April 2, 2004, 00:21
Local Time: 14:22
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Posts: 207
Curious as this is my first PBEM: What exactly is the queue stock energy bug, what does it do, and why?(if there is more of a reason other then "because its broken", that is)
April 2, 2004, 02:17
Local Time: 11:22
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Aeolus' Planetfall I
Aeolus grinded his teeth as he heard the sound of the pod being detached from UNS Unity and the subsequential roaring of the ignition of the pod's thrusters. He just did not like being in a situation he cannot control.
Trying to escape the reality, he closed his eyes...
"Mark Joseph Bouchard, are you and the hacker named Aeolus the same person are you not?" a man in a uniform with a familiar tri-pointed yellow star insignia on his sleeve asked.
The bounded figure on a chair situated in the center of the room under a single light bulb chuckled. "Aeolus, eh? Some king of winds... here's your answer," the figure chuckled again, this time accompanied by a loud fart.
"Whaa.. you insolent fool!" the uniformed man struck Bouchard across the face with an electrical baton. As the prisoner shuddered as a short burst of electricity rushed throughout his body, the interrogator said "I will take that as an affirmation."
"Now, Bouchard, or perhaps I should say Aeolus, what was your purpose for hacking into the Christian States of America's military network system?"
"I told you, I don't know who Aeolus is! Let me go and I'll gladly shove that baton up your ass!" Bouchard growled.
"Such big words for a small sniveling maggot like you," the interrogator sneered as he lifted his baton.
A booming voice suddenly filled the room "That's enough. Leave us."
The interrogator’s body stiffened. "Ye.. yes sir.” As the door slid shut behind the uniformed man, the voice once again filled the room. “Mister Bouchard, your reason for your hacking activities…”
“I told you I don’t know squat about anything like that!” the prisoner interrupted.
“Silence! Do not interrupt me again or you will regret it,” the voice commanded, its tone icy. A large figure emerged among the shadows in a corner of the room. As his face came into the radiance of the light bulb, Bouchard thought to himself the face seemed familiar. “As I was saying, I am not interested in why you did it but rather in how you did it. My researchers and technicians assured me that Morgan Data Systems’ security system was impregnable but you managed to break through. Out of thousands who tried, you are the only one who succeed. Your military record is very impressive and you’ve had some spectacular success in leading the Atheist Resistance Movement against the Christian States. Let me be direct here. You are the kind of person I want to be working for me. I reward successes very lucratively and all I ask is your loyalty in exchange.”
Bouchard stared at the imposing figure, uncertain how to response. Suddenly he burst out laughing. “You’re so hilarious! I cannot be bought by anybody! Now let me go!”
Nwabudike Morgan sighed. “How unfortunate. Perhaps this will change your mind.” At a motion of his hand, a television screen previously unseen flickered on. Displaying was a recording of an operation in progress. “See anybody you know, Mister Bouchard?”
Bouchard squinted; he could not believe his eyes. It was him on that operating table. Breaking out in a string of swearings, he demanded “What did you do to me, you mutha…”
Lifting his hand, “Please do not pollute my ears with your filthy mouth. It has been in my experience that men such as you can be… difficult to persuade. I have learned to appreciate the usefulness of an incentive. This is yours,” Morgan gestured toward the screen. “See that chip being implanted into your neck? With a push of a button your head will be nothing but a mist of blood. Also, if you were to attempt to remove the chip, it will self-destruct resulting in the same end. Care to reconsider my offer, Mister Bouchard?”
Stunned, Bouchard fell silent. His mind, in a state of panic, ought a solution. In few seconds, it came to a conclusion – he has no choice or to die. “Mo.. ahem… sir, what do you want me to… do?”
“Ah, that’s considerably much better. Oh, nothing much, really. First of all, I want you to help my researchers to strengthen Data Systems’ security system. Then I will want you to do an odd errand here and there. Nothing much to worry about right now. Also I will be expecting your total loyalty to me and me only. You will reveal to me everything you know about Atheist Resistance Movement. Your comrades… former comrades have been very successful against my Morgan Security Forces and cost me a great deal of money therefore this must be put to a stop. Will you have any problems doing those?”
