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Apolyton Salón de Fama: Marzo 2003
Hola y bienvenido a la otra edición de la Apolyton Salón de Fama!
Que es lo?
El Apolyton Salón de Fama (HoF) es una lista de personas cual contribuyan mucho a la comunidad aqui en Apolyton. Por ejemplo; Xin Yu era inductó a la HoF por su increíble estrategia y MP contribuyados a la sección de Civ II, yin26 por el fantástico trabaja en ‘La Lista’ con sugerencias por Civ3
Todos los miembros de la Hall de Fama hagó bien contribuaciónes a la Apolyton y la comunidad Civilization- ese personas y sus realizadas necesita recordar de todos.
Si tu no recuerdas muchos nombres, tu probalamente hay por mucho tiempo y haces muy poca posts afuera de ese sección- en aquella casa, esté HoF seré un buen oportunidad aprender alguna desede sus.
Este HoF sea crear a recordar y aprender.
Nostoros votemos por los Apolytoners cual nosotros pensamos contribuidos lo mejor a Apolyton, los Apolytoners cual hacen Apolyton cual lo es. Los vencedores son inducten a la HoF y sus nombres ha viven para siempre en los palabras de APOLYTON!
La idea por la Salón de Fama sea nacido en viejo 2000 de un crece de un viejo Apolyton Ejército y Apolytoner de la temporada contestas, buscando a honor los personas de Apolyton en un mas signaficado y structuado via.
El primer edición sea en el Off Topic en Diciembre 2000 con un period de tres dias y es contemporáneo en los archivos. El primer edición vea Markos and Dan, los propiedades y administrativos de ese sita, y los primer diez posteares inductados.
Desede entonces, la HoF vota ha hace cuatro veces a un año con 11-14 total miembros electados cada año. Hasta que Augosto 2002, la vota sólo hace en el Off Topic forum – de aquella tiempo a hoy, la vota ha postado en otra secciónes (primero en el Civ3, mas tarde en el SMAC, CtP1-MP, CtP2, etc).
Grácias Especiales/Por que nosotros hacemos cosas
Ming para archiva el primer thread y ayudada con el thread en las primeras días de el existe.
As per suggestion by MOBIUS, the last vote's are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Solver, all previous votes are carried onto the next votes.
As per suggestion by Martin Guhman, December votes are extended till 6 days.
As per suggestion by Locutus, introduction revised.
Este Edición
Bienvenido al Marzo 2004 edición de la APOLYTON HALL DE FAMA
(TRES miembros inductaré este tiempo)
(Cada 12 electaré este año)
tu tienes aproximadamente 7-8 días a votar (until próximo Domingo o Lunes).
Por favor vota hoy y elige algunos de sus bretheren unir el historico Hall; consistido de algunas llamas importantes de Adam Smith, DanQ, MarkG, Giant Squid, St Leo, Ming, Snapcase and more.
Hoy es su oportunidad decidir: Cuál inductado en la HoF ese tiempo? Es su decisión hoy:
Recuerdas, tús votas son importantes! Y su tiene sólo 4 días por vota!
Ese es una tópica satellite: tú may vota aqui, pero los votas no UPDATED en ese thread- Las votas updatará en este threads: OT (Link), Civ III (Link) Porque los threads son los mas populares locaciónes a votar.
1) Reglas para votar
Cada persona pueden votar para tres miembros
Registered In/Before 1999- 4 points per vote
Registered In 2000- 3 points per vote
Registered In 2001- 3 point per vote
Registered In 2002- 2 points per vote
Registered In 2003- 1 point per vote
-You may not vote for yourself.
-All ¡¥frivolous¡¦ votes are thrown out.
-Giving your vote to someone merely because they ask is considered a frivolous vote.
No vote changing once you have voted for someone; unless you accidentally voted for someone already in the hall.
You may only vote once in the hall of fame (for 3 people) IF you try to vote more than once ALL of your votes will be made void.
Time Limit for voting is: 4 Days Roughly¡ Usually when the voting starts dying down.
2) Amendments
a) Purgings
Members will be purged from the voting rolls if they received 0 new votes in the month of election. This allows the hall to keep up-to-date, and keeps it from having to reset completely every month. Thus, the hall worthy posters will continue to garner votes day in and day out because their contributions to Apolyton are timeless.
b) Posthumous Inductions
In the regrettable case where a popular member has perished, the Hall of Fame has the ability to posthumously induct him/her into the hall based upon popular opinion. The first class of posthumous inductees (December 2003) included such forum greats as Tazidude, Scouse Gits(2), and faded glory.
3) FAQ:
Trust me, an on-topicer will never win “
What about Xin Yu? What about Velociryx? Both good posters who are currently in the hall!
And if you think that being interviewed by Solver is a prerequisite for an on-topicer getting into the hall- remember Paul!
And remember, many of these ‘mostly-OT posters’ used to be huge on-topic posters back around 1998-99! Ming for example, Giant Squid for another!
The Hall of Fame is based on whoever people vote for, and as Lazarus and the Gimp stated so eloquently: “"The compilers of this list cannot rule out the possibility of inductees being a bunch of utter ****s" Thus. Please. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Where is the Hall of Fame usually posted?
From December 2000 to August 2002, the Hall of Fame had only been posted in the Off Topic forums; with occasional forays into the Apolyton/Community section. However, nowadays you can find the Apolyton Hall of Fame in the OT (main) Civ III (main) and with satellite threads that link into the hall of fame in the following sections: CTP II MP, AC-General, Alt.Civ section-Clash of Civilizations (b/c it has 2nd most posts in alt.civ), Civ III DemoGame sections.
Also, the Hall of Fame is currently lobbying to become a news item.
”How long is voting?”
Voting will continue for roughly 4 days.
In December; voting will be 6 days. (Except in December 2003 where voting has been extended to 7-8 days in order to accommodate all traveling voters and to accommodate the fact that voting has not been done in quite some time.)
Why Do People who received no votes last time expire ?
Their votes expire and they are zeroed and kicked off the list because they were not found to be interesting at the time of the last vote or two. This is done so as to keep the hall clear…
This new process certainly keeps the hall current (a la Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame)
I was recommended not to carry over votes at all, but will continue that tradition, at least for this election because of the idea that we don’t just want “flavor of the month” posters elected. We want people who have contributed over a long period of time.