April 7, 2000, 13:00
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Imperium Galactica II Demo
I downloaded it last night and am in the process of going through the extensive tutorial. So far, this game looks pretty GOOD! See also the Gamespot preview, http://www.gamespot.com/features/impgal2_pre/index.html .
This may be a game that I risk buying as soon as released, it looks that good!
April 7, 2000, 18:59
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Did you play the first game? If so, I would think your enthusiasm would be tempered by a healthy dollop of suspicion.
April 8, 2000, 06:05
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You downloaded a 123MB demo????!!
Jeez! What kinda machine have you got there? A Cray?
April 8, 2000, 09:08
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Originally posted by Hanibal on 04-08-2000 06:05 AM
You downloaded a 123MB demo????!!
Jeez! What kinda machine have you got there? A Cray?
It doesn't take a fast machine, but a DSL connection sure helps!
April 8, 2000, 10:27
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I downloaded the demo too. I think it is a great game but it'll run really slow if you don't have a lot of ram. The pause button makes this RTS worthwhile. The game really does rock!!
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
April 8, 2000, 21:44
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Well, I am trying one of the missions now, and I have to admit, it's *slow*! I don't mean the game itself, but the game play, there are long periods of time where nothing is happening, it seems I spend most of my time waiting for things to happen. Set the speed to high, something happens, set speed to low, react, set speed to high, repeat...
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this isn't exactly what I expected. Hmmmm...
April 9, 2000, 09:20
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I downloaded it. Took me ages. And I can't run the blasted thing cause I don't have a 3d accelerator card.
My computer is about a year and a half old, and already it's obsolete. I refuse to upgrade.
April 9, 2000, 11:16
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I am downloading it now, but even with a download resumer as getright i doubt i can get it before a week from now or something. This is got to be worth it (=
I played Imperium I, and it was very fun for a while, but after u got upgraded to grand admiral the story ends, and so does the fun. It becomes so much the same, over and over again, and theres so many planets to conquer. I never completed it, it became to boring. I play SC and civ instead.
April 19, 2000, 20:31
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I heard the new game is MUCH better than the first one. So don't make prejudices...
April 23, 2000, 09:17
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Dam, it did´nt work on my comp )=
April 30, 2000, 06:54
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I went and did it...I bought the game. And I must say that this game ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Beautyful graphics. Awesome. Great gameplay. Very much like MOO2 but in my opinion better. Only drawback is that there is some waiting, but that is due to the real-time nature of the game. Real-time?? I hear you say. Well, that doesn't really matter. You can pause the game at any time you like, while still being able to issue orders, which will then be carried out, once you resume time.
The features include. Fully 3D rendered graphics, space- and groundbattles, diplomacy, espionage, trade, exploration. Well....what more can a hard-core strategy fan ask for??
This game, I can recommend.
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May 4, 2000, 07:20
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I was wondering about this game. I have been looking for a new strategy game that can utilise my GeForce/Athlon 700 system. Quake III is the best yet. So it is a good game, yes?
May 4, 2000, 13:47
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Yeah...in my opinion it is a great game. One of the best 4X games I've played ever. Of course, you have to like strategy to think this game is fun, but not many non-fans of strategy find their way to Apolyton anyway, so...
Provost...if you like 4X strategy games, and have a comp system that can handle it, this game is a MUST HAVE.
Beware, though. On the various IG2 forums on the net, I've seen references to problems with this game. Apparently on some systems, it runs smoothly, whereas on other systems, the game crashes all the time. Fortunately my machine is one of those that it runs smoothly on. It seems that this issue is centered around compatibility problems between Direct X 7 and the soundcard SB Live! from Creative. So if you have that sound-card, I'd be real careful buying this game, untill this issue has been settled.
Otherwise, go ahead and buy.
May 4, 2000, 14:39
By looking at the screenshots I thought it's something like Dark Reign 2, but this game has so much more to it...
May 5, 2000, 11:12
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Originally posted by Asmodean on 04-30-2000 06:54 AM
Beautyful graphics. Awesome. Great gameplay. Very much like MOO2 but in my opinion better.
Asmodean, could you flesh out the comparison to MOO2 a bit more? I still play MOO2 and enjoy it a lot.
In what ways is IG2 similar to MOO2? How do they differ? Do you think you'll still be playing IG2 six years from now? Why or why not?
May 8, 2000, 09:11
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Well, I disliked the combat of the demo, and that spoiled a lot of my experience.
The space combat was a hyper toned-down version of Homeworld and the ground combat looked like a bad RTS. The diplomacy and spying were just mediocre, so I don't think of buying the game.
May 10, 2000, 11:08
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Couple of questions:
1) Where can I find the demo? I've been all over the ImperiumGalactica.com website & I've found downloads of movies, scenarios and patches (for the French & German versions)...but no demo.
2) Asmodean says you need 128 megs of RAM. Are you guys saying IG2 can be played on less than 128 megs, but it just runs slower?
May 12, 2000, 15:00
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Yeah....you can play it with a smaller computer than the specs I listed. Those were just the specs for a smooth running game. My computer just meets those specs, and still it can be jumpy at times.
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May 13, 2000, 10:28
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Thanks, Asmodean.
May 23, 2000, 14:22
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I just finished the tutorial for the demo. It looks good so far. The game that I compare it to is Deadlock for those of you who know what that is. Of course, it's real time. I think that it's an improved real time though. I hope you don't have to struggle between building and fighting at the same time. Does anyone know?
May 23, 2000, 22:45
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This is the remaining question for me: does multiplayer work? Has anybody tried it out?
May 25, 2000, 00:37
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Has anybody used the Air Strike/Laser Strike pods? I couldn't design anything that used them and I wanted to try them.
May 25, 2000, 03:18
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No, I haven't gotten that far yet.
I have a few questions too. One, who will try this out on multiplayer with me. I don't really know what I'm doing too much, but I want to try it out.
Two, is there another forum or anything else where people can meet and play or chat.
May 25, 2000, 09:44
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The developers site, www.gtgames.com has front page links both to the IG2 site and to the forum.
May 25, 2000, 17:51
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Thank you John
June 20, 2000, 01:44
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I was very excited about this game. I had to try it so I went and bought it after playing the demo after a very short while. After all you really can't tell how great a game will be until you play it multiplayer.
Unfortunately I became more and more disapointed. The biggest let down is that you can't even save during multiplayer. I just couldn't believe that at all. I played about a dozen mutiplayer games. They were not fun. Most of the people who play the game are more into RTS so they did not want to pause the game and micromanage. They just want to play it like Homeworld or Command and Conquer. Single play is also not good. There are only 3 levels of difficulty. The second one is too way too easy, and the third is way too hard. That is the sign of an AI that has been programmed very badly. The designers had a good thing going here, but I think they decided to make a quick buck and release this prematurely. Their rep will be hurt by it though I think.
I thought that this game would be a good sign of things to come for RTS: a game that would appeal to RTS and TBS palyers both, but it turned out to just be a pile of crap with good graphics.
July 3, 2000, 18:06
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I guess I'm easy to please...
I bought it (I have every game there is  ), and I like it. It is a little slow at first but after you get an empire going (6 or so planets) there's enough to keep you (me) busy. Of course, EVERYTHING runs better on the super 750!
Anyone want to try MP just email me. I'm free (completely) until Thursday this week.
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