August 31, 2000, 14:03
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Yeah, maybe we should just forget about this week, though I have cast about for an experienced player to sub for you, Fin.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
August 31, 2000, 23:44
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In 1804 the long-lived Jo Jo Zep Dynasty of the Viking civilization took a brief respite from power, appointing the noble Dark Storm family as stewards for six years. During that time Viking foreign policy was somewhat conservative despite the pressures of the time, which are described shortly.
In 1808 the Chinese Republic haughtily announced to the Indians that they had howitzers. Indian spies within China discovered that the Chinese had indeed discovered robotics, through the assistance of scientists from Egypt! In return for which the Egyptians received secrets regarding the technology of flight. The Chinese then threatened the Indians further, President Jian Fu Lynn boasting puerilely as is demonstrated from the diplomatic record:
From President Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 1808): Bow before me.
From President Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 1808): Surrender!
From President Jian Fu Lynn (A.D. 1808): HAHAH
The Indians and Japanese were dismayed at their betrayal at the hands of their trusted ally the Egyptians. It had long before been determined that none of the four allies (Indians, Japanese, Egyptians, and Vikings) would trade technologies, units, money, cities, or anything else of value to the Chinese, nor send their freights to Chinese cities. The breaking of the embargo by the Egyptians, especially in such a sensitive military area, caused consternation among the Japanese and Chinese.
With a heavy heart, Prime Minister Elendil announced that the permanent strategic alliance with the Egyptians would be broken off. As public sentiment against the betrayal rose to a fever pitch, the Indian Parliament met in an emergency session and declared war against their former allies the Egyptians on August 31, 1809. A few days later China declared war on India.
By October 1810 serious hostilities had still not begun, other than occasional skirmishes along the frontier. Both sides are reluctant to join battle due to the riskiness of the situation. Indeed, the Japanese have not yet declared war on Chinese or Egyptians. Peace talks have been scheduled, and the Indians hope to persuade the Egyptians again that their interests lie in repulsing "the yellow invader," as the popular tabloids say. Nevertheless, scouts reported Chinese tanks on the move and ready to strike frontier Indian cities.
On October 16, 1810, the bombardment began...
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 1, 2000, 00:01
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Chinese propagandist:
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>Faced by superior enemies, secret alliances, and endless falsities spread by Chinese enemies
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
Superior enemies?
Indian propagandist:
[quote]Indeed, the Japanese have not yet declared war on Chinese or Egyptians. Peace talks have been scheduled[/quote
And they wont be - I can just see the Japanese declaring war as the Indians announce peace with the Egyptians and Chinese. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us.
September 1, 2000, 03:09
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Ahem - the Indians notified the Japanese in advance of these peace talks. I suggest you take a look back at your ICQ history. I would paste the contents here but they are somewhat sensitive.
No peace talks with the Chinese have been scheduled. The Chinese will never agree to peace.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 1, 2000, 13:44
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Having broken through the Indian sponcered technology embargo, the Chinese military finally achieved the technology needed to face the omnious Indian army on equal terms. This so frightened the Indian Empire that they immediately declared war on Egypt, China's ally whom defied the iron grip of the Indian sponcered tyranny. China, so outraged by the declaration of war on Egypt, a nation whom saw ran their country as they saw fit instead of as India dictated, immedately declared war on the Indian Empire.
The "last" leader of the Indian's quickly discovered that his supposed unchallengable world alliance had crumbled completely at the momment he most needed them. The fact is that most of the other world nations were probably simply using the Indians for their technology and no intention of ever supporting them in a war. The Viking nation has made clear a polacy of nuetrality and Japan has refused to help the Indian's due to the similarities of this situation to the great battles of the mideval eras which led to the loss of many Japanese lands, and India declared war on Egypt.
Seeing how quickly the world has abandoned the foolish Indian Empire who raced head long into war against someone else over a mere tech trade I believe the Indians have no choice but to surrender. Here are the terms.
