September 6, 2000, 01:36
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Carnide, Crusty and Napster we are all set to start our 4th round game Wed. at 6:30 pm PDT. I will be on ICQ #37676739 at 6:15pm. See you all in 20 hours......
September 6, 2000, 10:40
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See you then.
Is there any definite game parameters in mind so far, or will we talk about it this evening?
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
September 6, 2000, 11:30
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Cya then.
September 7, 2000, 16:19
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Great game. Great map.
Damn barb chariots!
I must tell you all at the forums that I learned a lot with this tourney. Last tourney game, when Smartfart crushed me with the Pyramids (Yes, the Pyramids at deity!!) I learned a lot. I think that has been helping me a lot on this game.
September 8, 2000, 00:07
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Our 4th round Tourny game got off to a slow start last night( we only played 2 hours). The PG shows Carnide leading by a slight margin over me and Crusty close behind in 3rd. At 625 BC, I have 9 cities,Carnide 8, and Crusty 7 so it is very close.Ive been fighting barb chariots and archers since 3000 BC( havent seen a barb horse yet)but kamikaze attacks with warriors saved me early on. Carnide built HG last turn so he seems to have the advantage. We will resume play on Tues 6:30 pm PDT. Im off to South Beach....everyone have a good weekend!
September 8, 2000, 10:04
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Interesting game, but I always hate the sound of someone ELSE getting HG!
Nice to have an island all to myself for a change, see you guys tuesday
September 13, 2000, 17:35
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Nappy got Mike's 
Congrats Nappy
September 13, 2000, 20:30
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Carnide.....Crusty cant make it tonight ( Wed. 6pm PDT). We will resume our game next Tues. at 6:30 pm PDT.
September 13, 2000, 21:24
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See you all tuesday.
September 18, 2000, 10:35
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Well we made it to 460 AD in our last session. Carnide beat me by 1 turn to HG so with no other options available I built Colossus on the next turn(1st time Ive ever built Colossus in a tourny game). Carnide then built Lighthouse and immediately started sending triremes to my shores to steal techs. In the meantime, I built Pyramids, Great Wall, Sun Tzu, and Mikes. Havent run into Crusty yet but Im sure he is quietly building away. Carnide still leads on the PG with myself in 2nd and Crusty close behind. We will resume tomorrow( Tues) at 6:30 pm PDT.
September 20, 2000, 22:07
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Crusthaven has no wonders in it
Having now acheived a working understanding of mud theory, leading scientists, as well as vagrant head scratchers in and around the capital and other centers of learning, are carefully exploring new ideas opened up as a result of the phenominal breakthrough this understanding has created.
And to think only years ago Crusty Himself was of the opinion, as the opinion goes, that mud pies were the only usefull application of mud.
We the folk of Crusthaven hope to improve our lot in life, in spite of the alledged acheivements of the other nations reported to exist on this world.
September 20, 2000, 23:59
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It looks as if we all had problems getting together to resume our game this week. Lets reschedule for next Tues. Sept. 26th 6:30 pm PDT. Let me know ASAP if this doesnt work for you or if we need to select an alternate time.
September 27, 2000, 15:16
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Everyone seems to be going democratic these days... but it seems that bribed dips can not steal techs from their former comrades!! Unless someone knows why a dip would fail to steal a tech from a newly located city(not stolen from before) with no dip inside. But in the meantime, the Crusty Folk are looking foreward to the time when the ancestors of Henry Kissinger will be replaced by the far more effective line of Mata Hari class spies.
We have collected all of our known writings together in one place and advertised all in the world to contribute. We call it The Great Crusty Library. The original travois used to transport these gathered works was replaced by a wheel barrow soon after the GCL's completion with techniques newly learned by our librarians from the imported texts.
Improvised versions of this wheel called "rolling pins" are growing in popularity among the women folk in the capital. It was claimed by the representative for the women folk at the last Althing Council that these can not only be used to roll out dough, but to deeply impress important points from family discussions on the men folk by tapping it on their heads. This causes most men to "sit down" and take another hard look at what was presented to them... The armed forces has recently swelled to overflowing with men volunteering for overseaas assignments, it is thought to be purely coincidence.
Residants of Crustyhavn have enjoyed meeting both the Roman and the Souix Folk, and hope that they are all HAPPY!!  and doing well in the world. On a saturday night many come to peer throught the new telescope at Crustyhavn Observatory.
Looking foreward to resuming tonight 6:30 PM Pacific Crusty Time, which is also Pacific Napster Time, and 2:30 AM Continental Carnide Time.
