April 28, 2004, 16:45
Local Time: 14:22
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I reloaded because I forgot to change my alpha centauri config file back, i didn't want to mess anything up.
I'm doing so bad now. Damn drones are preventing me from my secret projects, and everything is taking ages to build..bah
turn to angels
April 28, 2004, 16:58
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Have you tried energy allocation in the SE screen to create a talent in your bases so those pesky drones are quelled?
But research will slow down then, as is your energy income.
He who knows others is wise.
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SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 28, 2004, 17:10
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yeah, i did that. Didn't do anything. gonna have to take ~12 turns or so and make them happy with buildings. Meh. I'm pretty sure you are beating me in the SP race, anywho
April 28, 2004, 17:44
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There are plenty of SP's, and except us nobody has started yet. So you got a good chance to get some necessary ones.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 29, 2004, 07:20
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 Doctor Rubin, you...
turn sent
New Atlantis, MY 2132.2904
Two people on the quay were waving to a departing skimship. In the command deck, a small figure was waving back. The skimship slowly manoeuvered to the sealocks on the far side of the cave, entered it and stopped. The locks closed.
Some minutes later the lights of the skimship became visible on the plazglass screen halfway the top of the cave. The ship ascended quickly, and the lights dimished in the dark of the ocean.
"I miss her already." Gwynn snottered, seeking support on Geo's shoulder.
"I know...", Geo answered, "Me too. Letting go is always the hardest part."
Geo took her on the shoulders, and started to walk.
"Com'on, let's go to Navigation, so we know she surfaced safely."
They entered the control room, and the commanding officer quickly turned to them and addressed Gwynn.
"My Queen, the skimship has just safely surfaced. You can see them leaving the area on the videofeed over there." He gestured towards the central vidscreen on which a small silhouet could be seen, retreating from the camera.
"The crew reported all systems are nominal." He continued.
"Thank you, commander." Qwynn said silently. Geo nodded.
Qwynn and Geo looked at the vidscreen till the skimship was no longer visible, thanked the commander and his team and left the control room.
They entered the elevator shaft, and descended to the habitated levels closer to the bottom.
"Almost a whole year before Enid comes back for the holidays." Qwynn whispered. "This is going to be a long wait..."
Geo took her shoulders again. "She needs to learn, someday she'll be our heir. No better way to have a feel for other factions quicks and quirks if you live among them for a while..."
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 29, 2004, 10:40
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2133 to Sankis.
I had a crash immediately after saving the turn. I believe the save is fine, though.
April 29, 2004, 15:24
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Yep, turn was fine.
Turn to angels.
April 29, 2004, 23:57
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Geo has the turn now
April 30, 2004, 06:15
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Turn 2132 on to Rubin.
End of my momentum now 
Catch up, guys!!
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 30, 2004, 10:45
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To Sankis.
April 30, 2004, 15:27
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Posts: 207
Turn to Angels..
Still doing fairly bad...Yang is being mean to me, as well
April 30, 2004, 16:55
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You're pacted?!! How can he be mean then??!
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 30, 2004, 16:58
Local Time: 14:22
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Geo, he keeps insisting I go to war with just about everyone. I am definately NOT ready for a war and I must hit "No" which causes his mood about me to take a turn for the worse. Its not long before he turns against me, I reckon.
April 30, 2004, 17:06
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Hey, I wanted to let you guys to know I'll not be able to play my turns until Sunday 5pm GMT -8 due to my commitments tonight and over the weekend.
April 30, 2004, 17:07
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Originally posted by Barinthus
Hey, I wanted to let you guys to know I'll not be able to play my turns until Sunday 5pm GMT -8 due to my commitments tonight and over the weekend.
Is this a one time thing or will it be every weekend?
April 30, 2004, 17:27
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 I think it's funny you asked. We asked that of binTravkin  . Nope, just that this time of the year is a very busy time for my office. There will be one weekend in uhh June where I'll be gone although due to a cousin's wedding.
April 30, 2004, 17:52
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Originally posted by Sankis
Geo, he keeps insisting I go to war with just about everyone. I am definately NOT ready for a war and I must hit "No" which causes his mood about me to take a turn for the worse. Its not long before he turns against me, I reckon.
Well, Hive-Peace war is over now. With who is he still at war then?
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
April 30, 2004, 19:29
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Well, I know hes not very fond of the gains.
May 4, 2004, 11:28
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Just to stay of the second page...
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
May 4, 2004, 21:51
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Originally posted by Sankis
Turn to Angels..
Still doing fairly bad...Yang is being mean to me, as well
I have the turn?!? I thought I played it and passed it on?
