June 1, 2000, 23:57
Newsflash: Dateline A.D. 650, London -
Horrified by the personification of evil sitting upon the throne, the people of London have rebelled overthrowing King Common. For centuries he has turned the fields of SE Asia red with the blood of our loved ones conscripted to wage his wars of aggression to fill his coffers. Meanwhile our people have fallen behind in technology inspite of the Great Library our schizophrenic leader compelled us to build.
Hearing legends among our southern brethren, the honorable Dixies, of a man known as the "Berzerker" - a warrior of old who now spends his days in drug-induced trances seeking enlightenment - we have sought out this man to lead us on the path, to consume the soma, and seek inner peace. How will we ever convince those we've wronged to join us in our quest for peace of mind? We pray the Berzerker will show us the way...
June 2, 2000, 00:17
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Last night, a riot erupted on the streets of Lisbon, while it did not effect production or tax intake in any way, the riot did effect public opinion.
Originally a speach was held by known dissident Reno De La Vega. Known for his pro-left idealogy, Reno was arrested and sent to jail the very same night. In a public outry De La Vega stormed the courtroom charging the Hapsburg famliy (who is known for owning the Iberian throne) with crimes against the people of Iberia.
De La Vega will serve a forty year jail sentance, and then be executed in Reál Madrid in the 'Bazaar Plaza' following the fufillment of his jailtime, said new crowned King Phillip of Hapsburg "In a time of such international strife, the actions of De La Vega shall be punished severely. Death is the only way to end this complication."
IRA (Iberian Republican Army
Death to the Hapsburg dogs!
It is now more evident than ever, if you speak out against the Hapsburg family's rape of this great land Iberia, you will be silenced the only way they know how. Death.
Our glorious leader, and great patriot Reno De La Vega will be assassinated by the tyrant Hapsburgs. This is an outrage, as all true Iberians should stand against our tyrant rulers.
Let it be known that the Hapsburgs are not even Spaniards, they are not true Iberians. They are of German blood, and as such have decided to join in on the raping of England by the combined forces of Germany and Metalopia, we have no right to join that war, we have too many problems here at home.
It is now clear more than ever that the Hapsburgs must be obliterated.
Reál Madrid will be the beginning of the fight, I warn the Hapsburg family, you will die!
-Luis Olmos, General of the IRA.
June 2, 2000, 00:18
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Posts: 45
To Mr. Ty (A.D. 580): how did kiev go german?
From Mr. Ty (A.D. 580): I gave it in exchange for tech
To Mr. Ty (A.D. 580): city walls river...
From Mr. Ty (A.D. 580): I was WAY behind
To Mr. Ty (A.D. 580): hmm
From King TheNothing (A.D. 580): English are advancing into my territory
From King TheNothing (A.D. 580): I demand a peace treaty
To Mr. Ty, Consul RebelofChaos, Consul Savio Garza, King Abe Lincoln, Maharaja Ozzy (A.D. 600): gang up the leader
From King Abe Lincoln (A.D. 600): Americans and Russians sign "Moscow Pact."
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): Im talking to you common
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): You and only you
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): You listenning?
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): I need to know if you will listen
From King Abe Lincoln (A.D. 600): Rosy Palms, just like me right now!
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): THAT IS ****ING BULLSHIT
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): I will quit the game, period if this city is not returned
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): I offered and offfered peace
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): He came in and bought my city
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): You have 4 minutes to give it back or i leave
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): I stopped attack
From Consul RebelofChaos (A.D. 600): Americans and Japs sign Peace Treaty Washington
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): ing
From Consul RebelofChaos (A.D. 600): in washington
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): so that he could see i meant peace
From Maharaja Ozzy (A.D. 600): hey, don't whine about it, it is what happens in war
From King TheNothing (A.D. 600): and he attacked me
June 3, 2000, 13:37
The former king, Common, resigned to sitting in his rocker overlooking his favored pond continues to babble away about his reign of terror. The old geezer is now waging war against his inner demons - ranting for hours about his former allies and enemies.
The Court of Berzerker has assigned the old fool a historian to record his tirades lest he gripe about being ignored. Our Noble Leader, in the interest of peace and the path, has sent word to the leaders of India and Germany that we will gladly and humbly accomodate all requests for extradition.
June 3, 2000, 14:58
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The Madrid Post
700 a.d.
