September 29, 2000, 07:00
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Horse and Hydey hit the ZONE
Stay tuned for more reports.
September 29, 2000, 07:10
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Go, Apolytoners, go!
Kick butt!
September 29, 2000, 09:55
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We formed an allience and set about kicking some arse when horse the host lost conection.
September 29, 2000, 10:07
Yeah we had 6 players at one stage, a psycho who wouldn't talk, a guy who couldn't speak English, someone from Ohio who seemed neurotic and one polite guy. One by one they all dropped off until Hydey and I were left.
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Your secret is safe with me
September 29, 2000, 10:56
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Typical zone response to losing
September 29, 2000, 17:50
Yes, Hydey and I were leading. Strangely enough I tried Eye's strategy of just building cities but could only manage to build 8 in the time he would have taken to build 30  Must be doing something wrong, or right, as the case may be
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone
Your secret is safe with me
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Alexander's Horse (edited September 29, 2000).]</font>
September 29, 2000, 17:53
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You guys going to start another game?
September 29, 2000, 22:59
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Yes it is interestimng isnt it AH , I too have tried to emulate their success rate (Even in 2x2x) and find it impossible to build that number of citys and that number of units, in the time alloted, I even tryed this with no city improvements at all, which made it hard to keep happy the larger citys with no temples...
September 29, 2000, 23:05
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make sure you play at the appropriate level too. i've been close to eyes "normal" expansion rate, but it was on prince instead of king
September 30, 2000, 01:50
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I even tried it at Chieftan level... But then agian I sux !!!!!
September 30, 2000, 03:24
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The almighty Apolyton community brought down by eyes of night...I dont believe this.... Hes not unbeatable... Building 90 cities in somewhat time can be done, well maybe not that many...I've played several players and one things for sure, if your playing powergraph you better have built alot of cities... Its easy to take them out if you build up fast enough.... They build settlers and thats it..Most of there cities are defended with one unit. Your all strategist here....Stop the whining....
Rasputin.... change your luxury rate, they wont revolt....
September 30, 2000, 07:47
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I have ever played Eyes so I have never been brought down by him. I will play him if the opportunaty arises.
September 30, 2000, 20:59
The Empress
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hehehehe I thought only losers like me played in the Zone
September 30, 2000, 22:22
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Hydey i wouldn 't mind a game, i am not very good so you might make mincemeat out of me.....
ICQ is 91586997
October 1, 2000, 08:19
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If you are not very good the perhaps it is better you play Horse first and then me. 
I will play you if time zones and drunken stupors allow
October 1, 2000, 19:56
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Moker Comes From the Zone to Apolyton
hmm... heres the scoup folks, i dont belive you'll know the tricks of this game. you might be good players but there are certin tricks to this game that you dont know. im not going to revel them for they are trade secerts of the better zone players. its these tricks that push someone to as many cities as eyes gets. i know he can get 60 by 1600 bc, im not as good at building cities as him but i can get 25-26 by that time. and this is mostly beacause i dont make settlers out of my advanced tribes.(TRICK^^^^^^^HINT^^^^HINT>>>>>>using gold in the right way>>>>>>>>>hint>>>>>>>hint>>>>>>certin ways to find people>>>>>>>>hint>>>>>>>hint>>>>paterns in the huts>>>>>>>>>>>>thats enough but not even close to everything)in 2x2x you dont need city improvemnets, they are just a waste of production unless you are playing a long game. what i call long is 1 ad if not 500bc, games on the zone are mostly over fast. people on the zone quit like crazy. the only ones that dont are the league players. true some are good non leaguers like common terry, he plays and doesnt quit, but for the most part it is hard to find a good game on the zone. ive been playing there for almost two years and its turned me into nothing but a barbarian horde that destroys everything in sight and doesnt make any offers of peace and would prefer death to peace. but dont get me wrong i am a very good 1x1x player unlike most zoners and i enjoy a more peaceful game than what i find on the zone, but the thing is that the zone is not a peaceful place to play civ. it is all about early war.
Super Sayen Moker
Leader of the Sayen Tribe
oh yeah eyes of night wont play me in a league game. if he is a ""GOD"" he wont play me in a league game. says he wont get any points if he wins. but the thing is that he knows i could very well kill him and he does want to take the risk. hehe i played him in 1x1x and he quit after about 40 mins into the game when i boxed him in and was smoking him on demos. eyes is only good at 2x2x just to let all of you know. he can play 2x1x but only beacause no food decreases for settlers.(HINT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<)
October 1, 2000, 20:27
I'm sorry, but I can't help but respond to this one. Moker you are nothing. You always have been nothing. You like to attribute your pathetic record on league to always bad starts. However I don't think I know of anyone that loses every single game to bad starts. Face it, you aren't that good, you never have been good, and you never will be good. You're boasting about a game that I conceded simply because it was the worst start of my life. I was ahead on hte powergraph you idiot and you are stupid enough to say you're smoking me on demographics. Even with you getting units and most the huts on a medium map I still had as many cities as you. I would have continued too if I at least had a place to expand with some resources. And then you tell me that early republic in 1x1x is a losing play? You are the biggest ****ing moron I've ever seen in my life. You try to compare yourself to me, but you're not even in my league. And points do mean something, you're just kidding yourself if you like to think they mean nothing. It's basically a way to comfort yourself in light of your dismal efforts on league.
