October 20, 2000, 23:33
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Is this dirty or should i expect this in a game?
I have been in games where people build on my specials, which almost defeats the purpose of looking for the four special patern unless they are in the water. Is this considered fair play? I find it appalling when someone lands on my gold with a pike and god only knows what else and you can't remove them.
And Ming, dont' give me one of your wailing laughs please
It can really ruin a great city. Anyways, obviously there are ways to combat this but still, gr.......
I guess i should look for other peoples specials, no wonder i always build on mine
October 20, 2000, 23:35
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It's a provocative act. To say the least. Tell 'em to bugger off or else.
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October 20, 2000, 23:43
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Hm. Well i dont' have a mike on my puter  maybe i could yell real loud
October 21, 2000, 00:25
Local Time: 01:08
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If they know you're there, it's provocative. You're entitled to prepare for war.
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October 21, 2000, 01:11
The Empress
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yeah, sounds like they wanna go to war to me. now if they are your ally, then that is certainly most intolerable! but still a reason to war
October 21, 2000, 05:05
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Sounds like war.
October 21, 2000, 06:50
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Yes, I will build on your Gold (or any other special) if you leave it unguarded. It's a good way to screw people that take advantages of four or three patterns.
And yes, you can take it as an act of war... Because frankly, that's exactly what it is!
October 21, 2000, 07:51
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Just because the AI is too dumb to do this doesn't make it wrong. You'll find some players who are extremely aggressive; if that style bothers you, don't play those people. You may be able to find a group who prefers a nice peaceful game. My opinion: MP games, especially duels, are zero-sum games. Weakening your opponent's civ can be just as effective as strengthening your own. The ideal situation is where both happen at once: you steal the gold from your opponent's city so your own city can use it.
Expect human opponents to do things the AI never dreamed of. Defense is very important in MP; many times the best defense is a good offense  .
October 21, 2000, 10:20
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Through either threat or force they must be moved. Not doing so is a sign of weakness.
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October 21, 2000, 11:33
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I'm a gold hungry bastard... I always leave my specials guarded well if they're near the coast or into enemy territory, some of them I just build right on top of especially gold and iron...
October 21, 2000, 16:46
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Some seem to pay more attention to what you are doing than what they are doing!! I don't know if such a thing is really a low blow in the sense of being unprincipled, but it is irritating, as is building cities very close to your own.
Did they trade maps with you before doing so, or were they just nosing around? If so quit trading maps with them... hehe
I would rather go over when there is a good possibility of taking a city before I would go over and harrass it.
Once someone made trade routes from many if not most of his larger cities with two of mine. They were about size 8 and developed a bit, but I starved em down and rushed settlers in combination, selling off the stuff inside, and re homing the settlers to other cities till the 2 cities being traded with were disbanded. Then rebuilt them and used the extra settlers to get them up over size 3 and WLPD back into shape.
This was costly to me but most satisfying to hear the response when he realized most of his trade routes vanished!
October 21, 2000, 17:35
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Standard Operating Procedure.
October 21, 2000, 19:03
Just another peon
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If i can build a city withing 2 squares of someones capital, I'll do it every time. If it's gold, that's the icing on the cake. If it's their wonder city, you can really screw with their heads. And if you get to espionage, you can really trash their capital, and the spy will usually return to the city for more fun the next turn. I've made people move their capitals with this type of annoying behaviour.
Also another reason why it's not critical to have your capital be a four special city. I'll build on the special so I don't have to worrry about it.
October 21, 2000, 21:40
Sounds fair to me.
October 22, 2000, 00:05
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LOL whiner eh? I was just curious as to what everyone thought. I agree that it is a great way to aggravate you opponent as well as steal his resources even if you just plant a cat and pike on the gold.
I shall have to add this to my repitoire then
October 22, 2000, 05:18
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Merc, the behavior you describe is shameful...
and I rarely intentionally build on someone else's specials  unless I can get away with it. I know the feeling of building a beautiful city only to have parasites build nearby stealing resources - so next time, be the parasite
October 22, 2000, 14:51
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This is why catapults were invented. The trick is to get mathematics while building a couple vet phalanxes, then a couple vet vatapults, and moving next to the mountain just before the end of your turn before he can react. Won't always work, but sometimes it does. Especially if the fool doesn't realize you have a city near by. But I have to agree that it's probably cheaper to just stick a couple defensive units on it if it's vulnerable, or do enough patrolling to avoid the intrusion.
Once RAH's ally intentionally built on his specials. Boy was he pissed. Couple turns later the poor fool was asking me, the leader of the other power block, if he could ally with us instead.
October 22, 2000, 16:49
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Since when did you have to be fair to others? A villain will make the game interesting for everyone....
October 23, 2000, 00:51
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Crusty - That idea of killing your city to eliminate the opponents trading routes is quite inventive. It takes some nerve to do something like that. So, I confer upon you the author of a new Civ strategy: "disestablishmentarianism"...
On the other hand, it might be called "cuttingoffyournosetospiteyourface:
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October 23, 2000, 13:49
Just another peon
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Yeah, I was Pissed. Real Pissed. Didn't expect that from an ally. If it had not been an ally, he never would have gotten the city down and established. Since then I have gotten a little  more paranoid. I even trashed some dips (from a civ that I had a tech stealing treaty with) that got too close to one of my cities that was near completing a wonder. While my opponent was naturally upset, I explained the situation and he understood. (understood meaning didn't go into a suicidial assualt against my civ)
And yes, after that first experience, I did ask to realign with the other team. My ally wasn't worthy anymore.
That's why I love no alliance games, every treaty must be held suspect. You make peace and hope it will buy you a few critical turns to build up a defense or offense. Or some treaties that are mutually beneficial and are honored for a considerable time. But there are only a small handful of players that I will trust for that type of treaty.
I love trading maps with people with the "only if you don't trade maps with someone else clause" only to find out later that your map was sold as a commodity to every other player.
The little treacheries are what makes MP civ the great game that it is. AI backstabbing was expected and an annoyance at best, but when a human player does it, depending on the timing, could prove fatal.
October 25, 2000, 16:49
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This is a strategy game, right? Sounds fair to me.
October 25, 2000, 17:11
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I just have never done this in a game before. Like i said , i will add it to my repetoire
Let us all unite and build on other peoples specials.
October 25, 2000, 19:45
Expect it if you expect war, Mercantile.
It's an open declaration of war.
Building on a mountain in your city squares is pretty good tactic.
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October 27, 2000, 00:33
Local Time: 18:08
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An "open declaration of War"...
You bet. I would never do it to an ally, and everybody else is fair game
I always love how they spend the next few hundred years wasting resources to kill the encroaching city. When you compare their cost vs the cost of just a settler and some vet defensive unit, it's a great trade off!
Even if they eventually do get you (and most times they can't)... it's still a pleasure watching them sweat!
October 27, 2000, 21:43
I always enjoy your insights, Ming.
There is nothing that retards the advancement of a civilization like a prolonged war.
It's In The Way That You Use It
ICQ 51553293 Tuatha de Danann Tribe
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