May 17, 2004, 17:52
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New Atlantis, MY 2140.1805
The Democratic Council was in session. On the map the offending unit was clearly visible well within the territorium. A befriended faction had deared enter Atlantean waters without asking permission nor stating it's intentions, despite that clear agreements existed about those issues. The inevitable warmongers, very vocal since there was already a cause to be fought over against the Peacekeepers, insisted on breaking all relations with the untrustworthy faction and make sure Atlantis has the strongest naval presence on Chiron so that the Kingdoms interests were well watched over and, if needed, stronger measures could be implemented.
In the end a balance was reached between interest groups, but only barely. With the Queens privileges being cut down in recent years, no ultimate decision could be implemented anymore, and the common citizen became aware for the first time how things had degraded on the foreign level with the power granted to the elected Council.
Again, a schism was looming above the Kingdom.
For the offending faction, the following message was transmitted:
From: Atlantean Democratic Council, Kingdom of Atlantis
To: Captain Sankis, Nautilus Empire
Captain Sankis,
The Council hereby protests strongly on the presence of your transport foil in the area of Inner Bay. This transgression is completely in violation of the border agreement our respective factions agreed upon earlier, and this upon your strongest and even threatening insistence at the time. That the Nautilus Empire willingly breaks this treaty means that the Kingdom in return considers this treaty null and void and will enter your claimed waters with whatever unit it sees fit as long as the offending unit continues it's presence in Atlantean waters.
Jaro Gardin,
Chairman of the Council.
Interesting times seem ahead, 3 secret projects exist now on Chiron...
Turn 2140 on to Rubin
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May 17, 2004, 18:26
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2141 to Sankis.
(Edit: Oh my! This is getting complicated and I'd better have a report ready soon.)
Last edited by Rubin; May 17, 2004 at 18:33.
May 17, 2004, 20:02
Local Time: 14:22
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The Nautilus Empire formally apologizes for the intrusion in Atlantean Waters, and would like the Atlanteans to know there was no ill will intended. Several years ago the Foil spotted in your territory had activated one of the unity pods. However, something in the pod went wrong and instead flung the Foil several miles from the site.
The Nautilus Empire has sent orders to withdraw the Offending Unit from the Atlantean Side, and should be gone early next year.
Turn to Angels.
May 18, 2004, 00:41
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Turn tossed along to Geo
May 18, 2004, 04:34
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Turn on to Rubin. Man, it's starting to be hard keeping up...
New Atlantis, MY 2141.1805
The Democratic Council will consider the response given by the Nautilus Empire. inconcistencies within their formal apologies must be investigated first. The Council will answer more throughly on a later time.
He who knows others is wise.
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May 18, 2004, 12:31
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Geo Modder: You sent me the Atlantean turn, M.Y. 2141. Please send the University turn.
May 18, 2004, 12:56
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Resent, should be the correct one. Sorry.
He who knows others is wise.
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May 18, 2004, 14:02
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2142 to Sankis.
University Report, M.Y. 2141:
Recent diplomatic events have stirred the interfactional balance on Chiron. First of all, the Atlantean government clearly suffers from the bureaucratic nightmare introduced by the official change from being a proud kingdom to becoming a crippleing democracy. It has become difficult to discuss diplomatic matters with new newly founded atlantean council. Speculations suggest that the Atlanteans have been fundamentally inspired by the distrustful Peacekeepers and that the democratic government has been enacted in order to please Brother Lal. However, the real worries lie within the stressed diplomatic relations between the Atlanteans and the Nautilus Pirates.
While the official policy of the University is to take no part in diplomatic skirmishes the newly signed pact of brotherhood with the honorable Captain Sankis puts the University in the center of the Atlantean-Nautilus conflict. Doctor Rubin urges both factions to resolve the matter with all due haste and return to a sensible diplomatic stance.
Meanwhile, Chairman Yang, Lady Deirdre and Datajack Aeolus remain silent. Of course, Brother Lal's opinion makes no sense at all.
Special Report from Dr. Nataliya:
Princess Enid has completed two years of advanced environmental studies. She has shown tremendous talent in planetary understanding and is already contributing to University research in Ecological Engineering. Once this research project is complete Doctor Rubin has requested to personally oversee the princess' final studies. It seems he has something special in mind.
