Newbie's Opinions: Civ2 vs. SMAC vs CTP
Seems to be lots of opinions of veteran Civ game players on here. Thought I'd post an opinion of someone new to this type of game.
I bought SMAC in February, CTP about 2 weeks ago, and just got Civ2 MGE through that CompUsa deal (hey, it was free after rebate.)
Up until SMAC, I'd never played a turn-based strategy game before. (Mostly RTS, sim and action games up until now.)
Played through SMAC twice and enjoyed it immensely, got bored with CTP very quickly. SMAC is very interesting, but I don't care for the futuristic stuff. My CTP is for sale on eBay now.
Now, CivII... what can I say. I can't stop! I don't know what it is, but playing on the world map is gaming heaven.
Final opinion, not based on any "nitpicky stuff", just on pure FUN...
1. CivII
3. CTP -- boring.
Q: Why is CTP so boring, and CivII so enthralling? Is it the slogging through the interface?