March 13, 2000, 12:41
Local Time: 23:10
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It looks like we have worked out a nice compromise. I'm looking forward to play 3 great players tomorrow.
March 13, 2000, 17:56
Local Time: 23:10
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Posts: 1,721
I would like crustation to play, if war is not going to play.
Also can we go bloodlust. If we are going to go all that way I would like to use all those units in some kind of war. Its been so long since i used stealth fighters and bombers!
March 14, 2000, 01:01
I chatted to markus about bloodlust - we'll give it a miss  But any game can become bloodlust by nature of the players!
I'm happy for it to be a 5 way if Crusty's free.
We aim to start as soon after 6pm PST as possible on Tuesday evening; 1pm Aust EDT.
March 14, 2000, 09:14
Local Time: 01:10
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So who's actually in the game? I'm available.
Mono Rules!
March 14, 2000, 10:45
Local Time: 23:10
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I prefere to leave the space ship option open since it might not be possible to take out some well defended cities.
I guess if 1 has 2 settlers or 4 specials in his initial squarre we just keep going; luck of the draw (since no host advantage).
March 14, 2000, 20:58
Starts in one hour. Crusty preparing to host if necessary with a saved file with no host techs.... OK?
March 15, 2000, 08:07
Great first session with nearly 5 hours play and only one connect hicough.
The great DEITIANS (Americans) lead most of the way with a handy lead in the pg at the close of session.
markus of the Gypos was close behind but with many more cities.
arii of the Romans has the most cities and will be a force to reckon with. Especially when you consider he has the Hanging Gardens Wonder.
Crusty of the Germans is my annoying neighbour who never trades maps and is very picky about trading techs. God he bugs me 
THE DEITY started out with a small tribe in a desert wilderness. Just about every second land sq was desert! A few tiny river systems were discovered and settlements gradually began to flourish.
One interesting thing was the near certainty of losing the prize city of NEWKE to the Barbs. In fact after the very strong Barb archer knocked out our Horse and Phalanx on the city perimeter it looked like we were toast  So the settler which that city was supporting was going to be lost too. A decision was made to immediately found a new city on the land where it stood. Yep you guessed it - DESERT!! But you know what? We never lost NEWKE at all with a quick build on a Horse from DEITICITY coming to the rescue on the next turn and killing the Archers with only 2/3 strength. A nice break but we now have a stupid city on a deseret square that can't get much over size 3 in pop
Common borders with Pesky, err I mean Crusty, have also been agreed.
And a peace treaty exists with both him and markus.
No sign of any other civ yet but there must be something across those oceans? Primitives probably
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by iadkins (edited March 15, 2000).]</font>
March 15, 2000, 12:44
Local Time: 15:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: of Idaho PST
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The land appears hostile all around, yes even the neighbors are a bit edgy. The strange creatures called Yankee Dieters have founded a little village in haste out in the desert, which delighted a band of red traveling salesmen in the area to think a circus was being erected spontainiously for their enjoyment. Even so they did at least offer to give us the secret of kite making in trade for monotheism. 
We were after these salesmen, due to loosing a few unwary residents who drank some elixer they were selling  ....oh yeah, and to um "warn" the Pale Blue Folk of this scam. hehe.
(& claim 100 golde in reward)
The very quiet Gypos have been allowed a border province as a good will gesture, plus we can keep an eye on them and their strange
doings. They have wild chariot riders who dart out all at once then park in the woods. It must be some cultish thing, or maybe just the result of a poor diet too high in fiber, in which case they should see the Yankee Deiters and their new city of Desert.
All the while we the Ger-men Folk try to promote peace, lawful conduct, and toilettes, while at the same time maintaining some vestage of beer making purity in this crazy landscape devoid of order and short on good hops.
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
March 15, 2000, 14:01
Local Time: 23:10
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We the romans have encontered difficulties in the early game. First they found themselves in a relatively small island isolated from the others. Monarchy was only reached recently due to techs found in hutts (3-non monarchy), the apropriate tech not being offered (3 times)and no other civs to trade with. Also we were engaged in a war against invincible barbs (7 units lost) and 3 cities were lost. But the romans are a brave people and those troubles are now put behind. The romans will be catching up fast.
March 15, 2000, 20:22
Local Time: 01:10
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Location: Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy
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1. Housekeeping department. Set to resume same time next week? That's 1pm Wednesday (Oz time), which translates to 6pm Tuesday (US Pacific) and 9pm (US East Coast). God save us when we lose Daylight Saving here in a few weeks. Going to have to learn a whole new lot of calculations!