"and this is mostly beacause i dont make settlers out of my advanced tribes.(TRICK^^^^^^^HINT^^^^HINT>>>>>>using gold in the right way>>>>>>>>>hint>>>>>>>hint>>>>>>certin ways to find people>>>>>>>>hint>>>>>>>hint>>>>paterns in the huts>>>>>>>>>>>>thats enough but not even close to everything)in 2x2x you dont need city improvemnets, "
That thinking is probably what makes you one of the worst players in league. You have been playing this game how long now and you still don't have down the fundamentals? And you are far from a master of early war. Why won't I play you in a league game? Probably because there is a spread of about 1300 points. But we don't need to worry about that now since I've had my points reset. You sound like a complete idiot trying to sound like an expert. By the way, that name you keep calling me "**** tooth" must have taken alot of thinking and intelligence. I guess that's why you're a carpenter.(HINT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<)
October 1, 2000, 20:52
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can you beleive this fag? he starts off explaining that i complain of bad starts and then goes and explains that he quit cause of a bad start? what irony most of the time i do get bad starts when i play league and i am left chasing the whole game. and you know what eyes i dont play the same settings every game. i dont always play duels(which means its impossible to get more than 50% of the huts). your whole game is built on the same settings everytime and you cant even let someone else host beacuse of your botched up rules.txt. if you dont have your prefered settings and hosting with rules.txt modified then your suck. you wouldnt be able to keep up with the disorder that would be produced by a normal rules.txt. i am really surprised that i am the only one who has ever figured it out. you are lucky that people still play you for points. why the same excuse eyes? 1300 point differnce? if you are as good as you boast then you shouldnt have a problem playing someone with such low points. the only sad part is that you will undoubtly come back with the same material you have been using over and over again. when you were on the zone the other day bad mouthing xoratizuos cause he was greek you said they same thing 5 or 6 times. grow up eyes. your not proving anything by comeing here and talking smack. the only thing you might prove is that you have mental problems. And alot of you out there might wonder why i even post this crap and let eyes talk more smack, i will tell you. ever since ive known eyes thats all he does is go around and try to make fun of people and deface them. he hates it when someone gets back at him so i am here to do just that. to bring down his little so called GODLY parade. and as for me being a carpenter eyes you must have some kind of mental block, my dad makes over 50k a year and i make about 28k, what do you do for work? we are the same age eyes(19) do you have a 43" digital tv? DVD? your own apartment? a 95 nissian king cab? so who is the real winner here. you probally still live with your parents have a computer that is older than dirt. a buck tooth girl friend that dresses in goth(no offense) and a dog that wont play with you unless you have food beacuse you smell to bad? forget the tv, forget the dvd, forget a nice truck youve got a gremlin if that. you are dirt, eyes, scum no matter how good you are at civ you will still be dirt.
and ive gotten 5th place in league so just do me a favor shut up!
So WHAT!!!??? i know your going to post something off the wall and stupid so let the cuss words fly.
Super Sayen Moker
Leader of the Sayen tribe
October 1, 2000, 20:57
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can i get a round of BooooS for eyes?
coming in here disrespecting all of you by that post that he wrote.
October 1, 2000, 20:59
Local Time: 18:07
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<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font><font size=1>Originally posted by Civfan on 09-30-2000 03:24 AM</font>
The almighty Apolyton community brought down by eyes of night...I dont believe this.... Hes not unbeatable... Building 90 cities in somewhat time can be done, well maybe not that many...I've played several players and one things for sure, if your playing powergraph you better have built alot of cities... Its easy to take them out if you build up fast enough.... They build settlers and thats it..Most of there cities are defended with one unit. Your all strategist here....Stop the whining....
