Following the almighty **** up that was GIGA dipo weeks 2, I want to have week 3 better planed. We will be restarting the game I think because we will have 2 new players.
So for those existing players who can play at 3pm EST on sunday, please post here or contact me on icq.
New people, we need two new people for Sundays game, if you are interested then please post here or contact me on icq (72567261)
Also I feel that I must express my anger at the behaviour of some people, I do not mind people who say they will play and then can't, as long as they tell me about it beforehand, even if its just couple of hours before start time, because this allows time to find subs. However people who say they will turn up and then change their mind at the last minute (Moker), people who say they will turn up and simply don't without telling me (dr adict) and worst of all people who say they will turn up, come on line and when I ask if they are ready for the game, mysteriously go off-line two seconds after I ask :Grr: (Caesar the Great) then I find that unacceptable.
Finaly I would like to thank Frank, Posty and Easthaven for turning up and coldwizard for giving me notice about not been able to make it
Sorry about the whinging but I felt I had to get that off my chest.
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!