1 gold
Top Story!
The War in Indochina has ended!
Thankfully, the bloody war that had raged upon the small territory of Indochina has ended with the abdication of King Common Terry of England from the English throne. This comes centuries upon centuries of brutal struggle between the nations of the world and the English tyrant Common. Initally brought on by a land dispute over a small southern Indochinan settlement (White Zombie) the war reached epic proportions with the dismantling of the Eurasia-Africa pact, and the addition of Germany to the war. The war nearly reached global proportions when the PAA decided to get involved, the Japanese openly declared war on England, while the Spanish sent forces into Indochina. The new king of England is a warrior from southern India (Sri Lanka) who is only known by the name Bezerker, he is believed to come from a minority tribe in England known as the "Dixies". As usual, more on Bezerker as soon as the story develops.
Domestic News
IRA troops seize Reál Madrid!
The anti-Hapsburg faction, calling itself the IRA (Iberian Republican Army) has finally seized the capital of Reál Madrid, ending twenty years of civil strife and rebellion. To this day the Hapsburg family has ruled over Iberia, and has kept the status of its nation under international wraps so that word of the Monarchy's weakness does not effect international feelings towards Iberia. However, Phillip's trials proved worthless, as the armies of Savio Garza marched into Reál Madrid, burnt the statue of Paulo Lorenzo III, and captured all but two members of the Royal House of Hapsburg. Ferdinand of Aragon, and Isabella of Castille are believed to have escaped the uprising, however there is a chance they were killed in the riots. Savio Garza has been appointed Consul of the Iberian Senate, and has changed Valladolid and Cadiz' status as "territories" to full fledged Provinces.
Iberian Elections flare up!
Savio Garza may lose his chance as Consul in this year's elections, as he comes up against ultra-reformist, and leader of the Dove party, Jesus De La Cruz. Garza had this to say of his opponent's stance on foreign policy "His idea of foreign policy requires no military and loss of land, that is not foreign policy, that is foreign survitude.", De La Cruz disagreed saying "Garza has problems, it is not our right to make outrageous land claims, we have no control over the Isles of Britain or Japan, to believe that we have a god given right to these territories is audacious, we will stick to what we have been naturaly bestowed, then if the chance arises we will seak out colonies, but to think we have to secure foreign lands is insanity." Thus far De La Cruz leads the polls by ten percent.
International Report
Japanese Royal family recaptures power in Japan!
Our PAA brothers, the Japanese have changed leaders yet again. It was widely believed that under Moker, the Japanese were more friendly and easier to conduct meetings with. But as soon as Moker had turned Japan into a free Republic, the new leader known as "Rebel of Chaos" seized control of Japan through a Monarcharial form of government. At this point in time the Iberian Federation has no plans on changing its agreement outlined in the PAA with Japan.
Trade Pact signed in New York
As a new leader emerges in England, a "new" Eurasia-Africa pact has been signed in New York. But unlike its ancient counterpart, the ENTA, or Eurasian Nations Trade Agreement does not secure Eurasian-African unity through military help, nor through diplomatic alliances either. This new treaty secures trade between America and England. Iberian Foreign Minister Luis Rojo says "The pact is going to be good for both America and England, it is no secret that their relationship soured due to the Indochina conflict, but this looks to repair all relations in the east, and should do well for the world accross all fronts."
New territories drawn out as a result of the Indochina conflict
The conflict in Indochina did not only result in a new king of England. It resulted in a revamping of the world map, a great deal of territory was gained and lost during the ongoing struggle, as Hernan Cortez creates yet another map of the world:

The following changes were made:[*]Germany recieved Russian territory in northeastern China due to a technology agreement.[*]Indochina was turned over to Metalopia for restitution by the English.[*]Germany recieved territory in central Asia (Richmond and Gamorge) as restitution for English actions against Germany.
Is this REALLY the end of war?.... doubt it
Diego Vaca
Let's face it, this is not going to end wars. So the English have been replaced with a new King, big deal. The new King is from a warrior tribe by the way, can we expect him to be unlike his predecessor? Let's see what happens over the course of time, then we can pass our judgments. As for the current state of world affairs; its fixing to blow up in our faces. Germany is by far the world's greatest power. They hold Europe and almost all of western Asia under their sway, and have powerful allies. Nobody is going to mess with Germany, they have stated in the past that they wish to settle the world with German blood, maybe not with war, but still. Such ambition should be looked at closely. Germany has been good so far, so maybe it is unfair for me to say that they have evil intentions, but if I were the Americans, or the new King Bezerker, I wouldn't turn my back on Germany so quickly.
