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Old March 22, 2004, 07:50   #1
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IMPACX MOD Descussions
Ok many of you may have noticed I kinda hijacked the Next ACDG thread with a bunch of ideas for Alpha Editing, I have started this new thread to discuss the creation of a Mod package called IMPACX (Impaler's Alpha Centauri X) based on thouse ideas and any others that sound good to me. The mod will be inteded for use with the Alien CrossFire expantion, but an original SMAC version might also get made.

First off a Disclaimer here, more then half of the ideas and changes I proposed in the previous thread were taken from other mods and alpha changes done by hard working people over in the AC creation threads.

This thread dealing with the Torture Mod proved particularly inspirational.

I intend to site everyone who partispated in it as a source along with the authors of a few other threads and post I dug up. All the authors of this source material or anyone else for that matter is welcome to contribute and especialy play test.

Ok now on to the Goals of the MOD.

#1 - Slow down the tec explosion in the late game without making the early game excedingly slow. The goal is to have a smooth 6-10 years for a goal throughout the entire game. This is likly the hardest goal to achive and I intend to exploit every possible change that can achive this delicate balance.

#2 - Add new tecnologies both for flavor purposes and to balance the tec tree by alowing goodies to be moved to better places in the tec tree or for the tec in question to be delayed or its beeline slowed.

#3 Create new Tec Graphics, short and long tec blurbs and if possible voice recordings to go with the new tecs, in most cases the Graphics can be made by cutting and pasting from existing Graphics.

#4 Modify Terraforming by spreading out the options over a wide number of tecs and rebalancing build times. In addition the forest and forget strategy will be killed somehow even if it means disabling forest completly.

#5 Modify Social Enginering for better balance and more nuanced strategy. Default settings (Frontier, Survival, Simple) will be given negatives which will make them very unapealing to the AI. In addition the Ability to Pop Boom will be greatly reduced, at a minimum a Golden Age or a Future Society Engingering setting will be reqired.

#6 Modified versions of the 7 original factions, each factins will keep its general strategy and ideological outlook but will be spiced up a bit and made "more itself" by adding such things as FreeAbilites or Facilites that are in line with the factions ideology. The changes will work hand in hand with the Social Enginering changes and other goals making the Modified factions and integral part of the Mod.

#7 Modify the Build Costs of secret Projects and Facilites in lite of the above changes, Projects will cost more and Facilites will have higher maintance in most cases, some facilites (early ones) will cost less, some late facilites may cost more. New Facilites with negative maintance will be added (again a trick I learned about, not my idea). These will add Credits to your stockpile rather then subtract them.

#8 All References to the Progenitors will be Removed, All Resonace tecnologies will be renamed and remade into plausable tecnologies. The intent is to play Orginal SMAC's plot with the Secret Projects and facilites of SMACX. I just never liked the Aliens and though they were an incredibly dumb idea (along with most of the expantion factions).
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 22, 2004, 07:51   #2
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Changes too radical.

1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 22, 2004, 07:53   #3
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My God Jamski that was the fastest Repy ever, I sware that took you less then 10 seconds!!!
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 22, 2004, 08:03   #4
Skanky Burns
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My vote is for minimal or no changes. I'm planning on joining this game to learn strategies and such, the original game is still mostly new for me.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
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Old March 22, 2004, 08:34   #5
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It took me about 30 seconds to read the post, but I read this before in the "Next ACDG Thread"

I'm not in favour of any large changes to the way the game plays. Some tweaks towards making the AI react better, and perhaps moving restriction lifting and habdomes earlier, and that's already enough for me.

