November 2, 2000, 04:19
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Pluel ii
We split off into Pluel II last night, I hope I got all the names, icqs and civs matched up correct here:
KenThur Babylon ICQ 70838652
Potsy Vikings ICQ 83944397
Smartfart Aztecs ICQ 46463122
Frankdog Chinese ICQ 13971146
Settings: Medium map (randomly built), Diety, Restless Tribes, no AIs.
Rules: No allies, no trading techs, no wonders, NO PRISONERS.
Initial battles have been the glorious Chinese Kingdom against the Aztecs Huns,
and I think the Vikings and Babylonians have met and fought...
Next session, Sunday 6 PST. This looks to be a Wednesday and Sunday night game.....
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by frankdog (edited November 02, 2000).]</font>
November 2, 2000, 15:27
Local Time: 15:11
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Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada (PST)
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I can't make Saturday evening... Mrs. Frankdog has scheduled my time...
I could play Saturday morning (or Sunday morning or evening) ???? Others.. please post your available times??
We Chinese have started out in the frozen tundra of the north. But we notice that to the south of us are the fertile grasslands, currently being occupied by the Un-Holy Aztecs. BEGONE!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by frankdog (edited November 02, 2000).]</font>
November 2, 2000, 17:59
Local Time: 01:11
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I assume PST is EST -3 or -9 CET (my local time).
If so,then i can play:
-today...from now on til needed
-friday...from 4pm PST
-saturday...from 4pm PST
-sunday...i am not sure yet,but i do believe i can make it about 5pm PST (i will know for sure in a day or two)
This is important. We have to schedule 2nd session ASAP or we'll never actually see it,so it will be nice if Milo and Potsy respond today.
November 3, 2000, 00:35
Local Time: 23:11
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I can play Sat nite or Sunday until noon or after 3pm. I have another game from 12-3.
I am the Vikings and we struggled mightily and sacrificed much in the rush to philosophy. We were first, surprisingly, since our ignorant wise men led us astray twice! We were the last civ to discover democracy, despite being number one in almost all demographic categories from about 2000bc to 500bc. We played until 250ad, I think. I am on a medium-sized island, and have been discover by the evil Babylonians, who established an embassy (no doubt to plan what they wanted to steal), then landed 2 horsemen, one of which was "persuaded" to join our forces and murder its brethren, followed by elephants. As of the last turn, the Babs were skillfully scouting the coastline with an elephant or two and a tireme.
I have lost two cities to barbs, but thanks to an early and wise investment in counterintelligence, have managed to get them back through use of said "fifth column". I'm probably last in units and first in cities, I think I have 12 cities with 2 more to be established in the next couple turns.
That's my progress so far.
November 3, 2000, 01:26
Local Time: 01:11
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Bloodbath with no wonders and no city bribe
Game is fun,although slow. Aztecs started in dirt,but spreading like dissease.
Looking forward for next session.
Edit: Aren't we agreed to play on saturday?!?
I am not sure i can make it on sunday. Please clarify.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by SmartFart (edited November 02, 2000).]</font>
November 3, 2000, 06:32
Local Time: 23:11
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Hi guys. Pacific times to continue...
Fri 2000 on
Sat 1600 on
Sun 0600 thru 1800, U name i can be avail
I'm the Bab's... therefore 1st to get hit by the barbs w/o time to react. The barbs that were supposed to never leave their villages. gr-r-r
On a med-sized island with good terrain but few specials that can be exploited... yet.
As usual, i have the fewest cities... never have figured out how U guys get SO MANY cities, so fast  [actually i know, just refuse to do]. However, as usual, they're good ones, well-developed, networked together, & growing fast now.
Made contact with Viking Pot after going for mapmaking as soon as figured out i was on island. & of course had, as he noted above, horses (ALWAYS my first tech).
Skirmished enuf to find out he has diplo's, gold, & knows how to use them(tho they have since paid the ultimate price for throwing gold at my troops!
Overall, an interesting & challenging way to play this classic (tho, a-ahm-m-m, we do have some barbs to contend with, aye host Dog?)
Agree w/ S'Fart, it is slow to unfold but i think it will be worth it since the wonder races aren't distorting things by having huge shifts in balance of power.
It is also nice(?) to know that no one is conspiring to gang up against another player... at least until it is obvious who has to be.  Seems much more like real world developement, where rulers didn't start history with the ability to communicate with anyone at any time.
Ought to be interesting & seems we have a good group... well, all except one.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
November 3, 2000, 10:05
Local Time: 01:11
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This doesn't look easy. We're always one person short.
I can play on sunday,but not before 5pm PST. Milo cannot play longer than 6pm PST on sunday. Frankdog isn't available on saturday.
I guess we have to stick to wednesday only if Milo doesn't find some time on sunday evening. Thoughts?
