Just for kicks I am posting a copy of the chatlog, from right before the events leading to war were set in motion, until the end of the night's session. This deception was really so elaborate that it involved trying to be many things to many people at the same time.
I forgot to mention (duh!) that the Libertarians brought their allies the Vikings into the scheme circa 500 AD. The Vikings are having success in demolishing the Egyptian possessions in the British Isles.
Context: I am still trying to persuade Berzerker (Japanese) that I don't know what the Chinese are doing, while also trying to incite the Egyptians (J23SE) to come off as the aggressive party. Once hostilities begin, I pretend to be aggressive toward the Chinese (Jian Fu Lynn). All the while, Jo Jo Zep/Finbar (Vikings) and I maintain close contact.
**begin transcript**
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 660): ill fill you in via icq (just seems safer

From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 660): k
From President J23SE (A.D. 660): Whee, I am making the shittiest caravan route EVER
From President J23SE (A.D. 660): You can all be amazed

From President J23SE (A.D. 660): Out of desperation : (
From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 660): Gold revenue: -15
From President J23SE (A.D. 660): Ahah
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 660): crap crap crap im a fargin idiot. i was trying to disband a city by building settlers, but i left production on wheat, & now its size 2. d'oh!!
From President Berzerker (A.D. 660): lol
From President J23SE (A.D. 680): The only words of deep thought that come to mind at this moment are... Ahahahha =P
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 680): tired?

From President J23SE (A.D. 680): 6 hours straight of working on code
From President J23SE (A.D. 680): anyone who is not tired is my god.
From President J23SE (A.D. 680): After that..
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 680): trade into Hubli this turn coming
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 680): k
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 680): i imagine thats something like working 6 hrs straight on an econometric model.

From President J23SE (A.D. 680): Heh
From President J23SE (A.D. 680): If I knew what that was, I'd probably agree with you

To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 680): just a fancy name for stats

From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 680): I think it's an attractive young woman who parades catwalks who's an Economist and has eschewed the old Imperial measurement scale
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 700): sorry, its an itty bitty city ya know

From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 700): no probs, it was heading elsewhere but the elsewhere changed its demands

To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 700): fin: check icq
From President Berzerker (A.D. 720): god i hope he's not increasing his army - he must 20 crusaders and knights
To President Berzerker (A.D. 720): if hes kept building during this whole period, theres probably nothing either of us could do to stop him from taking whatever he wants. :-P
To President Berzerker (A.D. 720): and he obviously wants to take something!
From President Berzerker (A.D. 720): yes
To Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 720): dangime: wait
To Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 720): fin wants to wait 1 more turn. so we declare war next turn.
From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 720): k
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 740): trade into Northern Persia now
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 740): ok go ahead
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 740): hey thats an improvement

From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 740): yep
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): HM!!!
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Reports indicate that you bribed a city of an ally.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): what is this?
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): What is what?
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): who bribed whom?
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 740): what?
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): i dont think anybody bribed anybody. are the egyptians stirring up trouble?!
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): The egyptians are only coming to the aid of our allies
From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): ANNOUCEMENT: This is one turn notice that the empire of China is attacking Japan.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Our allies have reported cities bribed.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): which allies?
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): China
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Wow.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): by whom?
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): That was unexpected.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): By YOU
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): are you declaring war on me egyptians??
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Well, I guess they have a grudge against you
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): its me
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Nay, I am not declaring war at this time
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): well im declaring war on the chinese
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): no dont
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): I strongly disapprove of this conflict though.
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): why not? preemptive measures are necessary i think
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Libertarian reputation is damaged in my eye.
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): of course it is foolhardy...
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): if he did not attack you, hes coming after me I think
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): the libertarians give one turn's notice to the aggressive chinese and to their bloodthirsty accomplices the egyptians.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): I have no part of this conflict.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): what i want to know is why the egyptians havent come to the japanese defence?? methinks the egyptians & chinese have been in cahoots for a long time
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): I have not formally declared war; is this a declaration of war from the bloodthirsty libertarians?
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): I have not known of a Chinese attack on Japan.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): it is a declaration of war. i am obligated by my alliance w/ the japanese to declare war on the chinese, and the egyptians
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): Geez, cant we all just get along