Geo, what's the last year turn you got from me?
EDIT: I checked my email account and according to outbox folder, I sent you 2133 as of last Thursday (29.04). I'm just trying to figure out what happened here. Sankis, maybe resent your last turn to me?
May 4, 2004, 22:51
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I sent you 2133 last thursday. That should be correct.
May 4, 2004, 23:28
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Ok I took the liberty of downloading Sankis' zip and opened the turn. I got that message saying that I already played the turn and if I was to continue, others will know about my tampering... something like that.
Geo, could you look into whether if you ever got 2133 from me? My email account's outbox said that I did but there could be some screw-up somewhere. Wouldn't be the first time too.
May 5, 2004, 05:11
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Yes, I've got 2133 still in my inbox, and played it as well.
I just checked my earlier 'turn played' post, and saw that I quoted the wrong year 2132 instead of 2133).
So now I need to ask Rubin if he replayed 2132 or played 2133?
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
May 5, 2004, 05:41
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Ok, I've just resent 2133 to Rubin just in case I sended the wrong turn last week.
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
May 5, 2004, 06:55
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I've already sent 2134 to Sankis last month
I've forwarded the old e-mail--just in case.
May 5, 2004, 15:25
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ok, played and sent. Hopefully things will go smoothly now.
May 5, 2004, 23:56
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Turn sent to the Kingdom.
(I know this is few turns behind but I've been very busy IRL, hope u guys don't mind)
M.Y. 2132
An undisclosed location
“Datatech, the Altantian vessel is here,” Sinder shook Aeolus out of his daydreaming as he stood entranced by the sounds of waves crashing upon the reefs below.
“Ah, good. Well, let’s go and see to our guest,” Aeolus said as he looked down the dock at the skimship pulling up, Altantian marks on her hull. He sighed inwardly as his eyes traveled across the honor guard standing at attention. Such foolishness. He disliked all ceremonial rituals, he preferred to get down to the business. Yet his advisors insisted upon it out of fear of offending Data Angels’ new friend, the Kingdom.
The Kingdom has stirred his curiosity a great deal, nearly equal to those ancient alien ruins his scouts discovered few years before. Aeolus only wanted to be left alone, he was certain that other survivors will plunge the new home world into flames like their predecessors did Earth. Rumors of a war between the Human Hive and the Peacekeeping Forces confirmed his suspicions. Ever since, he has gotten nothing but demands from this faction and that faction.
Yet the Kingdom seemed to be different. Their Queen and her consort, Geo ‘O Banning has been treating Data Angels cordially. Nevertheless, like others, the Alantians have been dealing with him on the quid pro quo basis. However he find himself daring to begin to hope – perhaps he has found a true friend on this planet? After all on that skimship is their greatest treasure – Princess Enid. It was an enormous honor to be entrusted with the care of the princess. But again, this could be just a cold-blooded calculated political maneuvering to buy his trust and he will find a knife in his back soon enough. Nothing to do now but to see how the script turns out.
A lovely 17 years old female has long since stepped out from the vessel and walking up the dock toward him escorted by what appeared to be the vessel’s captain, her steps somewhat unused to the solid surface of terra firma. Her face barely hid her disdain for Data Angels’ honor guard – apparently she was accustomed to a more ornate version back home.
As the princess drew closer, Aeolus stepped forward to greet her, “Welcome to our holdings, Princess.” He could feel his advisors stiffening behind him, they must be dreading to see what he had stored in for them. Whatever, he could already tell that the young lass is a spoiled one. Her alerted eyes betrayed an intelligent mind, she’s a smart yet spoiled girl. Ah well, he has already instructed the princess’ instructors to treat her just the same as any other pupils.
“I am the Datatech and it is an honor to have you living among us. I have already seen it to that you will have our best teachers and that you will see our realm including the ruins we discovered. I would stay and chat some more but I’m anxious to take up on your parents’ invitation to visit your kingdom. It has been a long time since the last time I was on a waterborne vessel.” He had to smile at the shocked expression on the princess’ face, guess she was not accustomed to others speaking to her in such way.
“Oh yes, before I forget, I have a gift for you,” Aeolus noted how her eyes sparkled with curiosity and how quickly it turned into disgust as he reached into his jacket’s pockets. Did she expect him to present it on some fluffed pillow? “Here it is!” he exclaimed as he pulled out a cube with different colored tiles all over.