Mighty empire of Aztecs has developed 16 cities so far,but due to the lack of grassland they aren't very big so far. However,our scouts have found fertile area across the chain of southeastern mountains and few settlers are already there. In the world with no wonders our wise men decided to choose different tech path so we went stright for trade instead of philosophy. One route is already established with Chinese barbarians,but bonus wasn't much because of proximity of two civs. Our ships are on their way to find some more distant trade area.
November 3, 2000, 14:57
Local Time: 15:11
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To recap my available times:
Saturday - 08:00 till 16:00 PST
Sunday - any time (still not enough snow to ski here) 
Monday - after 18:00 PST (this working for a living sucks) 
Tuesday - after 18:00 PST (Monday or Tuesday, not both - sorry)
Wednesday - after 18:00 PST (did I mention that working for a living sucks?)
I actually let the Aztecs caravan through to establish a trade route  I must be getting soft. Perhaps I was in shock that a hord of Knights didn't hop out of that boat. And Hey! those sacks of "BEADS" you sold me were full of sand!
PS: these settings/rules are great.. No Wonders, No Allies...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by frankdog (edited November 03, 2000).]</font>
November 3, 2000, 23:16
Local Time: 23:11
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Avilable times for me =
Saturday after 8pm PST
Sunday up to noon and after 3pm PST
Any weekday after 6 or 7Pm PST, just gotta make arrangments in advance.
November 4, 2000, 01:16
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Hail! Fellow would-be-world rulers!
I'v rearranged Sun schedule so be ready to start @1500 or later.
Tonite & Sat late evening PST.
November 5, 2000, 12:21
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See you all on 3pm PST.
November 5, 2000, 12:44
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3 pm PST Sunday (today) I will be there... on ICQ a bit before
November 5, 2000, 17:14
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Ken....welcome back to California and Civ! I would like to get a game going with all of you as soon as we finish the "pluels". Ken....maybe we can start a late night duel some time now that we are the same time pick all the game parameters and settings...
November 6, 2000, 01:41
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Oh, Nappus, still trying to win 1 after all those lessons I'v had to train U on.
OK, i'll give U another chance to best the master.
Perhaps we can change it to Test o' Time,this time.
Either way, when U R ready for a whoppin', drop me a note.
This sort of format mite be a fun duel too.
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
November 6, 2000, 01:43
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roger, wilco! 1500 hours PST.
Subject: Babys' domination of the world.
over & out
November 6, 2000, 14:55
Local Time: 15:11
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Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada (PST)
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Our Pluel seems to have turned into a couple of Duels - for now.
The Aztecs (Smartfart)  and Chinese (me)  are battling it out over the thin land-bridge that separates us. I am not exactly sure what is happening between the Babylonians and Vikings. Reports I've heard from that front indicate quite a blood-bath.
I'm ready to play Wednesday 6 pm PST. My new DSL set up seems to be working well as the host, eh?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by frankdog (edited November 06, 2000).]</font>
November 6, 2000, 22:45
Local Time: 23:11
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I'll be there!
Continues to be an interesting situ.
As F'dog says, it's currently 2 totally separate engagements.
Altho, i did have a sneaky, snooping yellow boat show up on my coast. It landed a horse that got EXTREMELY lucky... ended up next to a diplo & elephant on their way to repeal the invaders. Naturally, they were on the road in open ground. @#$%&*@#)#!! ):
But our always ready, always vigilent achers finished off the horse & another (i'v got plenty  ) diplo convinced the escaping trieme crew to stay with us & stop snooping for the #1 power, Aztec / Croatians!
We'll have to re-trace their trail back to where they came from.
As for the Vikings... another empty city to show for our VETERAN army's sweep up the pennisula to... ?
At least we got a tech out of this 1.
Clever Potsy the Vik has spent all his gold so our rewards have been meager. But this only spurs our loot-hungery troops on!  ): 
Sorry to seem to slow down the game. I do as much of my city mgt as possible during others' turns. But how do watch for enemy movement & patrols when the city window is open? I even set city window to min & move to lower corner of screen so can try manage & watch @ same time!
Also, don't U others rearrange units to keep martial law & minimize shield maint costs? Perhaps it's because i have the most units / city ratio? If i don't manage that it becomes rather costly in monarchy to maintain a field army & navy.
I do think it is a bit unfair to lay it ALL at MY doorstep. In every MP with 4 or more, there's at least 1 player that takes his time, the others know it. So they can safely release their turn & know they'll have time to complete their admin stuff before the turn pops back to them.
I am...
Open for suggestions from ANY reader / player of MP.
November 7, 2000, 09:28
Local Time: 01:11
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Milo: micromanaging during your turn is sacrilege. Only way to keep MP going is TO MOVE YOUR UNITS DURING YOUR TURN AND EVERYTHING ELSE DURING OTHER PLAYERS TURNS. This is unwritten rule. Everyone play this way. If you don't believe me,start a new thread in MP section. If you get only one,i repeat ONE answer that support your way,i'll back off.
