March 5, 2000, 20:53
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A Challange.
I challenge War4ever, arii and Diety to a 4 player game!
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March 5, 2000, 23:34
Who is Diety
March 5, 2000, 23:50
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Yes just who is this Diety fellow????
March 6, 2000, 00:38
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It doesn't matter, we all know who the best is.
March 6, 2000, 01:08
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Not You my friend
March 6, 2000, 04:40
Diety is the fatter version of deity
March 6, 2000, 14:37
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I'm up for it if we can come up with settings that make everybody happy and a schedule with at least 4 sessions planned.
March 6, 2000, 19:03
Ok, some thoughts on this.
finbar and Eyes may be interested too and War is.
But I agree it must be a NORMAL game with 1x1x, Deity level, Raging hordes and No city bribe.
I can set aside next Weds/Thurs for this which is Tues/Weds nights North Am time. This suits War and finbar.
March 6, 2000, 19:05
Ok, some thoughts on this.
finbar and Eyes may be interested too and War is.
But I agree it must be a NORMAL game with 1x1x, Deity level, Raging hordes and No city bribe.
I can set aside next Weds/Thurs for this which is Tues/Weds nights North Am time. This suits War and finbar.
March 6, 2000, 23:53
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I am the same time zone as war. So when can we start?
March 7, 2000, 14:00
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Let's start next week so that we can finish the on going games we have. Tues and weds evenings are ok with me after 8:00 ct
March 7, 2000, 19:52
Ok.. Tues 14/3/00 (ie 14th March for non-Americans  )
at around 8 CST?
I think that is around 1pm Weds here in Aussie, so that's great. Should suit finbar and War. (Eyes not interested in 1x)
Everyone agree with my proposed settings?
I think it would be good to have a 'neutral' as a host? I get the feeling this will be a heavy duty game so we need to have an unarguable even playing field
Maybe a Raz or a Cavebear might find it interesting to do this? Although I'm not sure how it is done. Can there be a host computer that does not play?
In the future maybe Apolyton servers could be set up, sponsored by the games creators.
Anyway, if it's all too difficult we could just quickly vote on it. I can't host for unknown tech reasons
March 9, 2000, 00:17
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I guess your proxy isn't setup right...
Anyways I am all for it!!! Now who wants what settings?
1x1x king to spaceships.
or 2x1x is my suggestion. or vote.
March 9, 2000, 03:24
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well it must be deity to include me and either x1x1 or x2x1..... btw Markus how was your server runnig tonite.. i was booted and could not reconnect all night and i was in the beginnings of a game with three others
March 9, 2000, 08:59
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Not to butt in, but if U are looking for som1 to STICK IT OUT & believes in classic 1x1x, deity... the timing is perfect for moi'.
If others want to speed it up... then go for 2x2x. Add some REAL excitement & speed!
Anything but the usual 2x1x... only way to be compete = build a city everyother turn, don't waste time or effort protecting, don't build anything but a select wonder here & there, hope some1 doesn't stumble into civ before U have expanded to an unsurmountable # of little cities cranking out units. So-o-o uncreative & predictable!
So-o-o, call me?
PS: as those of U that have played w/ me may recall. I'v got a rather good hosting setup: non-cable, 56k, very stable Earthlink connection, & am sorta equi-distance from above cited players. + i do NOT do anything else or have ANY other program or TSR activated while hosting. (do all that on my laptop next to me if the going gets slow... & IT WILL with this many players)
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited March 09, 2000).]</font>
March 10, 2000, 01:20
How about 8pm next Tuesday night US EST?
This is 12noon Weds here in Australia. I'm free for that.
Milo would be a good host then. That's OK with me.
March 10, 2000, 01:24
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For the sake of speed and likelyhood in finishing the game here is my vote:
2* 1* king to deity
1* 1* king
2*2* king to deity
1*1* deity (very slow and takes forever)
Unhappiness is not the issue, long slow boring sessions is what I want to avoid.
A 3d party host sounds like a great idea to avoid all the host advantage issue.
March 10, 2000, 02:33
I'll commit to this at least one session a week but really prefer 1x1x Deity/hordes etc. - normal settings gives a good balanced game but I will go with the majority putting 1x1x ahead of all other prefs.
March 10, 2000, 14:42
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Can't make it until 8:00pm ct (already a stretch there). I'll play anything that the majority votes on. Just like settings that keep the game short to maximize the probability of finishing the game.