Metalopia to join PAA!
Antonio Rico
It is no secret, by the time I finish typing this the ink may already be drying. But at the current time it looks as if though Metalopia will be the next nation to join the PAA. For those Iberians who do not keep up on international goings-ons. The PAA is basically the ultimate alliance, it binds all of the Americas under one safe roof, all technology is exchanged, all land is garunteed, safety from foreign agression is garunteed. It basically says "Nobody from accross the ocean can mess with the Americas" Well that is all about to change quite a bit. Despite the fact that Japan wanted all of South America in the initial PAA negotiations, they have decided to let the Metalheads have some of South America (namely the north part, and the soutern tip) as well. Don't get me wrong, I really could care less what Japan does with their land, but when word comes out of Madrid that the Senate is considering giving Panama to the Metalheads, then things get a little strange. I mean c'mon, the Metalheads were dicked around for quite some time by England, but is that any reason to give them our land? I don't think so, and what ever happened to protection from overseas nations, last time I checked the Metal capital resides in Australia, not in the Americas. This is a huge mistake, sure, let them in the PAA now that Japan has given them some of the Americas, but I beg of you Consul Garza, do not let the Metalheads have Panama! That is our land!
~700 a.d.~
June 3, 2000, 17:33
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From Japanese General Sun Tsu:
Sire, the war ended before our army could reach the coasts of our enemies! We were so close to changing the balance of power in our own hands! What are your orders?
To Sun Tsu
I have not decided yet, but due to the change of power within the English system, I want you to send your troops to the banks of IndoChina and India and stay close watch to those areas. We will be the first ones deployed if something should arise. As to your concerns of the Germans, do not worry, they are our friends, they gratefully conceded Rosy Palms to the Japanese Republic, and with it, we shall settle into Siberia, for our size on our homeland is wilting, and we have little room left for our growing population. Hopefully no nations will have problems with this.
Your Consul,
"You can stop me on the defense, or even in the battle , but you will NEVER stop me on the from taking that hill."
June 4, 2000, 00:21
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I understand there is no Russian leader. I also Understand the Russians are weak, but I am cool with that.
June 4, 2000, 01:30
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I happen to be the Russian leader.
June 4, 2000, 09:51
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I don't have another game until Wednesday... and I don't know if I have a game then... trying to see when people are available for Dip 8. Anyway, I think that Moker might want his Japs back, if not, let me know, I can continue to rule for him for awhile.
June 4, 2000, 10:07
Oh darn I dont know why I thought there was no Russian player - I'm sorry. I'd be happy to let Gjost take over the English if he wants, I will be online Monday to help out if you'll are short a player or Gjost rejects my offer.
June 4, 2000, 10:44
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Sure, I will play the English. Please send me what ever information I need to get started.
June 4, 2000, 10:47
Gjost (JBVG) will be taking over the English for me - I will be available Monday for subbing.
June 4, 2000, 13:23
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10th Congress, the Iberian Federal Republic. Federal Parliament meeting: Madrid (700 a.d.)
Con. Garza: I call this meeting to order, let it be known that the following representatives are absent. Montoya, De Roca, and Calente. On the issue SR 102, Mr. Diaz from Toledo has the floor.
Hon. Diaz: On the issue of Senate Resolution 102, the bill regarding Metalopia's admittance into the PAA. The Hawk party feels that such legislation is needed for the future of this Republic. We are heading into a new world, a world where our former stance of isolationism is not going to get us anywhere, the conflict in Indochina has been resolved. Now what? It is quite clear what our next mission should be, international relations. We must achieve total and complete international diplomacy. By denying Metalopia's entrance into the PAA we retard such goals. We slam them to the ground in thier infancy, and destroy any chances of Iberian international status. It would be a shame to let such an opportunity fall through our fingers.
Con. Garza: Thank you Mr. Diaz, Mr. Luis of Valladolid has the floor at this time, of the Dove party.
Hon. Luis: Thank you Mr. Chairman, it is quite evident that the Hawk party, would like to gain the same type of influence of the Hapsburgs that they put to rest-
Hon. Moreno: Mr. Garza, this is-
Con. Garza: Order order! Please, Mr. Luis has the floor, Mr. Luis you may continue.
