If you have multiple drives, physical or not, go to the one you put the games on.
Do you have any idea which directories they are in?
To see all directories in dos mode on a drive , type: (where C: is the drive you want)
C:\dir /p
Look for likely directories, ie "games", "stuff", "my_porno" or whatever you might've put the games in. Go to those directories and view with: C:\whateverdirectory\dir /p
Hint: all unzipped games have a big .exe file, usually with the games name used somehow, for example "hl.exe" for half-life.
If you find a bunch of files in a directory that has an .exe file like this, chances are that that bunch of files is your DOS game.
Keep repeating the process until files are found. use c:\whatever\dir /*.exe to just look for .exe files in a given directory. Don't type C:\dir /*.exe because it won't look in your directories.
Actually, I love DOS. It is more reliable, efficient, and customizable. If MS released a standalone MS-DOS 2000 that could emulate Windows environment I would buy it in a second.
See my previous post for how to delete in dos. deltree is more efficient, del is faster.
[This message has been edited by Seeker (edited March 12, 2000).]