Originally posted by Rubin
Central Military Committee
Homeland Defense Report (based on M.Y. 2159)
Please submit any comments, suggestions and feedback.
Comrade Rubin
Chairman of the Central Military Committee
I agree we are very vulnerble to an attack.
Had the Data Angels launcehed their two invasions on our shores (one included a battle ogre) about 2-3 turns before they did we would have had a bad situation.
I recommend that we place an emphasis on recon.
With a large, cheap, fleet of needlejets we can patrol up to 12 spaces from our shores, detect, strike, and kill any hostile forces that come within range.
With constant survelliance we can ensure that no force gets within range to land on our shores.
Our needlejets have a range of 12 (CB) once we get fusion this increases to 14 (15 if they we get some that are elite). Detection range will be even further once we get deep radar.
Airpower is much more flexible and mobile than relatively static probe or plasma sentitiles. I am not saying that we don't need to get some more probes. I am saying that we should place priority on making an airforce that is so far reaching that no opponent would even get a chance of getting close enough to do us damage.
I have not done the full calculations, but this is a thought for what we would need.
Northwest passage: 2 needlejets
Eastern approaches: 2-4 needlejets
Southeastern approaches: 2 needlejets
Southwestern approaches: 4 needlejets
As our empire grows we can move these forces outward.
These above forces will not only patrol the land and seas, they will also deny CyCon the mobility, and destroy both land and sea targets.