1. The Chinese Empire demands the absolute surrender of the Indian Empire.
2. The Indian Empire will never develop a space program.
3. The Indian Empire will surrender the following territories to the Chinese Empire immediately: Sichuan, Myanmar, Afganistan, Iran, Iraq, and Asia Minor.
4. The Indian Empire will surrender the following territories to the Egyptian empire immediately: Egpyt and Judea.
General Wu Fei Chang
Chief of Staff Chinese Armed Forces
On Behalf of Jian Fu Lynn, Chinese President.
September 1, 2000, 13:55
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Prime Minister Elendil laughs in the face of the Chinese emissary.
The Chinese will be able to take four regions (cities) next turn, Indian military officials predict, but it will require a wasting of the entire Chinese military advantage. Following the Indian counterattack, it is doubtful that the Chinese will have gained any advantage at all.
The Indian Parliament passes a resolution asking the great powers of the world to rise up against the perpetually aggressive Chinese and wipe them off the face of the earth - once and for all!
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 15, 2000, 08:46
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The Chinese offensive was lanched into Indian held territory in this last session. The attack began in northern Iran, heading southward, capturing areas of Iraq and southern Iran. 4 key fortresses obstruct Indian reinforcements to the Egyptian theater and although one of these fortresses was captured by the enemy, it was not without a heavy price for the enemy, and for the turn the vital line was not broken, assuring a swift victory for our egyptian allies. Losses in the inital attack were minimal, as thousand of outclasses Indian warriors were sent to their deaths or in most cases running into the hills, to join with so called partisan groups which to this time have yet to handle even the Chinese Musketeer divisions. Many counter attacking units of the Indian empire have left themselves exposed to Chinese attack in the open plains of Iran, and it is expected that a mass surrender will take place as serveral battered Indian divisions have no where left to run. Consdiering all, the Chinese army considers this a marginal victory with the first campain, they suceeded in cutting off Egypt from the rest of the Indian empire, even if it is just temporary, it is all that was needed. Indian production was dropped over 100 sheilds a turn as Chinese invaders recked the war capacity of the enemy cities. Not to mention the Chinese obtained many military secrets from the Indian empire, and all of our defensive units will soon be upgraded. All signs point to victory, and it appears India has abandoned all hope of victory, trusting instead in there so called Japanese allies to build there space program.
September 15, 2000, 23:13
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The year 1811 has been a difficult one for the hardy, peaceloving Indian civilization as they have had to cope with the massive invasion of the cruel northern barbarians. Nevertheless, only two regions remain in Chinese hands at the end of the year, and these only tentatively. The Indians are confident that they will eventually drive the Chinese marauders from the territory and, ultimately, into the ocean. However, the time and effort this will require will mean that the fortunate Japanese will undoubtedly win the race to Alpha Centauri, having obtained all Indian technologies in exchange for cold, hard cash. The simple Indian folk face this prospect with equanimity, for it is better that their longtime allies obtain this prestige than the Chinese devils.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 21, 2000, 23:51
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Jiang Fu Lian shi wang gu. Zhei da zhong wen lu jun qu Sheng le, ke chu ren yi biao mai fu zhei wai ren shi mai fu le. Yin du han zhei wai ren yang xie lu wang gu Jiang Fu Lian. Wo bai zhe bu nao. Zhei bi sai bu dao.
