on another city.
Chopping block fort will hold. Many troops have converged from many directions. It is all very messy, but we will avail. Your columns will be a welcome relief.
Marechal U. Scratched Foot XII Corp have continued to attack Vienna, with massive losses on both sides.
March 26, 2004, 08:57
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Istanbul tonight lies in our control, we have suceeded in our efforts, though the Battle was hard fought with many losses. estimates are 12 lifeguards regiments and 7 Household cavalry brigades!!
Their is a small counter force arrived but our cannon will make short work of these next turn. We have destroyed the roads to the north to slow down any Turk counter from that direction and will do the same in the south next turn.
We have spotted a large force of Sipahis heading north from Mostar towards Zagreb, we feel they will either attack Venice or intend to strike into France so be on your guard Sire!!
March 26, 2004, 09:05
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Congraulations yet again
Thank you for your warnings. My country is alive with troop movements, and I have a two ready forces in reserve for any incursions into my homelands.
My scouts at Chopping Block Fort can see a stack of Sipahi. Marechal Harvard and XXX Corp Cav have been dispatched. One stack of 7 have been destroyed, just to highlight a further stack of 12 more. I have thus dispatched Marechal Davout's Cuirasiers. Unfortuanately the Ottomen may escape into the heartlands of Austria.
These may make it into France, but the cost for the Ottoman will be high.
Closer to Mostar, two smaller stacks of Sipahi have been spotted. These have been planted back into the soil, expect good crops here in the coming years.
With these victories came further insight onlong the coast near Mostar. Five stacks of Janissary have been spotted. One of 12, one of 8, others of 3 and 2...
I do believe that they are bypassing Chopping Block Fort, heading for our Homelands, the Ottoman will pay, as my units have been able to manouvre out very comfortably.
The battle of Dnepropetrovsk has begun. I will bombard this city for a few turns before moving my men in.
The Battle of Chisinau has begun. The battaries of the Guard have opened up like that sound of thunder. This battle raged for most of the day, before the city lay in ruins.
Here Napoleon swung the Old Guard on to Odessa. Marechal Ney took this challenge and leapt at Odessa. With the help of the Old Guard Cuirassiers Odessa is also a smoking pile of rubble.
With these two cities smashed, Napoleon is turning his two stacks towards Chopping Block Fort. This will leave Kriyvyyth Rith standing. But brings a consolidation of French forces.
Vienna stands strong, like a pillar in a mist of blood. Although I have sustained massive losses in this endeavour, I would do it again. For I believe that this battle has drawn many of the Austrian forces to this one point. Thus allowing my troops in other quadrants greater flexibility.
Some trajic news. The Swedes have left St Petersburg in ruins. It must have been a wild battle.
Further Battles with the Swede are taking place in Oslo, and in the Baltic.
Along with the riots in these Northern Towns, I have some tough decisions ahead.
March 26, 2004, 09:16
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Originally posted by unscratchedfoot
With Scratched Foot leading a battle group, there's no way you can lose now.
Nice Maginot Line you got shaping up there.
By the way Pad, what skill level do you play on? You always seem to outnumber your opponents by about twenty to one. I wanna see a closer fight with a mutual slaughter being imposed. Only then can Marshal Scratched Foot really become a hero by saving Napolean and his Grand Army.
Glad you are enjoying it Scratch.
I have provided the armed forces list for France and the Ottoland.
Hope you are enjoying the battle of Vienna
March 27, 2004, 12:23
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Congraulations yet again. Istanbul, the great cross roads of the world.
Good luck with Venice. And may your battle in Zagreb be quick.
The battle of Dnepropetrovsk continues. the bombardment must be causing trouble for those locked within. A few more turns yet before moving my men in. 5 cannon and 2 Grand batteries can do a fair amount of damage.
Napoleon and the Old Guard are heading back to Chopping Block Fort. On this journey the came across 11 Sekan in the mountains. Here the Old Guard Grand batteries opened up and reduced these numbers quite severely.
Then Marechal Lauriston and The Old Guard took to that Mountain bastion.
Next Marechal Victors IX Corp Cav stormed the mountain.
The Sekan had little hope really.