The puzzled princess took the gift silently and she was about to open her mouth when Aeolus intervened “It is an ancient puzzle from Earth. It’s called the Rubik’s Cube and the goal is to get all sides into same solid color, each side having their own. I am expecting you to be able to solve this by the time you leave us. Well, enjoy and I’m off! I will be sure to visit you once I am back, meanwhile, you will be in the care of Sinder Roze, she’s one of few persons whom I trust completely. If I happen to have offended you somehow, forgive me, it is not that often I get to speak to a royalty. Meanwhile, I bid you farewell!” Aeolus chuckled inwardly as he walked down the dock, leaving behind a bewildered princess with a multi-colored cube in her hand.
Last edited by Barinthus; May 6, 2004 at 00:56.
May 6, 2004, 07:32
Local Time: 21:22
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Good one, Barinthus! 
You seem to have a way with brats.
Turn 2134 on to Rubin.
Early MY 2133, RNV 'Gifter', near Wave Dream.
The foil's outer hatches all closed, checking signals came from the command bridge and were returned affirmatively.
The foil's aircushion collapsed and was redrawed automatically in it's pod, the ship's plane and helm initiated another position and the 'Gifter' started to dive. On the bridge, near the front screen, a man stood a little pale next to a couple who looked more at ease then their company.
"Don't worry, Aeolus." Gwynn said teasingly, "It's just more water."
Geo added: "Our vessels do this routinely, the only drawback is that our technology isn't good enough to let them be submerged all the time. Would save us a lot of travel time."
Aeolus looked at him "Not all the time, err?" He paled a bit more, "Are you trying to tell me that there is the possibility of a breeched hull?"
"No way, Aeolus!" Gwynn interrupted, "This little trip is done all the time on underwater cruises. Our ships only stay longer then usual submerged in this area, but it's worth the 'risk' , I tell you that."
"I hope so, Gwynn, I do hope so." Aeolus responded.
"Just wait and see, Aeolus, and enjoy." Geo said.
The foil dived deeper, the front lights ignited and showed waving tendrils drifting in the seastream all around the ship.
"O, wow.", said their guest, "Beautifull!"
"Told you so.", responded Gwynn, "And the best part has still to come."
All around the foil the tendrils seem to come together, branches interconnecting and becoming thicker the deeper they came.
Suddenly, a whole shoal of fish appeared out of nowhere, swirled around the boat and disappeared again, only to be replaced by swarms of other kinds of sea creatures.
"We call it the Dùlaman Sea," Geo said, "and it's quite a historical place for the Kingdom."
Aeolus cocked his eyebrows while looking at Geo.
"Here, in this area, we encountered the Nautilus Empire first time."
"On the surface, off course.", added Gwynn with a smile.
"My Queen!", said the captain, "we're approaching the border."
"Very well, captain, continue north to that other border please.", responded Gwynn with a wink.
"At once, your Majesty.", said the captain.
"Borders?", asked Aeolus, "With the Empire?"
"The first, yes, " Geo answered, "the second is of another nature."
"You two do like to give me puzzles.", said Aeolus humorously.
"It's our nature to let you follow your own nature, Aeolus." Geo winked.
They laughed...
Several hours later, still travelling between the wonderous sights of a kelp field with all lifeforms it supported, the nature of that life suddenly changed, became out of tune with it. The kelp dimished in size and was replaced by thick layers of another nature, twinkling or reflecting with little lights in it.
"What's that?" Aeolus asked, "It looks like the fungal woods we find around The Spot, but... other, especially that twinkling."
"Yes, close." said Geo.
"It's seafungus, but in a mature state here." added Gwynn, "Their are not many places on Chiron were it gets this abundant and old. It almost becomes another kind of species. Attached to the seabottom it changes. Our researchers have a field day trying to find out what all this twinkling means.
"The wildest theories even propose a form of sentience.", added Geo.
Aeolus just stared back and forth from the couple to the screen showing the flowing layers of fungus with the little lights randomly coming up and disappearing again...
Gwynn spoke up, "Com'on, enough staring. We can't stay here too long, the skimship bringing you back north is about ready to leave anyway."
"Ah yes.", said Aeolus slowly, and added with a wink: "If your daughter hasn't taken things over by now."
They all laughed...
Early MY 2133, New Atlantis, departure quay.
"Good bye, Aeolus." said Geo, "We hope you enjoyed your stay here in the Kingdom, and look forward to see you again anytime."
"And again," added Gwynn, "our thanks for letting Enid study in your settlements."
"No prob, I already look forward for the next exchanges." responded Aeolus.
He waved, stepped up the walkway and disappeared in the skimship...
He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
SMAC(X) Marsscenario
May 6, 2004, 13:50
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2135 to Sankis! Very good narratives!
May 6, 2004, 15:17
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Turn to angels.
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