Bouchard stammered, “No… no, sir.”
Laughing out heartily, Morgan grasped Bouchard’s shoulder. “Excellent! Now, remember, I reward successes very well. I am sure in time you will come to appreciate my… patron-ship. But remember this, for you, a failure will result in only one possible conclusion for you.”
The hissing sounds of the landing pod ripping through the atmosphere woke up Aeolus. Sighing to himself, he reflected back on activities he carried out for Director Morgan just to save his miserable skin. Men he knew and led in Atheist Resistance Movement were sought out and killed based on the information he gave. He had hacked into countless network systems and stole secrets or inserted bugs to cause sabotages. Thousands and thousands had died as a result of his actions. All to save his skin.
The Director was good to him, yes. He did not have to go wanting for anything. Anything he desired, he was able to obtain it. Except for his freedom which was the most desirable thing to him. Wait, make that the second most desirable. The first would be the release from the three furies which haunts him in terms of nightmares and the sensation of heavy guilt on his soul.
“Sir? Sir? We are here on the surface,” an excited voice with a tingle of nervousness in it slowly crept into Aeolus’ wandering thoughts.
“Eh?” Aeolus blinked and looked up. It was the man who led the team to secure the equipment before the detachment. “Ah, yes, I didn’t realize. I was deep into my thoughts. Thanks, and what’s your name?”
“Sir, my name is Akbar Ahmed,” the man replied as he helped Aeolus out of his seat.
“Well, Akbar, my name is not Sir. It’s Aeolus.”
“Yes, sir.. sorry, Aeolus.”
Last edited by Barinthus; April 2, 2004 at 02:23.
April 2, 2004, 02:18
Local Time: 11:22
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Aeolus' Planetfall II
Few hours later, everybody was outside of the pod which was half buried into the ground. Nobody could not believe it. They are finally at their destination – Chiron. Despite the mysterious incident aboard Unity they all managed to make it. This place was not what they had imagined it to be. Some have collapsed onto the ground sobbing. Some went off wandering to explore their surroundings although they mostly stayed within the visual range of the pod. Many just stood there on the hillside staring at an alien ocean lapping against the shore.
Aeolus was among those just standing there staring at the gentle waves rolling onto the land. It was peaceful and relaxing. The Director is dead, he thought to himself for what must be a thousand time. After nearly two decades of virtual slavery, he was finally free. Unfortunately the stain of guilt has not lifted from his soul.
Enough! Enough of this self-pity! He angrily thought to himself. Wallowing in self-pity is not going to change anything. For all they know, they could be alone in this area. Or not. They will need to build a base and standing looking at the waves will not get a base built. Aeolus looked around himself and saw that nobody were doing anything productive.
He thought back to what happened on the pod before the detachment about how he had to take the initiative. Apparently he will have to do the same here. Perhaps this is how he could redeem himself by making sure everybody stay together and help each other to survive?
“Akbar! Come here. Alright, we need to unload the pod and start getting the layout of our new home established. I want you to….”
Three months later…
“Aeolus! I knew I would find you here,” Sinder Roze smiled. Aeolus silently nodded as he stood at his favorite spot a top a low cliff looking above the beach. He often went there to watch the waves throwing themselves against the rocks. The residents of the base have come to learn to leave Aeolus alone whenever he’s at his mediation spot. Except for Roze.
Not too many people liked Roze. She was often very blunt with her thoughts and stepped on many people’s toes. Aeolus has worked with her many times throughout his ‘career’ at Morgan Industries and he has come to become accustomed to her tendencies. She is a very brilliant woman with an uncanny ability to find a solution to a problem where everybody else would have gave up.
Aeolus has often wondered why she did not take lead few months ago during the Planetfall. She was a natural leader which Aeolus knew too well. What happened was that she was too devastated by the Director’s death and she was too busy focusing on her grieving. Unlike Aeolus, Roze worked for Morgan under her own free will. The Director was the only one on Earth who was willing to tolerate her anarchistic tendencies and she was grateful for this in return. So far Roze seems satisfied working with Aeolus.