In an unlikely move, Napoleon and the Old Guard Cuirassiers rode off to deal with a stack of Janissary.
Marechal Ney, every the rash one, seeing his Emperor on the hunt, let loose his Cavalry Corp, and they too joined the hunt in the fields east of Chopping Block Fort.
Not to be out done, and ever knowing his Emperors heart, Marechal Macdonald and his mighty Carabiniers charged into the melle on the fields.
Long would the Ottoman rue the day the Grand Armee of France marched into his lands.
To the North of the Fort, Marechal Davout is throughing units against the Janissary stacks.
Marechal Harvard and XXX Corps are in a dangerous position. They are surround by three stacks of 21 Jannisary. Now would be the time for Marechal U.Scratched Foot XII Corp to come over the mountain... The blood lust of the cavalry can be an amazing thing, and once again it shows that cavalry should not operate far from the reaches of infantry.
Marechal Davout could march up into to these hils, but will that be enough, or will we lose two of Frances Marechals in this manner. One for all and all for one. The live or die together.
Vienna is once again a blood bath.
March 27, 2004, 12:24
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The battle of Dnepropetrovsk continues. the bombardment must be causing trouble for those locked within. A few more turns yet before moving my men in. 5 cannon and 2 Grand batteries can do a fair amount of damage.
Napoleon and the Old Guard Cuirassiers have entered Chopping Block Fort to great applause.
Then Marechal Lauriston and The Old Guard, along with The Old Guard are heading for Varna.
Next Marechal Victors IX Corp Cav are running a rear guard action against a further stack of Sekan.
Marechal Ney, has also entered Chopping Block Fort to great applause.
Marechal Macdonald and his mighty Carabiniers are rummaging again in the mountains around Sibiu, clearing Austria units.
Marechal Harvard and XXX Corps has made it safely into the fort.
Losses of our troops have been massive, yet to this date, only St Petersburg has been taken and destroyed.
Vienna is once again a blood bath.
March 27, 2004, 12:25
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My lads are gathering in the Fort.
The Guard continue on the march down the Black sea.
The Battle of Vienna is messy, but Marechal U.Scratched Foot and XII corp, along with reienforcements are holding down many many units of the Austrian Army.
March 29, 2004, 10:40
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Marshall UnScratchedFoot is enjoying the Vienna slaughter very much. He particularly likes battles which are long grim meat grinders with both sides being bludgeoned. Foot would like to hear more about the numbers of great casualties being incurred by both sides to add to the delight.
I like the name "Chopping Block Fort". That shows real class to come up with that kind of material.
Did Foot go over the mountain to help the other marshall in a big fight or just wave him off as expendable and inconsequential?
The whole deal is a lot of fun.
More material please.
March 29, 2004, 11:08
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a lot of information yet to come
March 30, 2004, 01:21
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Paddy the Pot, it seems we're the only people visiting the forum now. But no worries, I'm looking forward to more after action reports and slaughters. Did you ever read my Royal Service story? You never commented on it but you are a character in the story. I got the whole story worked out but never finished yet. I'm concerned about no one reading it if I write more on it considering you're the only one reading my the hit story now. Let me know if you are interested. The ending is a real wingdinger involving chrisius and Lord Cornwallis and vovan is also in there and you too.
March 30, 2004, 03:36
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Im still here Scratchy but my time is spread much more over other sections of the forums now, sorry if you thought I was missing in action
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
March 30, 2004, 16:22
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Still here... but veeery busy.
March 31, 2004, 01:01
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Scratch, I remember starting to read it, then seem to have lost my path.
So I printed it out last night, and enjoyed it this morning - all 64 pages.
Thanks for the reminder.
April 7, 2004, 21:38
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Wowsers, that's a lot of pages.
Pad, this exciting story actually motivated me to shake the dust off my conquests box and reinstall civ3 just to play this scenario. Of course I couldn't resist modding it a fair bit with new troops and ships with a badly needed full naval overhaul, but this is definitely one of the best games of civ I've ever had and nicely designed. I find its a good fight on diety or sid for a nice mutual slaughter. You should try it. Thanks for your story so I could discover it.
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