1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 22, 2004, 08:54   #6
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Re: IMPACX MOD Descussions
Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
New Facilites with negative maintance will be added (again a trick I learned about, not my idea). These will add Credits to your stockpile rather then subtract them.
Do I understand you correctly here? New facilities with it's own specifics can be added? Thought that facilities were hardcoded?
He who knows others is wise.
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Old March 22, 2004, 09:00   #7
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Everything about the facility is Hard Coded EXCEPT the cost in Rows, the Name, Prerequisite tec and Maintance. Thus this is the only effect that can be generated, you can never add a facility which has any other effect beyond that. But in this case we can make a usefull Facility with just thouse 4 paramiters by using one of them in a clever way.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 22, 2004, 09:32   #8
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Here are the detailed Changes and Copies of key Portions of the Alpha. You can insert the modified parts bit by bit or download the whole thing and test out the game at the point I currently am at, I sugjest using the full modified Alphax and the modified Factions as I have provided them. Many of the changes between the Alphax and Factions are interdependent particularly the reserch bonuses. Start games from scratch with any and all factions, try out Beelines and various strategies you have used in the past, load up old saves of the late game and see if the reserch rate is good. Basicaly do anything you can to find a broken strategy then report back. Also I am still taking Ideas for new Tecnologies or any other ideas out their that I havent touched on yet.

Here is a Zip, it includes the Alphax and each modified Faction along with the Description provided Below, as always remember to Back up your original SMAC files before using these. Even better, duplicate the Folder SMAC is in and rename the coppy "IMPACX1.0" and then overright the contents of this package into it. Then you can play original or the mod simply by selecting the differnt EXE files in the directories.
Attached Files:
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Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 22, 2004, 09:34   #9
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For thouse who wish to discuss here are the changes made, a copy of all this is in the Zip.

Movment on Roads x4 (faster movment, combined with incressing Chassie Movment points you can move around much faster and corespondingly use a larger map without slowing the game down terribly)

Nut and Min multipliers 12 (this is to decresse the relitive effects of growth and Industry bonuses, coresponding incresses in Recycling tank food output and base mineral output will balance this)

Reserch Rate 30% (intended to hugly reduce the late game rate of reserch, Early game energy will be bosted to balace)

Removed Mine Nut penalty (you can now put farm and mine in a rolling moist tile and get 2/2/0)

Size to support specialists 3 (we will also lower the output of specialists to balance the all specialist strategy)

3 Drones for a GeneJack (1 Drone is a rather insignificant penalty)

21 Population cap before Hab Domes

Insrinsic Base defense +50% (Cities are an excelent defence position)

Infantry vs Base +50% (Balance incressed Defence, overall your less vulnorable to Rover Rushing)

Non Combat Penalty -75% (Non combats should get slautered)

Psi Planet Bonus +25% (Makes Planet rating more important in Psi Combat, Planet Penalty on Free Market would be reduced to prevent terrable worm rape)

5 Turns between Counsils (More Council interactions for the Game)

Synthetic Fossil Fuel lifts Energy Restrictions

Maximum Damage inflicted by Artillery on units in open 100% (being able to kill something with artilery would make artillery a lot more usefull)


HydroMechanics - A tec originaly developed by Joseph Balderson and avalible for download off Apolyton, graphics and Sounds have already been made
Prerequistes - Planetary Economics and Doctorine Initiative.
Leads to - NanoMetalurgy
Teraforming - Sea Sensors (Sonar Buoy), Mining Platforms and The Shrimp Nets (Soil Enricher).
Facilities - SubSea Trunkline
Notes - This tec opens up the Oceans of Chiron as a rich source of minerals and Nutrients
Line - Hydromechanics, Hydro, 1, 1, 3, 1, DocInit, PlaEcon, 000000000

Centauri Awareness - A tec originaly developed by a number of people over at Apolyton, I took the idea and adapted it a bit, the Graphic will be a Green Circle with the Eye from Self Aware Machines inside
Prerequistes - Centauri Ecology and Secrets of the Human Brain (taking the place of Centauri Empathy which now requires Centuari Awarness and Intilectual Integrity)
Leads to - Centauri Empathy and Ecological Enginering
Terraforming - Remove Fungus
Secret Projects - The Weather Paradigm
Facilites - None
Abilites - Hypnotic Trance
Other - Incresses Fungus production (not shure yet how much)
Notes - This tec along with the changes make to Centuri Empathy move 2 high power Secret Projects up in the tec tree to better positions ware their not so unbalancing
Line - Centauri Awareness CentAw, 0, 2, 0, 4, Ecology, Brain, 000000000

