March 17, 2004, 17:06
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PEACE diplomatic exchanges, part II
Ok people, PEACE has responded. It is quite positive in my opinion.
I post the contents here:
First some introduction blahblah from me
Following is my reply:
Hello, captain FlameFlash
Allow me to introduce myself, I'm negotiator and Military Affairs Function Geo Beta-2 of the CPU council.
Currently I'm the appointed spokesman for the ceasefire talks between our factions.
I am afraid I have to start these talks with a grief message. In concern with the Hive discovery of a unknown contagious planet virus, we investigated all vessels within our reach of presence with this virus. The schooner crew near Conshelf 57 showed signs of infections, thus we felt compelt to sterilize the whole unit since it was heading directly towards an inhabitated base. The good news is that the transport foil in the same area seemed not to be infected. Hive units are still under investigation on the moment, but CPU is more or less assured that the Hive is firm enough not to allow possible infected units return to harbour. But this must be discussed with the Hive.
Under guises of health concerns or not, the violation of the ceasefire in such an action is deplorable. Health concerns should have been directed to me, Herc, or another PEACE cap'n and allowed for PEACE to take care of the problem.
CPU-council is at the moment in meeting on the sort of allowance to return to PEACE for the unfortunately necessary destruction of the schooner, again, this is also in convergence of the sort of agreements that can be reached with the Hive on the destruction of the colony pod. We are quite concerned about this.
The destruction of the schooner is only related to the destruction of your CP in relation to your thinking that the virus had also infected our schooner. They are, however, two seperate issues and unless CPU does have plans to finish off PEACE (which they should just do now if they do) we expect compensation of an amount of PoEs that will allow for a rush build.
As per talks regarding not picking up our crawlers but having the CPU purchase them, we were wondering if the 60 PoEs mentinoed were for both or for each, though the option is looked at very highly either way, a total of 200 PoEs for the lost schooner and two crawlers would be appreciated. Either given after, or before we get off of yardarm and out of CPU's back yard.
That brings us to the topic of Crossbone Way.
Since PEACE does not have a second base anywhere, and since in the former proposals a return to sea of PEACE was asked, I propose the following:
Crossbone Way grows it's population to a level 2, builds a colony pod, and starts constructing a new one immediately.
This colony pod will found a new base somewhere north on the coast (I suggest on map grid 59.37), by then the production of Crossbone Way should be finished and the base thus dismantled.
In accordance to your wish of a return to sea, a sea colony pod can be constructed in the new base and used to found a new base on the northern side of the Fossil Field Ridge. That base should be, by CPU wishes, be the southernmost and closest base PEACE will have to CPU territory.
These plans are quite similar to plans that we've already been considering. There shouldn't be any problems. We are estimating approximately 7+ turns to get Crossbone and everything off of Yardarm, probably more in the '+' range, unfortunately.
The first message was too long and thus needed splitting:
Utterly, when a new base is founded in the north, the PEACE base on Yardlong island should be dismantled as well.
As for the transport foil around Conshelf 57, for the moment we do not allow it in the Atlantis Ocean, perhaps in a few MY, when trust is regained between our factions, we can escort it in the northern part of that ocean. For now I suggest to move it to the northern peninsula of the isle where your former comrades found such a horrible death.
It needs to be returned to Crossbone Way ASAP and seeing as it is of no threat (immediate or otherwise) to the CPU, especially with the blatant disregard that's been shown thus far for the ceasefire I'm sure you'll understand as we move it to safety away from hostilities but also closer to the one place it would be beneficial to us (back to Crossbone Way).
There is one more wish on behalf of the CPU. As long as any PEACE base is in existence on Yardlong island, we like to see the Pact between the Hive and PEACE be reduced to a Treaty.
While I understand your... annoyance, with the Hive currently, CPU has shown itself to be less trustworthy currently, especially with the breaking of the ceasefire so recent. We simply hope that peace can once again be restored, and this time, more permanently.
There is currently talk of dropping from Pact to Treaty status with the Hive as they have also shown themselves to be untrustworthy, however, and while I cannot guarentee anything at the moment, please be advised we do not want to be a launching point for further war efforts, especially between our two, rather large and powerful neighbors.
I realize that the unfortunate destruction of your schooner does not do much to gain your trust at this time, but think of this:
We did not attack any further on any other PEACE unit this year, while we easily could have done so.
That is of little comfort as the only PEACE unit that would have helped us come out of our existance being threatened as much as it currently is was smited.
In the hope that the Hive will wisen up and answers positively at our communications with them, I conclude this message.