“Aeolus, if my team’s calculations are correct and if UNS Unity is truly disabled, we should be able to see her coming down any moment now over there,” she pointed across the ocean toward the horizon.
As Aeolus turned around to look, the clouds in distance glowed then flickered for several seconds. Then a huge fireball emerged out under clouds, descending rapidly toward the surface. It was a breathtaking sight and also a sad one. It was an ending of a chapter and a history.
As the fireball disappeared across the horizon out of their sights, Aeolus commented “Now we know it’s done. We will never hear from Earth again. This is our home forever.”
“Yes, it is already our home.”
“Alright, we better get back to the base.” As they walked back toward the base, Aeolus reflected back on what has happened since the Planetfall. They have done much. A permanent home was built and they have been exploring the surrounding areas. Yes, the Director is dead and this is how he will redeem himself – by guiding his people. The realization he just called his fellow Unity personnel ‘his people’ nearly paused him in his steps.
They have not heard from other pods yet and everybody was starting to wonder what if they are the only ones on the Planet. Perhaps, perhaps not. What he didn’t tell Roze was that while they were watching the ship going down, he swore he noticed a small flashing object falling on the far side of the horizon. Perhaps it was a pod?
April 2, 2004, 02:20
Local Time: 11:22
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Hope you enjoyed my narrative. I know it's a bit rough and could probably use some polishing. I wanted to crank out something fast
April 2, 2004, 04:10
Local Time: 21:22
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Well, I put the contents of it on your list of ingame crimes if you're ever to fall in the caring hands of my punishment sphere maintenance people.
Joking, good writing
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 2, 2004, 07:17
Local Time: 21:22
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Chapter 2
2109 to Sankis.
Nataliya, I need a word with you, Doctor Rubin entered the mobile R & D facility. Nataliya was studying native samples gathered during the first planetary expedition, M.Y. 2101. Her efforts were closely coordinated with Dr. Jeneba's progressive research on Intelligence Algorithms (including Information and Planetary Networks capabilities).
Yes, Doctor Rubin?, she made a pausing gesture, Wait! I know. This is about the Emotional Cognitive Algorithms, isn't it?
Of course it is! Doctor Rubin's voice was stern--yet deprived of emotional content. It is progressing too slowly! Meanwhile... How should I put it... Hmm, I do not care for this seemingly pointless research; however, the citizens are becoming increasingly difficult to oversee. I need someone to act as, eh, public profile or... and...
Nataliya sighed at the Doctor's almost infantile approach to public relations. It was well known among his loyal followers that logic preceeded all of Doctor Rubin's social dispositions. In fact, it seemed somewhat unlikely that he held any emotional or social capabilities at all. In addition, his personal appearance had an eerie aura--maybe from the fact that he had several cybernetic implants--in particular the Datalinks Access Interface (with an immense logical storage capacity). The bio-molecular structure of the implants had remained a secret until a few months before the launch of the U.N.S. Unity. The prospect of cryo-hibernation forced Doctor Rubin to detail the implant compositions. Nataliya knew that some pieces of vital information had not been exposed. It seemed the implants were 'thinking'--even during cryosleep. Whatever the real explanation is, Doctor Rubin presented schematics to several novel devices along with a few stunning scientific theories--especially on Sentient Robotics and Information Algorithms--shortly after planetfall.
Doctor Rubin was highly predictable on social matters, though, and Nataliya had expected him to come forward with his, partly confused(!), Public Relations request. The ECA Research was still only preliminary, but Dr. Jeneba seemed to have excellent understanding of this particular research area. It was, however, still uncertain if Doctor Rubin would request an ECA implant.
Here, Nataliya! Doctor Rubin gave her a small holo-keycard. You have full access to this data. Make it happen! He turned around and headed for the exit lift--hesitated, and said calmly: Oh, and run the tests on Nerve Stapling immediately. Use the residents at Hydroponics Five...
Chiron: The Human Incursion (M.Y. 2103), University Datalinks (unverified entry)
Last edited by Rubin; April 2, 2004 at 07:38.
