September 3, 2000, 00:54
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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Great game thru three sessions, post here for availability or just to tell your story.
Lord of the currently supreme Ferrets
September 3, 2000, 13:10
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3 sessions and over 12 hours of playing and finally we are AD. We are finding out what the world would be like if Communism were developed 1900 years earlier than it was in the real world.
The commie RAH is quite the warmonger. :-)
My suggestion for CIV3 would be to add an observer unit... I would love to witness what must be a huge battle between Berzker and RAH.
Please describe it for me...
I am last in the city count and trying to stay out of the way in the battle of the titans.
The Epik Library (GL) is the only thing that gives me hope for the future. Many thanks to Berzerker for his excellent tech thefts from Comrade RAH, which immediately make it to the Epik Library.
I bet Barono is a little nervous with both Berzerker and I having small cities in the corners of his kingdom. However Comrade RAH has got us too busy to expand those cites.
So was that time we set for resuming 4 PM Eastern or Central?
September 3, 2000, 15:20
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Note to self... don't hit the back button after posting.
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September 3, 2000, 15:38
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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Location: who killed Poly
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So far, no major engagements, maybe 20 units lost between us, OK, maybe a few more.
The real battle is brewing. The next session should be interesting.
The real race is to electricity to neutralize that damn library.
Don't feel too secure Epik. I know where you are. And I feel that you have cooperated with my enemy, which is reason enough.
The commies only fight because we are afraid of encirclement. (where have we heard that before)
September 3, 2000, 17:33
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Electricity??? Nah you don't want to mess with that non weaponary stuff. It will ruin your image as a warmonger.
My race is to the Railroad, so that fancy flower patch (HG) can be plowed under and the smiles can be wiped off them happy commie's faces.
I mean really... have you ever seen a happy commie?
September 3, 2000, 22:55
Local Time: 16:05
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epik, berzerker, and rah
1st lengthy game of multiplayer. yes i am nervous about
your cities. most of the time i seem to be jumping the wrong way on techs and a little behind where i would like to be. all in all been keeping my head above water
i think so far. not drowning to bad so far
September 3, 2000, 23:52
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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Railroad, no problem, HG just had to last long enough to get me to communism. Happiness not a problem for us commies.
I'll check for you guys middle late afternoon, but I also have to work early tuesday so I can't play late.
September 4, 2000, 00:08
if anyone ever needs a sub just call me
September 4, 2000, 09:16
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So Barono.... afraid of drowning... is that why you asked me to let you bribe my boat?
Hey I got nuttin' planned for today, so I can start early. I will check in on icq about 1 PM eastern. Perhaps we can get going then... if our west coaster is out of bed by 10 AM pacific time.
September 4, 2000, 10:44
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I'll be online around 6 est... RAH has this one I think, Sun Tzu is a killer with sufficient output and cannons.
September 4, 2000, 13:12
Local Time: 16:05
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with sun zu, and leo it would be hard time to get to rah as anyone he bribes turns into latest tech for that player. i.e.turn a warrior into musketeer. he has sufficient production to make himself not only menacing but extrememly dangerous
September 4, 2000, 15:55
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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I have to aplogize gents, i just got back from golf, (5 hour round) and my wife has decided that it is probably best that I don't play today. And since i've played for the last 4 nights straigt, It's probably best not to argue with her. Mabye wed. if not friday. Sorry, i thought i could get away with it.
Not so powerful as he thought.
Even the ferrets couldn't persuade her.
September 4, 2000, 16:39
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First of all to Berzerker and Barono.... I am the Borg and I am the one that is suppose to say "Resistance is futile." , not RAH!
I know the commies are gonna make us bleed some, but we can draw some blood of our own. A well defended city can kill many units before it falls. On August 15th I posted about catching up against a player with a big lead, and Ming said it would be hard but possible. His suggestion was:
"Change your goals... Go for communism and then espionage... Vet Spies are the great equalizer.
And while in communism, use it. Go to war.
Swamp him with units. Yeah, all three of you can go for his throat, but realistically, two people on different fronts can drive him nuts. If he beats you to nukes, and you don't have SDI's yet, it is probably over... But make sure you have a city of his that hasn't had a science stolen by a diplo. A vet spy can steal repeatedly from a single city as long as a diplo didn't raise the steal flag. You can make life miserable for him."
It is a long shot but I think that RAH can still be beaten! If his wife can whip him... so can we!!!
I could play on Wednesday until from 7:30 to 10 PM eastern... Friday night is also open for me.