Your turn take 5 minutes and it's only 100AD or so. Frankdog's,Potsy's or mine turn take 15 seconds most.
Do you think it's OK? What if all of us take 5 mins per turn? Do you find it fun to wait 20-30 mins until next turn?
You know i respect you,but if you don't change your way of playing i am sad to say that i'll retire from pluel II.
Newsflash: Chinese and Aztecs fighting to take control over bottleneck that separates our 2 empires. No progress from any side. Looking forward to 3rd session.
November 10, 2000, 00:52
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Ready, willing, & semi-able to do it...tomarrow, Fri. &/or Sat = good for me.
Could actually play Fri during day for awhile.
S'Fart... U R the most offset by the time table; when can you jump in?
Last session was a good one... at least during the net progress times.
My apologies also, for ending the nite with a meltdown.
War with the _______ Vikings continued well as we rolled up yet another city. Lucky for them their capital was spared a similiar fate, thanks to:
1> a rather fortunate Aztec trieme whose bold ruler has now killed 4 of our gallant seafarers off his & my coasts!
2> several strokes of stupidity on the part of our harried leader, Miss Milo the Mindless(she's a blonde, what can i say?). That the semi-fearless Potsy the Plutz, ruler of the Vikings. immediately turned to his advantage.
Continues as an interesting, but plodding game play. w/o wonders to go after & gain & fight over... it's pretty straight line. That means the Supreme Power Aztecs don't need any more good fortune. Gr-r-r-r
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by KenThur (edited November 10, 2000).]</font>
November 10, 2000, 01:03
Local Time: 15:11
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Another Wednesday night.. another slog in the swamplands that separate China and Aztec-land.
Again, everyone, my sincere appology for that city bribe  - I simply forgot. It cost Smartfart a unit when a hut produced a barbarian on the reload!
I am fired-up to have another session before next Wednesday night.
I am available - Sunday anytime, Monday anytime, Tuesday evening, and of course Wednesday evening.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by frankdog (edited November 09, 2000).]</font>
November 10, 2000, 20:40
Local Time: 23:11
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Sorry for taking so long, all.
I'm available now, tonight, possibly tomorrow day, definitely tomorrow night, and MAYBE sunday. I have relatives coming to town, and I'm not sure what day yet. I'll post as soon as I find out.
As far as the game - more of the same. Milo took another city, but seems to have backed off. My tribe still has no knowledge of boats, so I cannot carry the attack to him. The highlight of the game so far came this last session when I bribed one of his vet elephants. I haven't won a battle with Milo for 1000 years 
He even killed a vet pikeman on a forest with an elephant 
I'm still laying down cities, so not all hope is lost. I look forward to our next game session!
November 11, 2000, 19:10
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Let's try for Sunday again. Mrs. Frankdog has made plans for tonight (Saturday) again. I am turning into a social butterfly.
Anytime Sunday or Monday works for me. I will check back in the morning.
November 11, 2000, 22:44
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how about noon Pacific time?
Can U do that S'fart?
U tell us, since U R in the different zone.
If can't, perhaps U can find a sub?
Let's do it!
November 12, 2000, 18:39
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So what's the consensus? Did you guys play already or are you planning to later? 2100PST will work for me, I can play as early as 1800PST. Let me know.
November 12, 2000, 19:41
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Sunday I am online - I will hang around to play for the duration of the evening.
November 13, 2000, 15:34
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Monday I will be around tonight... 18:00 PST and can play if you others are interested...
November 15, 2000, 15:40
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Are we playing tonight? I will be online at 18:00 PST.
Americans, too bad about your country...
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by frankdog (edited November 15, 2000).]</font>
November 16, 2000, 03:38
Local Time: 23:11
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Love that pic!
That U on top of the cabin on your 1 day of above-freezing, sunshine?
Seriously tho, this is the chance U Cannuks have been waiting for all these generations!
Cuba's already said "See, who are you, US, to tell other people how to run their elections?"
You & the rest of the Mounties & snowbirds can sweep down from the frozen north! Offer US the opportunity to be like you... solid, stable, sensible, second best(oops, sorry), stand-up kinda folks!
You mite even cut a deal with ol' Castro to take Florida off our hands. Then we could get things strightened out AND keep English as our national language. 
Of course, we'd have to deal with the Quebec'ers & that silly language THEY use.
What'd ya think? You look like you're ready for the big time! We need a leader, & judging by your picture... your our HOMBRE' (oops, i mean, MAN)!
November 17, 2000, 22:22
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Smartfart... where ar-r-r-re you?
If not going to finish this, pls let us know so we can find a good sub to take over your #1 power Aztecs.
Hope all is well over there?
November 18, 2000, 22:52
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Location: Merced, Ca. USA
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Hear Hear! If this game doesn't finish, I guess that means I'm not a loser! Seriously, though, we haven't had a session in almost 2 weeks. I'm still available at the appointed time, more or less, and available weekdays if we want to have a pluel IIb.
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