Industrial Extraction - Created by converting BioAdaptive Resonance, Graphic would be the Industrial Base Factory with one or more mineral shapes on it
Prerequisites - Industrial Automation and Super Conductor
Leads to - Industrial NanoRobotics
Secret Projects - The Mass Industrial Complex (Bulk Matter Transmitter renamed)
Terraforming - BoreHole
Facilites - Thermocline Transducor
Notes - This serves as a Mid game industrial Tecnology and can hold some of the stuff that Industrial Automation currently has
Line - Industrial Extraction, IndExt, 2, 0, 4, 1, IndAuto, Super, 000000000

Centauri Marine Biology - Created by changing Progenitor Pych, Graphic would be a Green Circle with rows of choppy wave lines taken from the Thermocline Transducer inside
Prerequisites - Centari Ecology and Doctorine Flexibility
Leads to - Cooperative Economics
Teraforming - Kelp Farm
Facilites - Aqua Farm
Units - Protoypes a cheaper Trawler (Foil Crawler) at 4 Rows to make harvesting the Ocean for food more practical
Line - Centauri Marine Biology, CentMB, 0, 2, 3, 4, Ecology, DocFlex, 000000000

Coperative Economic - Created by Changing Adaptive Economics, Same Graphic
Prerequsites - Industrial Economics and Centauri Marine Biology
Leads to - Planetary Economics
Teraforming - Tidal Harness
Secret Projects - Planetary Energy Grid
Facilites - None
Other - Incresses Comerce from Treaties and Pacts
Line - Coperative Economics, CoopEcon, 0, 1, 5, 2, CentMB, IndEcon, 000000100

Orbital Constructon - Created by converting the Deleted tec between Quantum Machinery and Matter Editation, Graphic is that from Tec previously know as Orbital Space Flight but Yellow. Number is?
Pre-Requisites - Advanced SpaceFlight and NanoMiniturization
Leads to - Super Tensile Solids
Facilites - Orbital Power Transmitter
Notes - Serves as the gateway to Satalites and the Space Elevator and delays these powerfull tecs a bit
Line - Orbital Construction, OrbCon, 1, 0, 5, 1, Space, NanoMin, 000000000

Secret Project Changes

The Weather Paradigm - Moved to new Tec Centauri Awarness
The Planetary Transit System - Moved up?
Clinical Imortality - Moved to HomoSuperior
Virtual World - Moved to Optical Computers
Cloud Base Acadamy - Moved to Advanced Space Flight
Living Refinery - Moved to Organic Super Lubricant


Librarian renamed Scientist, now avalible without any prequisite tec
Enginer renamed Cyborg, avalible at Mind Machine Interface
Thinker renamed Mentat (yes as in the Human Computers from Dune) Avalible at new tecnology "Analog Networks" ?
Basic specialists all provide 2, Advanced specialists provide 2 in their core area and 1 in their secondary, Transendi provide 2 in each area. This helps greatly weaken the All specialist strategies

Politics, Economics, Values, Future Society
Police State, DocLoy, ++POLICE, ++SUPPORT, --EFFIC, +PROBE
Democratic, EthCalc, ++EFFIC, +GROWTH, ---POLICE, +RESEARCH
Fundamentalist, Brain, ++MORALE, ++PROBE, --RESEARCH, +POLICE
Free Market, IndEcon, ++ECONOMY, --PLANET, ---SUPPORT, +EFFIC
Green, CentEmp, ++PLANET, ++EFFIC, ---GROWTH, +SUPPORT
Knowledge, Cyber, ++RESEARCH, +EFFIC, --PROBE, +INDUSTRY
Cybernetic, DigSent, ++EFFIC, ++ECONOMY, ++RESEARCH, ---GROWTH
Eudaimonic, Eudaim, ++GROWTH, +INDUSTRY, ++PLANET, ---MORALE
Thought Control, WillPow, ++POLICE, ++MORALE, ++PROBE, ---SUPPORT