Geo Beta-2
Military Affairs Function and negotiator of the CPU
And it is our hope that Hive actions will no longer be misconstrued to be PEACE actions, yet PEACE will continue to do business with the faction that has proven itself to be the more trustworthy toward PEACE at the current level and can only hope compensation for the schooner and crawlers come sometime soon.
We also hope to see an end to the hostilities between Hive and the CPU but understand that Hive was the agressor.
While I again cannot speak for the entire body on this new point, I would suggest a similar tactic of the Hive as they did in helping PEACE gain the tentative ceasefire that is currently being jepordized by Hive actions being misconstrued also as PEACE actions.
They agree to leave Yardlong Island, and indicate that a cp is under construction in Crossbone Way.
Further more their is talk about 2 PEACE crawlers around. I only know about one in our turf, but if the second one is on Yardlong, I'm agreed to let them take it with them on their voyage and good riddance.
My recommendation on the retribution for the schooner is that we will do so if Hive decides to allow our cruiser to return to Atlantis.
Also, as by recommendation of Maniac before his retirement, he suggested not to press a lowering of the Pact to a Treaty between PEACE and Hive for infiltration reasons. I'm in favour of this reduction because Hive can station air units in Crossbone Way within 2 turns (it is 23 tiles away from New Moscow).
Any comments?
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March 17, 2004, 17:08
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Impaler's post, had to move it to make things comprehensible.
It was I who proposed the purchase of the Crawler near MBV for a sum of 60 Credits, I was not aware of the second Crawler in out territory, but on recolection their is infact a second Crawler brining 2 mins to CrossBone. I suspect its a Crawler on a forest someware neach Mega Reboot.
60 Credits for each would be a resonable price in my opinion.
Also I proposed an alternate relocation plan that I belive would be faster.
The first Pod is picked up by the transport and a Land base is started with it, then CrossBone disbands and the second Pod is transported northward to found a second Land Base, only then will they start a Sea Pod to colonize the Fossil Field Ridge. The energy credits we provide them will alow the Pods to be hurried and they can likly disband CrossBone in less then 6 turns.
Also The borders I proposed were a bit more generous. I proposed that they would be able to use all of Dinosaur and Bone Island as their territory and its near coastal waters to start bases. Their is little point in denying this to them as we cant use the territory for ourselves.
For the purposes of border clairification I think we should use a simple strati line to deside the border. PEACE territory would be Square with its southern tip at (48/40). Its border with the Hive is ofcorse an issue between them, with us they will agree to build bases and move units only within this zone. Thus Cycon will maintain a right of passage around the top of YardLong island through the coastal waters running just adjacent to the border. The border line will also extend into the unexplored territory in the northern Hemiphere untill it intersect either the top of the Map or Drone Territory.
The Nutral Zone with the Hive shall be a Rectangular area with the corners (38/32), (28/42), (34/48) and (44/38). Thus it borders PEACE territory and fully seals off the waters that either faction would need to move through to reach the other.
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March 17, 2004, 17:09
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Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
Thus it borders PEACE territory and fully seals off the waters that either faction would need to move through to reach the other.
Except some sea tiles right under the Angels' coastline, but that can be added.
I basically agree with the neutral zone outline with the Hive.
But the borderline for PEACE isn't clear to me.
I propose the strait tiles on 55.33-57.33, 56.34, 55.35-57.35 the southern sea border line.
The strait tiles on 60.24 down to 60.30 and 61.23 down to 61.29 as the eastern border. Not enough info yet to determine that, but probably a border on 59.17 as well.
I like out of these border negotiations with PEACE bases solely on the eastern coast of Yardlong island, so we can build sensors on Yard where we like. PEACE can build a sensor on Bone island (54.34) if they like, to monitor their side of the straits.
Not something I will press, but I love to have permittance to bould a base on Bone Island (tile 46.38) so we can build a sensor to guard the northern part of the neutral zone with Hive. It is out of air range of either faction (Hive or us), thus shouldn't be a big problem.
If this is not allowed, I want that PEACE is forbidden to found a base on 47.37 or 48.36. That would create a back door from Hive to us.
Btw, Impaler, excellent work how you turned the talkings to more constructive issues with Voltaire.
Something else, I will start a new diplo thread for PEACE, since this one is top heavy (barely possible to post large messages here).
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April 8, 2004, 08:48
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I took the liberty to sent the following message to PEACE
From: CPU Military Affairs HQ
To: PEACE captain's council
Captains of PEACE
The last few years you kept to the preliminary agreement we agreed upon. Since it seems that shortly you wil found a new base near the coast of Yardlong island, and supposedly will start a sea colony pod there, my question now is what your plans are with your sole remaining naval unit (the foil transport).