April 2, 2004, 17:36
Local Time: 14:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 207
((Little note: This is a current event, M.Y: 2109. It is being broadcast to my cities, but as the pirates think they are most likely the only ones who survived the trip down, they didn't encode it or anything. It is up to you if you decide you wish to hear it ICly. Also, there will be several pictures but they shouldn't be too huge. Estimated size is around 250 kb total. If you have a problem with these pictures, tell me and i'll resize, etc in future updates.))
************************************************** *
"We are interrupting your reguarly scheduled broadcast for an announcement by the Nautilus Government"
"Greetings, Citizens. This is the Governor of Port Royale,Cecil Lorn, speaking. I am here to announce the first wide range Nautilus broadcast since landing on this planet. Now, I will hand over control to your beloved leader, Sankis "Furyblade" Daeda."
"Greetings, Citizens. As Governor Lorn told you, this is the first broadcast since landing here. We have been through tough times together, and I am pleased to announce some news. First thing is our first breakthrough in technology: Centauri Ecology."
"This knowledge have enabled us to create the Terra Forming Unit Sea Sculpter, shown below. This will allow us to form the oceans to fit our growing needs, and in the future it is theorised we will be able to shape land itself!"
"An order has been placed for one in the factories at Port Royale, and one is expected in about a decade."
"However, I also bring other news.. A scout of ours has been damaged several years ago due to a floating lifeform of sorts dubbed "Isle of the Deep" by researchers. The crew of the ship that was under attack stated that they were never physically attacked, but felt an intense presence in their minds."

Shown above: "Isle of the Deep"
"Recently, the same foil that was attacked years ago has spotted a strange creature on the coast of one of the planet's many continents."
"Citizens may rest assured that the Nautilus Navy is on high alert and that our two cities are perfectly safe. More on this as it develops"
"Shifting back to more uplifting news, I am proud to annouce the discovery of several unity pods. These pods will contain much needed supplies, and will aid in our construction process"
"This wraps up this announcement. Rest well, Citizens."
Turn to Angels!
"I now return you to regularly scheduled broadcasting"
Last edited by Sankis; April 3, 2004 at 16:55.
April 2, 2004, 19:43
Local Time: 11:22
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Originally posted by GeoModder
Well, I put the contents of it on your list of ingame crimes if you're ever to fall in the caring hands of my punishment sphere maintenance people. 
Joking, good writing
 Thanks, Geo, that means a lot to me.
April 2, 2004, 20:06
Local Time: 11:22
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Geo it's your turn now
April 3, 2004, 01:23
Local Time: 21:22
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Posts: 1,340
Chapter 2
2110 to Sankis.
Very nice stories so far  However, 4 of the images in Sankis' recent post do not show. Also, I'd appreciate if the size of the image 'downloads' is as small as possible (I'm usually on a very slow connection).
I have two events during the 1st decade that need to be covered. Stay tuned
University Research, Classified Protocol Entry #1187, M.Y. 2104:
-Item: unknown
-Origin: unknown
-Notes: During the early first planetary expedition, M.Y. 2101, a University Scout Patrol was ordered to search though debris fragments from the U.N.S. Unity. After 41 minutes of radio silence the unit reported back that the site did not contain any debris originating from the starship... quote: "There's something else here. I'm not sure what it is!". A research team was requested immediately. By M.Y. 2103 the item was successfully retrieved. Speculations suggest that the item is of definite alien origin. University scientists have not yet finished research on this amazing artifact.
Last edited by Rubin; April 3, 2004 at 02:20.
April 3, 2004, 07:47
Local Time: 21:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 12,956
The 'last post' ceremony started in the square in front of the man's office.
He stood up, walked over to the window (a scavenged part of the old landing pod's front screen), and watched over the gathering in front of the memorial statue centred on the square.
The square, rimmed by low, plain looking buildings (almost barrack-like) was illuminated only by the smallest sun of this systems' main stars, Alpha Centauri B. A bright point of light in the sunset dawn.
The people down there, a few hundred, by the count of it, stood aligned (military formation-like) and brought a salute to their former leader memorial plaque.