Hon. Luis: Thank you Chairman Garza, as I was saying, the Hawk party wishes desperatley to regain the abilities of the Hapsburgs. Empty claims to land, this is not something that should be allowed by this Senate or by the international community, to believe that any nations has the right to give land to others, especially considering that the nation never even held the land in the first place is absurd. This Senate should be looked down upon for even considering such behavior proper. At this point in time the Metal Empire is one of colonial amibition, and one of territorial expansion. Do we really want to ally with such a nation? One that could easily cause the Iberian Federation gripes with other nations, including all out war. Then consider that we have hardly any relations with them at this time, other than a peace treaty signed by a General in charge of peacekeeping force! Come now, we do not wish to validate our relation with this nation. The Dove party urges you to please, decline any resolution granting land or ally status to the Metal Empire! Thank you Mr. Chairman.
Con. Garza: Thank you Mr. Luis, Mr. Rodrigo of Cadiz now has the floor, he is from the Hawk party.
Hon. Rodrigo: Thank you Mr. Garza, members of this Senate. Glorious patriots, who spilled blood on the steps of the Hapsburg Palaces, who know what it is to fight for freedom. Your nation calls upon you again, this decision is just as important as your's was to spill your blood for your nation's future and freedom. As the conflict in Indochina ends, the world is at peace, but it is a fragile peace. Land in Asia is scarce, and the people of Metalopia need to find new land to settle. Would it be completley evil of you to grant such a small plot of land in Panama? I think not, after all of the concessions Japan has made with us in the signing of the PAA, after the fair and just treatment we recieved from the Metalheads in Indochina, after all of this. We are going to turn our heads on our friends and neighbors because of some peice of land in Panama? Unbelieveable, and we are the home of freedom and justice? This is outright greed. Vote yes on SR 102!
Con. Garza: Thank you Mr. Rodrigo, at this time the Dove party's leader, the Honorable De La Cruz of Madrid wishes to have the floor, such a request is obviously granted.
Hon. De La Cruz: Thank you Consul Garza, we are arguing about SR 102, something the Hawk party says will bring our nation into the next millenium. Something the Dove party says will rip our nation into shreds. What is this about, is this about Panama? I doubt it, is this about the PAA? I doubt that as well. What this is about is fear. Plain and simple fear. The Hawk party fears the Metal empire, they don't want to lose land, so they figure Panama will appease the Metalheads. The Dove party fears Metalhead intrusion into our land at all, so they don't want the Metalheads here at all. What this Senate needs is not fear, they need a resolution that will say we are the Iberians, and we own Iberia. This resolution is going to affect our nation for centuries to come. It will no doubt cause wars, it will no doubt cause glories. But this resolution is a pointless one, Panama is worthless land. So why are we arguing here in the first place? The same reason Consul Garza had an explaination for me comming to speak, he made none for the Honorable Luis, or Rodrigo. Why for me? I am his opponent in the upcomming election. As the Metalheads are our opponents for land and power, we wish to appease them, but not only that to make it known. To make an issue out of something so pointless and trivial in order to sway opinions towards us, just as Consul Garza made an issue of my speech here. I myself am sorely against Metalhead entrance into our land, not because of any of the reasons transcribed above, and not to make an issue out of something so trivial for the purposes of the upcomming elections. But because, the Metal Empire is not a sad case. The Metal Empire is easily one of the three strongest nations on the planet, they are much better off than we, they have no right to ask for handouts, they are strong. I say NO! Do not give them anything, they deserve nothing, because they were losing a war with England? Tough for them, when the Japanese conquered Valencia nobody helped Iberia. It is an outrage, they are a strong nation with huge territorial ambition, we shall not feed their hunger. I stress this Senate to realize the two issues at hand. We do not need to make international issue out of this decision, and we do not need to give anything to the Metal Empire, we forget so easily that we are here representing Iberia and not some fore-
Con. Garza: Mr. De La Cruz your time has expired, Mr.-
Hon. De La Cruz: Foreign nation, vote NO on SR 102! I am finished Consul Garza.
Con. Garza: At this time we would like to hold a vote on the issue....
Dove: 10
Hawk: 96
Dove: 91
Hawk: 2
Final Tally: 106 to 93 in favor of Metalopian entrance into the PAA.
