TurnChat / Senate Session 29 Part VII
Rasputin: yep.. i suggest unless the cats make hits we dont attack
Paddy5: hahahaaha
Paddy5: your mad
Nimitz: Wm For WM
Rasputin: not enoguh swordemns snet , we need about 12-15 probpalby more if he has upgraded this pikes to
muskets too
Paddy5: one moment you want a spearto charge then this
Paddy5: hahaha
Rasputin: spear can kill a barb warrior any dy...
Paddy5: 4accept WM
Rasputin: try it from the old save later paddy !!!
Rasputin: yep wm gooda
Paddy5: 4Goodbye
Rasputin: see pathetic wariiror
Makahlua: only because the spear was on -defense-
Paddy5: 12 so too WAR
Paddy5: 4Road Runner Bombards
Paddy5: 4Rock and Fire Bombards
Rasputin: **** loasy aimers
Rasputin: this is not good people
Paddy5: 4Wall Breaker Fires
Paddy5: 4Horse the Cat fires
Rasputin: as i said before mak , reload the save beofore last turn and try the spear v warrior yourseof....
Paddy5: move on Raz
Rasputin: i have
Paddy5: 12 to Jean
Makahlua: i got 0 hits :/
Duddha: me too
Rasputin: i urgently request we dont attakc madrid til lthe cats hit something
Paddy5: 4Cowpult bombards
Rasputin: i have never had so few hits
Paddy5: Cats are traditionally useless..
Duddha: i got one hit on that
Paddy5: I had none
Rasputin: and so liong till we get an upgrade
Rasputin: you on ptw duddha ??
Rasputin: or c3c ??
Duddha: c3c
Rasputin: yeah c3c sees to give cats a better chance
theViking: I got one hit too in c3c
Paddy5: do we wait like Raz asks, which allows them to bring up help
Duddha: are we going to attack madrid?
Rasputin: we cant win madrid ...
Paddy5: why
Rasputin: our swords will all die
Makahlua: it looks like they rushed or upgraded a musket too.
Paddy5: yes there is a pic on Madrid, they had one
Paddy5: and 4 pikes
Makahlua: yeah but i mean another or upgraded a pike
Rasputin: investigate madrid again ...
Paddy5: we are at war now
Duddha: where is our SMC to decide something of such importance
Rasputin: damn forgot cant in war
Rasputin: look i beg you not to waste our swordmen there
Paddy5: we have the power of the vote
Rasputin: we dont hav eenough, we need about 12-15 swords and more cats...
Paddy5: 121 for attack 2 for sit with Raz
Nimitz: they upgraded so they have to Masket
Rasputin: if they have upgraded to muskets al lfive we are doomed
Paddy5: 12 everyone to vote please
theViking: 1
Paddy5: 1
Rasputin: oh well
Duddha: hmm
Rasputin: let it be stated that i was agianst this mad slaughter
Makahlua: 0 = banana
Nimitz: well your always the one saying go for the attack
Nimitz: 0
Rasputin: and mak swings the vote with a banane
Paddy5: 12 no bananas here , please vote 1 or 2
Rasputin: no i plan my attacks, it sdont seem liek it but i o**** odds
Makahlua: gah.
Rasputin: odds bad this time
Nimitz: you must respect the right to abstain
Rasputin: abstainers are sending our boys to the death !!!
Paddy5: we are at WAR, VOTE !!!
Makahlua: et me think then
Rasputin: possible 5 muskets agianst a few swordmen
Duddha: how many units.spearmen did they have in there last?
Nimitz: if you force my hand I'm going 2
Paddy5: you do not leave the boys on the beach by abstaining, we be Viking!
Rasputin: not spearmen muskets !!!!!
Nimitz: @
Nimitz: 2
Rasputin: 5 muskets
Nimitz: 2
Nimitz: 2
Nimitz: 2
Nimitz: 2
Nimitz: 2
Nimitz: 2
Duddha: 2
Rasputin: 5 muskets versus 8 sowrds
theViking: We have 29 attack points
Makahlua: 1 musket 4 pikes, but the musket on top is un forted, meaing it's additioanl or an upgrade
Rasputin: we need approx 3 swords per defenrder
Duddha: change to 1
Nimitz: so atleast 2 muskets
Duddha: why two?