May 18, 2004, 15:44
Local Time: 14:22
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Turn to Angels
Message sent to Rubin.
May 18, 2004, 21:52
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Turn passed on to Geo.
May 19, 2004, 04:57
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Turn passed to Rubin,
Busy with diplomaty...
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
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May 19, 2004, 14:15
Local Time: 21:22
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2143 to Sankis.
University Report, M.Y. 2142:
Princess Enid was waiting in Lounge One at Genome Institute. Her studies and work with Dr. Nataliya had come to an end--she had her name listed on the Ecological Engineering report recently published and had received only positive feedback on her scientific progress. She felt a strong dichotomy in the off-worldly scientific endeavors at the University labs and the living in general--all the things she learned to appreciate so many years ago... before she embarked on the journey to Rubin University.
Chiron, her homeworld, so very different from her parents' home, Earth, ... or so they say, conveys so many wonders and mysteries... and, at times, almost like that of a sentient, empathic entity. She had a theory on the sentient essence of Chiron--but a theory was all that it was. Dr. Nataliya had encouraged her to pursue the fundamentals of these thoughts and Enid appreciated Nataliya's advice. In fact, Dr. Nataliya had been an outstanding mentor and had become a true friend. Beside her sharp intellect Nataliya was very charming and had a certain way with people--a rare quality among people here.
"Enid, I assume it pleases you?", she knew the voice, "... [click] ... it is wonderful, don't you think? How are you today?", but it didn't quite sound like expected.
"Doctor Rubin! I'm fine, thank you!", she looked around but the Doctor wasn't there. "Yes, please address the holo-screen for the visuals. You are looking beautiful today." Enid switched on the intercomm holo-view in the lounge and Doctor Rubin's image appeared on the large screen. He was smiling but he had a, well, funny look about him. She noticed that the audio was turned off. "Correct again!", the doctor said, "A fine blend of implants and empathic telepathy... Oh, its been so long since I've strolled the pathways of Rubin University... or perhaps I should come to Genome Institute and relish the beauty of the mountains? ... mmm, talk to people maybe...", Doctor Rubin was gesturing on the holo-screen in an awkward manner.
"Doctor Rubin, I see you've had the Emotional Cognitive Algorithms bio-module implanted. Something's wrong?!?"
"No no, it is perfect... Hold on..." Enid watched the doctor as he adjusted the ECA patterns. After several minutes the doctor spoke again: "No, you are correct. There seems to be an incompatibility problem with my ECA implant." The voice was now stern and unemotional and Doctor Rubin's smile was no more. Clearly the ECA had been disabled.
"You show remarkable talent, Princess Enid! As you already know I've been working hard on restructuring the recreation facilities and I believe the results have made your stay here more, shall we say, pleasant?"
"That is true, Doctor! I still have not yet seen the Virtual World--but the Human Genome Project is incredible...", Enid hesitated, "You requested to oversee my final studies here. How do I proceed?"
"Dr. Jeneba has a new implant for you. You've already gained much from the Xenobiology and Resonance implants. However, these are all measures of external intentionality. You lack focus on what lies behind your perception and understanding of the external world... What you've experienced so far is merely accidents of a universe that is fundamentally shaped by your own cognitive approach to it. Master the fundamental concepts and you may see the true nature of the world around you--the living as well as non-living." Enid suddenly understood why Doctor Rubin had so many loyal followers. His tone was mesmerizing and for a brief moment it felt as if he had the power to unlock the answers to the most profound questions of existence.
"What is this new bio-implant?", inquired Enid.
"It has no name, Enid", Doctor Rubin paused, "You may call it Concepts-X."
May 19, 2004, 15:38
Local Time: 14:22
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Posts: 207
I (accidently) tried to load the game as a normal SP game, I didn't give me a "You already played this turn" message when I loaded it correctly, though.
2143 on to the angels.
May 19, 2004, 23:30
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Turn passed on to Geo.
BTW, Sankis, just in case if you wanted to know, I did get a message saying that you reloaded the game turn more than once.
May 20, 2004, 07:32
Local Time: 21:22
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I've only got one reload warning on behalf of Sankis.