Does PEACE wish to bring the transport foil ASAP to the area were it will start a new colony, or does it prefer to take the long route and stays out of CPU territorial waters?
Geo Beta-2, Military Affairs Function of CPU
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April 8, 2004, 12:16
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 I wonder if their bases are/will be used as possible airstrips for Hive.
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April 8, 2004, 19:54
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At least some faction who respons quickly...
If you'd be so kind to let the 'sport cruise along your waters along 53-57, 39 in 2165 (4 turns from now) we'd appreciate it as we can get our former and rover#1 headed to Bones a turn sooner. We've been gifted MMI, so we've switched to a DropCP to expedite our exit from Yardarm, it's due to be done in 2 (waiting on pop and our cost to drop into our budget of 45 EC). It'll be followed up 4 turns or so after with the disband pod - assuming you let us keep the two crawlers a bit longer. (We'd also appreciate that ) That should have us off Yardarm before 2170, and out of your waters. If you need more exact figures let me know - I'm working on my orders for the next 10 turns or so.
-Seraph Makahlua, for the Captains
And 5 minutes later...
Forgot to ask - what was the exact compensation on the crawlers? 60 per or 60 for both? They should be available in ~7 turns or less, FYI
I'll compose a response after I catched some
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April 9, 2004, 11:02
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How about this response:
Our territorial waters are a bit larger then the tiles you describe. We prefer to receive the whole route through Atlantic Ocean, as that no unauthorized meetings will happen.
As for the crawlers, you can use them longer, not timemark on them, price agreed upon by Function Impaler was 60 ec apiece.
So you're first base will be on Bones Island. Do you care to share the location you had in mind?
-Second Function Geo Beta-2, CyCon
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April 10, 2004, 13:09
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Nearly forgot, Makahlua PM'ed this.
Makahlua wrote on 10-04-2004 11:22:
Here's the route in a nice graphic format; along with the first 2 bases (blue stars). After it reaches Yardarm, it will be making a return trip along the same route between Bones/Yardarm before beng in service in our waters in the north. Good to know about the crawlers; that will help us get back on our feet fairly quick - thank you
All hence, IoD spotted!!!
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April 14, 2004, 03:10
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Last night, this came in:
You'll probably note that we have a Pact with the Drones next turn - this is for unit gifting purposes only (note the plasma garrison near Crossbone.) Just wanted to give you a heads up
I propose NOT to respond to this before we have the turn in our hands.
Also, if a Drone plasma garrison is on Yardlong island, this means that Drones have transport ships approaching.
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April 14, 2004, 03:56
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We are so doomed
April 14, 2004, 04:03
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 Well, perhaps time no make a new poll about the fate of PEACE...
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April 14, 2004, 06:17
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I agree!
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April 14, 2004, 09:05
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Hmm, I don't buy it that it's just for unit gifting.
Now we've obliterated DBTSverse Portal and Caboolture, there is no easy way anymore for the Hive-Drones to continue their chop&drop tactics in the north. Therefore if I were the Hive/Drones I'd move all my choppers and drop troops from Gardens Point to the remaining PEACE base, and from there start resuming the chop&drop tactic on the former PEACE bases instead.
So I'd advise to destroy the PEACE base if still possible. They shouldn't gotten themselves involved in this war...
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April 14, 2004, 10:41
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Something else. I just tested it and it's possible to transfer unit control without being pacted...
Anyway, probably the Hive-Drones have promised PEACE they can recapture all their previous bases with a few donated units, and air support from the Hive-Drones.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
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Last edited by Maniac; April 14, 2004 at 10:47.
April 14, 2004, 11:43
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Let`s then destroy PEACE
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April 14, 2004, 13:40
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I'm inclined to agree, but again, NO response to PEACE before we got the turn. I'm starting to think Hive is waiting to post till we response to PEACE.
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April 14, 2004, 13:49
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If that would be the case, Tass should post their turn immediately, as they've already broken the 48 hour time limit.
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April 15, 2004, 00:03
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Wasn't PEACE staying neutral a condition of their peace agreement with us? In that case they violated the contract and is now null and void. Are we able to take them out?
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
April 15, 2004, 03:45
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Ok, how about this message to PEACE:
By pacting with sworn enemies from CPU, you have broken the informal agreement which allowed you to resettle. No foreign aid was needed to achieve this goal, and was even in contrast with earlier statements from PEACE officials that PEACE wished to remain neutral in the current Planet war raging across Chirons surface.