September 22, 2000, 10:58
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1812 was the turning point in the Second Great War. After the fall of the Egyptian Easthaven Dynasty and the rise of the Xkalliber Dynasty in its stead, the Indians again offered the Egyptians a strategic alliance in exchange for breaking their arrangement with the Chinese. The Indians also promised the Egyptians the cities of Cairo and Istanbul (later destroyed by Chinese armies) and any other cities the Egyptians might conquer, as well as all the Indians' technology (amounting to six major advances, including the secret of space flight). The mighty Xkalliber was not completely dissuaded of his alliance with the Chinese, however, and he called in the oracles and high priests to cast lots and read the entrails. All the signs pointed to the advantageousness of an alliance with the Indians. Thus, in October 1812 the Egyptians formally cancelled their alliance with the Chinese and joined the Indians "in order to rule the world together," as the saying goes. The Egyptians' first military action was against the conquered city of Damascus. While it did not achieve its primary objective of taking the city, the assault disrupted trade in the region long enough to provoke severe economic distress. The citizens of Damascus revolted against their cruel overlords the Chinese, and sympathy riots swept across the Chinese Empire. Protests against fuel taxes led to major blockades, and the Chinese civilization was brought to a virtual standstill. By mid-winter the situation was so bad that the Chinese government was overthrown by rioters in the capital, and the empire was plunged into anarchy. The exiled Jian Fu Lynn complained bitterly that the government "had no chance" to stop the riots in Damascus before they started and thus nip in the bud the chain of events that ultimately led to his demise.
By summer 1813 an Indian counteroffensive had secured the regions of Bobol and Damascus, and with Japanese money had bribed the discontented citizens of Stanovoy and East Baikal, then transferring the regions to their former Japanese suzerainty. It was not a difficult task, as a sizeable minority in these areas still had significant Japanese sympathies. Another small Chinese city in Siberia was bribed and incorporated directly into the Indian civilizational structure.
By late 1814 the Egyptians had liberated the city of Bushehr, and the Indians granted them the right to retain this city. Also, the Indians deeded the city of Bobol, which was indefensible, to the Vikings, with no strings attached. Although this was a loss to the Indians, it was necessary to take this action for the benefit of the citizens, to spare them the horrors of additional warfare.
This is how the Middle East looked in 1811:
This is how it looked in 1815:
Though the worst appears to be over, the Indians have been devastated by this war, giving Cairo and Bushehr to the Egyptians and Bobol to the Vikings, having Istanbul destroyed, losing Jakarta to the Chinese, and with Damascus a mere shadow of its former self. In exchange, the Indians have taken just one small Chinese city and destroyed another. The Chinese army remains much larger than the Indian. The Indians will have to strike quickly, taking advantage of the chaos currently reigning throughout the Chinese civilization, if they are to pursue this war to a satisfactory conclusion. It is unlikely, however, that the Indians will recoup what they've lost, and it is almost certain that the Chinese will come out much the worse for it. The Second Great War demonstrates the eternal truth that in war no one wins.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 22, 2000, 11:18
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Stepping out of character for a moment...
During the game Frank launched many accusations, one of which was that Xkalliber and I had plotted this outcome beforehand, which is absurd considering I didn't even want to get a sub at first. This charge really should not require response, but I will do so anyway. Here is a log of all the ICQ correspondence between me and Xkalliber yesterday. As you see, none of it in any way indicates some kind of "plot," as I wasn't even sure he was going to be the sub.
(in reverse chrono. order, so you may want to start at bottom and work up)
X: listen, isnt it saved? maybe i should just duck out. im in no position to play, seeing how my last game was against you
CE: would you take the cities of balkans and italy in exchange for peace with the chinese?
CE: excellent :-) you can keep damascus too, it has a wonder: darwins. doesnt do anything now, but helps your score
X:i can
CE: can you reach damascus with your armor? if not, i can give you cairo
X: done
CE: theres an "offer peace treaty" option, i think cancel alliance is under there. you have sent an emissary to him right?
X: that doesnt help me
CE: hm, i cant remember exactly. look under "peace treaties"
X: where the **** is cancle alliance?!?
CE: cuz then we'd be better off making the egyptians ai.  we want a player who will at least play realistically. if you need time to make up your mind thats fine.
X: why not?
CE: i think you should do whatever you think is in your best interests, but if its something "different," thats ok. just dont be suicidal.
X: hey man, will they be cool if i just kind go wild?
