<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font><font size=1>Originally posted by cavebear on 12-24-2000 05:40 PM</font>
"A Civ Christmas Vision"
by Cavebear
Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the house
Not a 'puter was active, not even the mouse.
All the stocking were hung by the printer with care,
In hopes that Civ 3 was soon to appear.
I sat with my tech-tree and sporting a hat
(saying "Go 'way, I'm busy engaged in some chat").
When all of a sudden, my drive went aclatter
I leapt from my chair to see what was the matter!
The screen-image wavered, it twisted and turned
I cried out in fear that my hard-drive was burned.
When what to my beer-sodden eyes should appear
But a .gif of a sleigh and 00000010 reindeer.
Its antics so merry, its colors so bright
That I laughed when I saw it, in spite of the bytes.
The "Santa" was multiple Apolyton Admins
And the reindeer were Mod'rator and helper stand-ins!
I hit the "print screen" and astonished I was
To find myself standing beside Civver Claus.
Was I in my 'puter? Was he in my room?
Was I Tron-like to enter the Myst or the Doom?
He gave me a shove with the side of his sack
And I saw he had CD's from some future rack.
Civ4, (4D graphics, with stereo scores)
With holographs, mentats, and goodies galore!
He laughed at my antics and kicked my behind
"You're dreaming the year is Two Thousand and Nine!
He re-entered my monitor, glowing and bright
Calling after me "Go to bed, fool, and good-night".
Away to his virtual sleigh he did hie
(and annoyingly moving my contrast to "high").
Again he called out to his Mod'rators dear,
I'll call out your names. Move! We haven't all year!
On Ming, On Frank Johnson, BlueWaldo, and Ming
On MarkG, On DanQ, On Kwang, and On Ming!
And I swear that I heard, as he faded away
"Merry Christmas to all and DL's stay away"…

<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
Cavebear, I see that youre a very good writer.
Here's a challenge for you.