From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): Thats cause i had to wait >: ) 1 turn
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Ah, and you call the Egyptians bloodthirsty?
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Alliances can be limited.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): And I choose to limit mine here. I say I am neutral. Any libertarian action taken against the egyptians is aggressive.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Not defensive.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): ha! theres a reason its called a "permanent strategic alliance." and i havent seen you condemn the chinese aggression
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): good point
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): I condemn your bribing of cities, so far I haven't heard any denial of this. This is why I condemn you.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): If this is not true, I condemn the Chinese.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): its called a "preemptive strike." berzerker & i have long known about china's planned aggression.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): and china, when we were still on good terms, warned me of your intent to aggress against me, egyptians.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): dont tell them that

From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Then CHINA LIED!
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): why not?
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): I never talked of any intent to harm you.
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): Or any other nation, for that matter.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): because he thinks I'm on his side - if hes been telling me the truth
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): the libertarians mourn the loss of turkmen to the chinese, but rejoice in the liberation of kashmir to its rightful owners
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): oh crap, i goofed
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): just tell him you were playing it safe
From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): only cowards use the almighty dollar! that wont get you far!
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): what did u goof
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): i goofed by saying you & i knew about chinas planned aggression i guess
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): but it doesnt matter now i suppose
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): I know
From President J23SE (A.D. 740): The egyptians proclaim again that we are completely neutral in this conflict
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): they might not have caught it - try not doing it again

To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): ok

From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): I'll just tell them you warned me about his building armies
To Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): chinese: caravan into balkans right now. can you max trade for me?
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): sounds good
From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): done
To Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): thx
From Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 740): only improved 1 with all the corruption
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): I still believe he is coming after me too
To President Berzerker (A.D. 740): well he gave you 1 turns notice! id say so
From President Berzerker (A.D. 740): yes
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 760): NOTICE: In support of its loyal and generous ally, The Libertarians, the Falcons hereby announce a declaration of war against the Egyptians
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): the libertarians welcome the support of the vikings in this important endeavor
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): so much for a diplomacy game - a world at war
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): The Egyptians condemn all of the actions of the Vikings and the Libertarians. The Egyptians have proclaimed neutrality. This is viewed as an act of unprovoked aggression towards the Egyptians.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): at whiles the long-run interest of peace is best served by a short and disciplined conflict.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Not when you attack neutral nations for no reason.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): dont pretend to be neutral; youve played your brinksmanship too long, with your retaliatory gestures and so on.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): My retaliatory gestures?
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): I cant wait to read all the pro-war propaganda in the mp thread
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): You were the one who started that!
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I see through your little mask as if there was no little mask
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): it was a small tariff, designed only for revenue purposes
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): That's really pathetic. No, it was a sign of dislike
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): And I responded with a sign of dislike.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): But it doesn't warrant war.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): not at all. i even invited you to join me in an alliance once. once you rejected that, for no apparent reason, i started becoming suspicious, & my suspicions have been gradually confirmed.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): who said protectionism is a good thing?
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I never rejected
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I said to wait for berz
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): You seem to want to twist words in order to have an excuse to attack
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): i was already allied to the japanese, there was no reason to wait.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): hehe, you just caught him in a lie
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): he said that to China
To President Berzerker (A.D. 760): sure did. i mean, maybe declaring war on him is a big step, but i cant just wait till he rolls over me... :-P
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Why do you do this?
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I have declared neutrality
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): And do not give me your deceptive reasons. They are really quite easy to see through.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Consul Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): you declare it, but it means nothing. youre allied to the aggressive chinese, youve made aggressive gestures toward me, i have reason to believe you were starting to build an invasion force... i cant just let everyone walk all over me