The largest Changes occure to Farm, it now provides +2 Food which acts to more then offset the incressed Nuts per row and speed up growth.
Also the Nut output of The Recycling Tanks has been incressed, and the Base energy and Mineral Output of Bases has been Incressed, now a Base with Tanks will produce 4/3/5
This will ofcorse make Infinate City Sprawl an even stronger tactic but I belive this is an acceptable strategy as the player will start running into Buracracy Drones and devote more Psych to passifying them.

Ocean Square, 2, 0, 0, 0,
Base Square, 2, 2, 4, 0,
Bonus Square, 3, 3, 3, 0, * Mineral +1 if mine present
Forest Square, 1, 1, 1, 0,
Recycling Tanks, 2, 1, 1, 0,
Improved Land, 2, *, *, 0, "*" columns are ignored entirely
Improved Sea, 2, 1, 3, 0, * Mineral +1 with Advanced Ecological Engineering
Monolith, 2, 2, 2, 0,
Borehole Square, 0, 6, 6, 0,

Changes to Factions

First off all Factions have recived the following additions

2% Rate of Interest, for every 50 Credits in your Reserves you gain 1 Credit a year (Morgan gets Double this at 4%) "INTEREST, 2,"
A Former at the start of the Game (now avalible imediatly like Colony Pods, note only Farm is still linked to Centauri Ecology, other options are spread through the 7 Basic tecs) "UNIT, 2,"
An Extra Colony Pod (get the game off to a faster start) "UNIT, 1,"
A Free Tec (Just like University you get a free bonus tec, Uni now gets 2 bonus tecs) "TECH, 1,"
2 Bonus Points of Lab output at every Base (Helps to greatly bost early Tec rate) "RESEARCH, 2,"
Most factions got a FreeAbility apropriate to their ideology

Faction Specific Changes


Lost +2 to Hab Limit ability (given to Hive)
Gained Tech Share 3 (gains any tec know to 3 other factions)
Added -1 Police on Social Enginering
All units Gain Polymorphic Encription with reserach of Presentient Algorithms


All units Gain Hypnotic Trance Ability with Centauri Awareness
(Note that Beliver reserch is now much better in the early game)


Start with a Free Alien Artifact (lets just say they landed on it)
Still thinking of a good FreeAbility to add, got any ideas?


Now starts with 150 Credits
Double rate of Interest 4% (this may not seem like much but its very powerfull, right from the start morgan will get 6 Credits a year from his reserves and if he grows them he can easily start making more from the Interest then from normal means)
Habitation Complex now needed for a Base to Exceed size 5 rather then 4
Replaced -1 Support with -1 Probe (The combination of -1 support with the -3 of FreeMarket created a murdurous "all units require 2 minerals to support" which effectivly bared Morgan from using FreeMarket without first taking a support bosting setting, the Probe rating reflects his easily bribed followers and helps balance his huge Credit pile)
All Formers Gain Fungacidal Tanks with the discovery of Synthetic Fossil Fuel (lack of respect for native life, good for a pacifist builder)


Recive 1 Extra Drone for every 4 Citizens (taken from University)
Added +1 Efficiency
Removed Imunity to Efficiency (Police state/Planned/Wealth will now yeald -2 Efficiency)
May exceed Hab Population limits by 2 (taken from Peace Keepers)
All units Gain Non-Leathal Methods with discovery of Ethical Calculs