Rasputin: we know one was fortified last turn
Duddha: hmm
Rasputin: now they have extra one there unfoirtiefed
Rasputin: well i have said my piece, i can but sit back and watch now
Paddy5: 12... ok all converstain to stop... please just the votes... by the 6 of us, then we can chat...
Paddy5: 12 start them here and now thank you
Paddy5: 1
Rasputin: 2
theViking: 1
Makahlua: 2
Duddha: 1
Rasputin: oh damn
Paddy5: 12come on Nimitz
Paddy5: Big Free you are needed
Paddy5: looks like we attack then
Nimitz: 2
Rasputin: ready to post about the mass slaughter
Paddy5: ok thank you Nimitz
Rasputin: 3-3 votes who decides ties
Duddha: so now what
Paddy5: and Big Free is not waking up
Nimitz: that is the 8th time
Rasputin: does presidnet get two votes
Paddy5: we sit
Paddy5: tes
Paddy5: 4WE wait
Rasputin: yeah i thank our gods
Rasputin: fortify all paddy
Paddy5: do we fortify??
Rasputin: yes..
Paddy5: do we put a force acroos the other tile
Duddha: how about halt ot seante meeting and discuss with a wider audience on the forum?
Rasputin: every turn w eneed to bombard and send mroe troops
Paddy5: at 3
Paddy5: Sorry Dude we play
Rasputin: umm yes good point
Rasputin: agree with blocking the peninsula
Paddy5: we have been here more than 5 hours for THIS battle
Rasputin: went to oearly in the end paddy..
Rasputin: but not over yet...
Rasputin: we need another 10 -15 swords rushed and some lucky cats...
theViking: what about Jaen?
Paddy5: Ras, we needed that way before several people pushed for the attack
Duddha: *Duddha calls a vote for to stop the Senate secession in this moment of crisis
Paddy5: no crisis here
Duddha: the senate is divided between action and inaction
Nimitz: ewwww
Rasputin: attack jean we cna take that. some lossses but we wil lwin
Nimitz: a time for a quote from the con
Makahlua: he's right, I don't have enough data to feel comfortable with votign yes, which is why i ried to
banana it :/
Makahlua: We could go ahead in Jean and other orders though.
Rasputin: i gave you the data.. 8 swords agaisnt a posibly 5 muskets
Paddy5: brb phone
Rasputin: eve nit was only one musket and 4 pikes we couldnt win wothout bombard damge
Duddha: attack jaen and then convene the session
Nimitz: we have call for a pause we wait till this is settled
Rasputin: i vote we play on ...
Makahlua: Jaen, order workers than puse me thinks.
Rasputin: if we leave it on forums might take days t oget enough votes.
Duddha: it is better that way
Nimitz: thats why I'm checking the con
Rasputin: well upto you guys,..
Paddy5: hi.
Paddy5: so are we in Crisis???
Paddy5: do we split the forces???
Duddha: found anything in the con nimitz?
Paddy5: we do the other moves then
Paddy5: ha
Paddy5: 4PHC stack roads
Paddy5: 4wkbee stack mine
Nimitz: still looking its there just hav to find it
Paddy5: 4the Unsinkable 2-4 sit
Nimitz: (i) In the event of a national emergency, the President shall halt play so that the crisis can be
Paddy5: thanks Nimitz,
Rasputin: this isnt an mergency
Paddy5: lets finish the standard moves though - alright
Nimitz: then we desided
Duddha: ok
Paddy5: ok?
theViking: ok
Paddy5: 4new galley in Thors hammer name = ???
Makahlua: This is only a Test
Duddha: Constitution
Paddy5: 4new galley in Thors hammer name = Constitution
Paddy5: 4Constitution moves 4-1-2
Paddy5: 4bobs worker 2 mine
Paddy5: 4Digger and Ralf 9 toi TSickle
Paddy5: 4TSickle 8-6-9
Paddy5: 4Paddy Borg settler 1
Paddy5: 4Sharp Eyes 2-2
Paddy5: 4Drinking Vessel 2-2-3
Rasputin: ok to war with jen
Paddy5: 12only units in war left - lets talk
Rasputin: lets take jaen !!