PEACE leadership has in acting so signed the assimilation of it's remaining population.
And here the blahblah from "We are CPU, your distinctiveness ettecera..."
Can somebody fish up that line somewhere and post it in this thread? My first quick check learns me that we can take out Crossbone Way. Only one defender again, thus our elite xmissile rover should be able to win. Just need to check if the transport can come within reach, but I think so.
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April 15, 2004, 07:52
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By pacting with sworn enemies from CPU, you have broken the informal agreement which allowed you to resettle. No foreign aid was needed to achieve this goal, and by breaking your neutrality in the current Planet war raging across Chirons surface, PEACE has voided its treaty with CPU.
PEACE leadership has in acting so signed the assimilation of it's remaining population.
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
Last edited by Illuminatus; April 15, 2004 at 09:43.
April 15, 2004, 07:57
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
April 15, 2004, 09:38
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, and was even in contrast with earlier statements from PEACE officials that PEACE wished to remain neutral in the current Planet war raging across Chirons surface.
I think that line sounds better like this:
By breaking your neutrality in the current Planet war raging across Chirons surface, PEACE has voided its treaty with CPU.
It is their action which has prompted our retaliation, so we should direct the blame for us attacking them on them.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
April 15, 2004, 09:44
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Does the link work properly Skanky?
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
April 15, 2004, 09:49
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It works. And, yes, that message sounds good. Kill them.
April 15, 2004, 10:02
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Yes, second confirmation that the link works.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
April 15, 2004, 12:45
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 good finding, Ob. It's perfect now. For me, this may be transmitted any time you see fit.
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April 15, 2004, 12:47
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Should we make it only to PEACE or publicly?
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
April 15, 2004, 13:16
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First PEACE, then, with our turn played, publicly. (IMO)
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April 16, 2004, 15:07
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* FlameFlash shakes head...
While I don't mind with planning for the next game underway (at least too much) it is a complete overreaction.
By pacting with sworn enemies from CPU, you have broken the informal agreement which allowed you to resettle. No foreign aid was needed to achieve this goal, and by breaking your neutrality in the current Planet war raging across Chirons surface, PEACE has voided its treaty with CPU.
PEACE leadership has in acting so signed the assimilation of it's remaining population.
Just received this. Also with some indirect informal contacts I can conclude that two-third of Pirates is mad, while the other third doesn`t mind much.
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
June 21, 2004, 13:05
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I must say it is hilarious to read the different points of view-- Going back to even the first tech trade where we got plan nets for soc psychand 20 credits-- each side REALLY thought they got the worse of that trade
I wasn't part of the Ind auto trade and there is more stuff to read on that one than time I care to spend. Later trades, the pirate point of view was that were giving something now for MAYBE something later (which we never got) . .. I can't imagine what else we could have done to show good intentions beyond giving stuff for nothing other than an opponents word.
What was suprising to me was the lack of concern the cycon had for the power of the Hive-Drones. It was that concern that fuelled my desire to give the Cycon tech after tech in the hopes of saving an alliance. Now that I understand that some cycon though they had an arrangement with the HIve to team up, it all makes sense. The reality is that the CYcon peace war looked to be a success but really cemented the Industrialists victory. Knowing that the drones got a foil early and met the Hive, I think only a 3-way alliance of the southern factions would have even presented a challenge
I suspected/knew for quite some time that the cycon might try to shaft us but I was also certain that a war between us would hand the game to the drones/Hive with hardly any effort.. I figured they saw that too.
Its also interesting to see how you personally are portrayed. Depending on who was posting I was a tough negotiator, easily-fooled dupe, reasonable, hard-ass etc etc.
I can clear up a couple of things
1. I opposed giving the 20 ec in the first trade but only did so on instructions from others
2. I wasn't part of lying about the source of techs and thought it was a stupid thing to do.
3. personally I always believed in Googlie's neutrality-- I can disagee with a ruling and still believe in the judge.
4. I never felt that comrade tassadar was suitable for the mod role-- There should be an appearance of impartiality that I never saw with him. In fact, reading the cycon forum, some of his posts may have colored cycon responses-- If the MODERATOR says we are unreasonable then it must be so!!!
5. I was never the turn-player and only opened the turn maybe 3 times BUT if PEACE ever cheated it was not not known to me. I was inactive by the time the reload incident happen but the emails I received indicated that PEACE accurately reported what had happened-- If someone wants to cheat it is dead easy to do-- In fact, t me, a total absence of reloads would be more suspicious/telling.
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