All units Gain Com Jammers with discovery of Advanced Sub Atomic Theory
Removed Extra Drone Penalty (given to Hive)
(Note the Univerity dosent have as strong a reserch advantage in the early game)
Gain a Bonus tec at the start of the game


Added -1 Planet (a weakness when fighting native life forms, felt in need to be in their with all thouse references to the Gaians "secret war" and "fall of sparta")
All units Gain Shock Tactics with the discover of Doctorine: Adaptation (Sporosific Gas Pods renamed, -2 Enemy Morale when attacking, gives the Spartans an new punch)
Reduced Moral Bonus to +1 (balance new ability, delay combat a bit)


Coincil Proposals
Removed Prerequisites for "Unite Behind me as Supream Leader"
Raise Solar Shade Prerequites changed to Photon/Wave Mechanic

All Chassies had their movment Doubled, except for Chopper and Neddle Jet, this helps formers move around much better and early exploration is easier, also Pod Popping is less dangerous if you keep a movment point in reserve "Run Away! Run Away!"
Made Colony Pod a Slow Unit (1 movment Point), its possible to design a faster one but this should be avoided as the AI's not smart enough to do it.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 22, 2004, 11:04   #10
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The Spartans look a bit nerfed, they were not the überfaction before, and now they look really lacking. They probably needed to have the -1 Industry removed instead.

The Uni are WAY overpowered now. Many consider them the best faction anyway, and removing the extra drone makes them über.

Morgan is also too über if he can run FM and have an army. Its one or the other until clean reactors.

Actually, most of the factions are improved to take away the "tactical style" of the faction's ideology. The Hive can't run Planned/Police anymore, for example (-anything effic is a KILLER) either that or they lose the faction's main feature - Morgan getting +1 energy per square without using FM, Peacekeepers booming early to larger bases, Spartan early elite rover-rush.

Sorry, but this mod really effects the basic feel of the (currently perfectly balanced) factions.

1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 22, 2004, 11:51   #11
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Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
Everything about the facility is Hard Coded EXCEPT the cost in Rows, the Name, Prerequisite tec and Maintance. Thus this is the only effect that can be generated, you can never add a facility which has any other effect beyond that. But in this case we can make a usefull Facility with just thouse 4 paramiters by using one of them in a clever way.
But it won't do anything

There wouldn't be a reason to build it
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Old March 22, 2004, 12:15   #12
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I have set up the Economy rating such that you can only get the coveted +1 Energy per square by running FM AND wealth because of the -1 Economy of None Future. Morgan has the advantage of being able to get it with just FM (I always considerd Morgan using Green to be rather silly), if he then took Power then he might indeed be able to make war to easily. His negatives would be the -3 support and -2 Industry so he is going to be hungry for minerals. Fundamentalist would be a good balance if he's not very interested in Research. That combo will need looking into. I am also worried the interest could be used by a skilled player to Corner the Global Energy Market very fast, I want to make that a more viable option for Morgan and all other Factions though as its always been the weakest Victory Condition.

As for the Spartans, Industry and Growth bonuses are much less damaging or powerfull then they used to be. The Spartans will start the game with 14 minerals to a Row vs 13 for other Factions and 12 for the Hive. Hardly a cripling difference. If they still function poorly then we could return their Morale bonus to +2 or give them some support.

Hive, I think we can all agree their the Uber (hey how did you add thouse dots) Faction. Efficiency penalties can be rather crippling but this brings up another method to slow down late game reserch, I could lower the Efficiency bonus of Democracy to help counter act the advantage other factions will have over the Hive. This will lower efficiency of the Hives competitors and make Paradigm Efficiency harder to reach. I might also lower the Hives Economy penalty to 1 to give them more energy in the early game. Keep in mind the Hives Police are going to be saving them a lot of maintance on Rec Commons and Holos which are now higher maintance.

Please by all means Jamski load up and test out your strategies I am interested in seeing what everyone thinks.