The man smiled by the look of it. He Let them have their silly ceremony. It kept those reveries busy with a mythe, while still being capable of serving the colony (and him, off course) in light of their newfound 'traditions'.
He thought back of the past difficult years before the leader died, no doubt 'bravely' in the gathered throng minds. By the narrowest of chances he had made Planetfall, unconsciousness, almost deathlike. Then, by finally being awakened, allowed to recover by a indifferently governor who dismissed his rights and rank, he was used in the most dangerous task a newfound colony could have, a scout. He shuddered, remembered the dangers of this alien world outside the base perimeter. The predating mindworms, the spore launchers who almost killed him in a blast of corrosive spores, eating through his protection suit and breathing gear. Well, at least he survived it all and was eventually able to get back at all those wo dismissed him so easily. At long last his recommendations for a second 'camp' were found valid, and knowing that she could not resist such an opportunity to show her 'troops' her bravery, she leaded them right in the trap he disguised in his scouting reports. He imagined her screaming in that fungal tower's tendrils, together with the rest of her command squad. The alien lifeforms squirming around her and eating the eyes out of her sockets while planting eggs in her brain tissue.
And he, enjoying an earned (and carefully planned) rest in the moving colony pod, he had saved the other colonists of being slaughtered the same way, moved them to a safe spot and had won their trust in this. And now, at long last, he was the righfull leader again!
The ceremony ended, the gathered people left slowly, some of them passed the governor office and greeted him. Pravin Lal smiled a bit broader while greeting them back. Ironically Santiago was now, a year after her death, becoming usefull to him as well. And her loyal cadres would do as well...
Now only the remaining staff members of 'Unity' must be punished for their dismissal of his rights. If he only knew who had saved his life and let the cryocel of another person being removed from his landing pod, he would be free to follow his wimp in this as well...
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
Last edited by GeoModder; April 3, 2004 at 07:58.
April 3, 2004, 07:55
Local Time: 21:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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So, I think this covers the peacekeepers presence and Santiago's disappearance on Planet. I don't plan to write more about Lal anymore. Not enough (actually none) info on how the PK's are doing. I'll be busy enough covering 'my' Atlanteans.
Hope you enjoyed it.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 3, 2004, 13:10
Local Time: 14:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 207
Re: Chapter 2
Originally posted by Rubin
Very nice stories so far However, 4 of the images in Sankis' recent post do not show. Also, I'd appreciate if the size of the image 'downloads' is as small as possible (I'm usually on a very slow connection).
Sure, i'll edit them down to a smaller size later, if I can. I only have a very basic graphics program so thats why I didn't before. If I can, i'll try to cut the downloads in half.
also, can you tell me which pictures are not loading? Their URL or anything would be nice.
April 3, 2004, 13:17
Local Time: 21:22
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Sankis, i can try to make them smaller, if you send them to me in email. Maybe size could be cut too a bit to smaller resolution
April 3, 2004, 13:50
Local Time: 14:22
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Posts: 207
Turn to angels!
April 3, 2004, 15:00
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the hot potato's in Geo's hands now - btw thanks for taking care of lal  Reminds me of that guy from GI Joe... the Serpentor or something like that
April 3, 2004, 15:45
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Year 2110
Explosions, weapons firing, and anguished screamings of the wounded filled the air as Bouchard watched the video feed from an airborne drone hovering above the last remaining Atheist Resistance Movement stronghold.
At the dawn, the Christian States troops bombarded the base using their heavy weapon units followed up by multi-pronged assaults by their elite Apostle light infantry squads. When the sun has arrived into its highest peak of the day, there was nothing left of the base except for burning structures and charred bodies.
All to save his own skin.
"As you can see, Mister Bouchard, Atheist Resistance Movement is no longer with us. I sincerely hope this will enable you to completely focus your energy into your new position at Morgan Industries. I appericate your cooperation in eliminating that group and I know that the Christian States of America does too. Now that the old South is completely pacified, the Christians are prepared to seal the deal in which the Industries will obtain contracts to rebuild the area. This is a win-win situation for us all although you may not see it right now. A man of your intelligence will come to realize this was for the best in time, I am confident. Meanwhile I am giving you few days off so you can recollect yourself and be refreshed for your next assignment," the voice of the Director boomed behind him.