March 11, 2000, 05:28
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Hot dang! Looks like me may actually have somthing here!
As for settings... i gotta vote for 1x1x.
As for speed, i know civ development takes longer. 
However, with vet players as are lining up here turns should go quickly.
To that end, i would even go for REASONABLE time limits. Even tho most of us don't need it, still seems that even experienced players seem to stay focused & motivated when the timer is ticking away at the top of the map.  Plus it prevents the occasional fall asleep, go-for-cigies, the ______'s crying, i'm-mad-&-i'll-get-even-by-squatting-on-my-turn, type incidents that REALLY screw things up / slow'm down. Why timers even cause "negotiators" like me to watch my clock.
Let's DO IT!! & then move-move-move... until a SERIOUS war causes us to have to slow down (i'll ALWAYS give plenty of time for others to blow each other out of the game  )
Another speed-up suggestion: since diplo eves-droppers are so rarely used / put in place. Do nego's, trades, & other private conversations via ICQ. Where the typing IS NOT rudely interupted & slowed by random events. Plus it DOES NOT slow the Civ program down by forcing it to be the commo handler + turn / movement / combat handler.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
March 11, 2000, 18:55
I just played a test game at King level, 2x 1x and hordes.
I can't believe you guys actually play this! It is SO easy.
Happiness allows you to grow like mad.
Forests are IMMEDIATELY worth more shields than hills are AFTER MINES!!
Hordes are a joke!
It is an artificial game and is totally unbalanced, NOT even requiring factories. It is NOT the true Civilisation that I've come to love. In fact I think it is virtually a waste of time. Sure, against good MP'ers it might be interesting to some extent.
So, I'm surprised that vets of the game are challenging us at these settings.
But you guys have played more MP than me so let me know if I've missed something here. I guess it might speed up the game due to the fact that you can grow quickly and launch into stuff from a big production base.
But really I gotta agree with War and Milo. A proper 1x1x Deity game is the only TRUE CHALLENGE so I throw this challenge back to the vets!
I can lock in that regular time slot for your Tues and or Weds nights.
I'm playing several games at these settings with reliable players who will finish the game. I'm sure you can handle that.
March 11, 2000, 21:08
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Welcome to enlightenment, my friend.
Mono Rules!
March 11, 2000, 22:39
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Hear, Here! U tell'm DEITY!
These Civ-wimps are beginning to take over our great classic 
OK, that gives me another post.
When do i get to be a "Prince", like all the Aussies?
Actually, what i really want to blow by them & be a QUEEEEEN.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited March 11, 2000).]</font>
March 12, 2000, 15:42
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I am great at all levels. But you only get a true game at 1x1x.
How about king 1x1x ? Should be pretty fast and we won't have to worry about unhappyness.
March 12, 2000, 21:23
I like to worry about unhappiness - more of a challenge! Why you want it so easy?
I'm only great when it gets difficult
1x1x Deity is still my pref.
Let's hear from arii, War and any others?
Then we decide.
finbar will want Deity, I'm sure, as does Milo.
March 12, 2000, 22:46
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If the majority wants 1* 1* king or deity I'll go along. If it's more than 4 players, I'll probably pass. Deity 1* 1* with 6 player is going to take more time than I can afford.
March 12, 2000, 23:17
Agree then at 1x1x Emperor?
(I'm at work and don't have civ here but does it go King/Emperor/Deity?)
NO city bribe, NO wonder sharing, caras etc.
Med Map, all normal settings.
Milo to HOST, if all agree.
Confirmations from:
I don't think War can make it but finbar probably can, so 4 players plus host, if Milo doesn't mind me putting it that way
I agree with arii that we don't need any more players than this.
March 12, 2000, 23:23
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I'll be in it (if there's room) at 1x1x. I prefer Deity, but Emperor will do.
Mono Rules!
March 12, 2000, 23:27
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Fine with me. This way mikes won't be sooo powerful.
A nice long 4 player game will be fun. I just finished my other game today. 1730 and total domination (First long game i have won by conquest)
March 13, 2000, 02:35
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i unfortunately cannot play no matter the settings..... too many commitments right now for a long game like this although the x1x1 settings are tough to pass up on as is a game with Markus, Deity, and Arii  cheers and thanks for thinking of me and perhaps when i have some more time we can start another one of these epics ..... BTW good luck to all
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