2. Public posturing department. Lobby Lloyd - Oz's answer to Eric Clapton in that most fabulous decade, the 60s - wasn't quick enough on the mouse to select his favorite Yellow colour and thus was stuck with the Mustard colour. Not only does it clash horribly with the desktop colour scheme, but who wants a condiment for a National colour? Good grief, one of Lobby's early exploring units found a Hot Dog and immediately spread itself all over it.
And it was downhill from there. Lobby discovered he'd been lumped with an island that contained a total of three green shield squares and nothing else but plains, mountains and jungle. Still, never one to be disheartened, Lobby founded his tribe and dubbed them the Coloured Balls, after a shortlived band he led in the 60s, famous for one feedback-choked single entitled Chrome Plated Yabbie, a yabbie being a sort of fresh-water prawn (or shrimp to our foreign friends). A Chrome Plated Yabbie (Shrimp) made sense back in the 60s, but then most things did.
Thus the Coloured Balls battled along, having to build roads and irrigate to achieve any sort of progress, thus slowing expansion, thus slowing everything.
Lately, a meeting with He Who Was Quicker On The Mouse And Grabbed Yellow resulted in a peace treaty. Lobby resisted the urge the break the guy's mouse finger.
Still and all, as Lobby told himself, there's a long way to go. For Lobby himself, in real life, somewhere approaching 60, is still producing indie bands.
Mono Rules!
March 15, 2000, 20:24
Local Time: 01:10
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy
Posts: 3,658
1. Housekeeping department. Set to resume same time next week? That's 1pm Wednesday (Oz time), which translates to 6pm Tuesday (US Pacific) and 9pm (US East Coast). God save us when we lose Daylight Saving here in a few weeks. Going to have to learn a whole new lot of calculations!
2. Public posturing department. Lobby Lloyd - Oz's answer to Eric Clapton in that most fabulous decade, the 60s - wasn't quick enough on the mouse to select his favorite Yellow colour and thus was stuck with the Mustard colour. Not only does it clash horribly with the desktop colour scheme, but who wants a condiment for a National colour? Good grief, one of Lobby's early exploring units found a Hot Dog and immediately spread itself all over it.
And it was downhill from there. Lobby discovered he'd been lumped with an island that contained a total of three green shield squares and nothing else but plains, mountains and jungle. Still, never one to be disheartened, Lobby founded his tribe and dubbed them the Coloured Balls, after a shortlived band he led in the 60s, famous for one feedback-choked single entitled Chrome Plated Yabbie, a yabbie being a sort of fresh-water prawn (or shrimp to our foreign friends). A Chrome Plated Yabbie (Shrimp) made sense back in the 60s, but then most things did.
Thus the Coloured Balls battled along, having to build roads and irrigate to achieve any sort of progress, thus slowing expansion, thus slowing everything.
Lately, a meeting with He Who Was Quicker On The Mouse And Grabbed Yellow resulted in a peace treaty. Lobby resisted the urge to break the guy's mouse finger.
Still and all, as Lobby told himself, there's a long way to go. For Lobby himself, in real life, somewhere approaching 60, is still producing indie bands.
Mono Rules!
March 16, 2000, 01:24
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 1,721
After the heathen "Pesky" stole my beloved Germans i was forced to play the pitiful "egyptions"
Then after getting off to a terrible start we expanded rapidly until we ran into the pesky heathens. They managed to fluke out and kill a horse.. Shortly there after borders where secured and a infustructure building program was implimented. We then secured the GL and our science rate was greatly increased. Unfortunately we share boarders with colored freaks, pesky heathens, and Spoilt partying Dieties who somehow manage to grow their cities through unnateral acts. All in all we are trapped in a god forsaken land. It is sad to note that just to the north there is a VAST expanse of land which is under no ones control.
March 16, 2000, 03:27
I guess it's all in a rhythm shared by the gypos whose growth mirrors that of THE DEITIANS 
Yes I too wouldst have chosen MY beloved German DEITIANS... how badly they fare under the Pesky leadership! No wonder they are desperate to build frivolous happy Wonders for the people are missing their true leader....
who just happens to be a little to the East
I wish to remind THE PESK that the swamp square west of my TINY river system is the North/South border between our nations, as agreed. This line goes continuously North and South and any unsettled land to the East of and inclusive of this border is DEITIAN territory. THE MARK may well take notice of this too...
March 20, 2000, 22:10
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Posts: 1,721
We all on for tomorrow night?