September 28, 2000, 00:50
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Carnide had a very good session last night. He and I are just short of "hot" war with numerous diplomatic attacks including tech theft, sabotage, and bribing of each others units. No one is technically at war yet and Carnide just reached democracy. I will be out of town next week so lets schedule our next session for Tues. Oct. 10th at 6:30 pm PDT.
October 6, 2000, 00:31
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Are we on for tuesday at 6:00 pm pacific time or there abouts?
October 6, 2000, 01:36
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Yes Crusty.....we are definitely on for Tues. 6:00 pm PDT. Carnide.....please post here to confirm or suggest an alternate time.
October 6, 2000, 10:59
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ok for me. Cya
October 11, 2000, 01:49
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For all intents and purposes, this game ended tonight. The end was almost an exact carbon copy of my 2nd and 3rd round games against Curumbor and Arii. Again , naval power was the decisive factor. Carnide built Lighthouse in the previous session and had the initiative......his vet triremes were the scourge of the oceans and allowed him to wreak havoc on my civ with diplos. They also allowed him to drop off unwanted caravans in my cities which allowed him to race thru the tech tree faster than I anticipated. Carnide beat me in the race to SoL by 2 turns but in so doing he had to bypass Leos. I built Leos which enabled me to mass produce triremes and forward deploy them to my debarkation ports. After getting Navigation, all the triremes turned into caravals and the attack was launched immediately ......10 caravals- 4 of which were transports holding 7 vet crusaders, 2 vet pikemen(garrison duty), and 3 diplos with the other 6 used as a screen of hunter/killer caravals. Carnide found my fleet just before it hit and a massive naval battle ensued with many ships lost on both sides. Having Magellans allowed me to keep the valuable transports just out of range until the assault was launched. Carnide lost 3 of his best cities including his capitol and HG, JSB, and SoL. Carnide immediately capitulated . I offered terms to Crusty but he wishes to continue for 1 more session. Final results to be posted tomorrow........
October 11, 2000, 06:50
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The Master does it again... in spades! 
He plays Civ II MP as good as he races sports cars. & he has paying sponsers in that sport!
Told U guys this man is THE MAN to beat. That's why i nominated him. 
And he does it fair & square, no-nonsense.
Ming, Rah, Xing, & crowd. U ought to take him on / into some of your group games & see how he stacks up in your 2x prod contests.
Congrat's Nap. U R good, VERY good.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
October 11, 2000, 11:10
Local Time: 15:07
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War? pah! Our intelegence reports no such thing other than minor barbarian activity, and advise to eat drink and be merry. hehe...but deep down inside Crusty himself seems to hear the crack of wind in sails, and the groaning of war engines straining against there lashings in the waves...whining of restless horses...
He wakes in a start and smiles to himself "it was only a dream! Its only a dream Lady Crusty! Is the royal coffee ready?" "Dang your hide Crusty!!! It's 2Am!! Get over it! zzzzzzz" "But why are these learn Latin in 12 easy lesson scrolls laying around the palace???
Nappy I know you have at least the remnants of an invasion forse left over which is either continuing on to take out Carnide and deal me a desisive blow, or has turned toward me, but I want to see the attack I guess and try out our new stuff
Milo, nice to see you again ¦-)
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
October 11, 2000, 19:03
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I dont know you Nap, but I suggest you prove yourself.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep
October 11, 2000, 19:36
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And I don't know you NB of NY. You should introduce yourself.
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
October 11, 2000, 19:59
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I am Napoleon Bonaparte. I am in the S&D forums and I enjoy Diplomacy, Strategy, and Stories.
I plan on buying Civ2.
More later...I gotta run.
Almighty ruler and Resident God!!
The more you know, the more you realize you dont know - Shep
October 12, 2000, 00:41
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Well...this is the west coast N. Bonaparte(this is getting confusing). The tourny game ended tonight at 1260 AD. before I was able to to shift the entire weight of my civ against the Germans. Crusty ended up 2nd and Carnide was 3rd. Good game all and I would look forward to a rematch in the future. Nice comments Milo.....good to hear from you and once again thanx for nominating me for this tournament.
October 13, 2000, 00:57
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Yes surrender was offered and accepted in order to save lives for another day  > Ok, well Crusthavn fell but was retaken and we did not want to suffer it being sacked again by the very populus Roman hordes. It was noticed that these warriors shave their faces of all hair!!! How barbaric...
Lets us play another one sometime.
How about a no wonders (maybe Apollo) geometrical map with equal special resource seed and home areas type game?
Thx for the tourny Cavebear, I have learned alot.
I just yesterday even learned to un randomize the revolt time when changing govts!!! In the Geat Library thread by Oedo.
October 13, 2000, 17:37
Local Time: 18:07
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Nap - Congratulations on the win, and congratulations on winning in all 4 rounds!!! I've entered the results in my records.
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