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
I played Eyes once and by around 600 BC he had 20 cities and I had 12. I would have been able to match his, but I let his rep freak me out, and I was defending my cities too much, building too many phalanxes and not enough settlers.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
October 1, 2000, 21:09
I'm glad you're happy for a medicore life. I on the other hand have more ambition. While you're still living in an apartment I'll be living in a penthouse. I'll hire you though to come put in the carpet for me. 5th place in league? When? Must have been when the league was first reset and 5th place was 1200 points. And by the way, I'm 18. I'll be 19 may 26th. And my quitting one bad start doesn't excuse your explanation that you lose because of countless bad starts. And I do let others host. YOu forget, AH hosted 90% of the game against me. So what does that mean? Maybe I got lucky? Or is AH really that bad? And you say I wouldn't be able to keep up with the disorder? All I have to do is put an entertainer on each city which is exactly what I did against AH. And in my best of 3 agianst Oedo I let him host a game which I won. How'd that happen? Must have been luck too. or maybe he has a "botched rules.txt" too? I've let A-Team host lots of times and he loses every time. Maybe he has one too? Afterall, I can't win unless I'm host. So lets just go down all the players that I've beaten as non host and put them in doubt. You can blame your losses on everything in the world, but it all comes down to one thing. You suck.
By the way Curomber, that was a deity game. You wouldnt' be able to match me on King. And even on deity you can't match me.
And one more thing moker, you wouldn't give me any excuses if you'd just get some points. But you never seem to be able to. Wonder why? Oh wait, I remember, it's because you get bad starts every time. Silly me.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Eyes Of Night (edited October 01, 2000).]</font>
October 1, 2000, 21:15
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i noticed you said you would be, would be is alot differnt than i am. alot of people could say anything they want, and even if you did get a penthouse it would be due to your parents. see me on the other hand i am, not will be. like i said you are nothing in real life. no comment on the car huh? i must have been right, hey but dont feel bad gremilins are good.
ive played what 3 games so far i the new league? ive won 2 of them even with bad starts so like i said earlier shut up!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited October 01, 2000).]</font>
October 1, 2000, 21:28
First of all you played nobodies for your two wins. Second of all I have a 92 leather interior volvo. Third, I'm in college right now. Something you wouldn't know about. So while you're a carpenter right now, I'll be out settings up networks for large companies. Consulting in computers has very nice pay right now. So I'm happy that you pride yourself on 28K a year with hopes of someday reaching 50K. To me that's not that much.
October 1, 2000, 21:40
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ive got 27 credits thank you. havent been to college in a year or i would have alot more. besides im making 28k a year right now RIGHT NOW. when you start you will be lucky if you make 20k and you wont be out of college in another 2 years i will have a house by that time and you will be strugling to pay for your ""penthouse"". oh you bad mouth carpenters but the thing is a carpenter can build his own house for half the price of someone that would buy it, and not be in debt like you undoubtly will be. And your college wont amount to much with just an A.S degree like your talking about anyway. So play like you will be a bigshot networker. i could do that right now with a week of training. i splice cable for the cable company dealing with .500 and .700 inch cable. I work with hooking up electroincs all day long. But see you probally still dont understand that a degree doesnt get you the job, experience and practical know how does.
And you seem to me like the type of person that couldnt find his way out of a paper bag.
And eyes you might be better than me at civ but you will never be better than me in real life.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited October 01, 2000).]</font>
October 1, 2000, 21:56
firstly eyes, carpenters do not install carpet.
secondly tradesmen are very respected, unlike diks like you.
thirdly, if moker sux sooooo bad, play him.
Proud Member of Sayen, what about you?
Master of my Domain...
October 1, 2000, 22:00
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yeah eyes i only see it fair that since we are in the house of apolyton we should play a 1x1x gameleague duel. or are you scared, you do play like a god right?
its a good thing that they dont have that challenge system like you were trying to pull on stratigic king
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited October 01, 2000).]</font>
October 1, 2000, 22:05
you can play me 1x1x deity also when your done getting your ass kicked by moker....
and moker should host...
Proud Member of Sayen, what about you?
Master of my Domain...
October 1, 2000, 22:05
I'm not in league anymore first of all. And I see you've given up on playing me 2x2x and trying to win so we're trying something new? I'll play you 1x1x and you can host provided map settings are agreed upon. Second of all those starting in my field are starting off at 50K+ as a starting salary, so don't talk **** about things you don't know. A.S. degree? NEver heard of an A.S. degree. You mean AA? That's a 2 year degree from a community college. Your type of thing. I'm going to a university. 4 year degree. And 27 credits is nothing, I had that many when I was 17.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Eyes Of Night (edited October 01, 2000).]</font>
October 1, 2000, 22:10
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and experince is where its at. i bet you get in the field,mess up your whole job, look really stupid, and they find someone to replace you. and to make myself clear, no one makes 50k striaght out of college for the simple fact of experience. so wake up to reality and open youre EYES lol
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited October 01, 2000).]</font>
October 1, 2000, 22:20
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<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>firstly eyes, carpenters do not install carpet
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
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