Geo: The only effect is that the Facility gives you Credits each year rather then taking them away. For an investment of 6 rows of minerals you get 4 Credits forever, a very good deal if you ask me (it helps pay for thouse HoloGram Theathers)
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 22, 2004, 12:33   #13
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Gaians ability: empath song :b

Hive: +1 effic doesn't fit with Hive IMO, neither does the non-lethal methods ability. Hive security is violent and oppressive.
Perhaps add the genejack factory for that faction It is Yang's 'gift to industry', after all.

Univ: what happened with the immorality drones of Zakharov?

Spartans: +1 pop in bases before Hab Complex is needed (spartan lifestyle )
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Old March 22, 2004, 12:33   #14
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Gaians ability: empath song :b

Hive: +1 effic doesn't fit with Hive IMO, neither does the non-lethal methods ability. Hive security is violent and oppressive.
Perhaps add the genejack factory for that faction It is Yang's 'gift to industry', after all.

Univ: what happened with the immorality drones of Zakharov?

Spartans: +1 pop in bases before Hab Complex is needed (spartan lifestyle )
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Old March 22, 2004, 13:24   #15
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Felt Empath Song for Gaians would be a bit over powering, If their using Green then they will alrady recive +75% in Psi Combat.

Spartan lifestyle sounds like an intersting idea if they need a little bost.

Non-Leathel Methods for the Hive just seemed right cause their a Police state, they may be Brutal but they dont kill but a few people and their very effective at their job.

Efficiency could be explained by their Hive like nature, the over coming the crass demands of flesh and bone and other such rubish.

Zarki is no longer so imoral, I felt he needed to get off his Virtual world additction. And like I said the Uni's tec power is dosent manifest untill later in the game because all factions are getting +40% research at game start vs Uni at a maxed out +50% and everyone gets 2 labs bonus to all bases. Uni wont blast past its rivals like it used to in the beginign of the game. Atleast thats the Plan, the Drones could return if he is still to strong.

Like I said test all this stuff out.
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Old March 22, 2004, 13:27   #16
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Smaller is better.

Having tidal sonar would be a plus... I'd like to add that to my own alphax.txt but that's about it, really...

Probably should go over to the SMAC creation thread...
I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

As always, will play after work. I wonder if I'll ever be able to turn that the other way...
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Old March 22, 2004, 15:06   #17
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Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
Geo: The only effect is that the Facility gives you Credits each year rather then taking them away. For an investment of 6 rows of minerals you get 4 Credits forever, a very good deal if you ask me (it helps pay for thouse HoloGram Theathers)
got it, a new sort of bank or financial institution
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SMAC(X) Marsscenario
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Old March 22, 2004, 16:50   #18
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Old March 22, 2004, 17:06   #19
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1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
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Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 22, 2004, 20:26   #20
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I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
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Old March 22, 2004, 21:09   #21
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If it means we can play a single faction game yes please. If not then I care not.

Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!
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Old March 22, 2004, 21:13   #22
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Ok guys we dont nessarily have to use this new Alpha in the next ACDG I know thats a bit radical of a move at this point.

Lets focus on working the kinks out of the thing and making it fun first before everyone says they think it sucks. It still dosen't seem anyone has actualy downloaded the thing. Go try it before you say that its a bad idea.
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Old March 22, 2004, 22:40   #23
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Originally posted by GeoModder
Hive: +1 effic doesn't fit with Hive IMO, neither does the non-lethal methods ability. Hive security is violent and oppressive.
Perhaps they "nonlethally" remove you for "reconditioning". It would be a shame to waste the collective's human resources afterall (have to justify that Inefficiency Immunity that they normally have... ).

