~Anarchy~ Sign up
Time to reattempt the opening of Claustrophobia.
Be as cheap and as dirty as you damn well want.
The map is attached.
The rules are:
*Any victory allowed
*Do or Die is on
*Bell Curve is on
*Difficulty is Transcend
The 12 human factions are all allowed.
Custom factions are acceptable if:
1. they have unique base graphics,
2. they are not (in my opinion) unbalanced,
3. their description and files are included in this thread
Players choose their turn order (1-7) and their faction on a first-come-first-serve basis.
There are 8 clear pieces of land in the middle of the islands.
Players start on these, and may choose their starting position on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Players also all gain 1 extra tech (i.e. 2 extra starting techs for the University).
So you need:
1. Faction (and files if custom)
2. Extra starting tech(s)
3. Turn order
4. Starting island
Bugs allowed:
Anything that doesn't directly affect another player.
(Like the F4 bug)
Probe missions must be informed to the probed player.
So Chadawn can be a total fungus farming demon boil cheapass if he wants.
I say, since we can all do it, it's fair game.
On that note:
Player: Enigma
Faction: Gaians
Extra tech: Biogenetics (Centauri Ecology presumed)
Turn order: 7th
Starting island: Beta Borealis