From President J23SE (A.D. 760): If I cancel my alliance with China, will that satisfy you?
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I proclaim that I will not march any forces into your territory.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): too late. youve already caused me to waste massive resources building an army to defend myself.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): he attacked us both
To President Berzerker (A.D. 760): yeah i see he got vlad
To President Berzerker (A.D. 760): can you hold out in your cap?
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): I think so
To President Berzerker (A.D. 760): cool
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Hah
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): That sort of thing is easy to see through.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Ahh well, if you are bloodthirsty...
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I will remember this forever.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): i know youll probably beat me egyptians, but i have to try.
From Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): HAHAHA
From Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): Bow the the evenitable !
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I am willing to stand back, but because you wish to invade my lands because of your bloodthirsty desires....
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): In light of this new information, I am willing to ally with you, the Libertarians, and face this new aggressor
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Unless, of course, you are bloodthirsty
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): The vikings I wish to ally with as well.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): i need compensation. give me 3 cities and 3 techs of my choosing.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Ha, compensation for what?
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I have wasted money for a defense force as well
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Do not bullshit me.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 760): The aggressive Chinese will pay for such tyranny
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I have offered an alliance to the Libertarians
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): but they are bloodthirsty
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): and have attacked my cities
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I call on the world to help this neutral nation.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): In order to accept the alliance, they offered an ultimatum of 3 technologies and 3 cities. This is clearly unacceptable, and it proves they are uncompromising landgrabbing barbarians.
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 760): move your settler off the square o/s Northern Persia and I'll road it on the way through, otherwise I'll have to detour
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 760): ok
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): They have been planning this for quite a while
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Oh, I have figured it out a long while ago
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): whatever you say.
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): The Chinese and Libertarians are both allied, and out to **** the world.
To Consul Jo Jo Zep, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): since i destroyed his city my crusaders are vulnerable, but only if he can throw lots of crusaders my way (i have a first line of defense)
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): If my capital is taken over
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I die
From President J23SE (A.D. 760): I quit

From President J23SE (A.D. 760): Get a sub for me.... I lost anyway.
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 760): you wont die. you can build a new capital. you still have an enormous empire.
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, no, I die in will to live.
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): I was going to do maps
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): yeah lets do it
To Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): keeps saying youre in negs w/ another civ
From Consul Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): cancel and go again, it's a bug
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): I have no interest in playing a game in which I am a mere pawn in the world... In essence I am wussing out. I have better things to do

To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): aw, come on

you are far from a pawn! youre the most powerful empire in the world
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): This is supposed to mimic real life, yes?
To President Berzerker, Consul Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): yes, as much as possible
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, in real life Capitals were never held as you surely will hold mine.
From Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): rush buy some steamers
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): of course they are, the assyrians and babylonians repeatedly conquered each other.
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, that and I am really *really* anxious to play some Diablo II
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): That wasn't in nationalistic Europe. Those were like tribes
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Tribes, I understand. Nations always retained their capitals
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): what about kuwait? what about eastern europe? france & germany in ww2?
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Exactly
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): France and Germany in WW2
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): But then they got their caps back

From Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): scary he had a fleet of iron clads.....
From Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): but it was too late
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): germany got back their capital only by succumbing to western wishes, france wouldnt have gotten its capital back if germany had won.

From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, I have to go anyway. I will continue this game... I dunno for how long
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ok, well, wed like to have you continue, youve been an integral part of this game
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): and youre a damn good player too
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): then can we save after the host's turn
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Just try not to make too much fun of me on the forums

To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, Mr. Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): of course not. its all in good fun, happens to everyone sometime. in fact, to me more often than i do it to someone else.