CE: im actually the guy right next to you, but if we ally you can go through my territory and take europe from him. i'll also give you the city istanbul outright
X: sure
X: well im gonna kinda be a wild card, so ill blast him cuz my units are close to him
CE: i gave the chinese your icq # so he can talk to you.
CE: i have more population and production, he has a bigger army
X: how good/powerful are you compared to the chinese?
CE: nukes are banned in this game. i havent yet given you all my techs, because the previous player said "i'll think about it" and never decided whether hed throw his lot in with the chinese or the indians. so you have to make a major decision right now. 
X: so do i have all your tech, or what? and does anyone have nukes?
X: ya
CE: you in?
X: nm
X: whats the deal?
CE: ...including space flight!
yes, feel free to change anything you like!
CE: let me give you the situation: the chinese have attacked me, the libertarians/indians. you are currently allied with the chinese, but you were allied with me. i broke the alliance because you traded the chinese robotics when the chinese were about to attack me. but then you & i entered secret negotiations to ally again and stab the chinese in the back, in exchange for which id give you all my techs...
X: can i change my name?>
CE: ok
X: gimme a sec
CE: youre in!
join now at as egyptians
CE: ok, it might fall through. apparently the guy doesnt want to be permanent. hold on...
X: if that falls through, im game
CE: ah well, turns out another player in the game has a favorite candidate for a sub, so i guess i'll defer to him.
X: eh, a little better
CE: its 9 pm every thursday for 2-3 hours. it doesnt matter how good you are--we just need somebody.  and im sure youre better than the ai!
X: what kind of time is it gonna take? (you know i suck, right?)
CE: interested in becoming a permanent substitute during the exciting final weeks of diplomacy v?
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 22, 2000, 17:51
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This discussion bothers me even more. It is clear now that CE used his influance as host and the recruiter of the sub to influance the sub to believe that Easthaven had already made a choice on what to do. The truth is Easthaven was in deep discussions with both parties and had made no final choice on what to do. CE clearly mislead the sub to believe otherwise from reading this message. Futhermore, India had nothing to offer that I did not and I was already allied with Egpyt, and Egypt was already at war with India. This drastic warping of the game caused by outside of game and unethical influances completely ruins it.
September 22, 2000, 18:59
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What do you mean? Everything I told xkalliber was factually true; furthermore, I gave you his ICQ # so you could influence him however you wanted. The fact was that I *was* in negotiations with Easthaven, *had* offered him a great deal, and he told me he had no idea how he was going to decide in the end. (The plausibility of his sincerity is buttressed by the fact that he promised not to attack me when he could, and in fact he did not.)
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 28, 2000, 22:47
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Frank has quit, despite assurances of an unconditional peace treaty, and despite the fact that his argument was overruled by a majority in the game. So we need a sub.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 28, 2000, 22:59
Local Time: 17:09
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It is my wish that no one sub for me this is game. In a clear in justice, the 3 other members of the game over rulled Easthaven ( who was the orginal owner of the subbed out country) and me, who was the direct sufferer of all misfortune do to the addition of a sub who did not follow prior existing treaties and had no information at all oh how to run the country from the orginal owner.
Please inform all others that it is my wish that my country not be subbed for due to the hosts and other players unwillingness to undo the an action either Easthaven, or I, (who happened to be allied before, what a coquinsidance!) who was the direct victom of this aburpt and unplanned change.
September 28, 2000, 23:05
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Two things you failed to note, Frank. First, Easthaven did not quit and was disappointed that you quit. Second, Easthaven noted himself that Xkalliber had done a good job and that it would have been in his own interests not to vote for a replay. (Presumably Easthaven voted according to what he thought was the right course of action, independently of his interests.)