I know that I normally make use of police-trained garrisons with the Hive, in at least some of my bases, and I always try to play my SMAC/X games "in character".
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Old March 23, 2004, 19:57   #24
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Heah All,

Googlie put me onto this thread, with the suggestion that if I had some contributions, that I could post them here. However, as Impaler[WrG] had the great idea of pulling up an old alphax.txt modification thread out of the dustbin to spur conversation on this topic, why I decided to pull up gwillybj's alphax.txt modification thread as well, and append my own mod to the file at the end of the thread. FYI in case any of the ideas in this thread interest you.

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Old March 23, 2004, 21:26   #25
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Thanks for bringing up that thread Darsen, as you can see have borrowed from it as well, particularly the Centauri Awarness tecnology, Orbital Construction was also inspired by the Rocketry tecnologies but I desided to add a tec at the top of the spaceflight chain and push techs up a level rather then add pre-requistes below.

By the way I am now considering giving all factions DRONE, 6, one extra drone per 6 citizens. This would be like a difficulty level ABOVE TRANSENDI! It could force the player to use more Pych and Hologram theathers in the mid game.

Also I droped the -1 Police from survival and lowered the growth Penalty on None Future to -1, a -1 growth on Survival now replaces the -1 Police. I found the -2 Police to start with was crippling on Transendi because you cant use a Police unit to control a size 2 base. It still remains to be seen how the Gaians will deal with this considering their -1 Police rating. Lal can use his Talents to control bases without Policing (cause he also has -1 Police now)
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Old March 24, 2004, 04:21   #26
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It still remains to be seen how the Gaians will deal with this considering their -1 Police rating. Lal can use his Talents to control bases without Policing (cause he also has -1 Police now)
Gaians = unplayable

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Old March 25, 2004, 03:39   #27
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Ok i droped the -1 Police from the Gaians, The Gaian pod was filled with an incressed quota of Green Peace and Animal rights activists resulting in a far less pacifist aproatch to dealing with the other factions.

Another idea, perhaps the Efficiency Penalty of Police state could be changed to some other form of Penalty, Econ perhaps, that would make it a lot more atractive to all factions including the Hive. I am considing moving it up a bit in the Tree as the Hive can take it imediatly ware as everyone else must wait a bit. The early Police bost seems to give the Hive a lot of power.

Also I think I will reduce the Build Cost of Rec Commons by 1 Row to make them easier to build in the Early game.

EDIT - Also changed Secrets of Creation to Secrets of Civalization and moved it down to the mid game, requires Plan Econ and MMI. Leads to HomoSuperior and might get a project of some kind. This should give us a fun Secrets tecnologies in the mid game.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
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Old March 25, 2004, 03:53   #28
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Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
Another idea, perhaps the Efficiency Penalty of Police state could be changed to some other form of Penalty, Econ perhaps, that would make it a lot more atractive to all factions including the Hive. I am considing moving it up a bit in the Tree as the Hive can take it imediatly ware as everyone else must wait a bit. The early Police bost seems to give the Hive a lot of power.
Why not let the hive keep their Efficiency Penalty Immunity?

Wouldn't it make more sense to improve "weak" Factions, rather than nerf the Factions that are already pretty good?

EDIT - Also changed Secrets of Creation to Secrets of Civalization and moved it down to the mid game, requires Plan Econ and MMI. Leads to HomoSuperior and might get a project of some kind. This should give us a fun Secrets tecnologies in the mid game.
Why change this? Does it serve a purpose?
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Old March 25, 2004, 04:24   #29
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Secrets technologies just reward the tech leaders by giving them another free tech Noone likes to be on the other end of that.

1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
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Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.
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Old March 25, 2004, 04:49   #30
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Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]

Another idea, perhaps the Efficiency Penalty of Police state could be changed to some other form of Penalty, Econ perhaps, that would make it a lot more atractive to all factions including the Hive. I am considing moving it up a bit in the Tree as the Hive can take it imediatly ware as everyone else must wait a bit. The early Police bost seems to give the Hive a lot of power.
It should be noted that the Hive has to pay a pretty hefty sum for the early game to go Police State, and given their Econ penalties, obtaining that can be quite hard.
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