Turn sent to Rubin.
Starting to wonder how much changed Enid will come back...
New Atlantis, MY 2143.2005
The Democratic Council of Atlantis informs all other factions on Chiron publicly that the transgression dispute between the Kingdom of Atlantis and the Nautilus Empire is considered resolved after an indept study of the foil's present position and course.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
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May 20, 2004, 09:05
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2144 to Sankis.
May 20, 2004, 15:27
Local Time: 14:22
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Turn has been sent to the Data Angels.
May 21, 2004, 00:52
Local Time: 11:22
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Turn is now in Geo's hands
May 21, 2004, 08:07
Local Time: 21:22
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2144 has found it's way in Rubin's inbox...
Gaia's Landing, MY 2144
Lady Deirdre was surely a not to underestimated leader, Enid thought. Not only succeeded see in manipulating the Planetary Elections 15 years ago, but sofar she has shown restraint for meddling too much with the private politics of other factions.
However, correlating the information gathered in her parting 'gift' from Dr. Rubin, and having a lucky indept conversation last evening with Lady Skye herself revealed something of her longterm wishes for the whole Planet. Surely the Kingdom would need to keep an eye on what values it persuaded in the future...
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
May 21, 2004, 12:42
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2145 to Sankis.
May 21, 2004, 13:54
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2145 passed to the President Aeolus of the "Doing poorly" Club.
(I'm vice president)
I'll probably do a RP post sometime soon, if I can think of a topic to do it on.
Also, starting tomarrow i'll be in a rather large, fast paced SMAX PBEM game. I'm going to keep this game my first priority since I joined it first. Of course, it probably won't affect me at all since its a team game but just wished to say that.
May 24, 2004, 09:38
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He who knows others is wise.
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May 24, 2004, 21:37
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Hey folks, I was out of the town unexpectedly and didn't get the chance to let you folks know, I'm sorry.
BTW, Vice President, please check your email.
May 24, 2004, 23:38
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The turn is in Geo's hands.
May 25, 2004, 08:48
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Turn 2145 sent to Rubin.
Some diplomacy sent around.
Kingdom of Atlantis, MY 2145.2405
The Kingdom was mourning.
The Queen, her consort and the highest placed councelors
of the Democratic Council had died in the recent fungal growth
near New Atlantis, overwhelming their ship when departing for
a diplomatic visit to another faction.
The Kingdom was without a government now.
Princess Enid was hastily called back to New Atlantis so that
other factions could not try making a profit of this situation.
Old sentiments and feuds came up, some unrest occured.
All this initiated a conservative stance from the majority of
the population. In the end, and accepted as a Constitution now,
the Monarchy became once again the head of state with real
political power and vetorights, advised by a representative
council for the the more mundane internal things.
Princess Enid was, naturally, choosen as the next
Queen of Atlantis.
Almost as a first diplomatic success, a Treaty was signed with
the Peacekeepers, ending the border disagreement initiated
by the previous council. Also, the new Queen announced a new
and stunning development program for the benefice of research
and internal communication. The construction of a modern
Network got started.
Despite these new losses, the Kingdom recovered and
continued to become even stronger then before.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
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May 25, 2004, 08:49
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Here in attachment is a new atlants.pcx file for those of you who want to see the new Queen. 
Simply paste it unzipped over the existing atlants.pcx file in your SMAC(X) root folder, it doesn't interfere with anything else.
Thanks to the delay last weekend I was able to think is over quite throughly. Main reason for this leader switch is that I found it always akward that a human being can live so long before Bio-Engineering (and the Longevity Vaccine) comes along. IMO Biogenetics is not sufficiently for such a feath.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
Last edited by GeoModder; February 13, 2010 at 15:58.
May 26, 2004, 13:54
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Dear players, I've suffered a critical harddisk failure 48 hours ago. I need to install everything again and it may be some time before I can get the turn forwarded--hopefully within 24 hours. Please be patient.
May 26, 2004, 19:08
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I wish your system a speedy recovery, Rubin.
He who knows others is wise.
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May 26, 2004, 21:47
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Thanks, GeoModder.
2146 to Sankis.
May 27, 2004, 00:28
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Ack, I hate when that happen, Rubin.
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