March 21, 2000, 00:23
Local Time: 01:10
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Location: Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy
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I am. Pretty sure Deity is. Hopefully we all are!
Mono Rules!
March 25, 2000, 05:15
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Posts: 1,721
What is this? No one has said a word since the last game!!! Is everyone ready to surrender to me already....? Come on out of the woodwork and tell us whats going on in other remote uncivilized corners of the world.!
March 25, 2000, 05:27
I was thinking the same thing myself! Nice to see someone else take the initiative.
Well, what gives in Egypt land markus?
Arii of the Romans has shot to the top of the pg as I predicted before the session. Markus is close behind, matching arii in cities and units.
THE DEITY follows, but population growth has now been curtailed as THE DEITIANS concentrate on trade and other initiatives. Trade routes have been established with our near neighbours, the Germans led by Crusty.
We hear of distant rumours that suggest tensions on Egypts Western territories with the Romans and possibly the mysterious coloured folk. But they are quite possibly only a fairytale, like Elves over the sea... but if they exist may we be prepared to greet warriors as mighty as Elves
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by iadkins (edited March 25, 2000).]</font>
March 25, 2000, 14:11
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: St-Louis MO USA
Posts: 533
The romans have finally put their initial dificulties behind and are catching up. We had struck freindship with are northern neighbour and good trading is going on. Tension is building on the west since the egyptians colonized roman territory behind our back.
March 25, 2000, 15:01
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Posts: 1,721
We didn't realize it was the roman homeland until we ran into settlars coming from the west. In a recent meeting of the high command it was decided that the romans pose no treat to the empire. Our boarder cities are all on white mountains overlooking the roman cities below. Any action from the roman empire would be met with swift relatiation. We see the closeness of our cities as a great trading opportunity.
The northern and eastern Armies are quickly securing our frontiers, and the western border is being fortified to prevent any agression. Having uncouvered a good 3/4 of the map we see a large confrontations brewing between the roman-colored and Diety-crusty allainces as their settlars run head long into each other in a race to colonize.
March 25, 2000, 15:45
Local Time: 15:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: of Idaho PST
Posts: 794
As always the Royal Belly Dancer retirement program allows those among our beautiful and talented RBD's wishing to start families to unite for life with the handsome and clever Veterans of barbarian and other wars in the great colonization program. Haven't heard much from them  but due to an increase in settlements it is projected that the program is a success. ¦-)
Our budies the Deiticians and the Gypsy Gypo Gyokers, believe there are others in this world, but we can not believe it to be so.
Meanwhile, our scientists work diligently on new Pilsner recepies, swimwear design, and other essentials to the empire and in an effort to bolster trade in the known world. Our units now train with poles in man to horse combat strategies needed in this horse stomp man world we live in. Yet the best attraction into our armies remains the hope of surviving and marrying one of the retired but still lovely RBD's and making their own life on a little acerage on the fronteer, while building productive as well as pleasing to the eye and soul type farmsteads.
It has been mandated by Crustacian himself in a personal statement at the Althing Counsel that wild populations of native fish be maintained in all waters both inland and territorial oceans, and recieve a priority status in the next 100 year plan. His incredible wife then barged in, gave him a non verbal gesture and left. Crustacian made great haste to go out after her and the meeting was ajourned till next moon. The traditional closing comments and Broast with clink of glasses also being postponed. Yes at the side of a great leader is a feisty royal Lady. Well at least he tags along behind at times...
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
March 26, 2000, 05:47
And markus is surrounded by two powerfull alliances!! he he
Well that is not quite true for we are not allied at this point.
However Captain DEITICUS of THE DEITIAN army has been drinking with a few of Crusty's RBD's 
He told THE DEITY that he wishes to.....
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by iadkins (edited March 27, 2000).]</font>
March 26, 2000, 06:39
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
Has your little world discovered the advance of calender yet?
It's a rather useful concept used to communicate what timeframe all this jiving is taking place!?
Of course THAT assumes U all understand the concept of time...
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
March 26, 2000, 06:58
Good point Milo!!
It is AD1000 at this point I believe.
March 26, 2000, 07:00
Good point Milo!!
It is AD1000 at this point, I believe - at the end of this the second session.
(The first session finished at AD1 I think)
March 29, 2000, 02:17
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Posts: 1,721
I supreme chancellor Markus in the year 1400 AD have ascended to become Leader of the worlds greatest super power. In the past 400 years our glorious civilization has secured Leo’s workshop and the statue of liberty.