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September 5, 2000, 08:49
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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Location: who killed Poly
Posts: 22,919
Me thinks that Epik is trying to blow smoke up our A**.
According to reports back from our spys, The Borg were clearly leading the tech race. And the power graph had tightened considerable. The Ferrets while still supreme, were not #1 in demos any longer.
Me thinks this is a ruse in order to facilitate assimilation later while the other leaders waste their resources attacking a foe they should not fear.
If the heartless machines who wish to assimilate us are destroyed, the rest of the world can live in harmony. And we can watch the first communist nation turn into the utopia predicted by our philosophers.
Lord of the Ferrets
September 5, 2000, 17:31
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I think I have a good idea of what RAH's utopia would be like... he would lock up the Libertarians, melt Frost Bite Falls, and unplug the Borg.
I chatted with Barono yesterday... I know he wants to start a new game, because he thinks he made a few mistakes early in the game. Berzerker is also right about Sun Tzu being a killer with cannons, not to mention the instant upgrades from Leo's Workshop.
However I want to continue, because I want to find out if it is possible to catch up after one player has what seems to be a big advantage.
I have been doing the MP thing only since June, but I have yet to play a game past this "big advantage" stage. I hate to think that CIV2 is a game that can only be won by getting a couple of key wonders.
I don't want to destroy RAH (although that might be a lot of fun). What I want to see is if the game can be equalized to the point where any of us have a chance to win. There are still some major wonders available, if we can survive the intial commie onslaught.
One thing that I want to be clear on... we agreed that the game would not allow tech trades. To equalize this game, I am willing to give techs to my allies. Our best hope may be to run multiple tech routes.
RAH, Do you have a problem with gifting techs?
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September 6, 2000, 08:24
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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Steal them. At least that requires resources and stratagy.
If everyone feels that the Commie Ferrets are all powerful,  , I'd be willing to start another game.
Me thinks you all give up too early.
I'll be home by 6:00 Central tonight.
Lord of the Ferrets
September 8, 2000, 08:11
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:05
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Well it's Friday, and I'm hoping we can continue this one. I'll be at Ming's around 7:00 central.
Post here your availability tonight.
September 8, 2000, 19:02
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I am ready and waiting for the action to resume.
September 8, 2000, 19:31
Local Time: 15:05
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Rah me thinks you need a new warrior to enter the circle..... i am hoping to play with you and others tonite...... Berzerker as well...... and any newbies or veterans who wish to play as well..... pls keep me in mind if you start a new game
Ah its good to be back.... i smell the fear of opponents being stalked and i tremble as they turn to face me. i hope i remember how to play!
September 8, 2000, 20:15
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We got your ICQ... prepare for honored war again...
(Rah says high)
September 8, 2000, 20:27
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out of curiousity Ming, when Rah comes over to play.... do you often talk strategy with him and look in on how the game is going? Or is Rah's guile and treachery all his own doing?
CanadianWarBeavers nod there heads in unison to the mighty Ferrets leader
September 8, 2000, 20:53
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He doesn't need my help... trust me on that one
Yeah, before the rest of the guys show up so I can play our war games, I'll "watch" the start of the game.
And sure, we talk, be he knows what he is doing already.
(as you well know)
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Ming (edited September 09, 2000).]</font>
September 9, 2000, 10:55
Local Time: 18:05
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So the question of the day is...
Are we gonna resume this game today? If so, when?
As I expressed in the above posts, I want to resume. I recall RAH saying last night that he would be available after 5 PM Central Time. I am available most of the day, however there is a late football game (OSU vs Arizona) that I want to watch at 9 PM central time. I do not have a TV near my computer, so I would have to quit about that time.
I should also be available on Sunday beginning at noon central time.
September 16, 2000, 17:41
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Well the end of another interesting session of REBB. I was thinking that I could easly outrun the commie RAH in the tech race when I got into democracy. Not so, RAH you must have a couple of powerful science cities...
RAH did not conquer as many cities as I expected in that session. Perhaps he had to change his city settings to match my tech pace.
I shed some blood early in the session as RAH almost broke thru my defense line, but the timely building of a fortress saved me for this session.
I was surprised by the Powergraph when we retired. RAH was in the lead, but Berzerker's line was very close. My Borg were significantly trailing the Americans, so Barono must be fixing some of the problems he had in earlier sessions.
I hope we can continue... I am still curious how the commies will react when we reach railroad and they lose the Hanging Gardens. If I get the right tech choices it should not be too long before this happpens.
I will check in later tonight to see if anyone is available.
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