Nimitz: Yes that we can agree on
Rasputin: good
Duddha: duddha votes to attack jaen
Paddy5: 4NMaster attacks Jean
Paddy5: 4Eirick attacks Jean
Rasputin: and you guys wante dto atack a musket LOL
Paddy5: 4The Forgotten Warrior attacks Jean3
Paddy5: the 3 was a typo
Paddy5: so do we send in Snaeky Pete or leave him to Protect the useless cat
Duddha: attack
Rasputin: leaves cats undefened
theViking: attack
Paddy5: 4Sneaky Pete attacks+
Nimitz: we have sword right
Paddy5: what sword?
Rasputin: you killed the aowrds
Nimitz: ok from now on we use archers on the spearmen
Makahlua: cheaper for one thing
Nimitz: hmm I had one live
Rasputin: c3c is better
Rasputin: LOL
Nimitz: I also had the archer crush the defending spear
Duddha: me too
Paddy5: what happened
Rasputin: i had one swords men defeat actualy.. just noticed that
Paddy5: Mak how did yours go?
Paddy5: I only have a cat left
Duddha: ouch
Rasputin: hmmmm
Rasputin: i think spain is stronger than we think,. who said the spanish feared our amries
Makahlua: i got only a cat
Makahlua: it's not us, it's the bastard RNG
Rasputin: ok i have tog oguys
Nimitz: I do like the way civ2 did that better
Rasputin: see ya alll
* Rasputin has left #civ3dem
Paddy5: bye
Duddha: alright, it is getting late for me, i'm going to retire to bed. I trust we will make the right
decisions, whatever that may be
* Duddha has quit IRC (Quit: )
Paddy5: hahahaha
Paddy5: theV... ideas on Madrid trhen
Makahlua: Ii thnk this is point in an SP game where I would reload and not attack Spain.....but then I stick
to Regent/Monarch mostly ^^
Nimitz: hmm Warlord
Makahlua: and Pangea/COntinents
Makahlua: mmmmmm, land rovign SoD's ^^
Paddy5: hahahah
Paddy5: well I feel we need to strip our cities of troops and get entertainers/....
theViking: Let out troups go home
Paddy5: send tyhe galleys back and get more troopps here
Nimitz: this is the point I'd say lay the save down run a quick poll in the forum a day or so and go after
Paddy5: ouch
theViking: we need Berserker.
Paddy5: yes
Paddy5: ok
Nimitz: we just don't got the numbers here to do something that might cost us our offencinve force
Paddy5: let the army sit...
Nimitz: in senaters
Paddy5: then next turn remove them,
Makahlua: we could always laod up and hit some of the outlying colonies like Santander or Valladollid as well
as reattack Jaen and sue for peace and tech (and get
Paddy5: yes, but we need to protect the cats that have already moved this turn
Nimitz: we just didn't plan for Muskets
Makahlua: Ifo nly we knew where her SP was.
Nimitz: thats easy
Makahlua: Santander or Vittoria I ithnk
* Makahlua looks closer
Paddy5: do we protect the Cats?
Nimitz: its being bought
Makahlua: Santander. it has a road in the desert where VIttoris doesn't. No ther hills in Sapin either
Nimitz: oh ya we can't see it yet
Nimitz: and its got a port
Paddy5: 12do we protect the Cats? or load up and leave?
Makahlua: Load up , the (*^%(*&% things are useless
Makahlua: or is this for the discussioin too?
Nimitz: banana
* Nimitz starts lobbing bananas at Madrid
Makahlua: those will probably to more damge - where's a bananapult when we need one!
Paddy5: we can not move the Cats this turn,, as they fired etc
Nimitz: yes
Paddy5: 12 sorry to be rude, but can we play?
Nimitz: 12protect
Paddy5: thanks you
Paddy5: 4All the war fleet sits
Paddy5: 4the invasion force fortifies
Paddy5: 12 time toi search the cities again then
Nimitz: well here we go
Paddy5: I do not see anything
Paddy5: anyone else
Nimitz: well today you just got a small sample of what the game was like
Nimitz: nope
theViking: no
Paddy5: 4Saving
Nimitz: a hole 10 people we did good this chat
Paddy5: end turn