ghen: Have you got to disc 3 yet? Just asking because there's a part of the story right near the beginning of that disc that will pretty much prove your "written by monkeys" theory
1)sorry JD! didn't see your post what do you mean by monkeys? there are so many bad points
2)Now: just got whooped by the machine thingie in the lunatic pandora (boss after fugiwhatsit and rajamafinger)
3)future: gonna go see odin now I still haven't beaten diablos lol..
4)umm.. I forgot what 4 was..
What the hell is with you people! The story in FF8 is great! You poeple don't know what the hell your talking about.
The only problem with FF8 is that the drawing magic becomes a little redundant after a while and fighting enemies takes some time. Other than that the game is great.
You are all idiots. Also...
-Xenogears blows.
-N64 blows
-PS2 will rule the world. (so will Linux)
this needs a bump to stay on 10 day... how's everyone doing on the game? 2 times I've gone to beat the final boss and both times something came up so that the playstation needed turning off ~
I tried once before, when I didn't know about the servants, only attack lol. I almost beat the first ul..whatever! Squall is on level 52 I think.