How Bouchard desired to turn around and strangle the Director who was standing behind him but the knowledge that there were guards in the room and that his head would be gone the second he jump at Morgan kept him in check.
Aeolus sighed as his familiar nightmares paid him a visit. There was a time he would be tormented by those memories but now he has since then became accustomed to it. It'd be nice to have them gone for good although.
"Aeolus? I think you need to come and see this for yourself," Ahmed pulled Aeolus back to reality.
"Mmm? Ok I'm coming."
Few moments later...
Ahmed had led Aeolus to a crude barrack where all scouts slept and trained. In the meeting room, there was a bloodied man surrounded by two nurses. The man was rocking and mumbling to himself. It took a while for Aeolus to recongize the man under the mask of dried blood. It was Earl Thompson, the leading officer of the scout patrol that was sent south to explore the coastline there. A good man and competent one too.
"His patrol just came in few hours from the south and more than half did came back dead," Ahmed explained, "At the first Thompson was hysterical but he has since then claimed down sufficently to talk. That's why we decided to summon you so you can hear about what happen firsthand." Gesturing to the officer, he encouraged "Please tell Aeolus what you saw."
"Aeolus... it was horrible. We never knew what hit us... the pain... in our heads...," Thompson sobbed, "We couldn't tell where it was from, inside of us or outside. Some of us turned on each other. We were killing each other! Then they came, oh God I'm so sorry! My men dead... the pain so unbearable...." the officer broke down crying hysterically.
The sensation of dread sank into Aeolus as he heard the story. "What came? Who attacked you?" he queried.
The officer simply pointed toward a crate. Ahmed walked across to the crate, "Thompson and his remaining scouts had enough wits with them to bring this. According to them, this was what attacked their party." He then opened the crate exposing a mass of stickly pink worm-like flesh.
"What are those?" Aeolus gulped, "Those are dead right?"
"Apparently yes and we don't know what those are. Jill is dissenting a speciman right now in her lab. So far it seems that we're not the only ones here on this Planet," Ahmed replied grimly.
"Good, have Ms. Davies make her report as soon she is ready to do so. We must know as much we can of this place if we are to survive," turning to Thompson, Aeolus told him "You did the best you could. I know it's difficult but you must know you did the best under the cirumstances. You're to be placed on a medical so you can rest and recover but we will hold your position for you."
Half hour later...
Aeolus sat down at his table in his room at the pod. What is happening here? Last year we found those strange monoliths and then we picked up the broadcast from Sankis Furysomething whatever. Nautilus government?!? We're wrestling life from the dirt here and someone else already have a government!?!
Sighing, he thought to himself, never again. You hear me, Morgan?!? Never again! Those people are my responsibility and I will see it that they survive!
April 3, 2004, 16:42
Local Time: 21:22
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Location: amongst equals.
Posts: 12,956
How did you know I was cooking, Aeolus?
/me gestures upwards.
Mmm, I seem to like reading 2 stories in 1 post...
Turn 2110 on to Rubin
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 3, 2004, 16:43
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The faction was threatened by a shism.
Everybody agreed that the closest mainland was too dangerous for settlement because of the numerous fungal pops. Even a fungal tower was destroyed some years earlier before the scouts learned how to handle this atrocious lifeform. But now, new land was found, and first reports indicated that it was not only free of the dangerous fungus, but rich in uranium deposits as well. Enough to cover the energy demands of the faction for the decades to come.
On top of that, the foil scouting it discovered that it was separated from any huge landmass by broad sea channels. No danger of biological contamination was possible in the far future, thus land was found that could be settled without risking much!
The people who pressed the colonisation of this newfound land were a rather small group, but very vocal. It was all good and well that in the early years the sea proved a lot safer then the nearby continent, but people aren't meant to live undersea the whole time, hiding away from the sun as a bat clipped of his wings. Still, enough people trusted the choosen council chairman enough to let her lead the debate over this issue, despite her well-known preferences in this matter.