June 5, 2000, 02:09
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Posts: 45
i accept a trial.
June 5, 2000, 15:45
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The Japanese Courtroom of the city of Chaos:
"All rise, the honorable judge Hiroshima prociding."
"This court is filled today by the nations of Germany, America, England, Metalopia, and Iberia for the proceeding. The world vs. common_terry, on 4 counts of international terrorism and 3 counts of violation against the people of England for over taxation, and the slaughter of thousands of her people."
The defendent has been brought to this courtroom due to the prejudice judgement he would receive in the courtroom of other nations.
*After hours of deliberation, the jury returns with their verdict*
"We the jury find common_terry, on the charge of terrorism worldwide, and misconduct to the people of England, guilty."
judge- "Do to the fact, Mr. Terry, that you have cooperated with the officals with the release of the English, this court shall be gracious on your sentence. Since the court finds you guilty, you shall spend the next 25 years in Rosy Palms, in a minimum secuirty prision, where you shall serve your sentence, with no chance of payroll. From then, you will be granted immunity from all other nations, for your actions in South East Asia. You have been exiled from England, never to return, for if you shall, your immunity will have no restrictions, and your punishment up to the courts there. After your sentence though, you will serve under the control of Metalopia, as they see fit, those under your regime will also do the same... may the gods have mercy on your soul.
June 5, 2000, 17:12
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i didnt accept a show trial! i want a real trial.
June 5, 2000, 20:06
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As (by now) a veteran diplogamer, I could tell several things from just five minutes of subbing in this game. It needs to be scrapped. Two hosts up and quit without warning. When I joined the time limit was not altered to allow me to figure out my civ. Another player quit without warning. The Germans are vastly ahead, of course, because they started out in Europe, because player positions were randomized. Overall, it's complete chaos. Diplo games require trustworthy, non-jackass players & a carefully calibrated rules.txt and map.
My $0.02.
Curumbor Elendil
ICQ 56126989
June 5, 2000, 20:58
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2 cents? That's all that you got?
June 5, 2000, 21:01
This was truly a bizarre game - I subbed as the Russian, Gjost took over for the English, and more than an hour into the game, Curumbor subbed for the Japanese. And as he entered the game he requested some extra time to take stock of his position - a common request in such a situation. The host - Joe (the Americans) - apparently thought this request was too great a nuisance and ignored it. After allowing the time to run out on the Japanese' turn, Joe let us know he was not about to allow any ******* delays - at which point I suggested he might be playing alone with such an attitude - he immediately retired. Germany became the host and I'm not sure what happened to him, but the game ended at this point.
Nice job of hosting Joe
June 5, 2000, 21:10
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Bezerker, I have been the host for the entire time and never left early like I HAD TO today, and I wish you would have been told the following information:
1. My Computer is the only one in the house, therefore I must share it with family members. My brother had to use it, and I had to get off for I had already been on for 3 hours.
2.I told Ozzy and Capo that I had to leave because I had exams tomorrow, SORRY FOR ANY INCONVIENENCE MY EDUCATION HAS CAUSED YOU AND YOUR GAMES!
4. In the last 2 session, we have gotten through 12 turns. Players are constantly subbing and leaving, quitting and acting like ******. I won't mention any names (Common).
I am sorry theNothing let you guys down and did not continue the game, but it is hardly my fault!!!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by JDI_Falcon (edited June 05, 2000).]</font>
June 5, 2000, 21:44
You ignored the request of the Japanese for more time! After his time ran out you said, no F****** delays, and 1 or 2 seconds after I expressed disgust with your behavior, you left without any explanation. This is what happened! Not this fairy tale you are now offering...
June 5, 2000, 21:48
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Don't believe me? Ask Hapsburg and Ozzy themselves. Yes, I admit I did not see the Japanese request, but I would have eventually done it because I did not see it because I civilization II minimized as I was bidding on a product on EBAY. Don't believe me? Check it yourself, I am cotterdaly and I bought Tiberian Sun from someone for 15.50, the product # is 346484911. I probably should have paid more attention to what was going on, but I needed to get this game AND by the time I restored Civ2, the Japanese's turn was up, and he said something like "well that was great." In addition to this, unseen to your eyes was my conversation with Reefer and Ozzy, telling them I had to leave.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by JDI_Falcon (edited June 05, 2000).]</font>
June 6, 2000, 00:48
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Posts: 45
still the scapegoat, and i got kicked out at the start of the 3rd session.
how come noone ever mentions my offer of total peace and demilitarization?
