Sorry about the delays in my final verdict on CTP2, been busy of late, which I will reveal reasons why in a OT topic next week

Anyway, CTP2 is a good game, has many kewl points to it. The ability to rule unit armies is very kewl and the mayor functions are nice for city management.Graphics are kewl, I prefer Mindseye's hi res civII graphics better though. Gameplay is fast enough, civ2 seems faster though. I would say its a good buy for anyone with some time on their hands for winter. Its better than most games out for Christmas.
Now for the bad side. 1st off let me tell you I paid $52 for my copy and then 2 weeks later I sold it for $30 to an Apolyton poster and I am broke and desperate for a game, thats how much I disliked it.Again its a good game to play solo, MP it really failed for me.The obvious non-windowed game makes ICQ useless,and the lack of being able to name a civ kind of sucked. You can change that I think with the scenario editor, but who ever uses that for MP games?? Gameplay is very slow even with a cable modem and since you don't actually move workers to pieces of city radius in between turns can be truly boring, again no ICQ so you just sit and wait.The screen combines a black unexplored with a gray for areas explored,but with no current units in range, that drove me buggy. I want to study a map while the other players move.They put time into little battle scenes which again just are a waste of code for MP. Again I can go on and on about how it failed as compared to civII MP, but the main thing is it just isn't exciting, addictive, or fun as a MP game.
Again I want to make it clear, especially so Markos doesn't get pissed

, its a good game and has some kewl features for solo play and would make a smart kid a great Christmas present. Activision did a great job in designing a game thats fun and challenging for the 10-16 year old solo market. If I was into that I would have kept the game, but I am strictly looking for a MP game.If I gave it 1-10 rating it would be a 6.5
Now here is the question I have talked about for a long time. With all the civ 2 MP players around can't we make a new version ourselves with some changes that we can all agree to as a standard??? I see people making changes to stuff, but never a standard.I mean some new wonders,new units,no dips or 100 shield dip costs couple rules changes,etc etc. I know nothing about that kind of stuff, but I would be willing to put time and effort into research and gameplay to get something to wet our appetite until civ3 is out!!! hell
I just discovered I can change all my trade resources to stuff I like. So now I laugh everytime I send a caravan of hash oil and whores to another civ and blood and windows 98