The point is that we have followed given procedures consistently throughout the game, and any new player should have no fear about the rules' not being applied with utmost consistency and scrupulousness.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 28, 2000, 23:11
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Easthaven did not quit, but immediately tried to court me as an ally again. This I cannot accept. A 1 turn flux in this vital manor is unacceptable. It is clear that the "powers that be" are onlyt looking out for there own interests and have no sense of justice concearning CE's amazing 1 turn sub who has now vanished. Its simply unacceptable.
September 28, 2000, 23:19
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Please stop insinuating that Xkalliber was "my" sub, somehow acting under "my" orders, as that wild hypothesis of yours has been publicly discredited.
If Easthaven was courting you as an ally again, in contravention of the usual principle of having the sub follow the policy set by the previous player, that circumstance makes it even more curious that you decided to leave the game in a huff. I think Easthaven was not really courting you as an ally, and you are just making up a story to try to make me, the host of this game, look somehow unfair.
We have all bent over backwards to accommodate you in this game, and you should be aware of that fact now that your time with us is apparently over. In the end, I was sorry to see you go because you have been an integral part of a very good game. But you do not seem to know the difference between friendly competition and holding personal grudges.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 28, 2000, 23:25
Local Time: 17:09
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From Easthaven
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font> You have received a message!
its not like your country is crap, your still one of the most powerful countries. you survive another world war. we'll be victorious next war. it is kinda my fault too, if i would have made those nights we'd probably rule the world now
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Frank Johnson (edited September 28, 2000).]</font>
September 28, 2000, 23:33
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Sounds like a distant promise to me. Let me guess: he wrote this in trying to get you to rejoin the game?
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
September 28, 2000, 23:38
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No he did it while begging me to put up with your crazy idea of fairplay. He thought I should accept it not because its right, but because **** happens. He said there was nothing I could do about it, but I tend to disagree. **** only happens to people who let it happen to them. I will not accept injustice, I'll fight to the last on this point.
October 6, 2000, 10:25
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The Great War continued into the winter of 1815. Again taking advantage of the chaos in the Chinese civilization, the Indians were able to persuade the progressives of Central China to attach themselves to the Indian civilization, bringing with them their views on Women's Suffrage. The Indians were also able to take back their ancient city of Turkmen; however, in the 1816 counteroffensive Turkmen was again lost to China.
The Indians persuaded China to come to the bargaining table, and in 1816 a peace deal was hammered out. The boundaries as they currently existed would remain the same; India required no additional territory from China. However, China agreed to disband all their units threatening Babol (now a Viking territory), Yerevan, Sevastopol, and Bushehr (an Egyptian enclave), as well as to disband half of the defensive units on the great Indochinese line, and to move the other half into their cities.
The agreement could not have come at a more opportune time, as Indian fears about the war were realized, and the Vikings, Japanese, and Egyptians all vaulted ahead in the space race. China and India were, as of late 1817, the only civilizations without any spaceship parts. Doubtless China and India will both catch up to some extent, but it will be a horse race. Meanwhile, Egypt traded the region of Cairo to the Indians in exchange for the coveted technology of Plastics and 500 gold. The Indians hope that the restoration of this city will mean greater production and wealth for the civilization as a whole, as well as reasserting Indian sovereignty over the strategic Suez area.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
October 20, 2000, 15:06
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So far in the last two weeks I'm the only one who's written accounts of the game. Let's hear from the other four!
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
October 20, 2000, 19:42
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Some of us are worn out by the battle with the now ex-leader of the Chinese over what was or wasn't fair and what was or wasn't a game bug.
Founder, ACS Pedantry Institute
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Mono Rules!
October 21, 2000, 00:08
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The Libertarians have returned! In 1820, as the finishing touches on the first Indian spaceship part were being made, Elendil "The Last" unexpectedly resigned the Prime Ministership in favor of none other than... Murray Rothbard. Yes, Murray is back. Elendil proclaimed his libertarianism, and the Indian Federal Republic became an anarcho-capitalist society. No one is actually "leader" of the society, but "Murray Rothbard" is the nickname of the International Disputes Negotiating Corporation, which is the largest company resolving disputes between those living in Libertarian territory and foreign governments.