From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, it's my first diplo game.. expected fighting this scale to come later.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): so all that time I was warning u and u let me get set up?
To President Berzerker (A.D. 780): well, there was little i could do either way. i did tell you to build walls and prepare for attack. not much else i could do other than give you units, but i need ed those...
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, it's my first diplo game.. expected fighting this scale to come later.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): so all that time I was warning u and u let me get set up?
To President Berzerker (A.D. 780): well, there was little i could do either way. i did tell you to build walls and prepare for attack. not much else i could do other than give you units, but i need ed those...
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Suppose I'm too naive
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): : /
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): i dont know. this game really rewards an element of surprise. we did our damnedest not to let on our plans. even fin didnt know until the beginning of this session.
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): ouch
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): Yeah, but I didn't even know we're almost into a new millennium
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780):

From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Well, I have something over all of you..
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): What is that, you ask?
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): apart from you're shitloads bigger than all of us put together?
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): yes i ask
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): I get to play Diablo II in 15 minutes!!!!

To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): hehe are you a betatester for that? i have a friend whos also a betatester for that game
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Yep
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): cool. do you get paid & stuff?
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): Im prepared to accept the enemy's abosulte surrender
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): mmm and I'll only be furthering my futile attempts to house train the new puppy

To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): no absolute surrenders, cmon, we dont want to eliminate anybody

From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): we've won

To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): no no weve got to keep going to alpha centauri!
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): I'm history before you Egypt
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Heh, I am willing to accept surrender to
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): o
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Diablo II 45% installed... Ooo ooo oooo
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): Ive taken down your ally
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): No, I don't get paid to betatest.. There are so many people who want to play this game *they* would pay Bliz to betatest it
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): yeah thats what i figgered
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): I want to play 1 more turn - a chance to retaliate
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): im willing to do that
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): II really gotta go
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Mom screaming.. as in now

To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ok, maybe 60 seconds??
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): No
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): I don't have 1g
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): no
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): I lost : (
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): I thot u were goin to play diablo?
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Can't
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): trade me the city with GW !
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): it's 12:11
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): AM
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): so the city survives
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Parents pissed... Maybe I skip school tommorrow =P
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ok chinese
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): I'm a psycho.
From President J23SE (A.D. 780): Talk to you guys later.
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, President J23SE, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ok see ya
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): check and mate
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): bye
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ill finish my turn and save
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): mmmmmmmmmm
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): please do
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): I'm not giving up
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): cool
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): although I do believe he is gone for good
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): I think he is too
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): im afraid so
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): pity
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): that will be one heinous ai
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): but i guess well have to deal
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): lol, it'll probably attack me in S Africa
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ps. chinese, thats a very nice city.

so take care of it & maybe return it in 2 turns? after you rushbuild walls...
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): hes gonna try and bribe it.....so I need to take a collection
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): I'd crank up now Bez

To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): lol ok
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): anyone have some spare cash?
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): I have nothing to crank up
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): you just have to return 170 of that. i dont think i ever gave you back 30 that i borrowed last time
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): allrighty its good 'n' saved
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): thats fine.....might be after the war
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): have nightmares u2
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): heheh

To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): lol thanks!
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): no hard feelings
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): next week? same time?
From President Berzerker (A.D. 780): yup
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): yeah next week same time. maybe we can start afresh? nonagg pacts, and so forth?
To President Berzerker, Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): well hash it out in apolyton
From Mr. Jo Jo Zep (A.D. 780): k afternoon/night all
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): no I think hes fighting

From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): he thinks he can bribe it back
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): do you have an embassy ?
To Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): maybe when he realizes its hopeless hell cave

To Mr. Jo Jo Zep, King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): i do now, just got marcos
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): how much gold does it have
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): 211
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): not enough more than likely
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): theres no way hes bribing, unless he sells mucho improvements
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): size 3 city......661 defending gold
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): his government should have fallen
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): and he should have lost 1000 gold
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): to move his capital or have his empire split
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): maybe he didnt have 1000
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): then he should have split
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): yeah, hes got no capital
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): or gone to anarachy
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): i dont think it splits every time
To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): the egyptians didnt split either
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): ok well it worked
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780):

To King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): well this was a damnably good session of civ, if i do say so myself. one for the ages.
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): best yet
From King Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 780): heheh
**end transcript**
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Curumbor Elendil (edited May 26, 2000).]</font>