In the year 1300 I undertook a massive infrastructure-building program, which shall include among other things the opening of trades routes to powerful cities of other civilizations. We hope that this “trade” shall bring some civilization to these dark primitive corners of the world.
We are all dismayed to hear rumors on our eastern frontiers of boarder skirmishes between the Germans and the Romans. If the situation gets out of hand a “Peace Keeping” force shall be dispatched under the command of General Rommel of the 23’rd musketeer Shock troops to restore order. But for now we are content to watch those heathens bash each other’s heads in. It makes for great stories in the Senate and we do not wish to spend time on a useless war until our boarders are threatened.
March 29, 2000, 03:23
Local Time: 15:10
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Location: of Idaho PST
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Milo "I have no concept of time" Crusty says as he quotes the plane pilot in "SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER" 90' a comedy movie.
However WAR has been...that is as in bean, not ben...yes WAR has been declared on the obstinant yet capable Roman types from across the great blackness. The villages they presumptuously built on our frontier were forgiven of the Roman types if they would sell them to us at a fair price, not limited to but absolutely including a shrubery. This kind offer fell upon deaf ears. Our government as it were balked at the thought of WAR over profit and insisted on further negotiations. This Medium Council was dismissed in favor of a more agreable "High" as in greatness not mental condition, High Council. Then and only then could a proper WAR be declared. High Counsil we eagerly await your instalation!!!!!!!
A unit of (w)holy misguided crusaders perished most instantly by a Roman sea vessel with greater than anticipated movement. It seems this strange vessle did not need to be rowed even. No survivors were found as the quaint vessle vanished into the great blackness. Many RBD's grieved their loss, some even taking a bit of comfort with a general of the Deitician friends to our east. We appreciate the frienship of our other great tho a bit snippity neighbors the Egyptians to the west. They are actually human as are the Deiticians.
Enough of WAR. Prices were mixed in heavy trading as the three Royal Mints sold on public markets the new gold coin commemorating the discovery that the edge of the world was indeed a sharp drop off. No volunteers have been rounded up as yet in order to explore to where it may drop to.
Commander Heidi is in charge of the first all woman military unit, and a survivor of the first edge of the world expedition. No comment was offered by Crusty as to the new units fighting capabilities, but his confident grin reasured all present that victory was iminant and all troops would be home by huckleberrie time. He personaly delivered home baked cookies from the active RBD"S at Crustyhavn to the troops heading to the front from the back. Yes talk of WAR seems be it.
Explorers are being sent to investigate rumors of a whole nation being led by the Great Pirate named Colored Blue Balls, or perhaps Blue Colored Balls, something may have been lost in the translation...anyway we must know if he is indeed a Pirate and if so how is it that he has a Nation of land lubbers to lead? Does his sailors have to row their ships as we German Folk do?
till next week....
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
March 29, 2000, 11:37
Local Time: 23:10
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: St-Louis MO USA
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It is now 1420AC. The mighty romans have now secured copernicus and magellan and are almost done with another project.
The romans are now at war with the evil crusties after they sneak attacked an inocent roman citizen. The germans will pay for this treatcherous act.
Cooperation with our ally is going great but we still lack behind in science.
April 2, 2000, 06:10
Sorry guys.. been busy.
THE DEITIAN nation is of modest proportions and is comfortably settled into an alliance with the German Breadmakers, lead by a Crust
Our Egyptian friends to the West, along with the Germans have become trading partners. Although at this stage we remain un-allied with the Egyptians.
It is with some shock that we hear of our allies, the Germans, actions in war. We, as faithful allies are therefore also at war with the Romans and Colored Folk.
Tis a pity, for we have not even met these peoples. But we understand the Romans did settle on German lands, perhaps unwittingly, and refused to accept a reasonable deal regarding the dispute.
THE DEITIAN aim is to concentrate on trade and commerce to build up a huge economy with a vast financial infrastructure.
We welcome caravans from all nations including our enemies but, at this stage, will shoot to kill any enemy non-caravan units that arrive on our shores. Caravans therefore may enter without any tarriffs being imposed.
We trust that the Romans will agree to any new deal proposed by the Germans to peacefully settle that dispute. Free world trade will be to the benefit of all nations.
WAR will inhibit growth for all.
April 9, 2000, 15:29
Local Time: 23:10
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Are we on for tuesday?
If yes at what time (given the change to summer time)?
Should we plan on meeting at 9:00pm est(apolython time) or 10:00pm est?
April 9, 2000, 18:18
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Posts: 1,721
Yup 6 PST or 9 EST.
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