June 6, 2000, 00:59
I'm not doubting you had something else to do and wanted to quit at some point - so why not ask us to save the game for the next session rather than let the ai take over your civ?
And if you only returned to the game from your other venture to see Curumbor's comment "well that was great", then why did you respond with no more F****** delays? You must have known he had been asking for a delay - yet you claim to have missed his request for more time!
Then immediately following my comment about your behavior you left the game - this all happened within 15 seconds or so. If you got mad about the slow play and wanted to quit for the night, fine, just admit it (it aint a big deal) - and it wouldn't hurt to apologise for your conduct.
June 6, 2000, 08:45
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Cadiz Post
1080 a.d.
1 gold.
Top Story
Japanese rebels retake control from Monarch!
In a stunning and undexpected turn of events, the Japanese rebel Tokugawa has reclaimed the Republic of Japan. As his rebel troops stormed the capital, however, Monarcharial officers and followers fled the scened and are believed to be hiding in the Amazon basin's dense forests. Relations between all PAA members are said to not have changed due to this conflict. It is unclear at present when Japan's governing problems will see thier end, but this is definantly a ray of hope for the Japanese people and their freedom.
Domestic News
Iberian tax money at an all time high!
The Iberian tax surplus has risen drastically since the inception of the Federal Republic. Since its initial growth of 200%, the Federation now brings in in excess of 300% of that original surplus. The Iberian senate has proposed adding much of this surplus to either public works (luxuries) or Scientific ends, however at this time no official legislation has been passed in that regards.
Jesus DeLaCruz wins Iberian Elections!
In a very close race, Jesus DeLaCruz has captured the Consulate of the Iberian Federation, defeating long time Consul and leader of the IRA Savio Garza, when asked of his loss Garza said "I am very proud of Jesus, me and him have known eachother for quite some time, through the IRA years and even to this day remain good friends, I am very proud of his achievment, I wish him all the best of luck." It was believed by many analysts that the change of power from the Hawk party to the Dove may cause civil strife, but none was evident on election day.
International Report
Russians acquire new leader
The rulership of former Russian king Ty has come to a screaching halt as he has been diagnosed with a serious ailment, at this time it is unclear who will take over the Russian empire full time, but in his absensce his Human cousin did do quite a remarkable job, expanding the Russian land claims westward. This reporter wonders whether or not there are any other able rulers in the Russian Royal family, the "Subs" that would like the job?
I apologize for the short post, but we hardly played
June 6, 2000, 08:47
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Let's stop screwing around here people, we don't have time for this petty bickering.
I propose the next game for Wednesday at 6:30 eastern standard time.
If there are any objections please reach me at nkreefer@aol.com
AIM me at NKReefer
Or get me on the zone, my name is The_Hapsburg.
C'mon guys, this game is starting to get interesting, we should really play it out, and less arguing over stupid crap.
June 6, 2000, 11:54
Wednesdays are out for me, but I wouldn't let that stop you guys from playing - Russia is really out of this game anyway. Maybe Lor Ty will resume control of this floundering power. I have a Dip game Thursday too, so I can play only on Tuesday, Friday, or the weekend.
June 6, 2000, 17:41
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Guys, I did save the game before I left, so we can continue there.
Bezerker- I am not sure you understand, I came back just as the Japanese made that statement, I then read what was above it and from the determined he wanted a longer turn. Granted, I was sick of the delay and I SHOULD have been paying attention, and for that I sincerely apologize. But I am not lying when I say I talked to Capo and Ozzy about 5 minutes b4 I left. Or at least Ozzy.
With that hopefully behind us, lets find a time, why is Tuesday no good? I can play any night this week.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by JDI_Falcon (edited June 06, 2000).]</font>
June 6, 2000, 17:42
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Posts: 73
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by JDI_Falcon (edited June 06, 2000).]</font>
June 6, 2000, 17:50
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Lake Elsinore, CA, US
Posts: 14
I'm officially quiting the game. Russia sucks so bad right now. If I had been in from the beginning, I would stay in because Russia would be a lot better. It's just boring when your civ sucks that bad. I hope you guys have a good game.
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