By 1830 the Libertarian civilization was blossoming, as various private space companies competed to make spaceship parts, and the Libertarian civilization took a small lead in the space race. The Libertarian protection agencies remained neutral in a brief war that flared up between Japan and China. China decided it would try to conquer all of Japan's territories in Asia, but unfortunately the Senate blocked the President's moves, and the country was thrown into anarchy. During the chaos, Japan launched an effective counterattack, and China is now on the ropes again. However, they have now adopted a Fundamentalist government dedicated to the annihilation of all infidels, under High Priest Jian Fu Lynn of the Xkalliber Dynasty. We shall see how this conflict comes out.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
November 3, 2000, 03:02
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The Libertarian territories continued their rapid progress toward space travel in the years 1830-1836. Following a declaration of war by the insane Chinese leader on all other countries, the Murray Rothbard Corporation more than adequately defended Libertarian possessions, actually conquering the Chinese countries of Turkmen, South Kazakhstan, North China, Eastern China, and Sicily (and rapidly taking back Central China from the Chinese after losing it in 1833). Moreover, scientific progress is advancing rapidly, and Libertarian scientists have announced that they are close to discovering the elusive secret of fusion power! With a spaceship almost built, the Libertarian civilization is gearing up for launch festivities which will likely take place before 1850.
Here is a political map of the world as it now stands:
Dark blue represents Viking-affiliated nations.
Bright blue represents the Chinese Bloc.
Purple represents territories following Libertarian-Indian anarcho-capitalist principles.
Bright green represents the Japanese Alliance.
Yellow represents the Egypt-aligned powers.
Within a few years, the Chinese civilization may very well become extinct, given their rash foreign policies. Currently, the Egyptians are considered the weakest power, but that ranking will likely change quickly.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
November 6, 2000, 01:19
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Umm...Japanese building spaceship, end war with China, launch invasion fleet, sneak attack soon
November 7, 2000, 01:29
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Seems like the best strategy for you.  I have noticed that you haven't been attacking the Chinese while I've been struggling against them. Is there some secret peace deal? I would think your space hopes would be elevated by taking some productive Chinese cities.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
November 13, 2000, 14:36
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Murray Rothbard was surprised it had taken so long, but it happened: the world turned against Libertaria. The Chinese continue to bear the brunt of Libertarian military force, but the Japanese, Egyptians, and Vikings have sought subtle means to undermine the Libertarian scientific and exploratory program.
The new Neil Diamond dynasty in Egypt was, Libertarian spies believe, the catalyst for the secret negotiations. Together with the new Ozzy dynasty in China, alliances with Japan have been forged, and undoubtedly a secret alliance with the avowedly neutral Vikings. The Vikings have been funding the Japanese space program without getting anything in return, apparently out of some mystical preference that the Japanese be the first to land on Alpha Centauri rather than the Libertarians. The Libertarians have offered the Vikings substantial material rewards for abstaining from this policy, but have inexplicably been rebuffed.
It is now 1844, and the Libertarians near completion of their massive spaceship. The Libertarians currently have already built 29 structural units, 5 fuel components, and 6 propulsion components. Our nearest competitor, the Japanese, have built 25 structural, 3 propulsion, and 2 fuel. With Viking help, they just might beat us.
Meanwhile, the Chinese continue to distract us! We have been forced to conquer and annex South Kazakhstan, Dzungaria, Western China, Manchuria, South China, and Siam during the past seven years alone. More importantly, we have had our factories tied up with useless military production. Damn the fickle Chinese! They have been a thorn in our side for a dozen centuries.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
November 14, 2000, 12:43
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And for the benefit of Easthaven and/or whoever takes over for the Chinese and Egyptians, I should note that the Libertarians have imposed a complete embargo on all trade with all civilizations and have banned passage through the Suez Canal.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
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