So in the end it came down to a representative council consisting of speakers for every group which had an interest in this. The arguments pro -and contra were repeated, heated debates were held between people of opposing opinions, and all was listened to by Gwynn Elevea for making a final proposal. She did not decide solely on her own feelings, but asked questions to the people very close to her as well.
So, on MY 100403,2217, she told her ideas to an awaiting council and, after a stunned moment, was received with a loud approval of about all present.
Her proposal held in that no bases would be found on the new land, but only small villages/stations for research. Further more the land wasn't to be disturbed more then necessary by agriculture or industry. Only forests would be planted and allowed to thrive. The stations and villages were proposed to become future centres for recreation on this land, so people could enjoy as much to their hearts content of unspoiled land as they wished.
Needless to say, the population was thrilled by this almost Solomon-alike idea, and people pressed even more for Elevea to become the facto leader of their little society.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 3, 2004, 17:50
Local Time: 11:22
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Location: A Magical Moment...
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Originally posted by GeoModder
How did you know I was cooking, Aeolus? 
* GeoModder gestures upwards.
Mmm, I seem to like reading 2 stories in 1 post...
Turn 2110 on to Rubin
 Me? Oh just a lucky guess.
A mental note to self, better reward the Gamma probe team very generously for their first success.
Same here, I really enjoy reading those stories. I hope to post my own every other few turns but naturally it'd depend on the Muses.
April 3, 2004, 20:21
Local Time: 21:22
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Humanitarian Lal killing fellow officer Santiago,  I could write about Lal something. Maybe I will repair his image somehow. I think though he may play hard on you
April 3, 2004, 21:14
Local Time: 21:22
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2111 to Sankis.
April 3, 2004, 22:40
Local Time: 14:22
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Posts: 207
2111 to Aeolus
April 4, 2004, 01:03
Local Time: 11:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: A Magical Moment...
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2111 to Geo
April 4, 2004, 06:36
Local Time: 21:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: amongst equals.
Posts: 12,956
Originally posted by mart7x5
Humanitarian Lal killing fellow officer Santiago, I could write about Lal something. Maybe I will repair his image somehow. I think though he may play hard on you
Com'on Mart, look at his graphics. The guy obviously has hidden depths. And when in a game I have to fight off a 'peacefull' Lal for the nth times because I'm too strong, I just know his 'dominion' agenda.
Ahum, Aeolus. What did you try to do? probing a mindworm 2 times or what?  (Reload)
Turn 2111 to Rubin, who I'm asking to further research this anomaly.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
Last edited by GeoModder; April 4, 2004 at 07:26.
April 4, 2004, 07:34
Local Time: 21:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: amongst equals.
Posts: 12,956
The ceremony found place on the 10th anniversary of Planetfall for the faction.
A large majority of the citizens had choosen for this governmental setup, especially in light of the character of their beloved leader.
The honors were for her husband, Geo. The coupple had proven over the years that their idealistic/realistic partnership were a good combination to let the faction prosper.
The coronation didn't took long, not much time could be spared even for such an important event, but at the end of it Chiron had it's first queen.
The faction, from now on called the Atlanteans, had become an monarchy.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 4, 2004, 12:49
Local Time: 11:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: A Magical Moment...
Posts: 2,273
Originally posted by GeoModder
Ahum, Aeolus. What did you try to do? probing a mindworm 2 times or what? (Reload)
Oh I forgot to bring that up  . When I opened the save, all of my units already 'moved.' Basically I lost a turn. It may have something to do with the fact that I accidently open 2110 first.
So I extracted again from that zip file Sankis sent and opened it up again. This time, I was able to play the turn.
April 4, 2004, 13:03
Local Time: 21:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Lurker
Posts: 4,188
Originally posted by GeoModder
.... The guy obviously has hidden depths. And when in a game I have to fight off a 'peacefull' Lal for the nth times.....
I agree. His little secret will be nice plot in this story. It is that it was was very radical, something I could suspect Santiago. Looks like sheep ate wolf this time
April 4, 2004, 19:28
Local Time: 21:22
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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To Sankis.
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