I have a copy but haven't got around to playing it much. It seems rather too complicated for my taste. Each scenario has what 100-150 units? How long does it take you to play each turn? I prefer something on a smaller scale like Panzer General 2. And though graphics is not a big deal with me I would expected something better , at least at the level of Civ2 for a game this recent.
Still I will take a closer look when I have more time and maybe I will like it.
I have TOAW vol. I and TOAW vol. II. I play now and then, but I have to be in the right mood. It *is* a very involved game. To give an example, playing the Korea scenario in TOAW vol. I I would spend about 1/2 hour per turn. That makes for a loo-ooong game.
Whoa! I played the beta version of Combat Mission, and to be honest, I wasn't too impressed. Now I d/l'ed the Gold version and I can say, it's come a *long* way!
It looks a lot like what you might expect Close Combat to look like if you could watch from ground level. But you have multiple cameras and can give orders and watch the action from nearly any convenient angle.
And since this is (at heart) a turn based game you can spend time setting up a good course of action.
This game now looks very promising when the final version comes out! I am impressed!
What you guys need to try is Combat Mission!
It's a REVOLUTIONARY squad-level wargame (seriously!).
It's in full 3d (a bit like Myth), with pre-plotted 60 seconds turns which are then simultaneously executed in real time (the AI is incredibly good).
IMO it's just about the most realistic ever made, and despite its seeming complexity it's really easy to learn, and the UI works very well.
Download the gold demo from www.battlefront.com