October 16, 2000, 03:47
Local Time: 00:07
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Tales from the GIGA front
Post here folks
October 16, 2000, 04:00
Local Time: 00:07
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: All Connections That Have Been Made Are Now Dead
Posts: 2,981
The Paris Mercury:
The emergence from Prehistory:
Recently 7 great civiliations emerged from a state know as "Prehistory", this emergence was delayed by the Russian King Franks trip to the mysterious land known only as "Texas"
"he'll be late for his own funeral" commented one Paris observer.
Home News:
Paris and Hamburg build warriors:
The great French cites of Paris and Hamburg have recently completed their recruitment drive the result of which is two fine new warrior units, Marcel, Mayor of Paris Said "This proves that Paris leads the empire both militerarly and economicly"
Empire news:
French and Ukraine sigh unification treaty:
Recent French exploration has Found a civilised and advanced tribe in the land known as Ukraine, together French and Ukrainian setterlers have founded the city of Kirovograd, Foriegn Minister Tallyard decribed Russian claims on the territory as "baseless" and added "this opens a new chapter in Franco - Ukrainian relations"
Expanision in the east:
The new city of Riga has been founded amid much celebration, what will this mean for the future of Frances colonial program, nobody from the colonial office was alvalible for comment.
Foriegn news:
Barbarian Attack, 100 soldiers lost
While exploring the mysterious land of Greece our brave warriors were ambushed by a savage barabarian horde. Although French forces were victorious the high number of losses has caused public concern. Defence minister Carnot was upbeat "this proves the extent of our military power and our ability to use it"
Foriegn minister Tallyard was more cautious "these losses were too high and lessons have been learned"
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by C0ckney (edited October 16, 2000).]</font>
October 16, 2000, 04:33
Local Time: 19:07
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Rechtsfahrgebot
Posts: 4,315
From the Carthaginian Global News:
The famed 1st Exploration Division has reportedly reached the mouth of The Great River. Though its current location is classified, the Division apparently is pressing onward in an attempt to discover other civilizations that so far are merely rumored to exist. The 1st has been joined by the 2nd Mounted Division which is to provide support.
In other news, a fearsome barbarian assault on the Capitol was repulsed today by the 2nd Infantry, 3rd Infantry and 3rd Mounted Division. The barbarian leader was captured and later released for an undisclosed amount.
Barbarians have been spotted and are approaching rapidly. All military personnel are to report to their duty stations immediately.
October 16, 2000, 09:06
Local Time: 17:07
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
The great Russian leader was unavoidably detained for a period of time due to a trip out of town, however as soon as I arrived I immediately began to play civ of course.
Russian expansion, while not aided by huts as much as other players, has been strong with 5 cities already under way, 3 in the great river valley alone. Gold obtained from huts has allowed us to build settlers with greater speed, and bronze working which has been Russian knowledge since the dawn of history, has insured a solid defense at home while our warriors explore the feild.
Emperor of the Russian Empire
Ruler by the Grace of God
October 16, 2000, 20:51
---The glorious civilization of America---
American Explorers
After the cities of Nashville and Washington were founded King Easthaven X immediately sent massive expeditions across the lands, and until now we heard nothing of them and nearly forgot them. Recently the explorers have sent messengers to the capitol carrying maps of the entire territory from Washington to the west coast, Canada, and Mexico. They have written to the King stating as follows:
Dear Sire,
I am Jack Grant and our expeditions were a success sire. There are tribes that have joined our country and wise villagers that have given us unthinkable knowledge and have even joined our expeditions to explore the unknown lands. Sire, the following cities have been founded by the explorers and wandering nomads that have joined our nation: Miami, Los Angeles, Memphis, and Guatemala. The messenger has given you a map showing you where all the cities lie. I also have new military recruits that I will be sending home for u to command. I will be sending more letters once I map the entire northern territory.
Jack Grant
Our gracious Leader was very pleased, he sent governors to govern the cities, settlers to settle the empty land, and he has built more units to explore the lands south of Guatemala. America is expanding very rapidly and villagers far and near has joined our country by there own free will. In addition, our army is strong and growing mightily, they have suppressed all barbarians that have threatened our nation. America is becoming prosperous and plans for our country's growth and future is in order.
October 16, 2000, 20:53
---The glorious civilization of America---
American Explorers
After the cities of Nashville and Washington were founded King Easthaven X immediately sent massive expeditions across the lands, and until now we heard nothing of them and nearly forgot them. Recently the explorers have sent messengers to the capitol carrying maps of the entire territory from Washington to the west coast, Canada, and Mexico. They have written to the King stating as follows:
Dear Sire,
I am Jack Grant and our expeditions were a success sire. There are tribes that have joined our country and wise villagers that have given us unthinkable knowledge and have even joined our expeditions to explore the unknown lands. Sire, the following cities have been founded by the explorers and wandering nomads that have joined our nation: Miami, Los Angeles, Memphis, and Guatemala. The messenger has given you a map showing you where all the cities lie. I also have new military recruits that I will be sending home for u to command. I will be sending more letters once I map the entire northern territory.
Jack Grant
Our gracious Leader was very pleased, he sent governors to govern the cities, settlers to settle the empty land, and he has built more units to explore the lands south of Guatemala. America is expanding very rapidly and villagers far and near has joined our country by there own free will. In addition, our army is strong and growing mightily, they have suppressed all barbarians that have threatened our nation. America is becoming prosperous and plans for our country's growth and future is in order.
October 17, 2000, 21:26
Local Time: 23:07
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Merced, Ca. USA
Posts: 38
The Indian civilization got off to an auspicious start when a suitable city-site was located in 3900BC. The ruins of an ancient civilization yielded a band of brave horsemen willing to join our cause; these horsemen then discovered, in the ruin of another village, the secret of horsemanship, and duly passed it on to the scribes for posterity. Unfortunately, the next ramshackle collection of huts we explored contained a warlike band of enemies, who mercilessly attacked, killed, and devoured our oh-so-recently found friends. A band of local warriors finished off the cannibals, and continued the exploration of our subcontinent, discovering a thriving village that immediately pledged fealty to Lord Potsy. In the meantime, intrepid settlers had founded 2 more cities. A gold deposit was found, adding to our treasury, but our wise men seem much stupider than the other races inhabiting the world, they have only discovered 2 technologies in addition to the one found by warriors. We do not lose faith, however, we feel that with our proclivity for reproduction, our population will allow us to catch up with our more sophisticated neigbors.
Long Live Potsy!
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